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Wife changed when she got back to the village


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people here really think a 65 year old running away to the UK with a 3 year old is a long term solution?

you realize that this is illegal and kidnapping, correct?

OP made his bed and now has to sleep in it. The village might not be ideal but the boy will not starve to death.

If OP cares for his son he needs to work hard to get back into the graces of his wife.

I am sure we are not getting the full story.

I am sure the story is not this one-sided.

I am sure OP is not a saint.

Perhaps self reflection would be helpful.

Unless there is court order via divorce or separation. He is the father and has every right to take his son where he wants even to the U.K,

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70% can not adapt to our wesetern life and to live here,

they will take the next chance to settle back to Thailand;

20% not happy, but try somehow to stay - but every day discussions

10% can and will stay ;

Therefore i never tried to get my one here, except 1 week for a sight seeing,

that a country side also can be clean and not dirty as Thailand;

Your wife took the first chance to settle back;

this 705 have also less problems to give their kids away for their own well being;

You have spend your capital, only small rent which not sotisfy her family, for which Thais always have to take care -

they dont have our social welfare - this your fault not to study thai society before you married her !!

Now , as one already mentioned, immigration will not allow you to leave with your son, without permit

from his mother ; Forget to fight on family court - needs time and money !!

Bring your son back and take your staff,

rent a small cheap apartment - wait 2 month,

give her only your phone number - best a new simm card, wich you use only with her ;

if she not back with some serious proposal - leave - you are free,

Dont agree on some higher amount for your sons life , she will use the money most for her wellbeing,

to spend with her old thai friend and husband,

your son she will leave just to the grands;

Sorry, thats what you can expect from not high educated village girls,

Good luck,


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you dont understand her mentality? to be honest i dont understand your mentality allowing her so much control and allowing her to abuse that control to the detriment of your relationship with her, your marriage, your son and your own life and finances. but that's in the past.

the marriage is finished and you would be a fool to invest any more money in it even if you feel up to investing more emotion in it.

if your son has british citizenship and you feel you can take care of him in the UK then take him there.

if he has thai citizenship then he'll be staying here. and you have to decide if you are staying or not.

Does not matter if he thinks he can take care of his son, he brought the boy into the world and now MUST raise him alone, away from the rape and torture and ultimate sex slave trade she will sell him too

What is wrong with you people who advise him otherwise

If the kid has a passport from UK, leave today

Immigration has no authority to stop him, yet

please dont give him such advise !!

He is 65 years,

in 10 years, your sone is in real problematical age -

and you are 75 !!

you not able real to take car for a child, alone in this age !!

so try to arrange with her for some to take care for your son,

birthday visit, school holidays some time with him,

some money gifts, but limit this what you will send her !

pay for example direct for the school;

Good luck !!

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The way she has behaved treating you so bad and disrespectful of your life to hell with her, cut your losses, see a lawyer on how the hell you can get back to the civilized world with your son. Then she can come to the UK to see him.

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Yes if your son has a UK passport get out of here, sounds like you were set up to bring here back to the village and that is it. She already threatened to kill you so TAKE THAT THREAT SERIOUS . Many Farangs have suffered mysterious deaths here in Thailand. Make sure you are not the next one.

Sounds like you have spent a ton of money with no return and the Facebook thing is very important to Thai women. They get to show off there THINGS that idiot Farangs do for them. Houses, Cars , Motorbike, Trips.

Your son has no chance at a good future here in that village and I think you know this !!!!

Good Luck !!!!

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Leaving for the UK with the boy is not fair to the mother nor the son. It is her son as well. The best you can do is try to work things out the best you can and try to play some kind of role in the boys life.

Your bargaining chip is that you have a monthly pension, yes?

Seriously? The woman tells him she will kill him, and has the family's 'permission' to do so. Tells him to go, and take the son as well. Now wants him to leave his son in the village, with these crazy nitwits that approve her plan to murder him, the father/husband, and go away back to the UK alone (of course knowing full well, or having the family explain it to her) for one reason and one reason only... she/they know he will send money each month for his son, which they will use however they damn well please. ---------- And you think it is unfair to take his son and go back to the UK? Are you seriously that dense?

He should run now. Take the kid, his ATM/Credit cards and run as fast and as far away as he can. He should book his return flight without the crazy ass mental wife and never look back. That would be the VERY best thing he could do for his son, and, for himself.

THEIR bargaining chip is the son, and they realize that and want to keep the kid so they have a hold over the man.

Not fair to the mother? Buddy she ain't no mother.

Run Forrest run, and take the boy with you stay away, and have nothing to do with this woman and her family. You are in danger.

Agreed, they will use the kid to exploit what they can out of the Father. very difficult situation for him at his age , but you cant worry about that , get him away. I believe they could be better off in Thailand the authorities can do nothing if the child is with his Father. I wouldn't Trust the Home office or social services in the Uk to back him if his wife made an accusation of abduction. Obviously he may not have a choice about going back to the UK

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The way she has behaved treating you so bad and disrespectful of your life to hell with her, cut your losses, see a lawyer on how the hell you can get back to the civilized world with your son. Then she can come to the UK to see him.

You don't need a lawyer, you need a UK passport for your son. As soon as he could sit up straight for the passport photo, I applied for and got one for my boy.

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Stop whining because you think you are to old. Make a choice. At your age i would get a sexy nany that can take care of the baby or Simply give her baby and GO to Pattaya AND enjoy your life.

Forget her . We all make misstakes. Do fall for her threats or her saying everything will be ok.

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Seems you are more concerned about the Honda Steed than anything else...perhaps you might re-examine your priorities in life. Families are a necessary evil in Thailand that in the UK we have done away with. Youngish women don't want to be burdened with kids and so they like to give them to Grandma to bring up, as your wife was probably brought up by her Grandma.

I took the precaution of living hundreds of kilos away from my wife's family....it has saved me countless baht in support of the idle brothers and sisters...and spares me all sorts of grief....plus I actually see my wife instead of her spending all day long at her mother's house.

I don't think your situation is recoverable....your wife probably already has a Thai guy that she is bonking...someone you have been introduced to as her brother maybe. I would get out of Thailand as fast as you can....break your Honda Steed down and send it back to the UK where you can ride it all day long, and leave your son here in Thailand as you will be 80 when he is 18 and won;t be in any fit state to look after him.

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Leaving for the UK with the boy is not fair to the mother nor the son. It is her son as well. The best you can do is try to work things out the best you can and try to play some kind of role in the boys life.

Your bargaining chip is that you have a monthly pension, yes?

Better the son goes to the UK and away from the mental case mother. The mother has no interest in the son nor the husband - surely you understand that families don't stay together for the sake of chuildren when all that will happen is they get exposed to arguments (and death threats in this case)? Who cares about the mother? She's made her point quite clearly.

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As many have already said, it's over, you just have to accept it. She threatened to kill you and said she had her family's 'support'. Even if that means nothing and she said it in anger you have a responsibility to raise your son in a safe environment. She obviously doesn't have that in the forefront of her mind and I think you can see that a life with her in that village would be bad for him.

Your son comes first. Cut your losses and do the best you can to raise him right. I wish you the best of luck.

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You will not win. Make that the starting point of your thoughts. Forget about the money. Forget about getting back together. She made her choice. You choice now is to move forward. I wish you luck.

Sounds about right and with respect is it best for a 3 yr. old child to only have yourself in his life without a Mother or relatives on her side. What courts would consider in a in case like this is........"What is best for the child"....and that is all that matters in their eyes..

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I am sorry for you but not at all surprised.

Your an ATM and nothing more and never was.

The ATM is empty so she has no need of you.

Pity you Fathered a child.

She is like most of them.....Selfish, Greedy and a Con Artist.

No doubt from a Bar?

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somebody else kind of said this.. Live your life for yourself. Your wife has turned out to be a wrong 'un so move on! Take your son with you or don't that's your choice. She'll have forgotten about you (until she wants a new phone or something) so get cracking and enjoy your twilight years!!

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