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What options do we have to grow on Land in Lamphun area?


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We have some land in Lamphun, Li to be precise and my family already grow lam yai and mangoes on other parts of the land. I was thinking it would be good to diversify and try growning something else. Unfortunately the land in question isn't near any water so would be reliant on rainfall.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what could be grown there, that would either be profitable besides this? People have mentioned teak to me and cocoa but I'm not sure if we have the right environment for that and I'm too inexperienced myself to know.

Would be interesting to know what is the most profitable and I assume this will also mean it will be the most labour intensive in terms of maintenance, as well as something that requires little tendering and attention but isn't so profitable, as time spent tendering land is still a cost!

Many thanks,

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you could have a bore hole drilled then you would have water, and grow more things,

they arnt expencive to have dug, and get a pump that will work of a motor, so you could take it home if you dont live on the land,

just a thought

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Good idea to diversify. Remember teak takes a very long time to mature and can serve as a pension but not as regular cashflow. I would view it as follows, if you have water available :

1 st step to make you and your family self sufficient with vegetables and fruits. In this process you will soon see which plants grow well.

2 nd step determine if there is a market for the produce that grow well. Then you can make your sums to see if this will make money.

3 rd step split the area and water available between crops that can generate income from year 1 and longer term crops. This will enable you to survive financialy while the longer term crops reach maturity.

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we had 2" bores drilled here just outside wangnamyen, sakaeo province,

2 for the house, and one down at the pigs, the deepest is 20mtrs never runs out, and if memory serves me right they cost about 5,500 to be drilled and they put some 2" pipe down to line it,(i bought the pipe),

you want them to go down till they hit the 3rd lot of water, dont let them stop at the first water they hit,

but like the other poster says,, ask around to see if you have water there, we are lucky, i just picked a spot drilled and it was there, the in laws who are about half a mine from us are only down 7 mtrs for there water,

good luck in what you do,

but i will say its better if you live on the land,

we have pigs, ducks ,chickens and fish, wife sells eggs every day and we grow a bit of veg, im just looking now at a hydroponic set up, just asked for dimentions of the kit,



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My wife's family are just south of Li and make good money in the cool season growing corn.

With the orchard, you could set up some bee hives and collect the honey. Fora Bee just south of Chiang Mai on the highway sell all the kit and offer good advice.

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Hi Stament, we just put down two wells a few months ago, cost for the drilling to 50 m with 4 " pipe was 15,000- 16,000 each. It certainly is a relatively cheap way to open up your options for growing. If no electric to run your pump, have a look at the DC pumps hooked up to PV panels. Expensive to set up, but ours will have paid for themselves by the end f this dry season irrigation period we are just going through now.

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Hi Stament, we just put down two wells a few months ago, cost for the drilling to 50 m with 4 " pipe was 15,000- 16,000 each. It certainly is a relatively cheap way to open up your options for growing. If no electric to run your pump, have a look at the DC pumps hooked up to PV panels. Expensive to set up, but ours will have paid for themselves by the end f this dry season irrigation period we are just going through now.

could even just buy a generator,

we have one here for when the electric goes off,

we run 2 fans, the fridge and a couple of lights and it would run plenty more,

its petrol, electric start and it only cost 7k baht,

i cant put the site were i baught it,,lol

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