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My internet has been very sluggish the last couple of days, is something going on that I don't know about? I'm about to do a scheduled clean install anyway, but don't think that there's anything wrong with my setup, definitely no nasty things lurking in there.

Just wondering if anyone else is having slowdown issues with http - other protocols seem to be OK.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


There was a thread on the same topic in the Pattaya Forum a week or so ago, loads of people complaining about a sudden deterioration in service. I stuck it for a couple of weeks, the only explanation I got from ToT was that I should upgrade from the 10Mbps service I'd been getting to 15Mbps and I'd be OK. I changed over to 3BB 10 Mbps at the beginning of last week, same cost as ToT, a little guy came and ran a fibre optic cable into the house and I've not had a problem since.


There was a thread on the same topic in the Pattaya Forum a week or so ago, loads of people complaining about a sudden deterioration in service. I stuck it for a couple of weeks, the only explanation I got from ToT was that I should upgrade from the 10Mbps service I'd been getting to 15Mbps and I'd be OK. I changed over to 3BB 10 Mbps at the beginning of last week, same cost as ToT, a little guy came and ran a fibre optic cable into the house and I've not had a problem since.

That sounds like a nice little upsell if ever I heard one. This happened once before and lasted for about 2 weeks before righting itself, at that time a lot of other people were having the same issue. My comeback there would be for them to provide what they are charging me for! I doubt anyone should ever need 15mbps for domestic use - my husband and I can both stream different things from UK at the same time on 10mb while I'm downloading in the background. 3BBB may be a problem here as I'm in a high-rise. I'll just wait and see what happens, only had that one issue in over a year and it's not so important (just annoying. It really is a first world problem by any reckoning).

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


I use TOT as well and about 4 days ago I started getting the "spinning rainbow wheel" (I have an iMac) when trying to stream movies or network tv. I've been doing this for close to 3 years with no problem and felt thet my luck had finally run out and visiting these sites had infected my pc but good. Your post has given me some small hope in that the problem may actually be with TOT.


That's actually a good sign - I'm not alone, indicating that there may be a problem similar to the last time - about 9 months ago I think. Hopefully it will be the same as last time and be resolved quickly.

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Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


I don't know if it is related. I have true wired into my room. Where I live they have free 3BBB that is not that reliable. Several times I have had my true go out in the past few months and called the desk about the 3BBB only to be told it was out. They both came on at the same time. My wife had her I pad which she has a connection to AIS with out for the same period of time the last time the other two were out.

Just wondering if they are not all connected at some point here in Thailand. I recall when there was only one line into Thailand and it was broken. All of Thailand went with out internet for a few days. That was back in the days when I first started coming here and you would o to an internet shop.


There was a thread on the same topic in the Pattaya Forum a week or so ago, loads of people complaining about a sudden deterioration in service. I stuck it for a couple of weeks, the only explanation I got from ToT was that I should upgrade from the 10Mbps service I'd been getting to 15Mbps and I'd be OK. I changed over to 3BB 10 Mbps at the beginning of last week, same cost as ToT, a little guy came and ran a fibre optic cable into the house and I've not had a problem since.

My 3BB service has been guff last few days. Having to rely on the condos wifi, which ain't much better


TOT fiber 2U, it has been terrible for last 2/3 weeks, BUT for last 2 days

it has been very good, just the opposite of what others are saying,maybe

they have free up my service a bit,and now are throttling yours,who knows.

regards worgeordie


It is not only TOT with the problems but all providers. CAT is the main country provider to all IPS and they have been having "upgrading difficults" with the Servers specially the ones out of country. The Server for up country to Bangkok was running downloads at 25-30mbps, upload 3.01mbps with a 14bs ping rate. USA Server was 1.07mbps download and a 2.97mbps with 287bs ping rate. This was on CAT's servers but remember True, 3BB, TOT go thru them. I have no update of when this will be fixed for good, but today the servers are working, seem to be for now, okay.


I went to TOT office on Tung Hotel road the other week and asked about a Optic wire connection. All was ok until the nice lady phoned 'Engineering/Technical' who asked what floor in my condo was I on. 8 I replied, no can do, floors 1 & 2 only.

I then went to Cat, requested Optical cable and it took 2 weeks but yesterday they fitted a Optical cable and I am getting the 20 down & 3 Up Load.

Interesting machine to Fit the Optical cable.



I went to TOT office on Tung Hotel road the other week and asked about a Optic wire connection. All was ok until the nice lady phoned 'Engineering/Technical' who asked what floor in my condo was I on. 8 I replied, no can do, floors 1 & 2 only.

I then went to Cat, requested Optical cable and it took 2 weeks but yesterday they fitted a Optical cable and I am getting the 20 down & 3 Up Load.

Interesting machine to Fit the Optical cable.


Jonwilly, I can only advise to be very careful....... Couple weeks back I was having internet speed problems, so looked into fiber optical. That's the start of my big problem....... after the second week my internet speed dropped considerably to just a trickle. Being informed that perhaps I had a loose connection, I was under my desk following up the wires , when I got a bit of a jolt from one of the wires. Jumped back so quickly that I really bashed my head on the desk corner , so bad that I went to the hospital where they insisted on x rays......when reading the x rays, they informed me that I had ......a fibre op trickle contusion......

Hey whatya want .... Its Friday....


'Its Friday.'

Er no it's Saturday.

From what I can gather only CAT & TOT offer Optical cable.

True offers Fiber and from the thread on the Thai Visa section Internet so many my self included assumed Fiber was Optical fiber.

As one guy said it's Optical up to some point but copper cable in the main.


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