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Activist groups call for sales ban alcoholic drinks during Songkran

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Here's a stake and a hammer: Now feel free to hammer that spike right through the heart of the Thai tourist industry. w00t.gif


Yep, prohibition. Let's also ban powder, water guns and pails. Heck with it, let's ban water. There's no stopping these idiots. When they realize how much damage they're going to inflict on the Thai economy, they might wake up.

Once on the path of the liberal, Nanny-state, "Ban-wagon", there's little to do but get out of the way. Stupidity reins until it doesn't. Wash, rinse, repeat ad-infinitum. Human nature. Those who wish to have power over the activities of others simply FBAR the entire system.


Surely it will work this year? Well as stated by many before this was already announced last year and did not help at all.

So we will see then a decrease in accidents and road deaths and no reckless driving this Songkran period? ----- maybe NOT!


The proposed ban is based on the theory that Thais never think far enough ahead to stock up for the holiday, and completely overlooks that most are quite willing to break laws to make a profit.

I think they should ban Alcohol 100 per cent 100 per cent of the time


The proposed ban is based on the theory that Thais never think far enough ahead to stock up for the holiday, and completely overlooks that most are quite willing to break laws to make a profit.

I think they should ban Alcohol 100 per cent 100 per cent of the time
I don't like fish and I think seafood should be banned 100 per cent, 100 per cent of the time.

The proposed ban is based on the theory that Thais never think far enough ahead to stock up for the holiday, and completely overlooks that most are quite willing to break laws to make a profit.

I think they should ban Alcohol 100 per cent 100 per cent of the time

Dear Mr Volstead, it was tried and was a huge failure. Insanity = doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.


............And what about the ban of beer and spirits at major stores except from the hours of 11A.M. to 2:00 P.M. and 5.00P.M. until 11:00 P.M................... Who came up with these hours and why? Why punish those who are responsible consumers, for a few bad people? Do you really think beer can't be bought at 3:30 P.M.? And do you really think beer can't be bought during Songkran in the Country, out is the Rural areas?


The proposed ban is based on the theory that Thais never think far enough ahead to stock up for the holiday, and completely overlooks that most are quite willing to break laws to make a profit.

I think they should ban Alcohol 100 per cent 100 per cent of the time

We never eat fruitcake because it has rum,

And one little slice turns a man to a bum.

Oh, can you imagine a more pitiful fate

Then a man in the gutter with crumbs on his face.

Away, away, with rum, by gum,

Rum by gum, rum by gum

Away, away, with rum, by gum,

The song of the Temperance Union.

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