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Some Thais have no sense of humour

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Thais don't understand humour expressed in the English language. They understand farce; cross dressing; gurning (pulling funny faces); accidents - anything visual. 'Mr Bean' is very popular for all the above reasons.

They only half-understand wit.

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Yep my wife the same as most Thai wives I guess. She is nearly wetting herself watching tv and when you look to see what the fuss is about ,there are people looking like OTT lady boys, green wigs on , pink shirts ,blue braces etc and hitting each other over the head with metre long black rubber sausages.. All accompanied by boing-boing. Any wonder their cars have hello kitty number plates.

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In Thai society anybody overweight are regularly called Ouin (pronounced ooun) to their face - meaning fat. How more insensitive can that be. I recently had an argument with my ex where she called me derogatory names but when I replied "Water Buffalo" and "Wokhead" I think she was less than impressed but she rapidly clamped up.thumbsup.gif

Yeah, I had to get my gf to stop calling her best friend "uwan". The best friend, whose actual nickname is 'Mai', never seemed to be bothered by it, but we all know that people can cover their reactions up to get along. Anyway, we've given her a new nickname, 'Chili', because she devours the stuff (yeah - don't ask me why 'Mai' isn't good enough, but my gf has a second nick among her friends as well). Maybe I need to find out what my nick is, other than 'teerak' :-)

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Actually, I think that Thais have a pretty good sense of humour, though it might not range to the insult humour that some westerners like. One thing I really like about Thai women is that they can be witty back ... they like actively making jokes, and making others laugh. And they can go on a humour riff that you start (i.e., extend and elaborate on the joke and make later references to it). Women from some other places that I've spent time with are more passive -- they will laugh at what the guy says, but they don't add to it or try to generate humour themselves. You feel like you're always entertaining them. But I give credit to Thai women for actively generating humour laughter.

The only time I had a problem with my gf was at the start of our relationship when I jokingly quipped that she "must have put something in my coffee" to make me miss her so much. She got really angry and vigorously denied putting anything in my coffee! It took a while for me to convince her it was only a joke and that it meant nothing. Later, I learned that many Thais believe a woman can catch a man by putting something 'magic' into his drink, and my gf had taken my joke as an accusation along these lines. But maybe she 'doth protest too much'? smile.png [Anyway, the coffee thing has become one of those small inside jokes we now have years later].

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Yes Thais have a sense of humor if they see an old lady slipping on a banana peel

and fall over and break her back they laugh tongue.png

hmmmm.... the chinese do the same thing, it is called a nerverous laugh. they know that a emotion should be shown but they are not sure which one, hence a smile or slight laugh. this is the result of the complete parenting failure regarding teaching your children about helping others in need. it just is not done in some asian families. i say this with great respect to the families that do teach this as one of the golden rules to live by :-)
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Yes Thais have a sense of humor if they see an old lady slipping on a banana peel

and fall over and break her back they laugh tongue.png

Yes I once saw an elderly Thai walk into a low tree branch overhanging the footpath and half a dozen Thai guys were holding their sides laughing !

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However, the topic is about Thais not having a sense of humour and we should look at that rather than the one mentioned incident. (bad boy BTW)

I agree Thais do not have a sense of humour in the way that we Farang have. I love listening to and telling jokes but should I dare to tell one to my wonderful wife I must start by saying;

This is a joke. Then I must be sure to use words that she will understand. After several times of telling it, she maybe gets it? Not always though.

Example, an Englishman, Aussy and an American all bet on who can stay the longest in a pig sty. The English Man stayed for 5 minutes, the Aussy for 15 minutes, then the American entered. One minute later the pig ran out!

(End of joke laugh now)

Thais have many jokes on the telly but they seem to be more the practical joke type along with the boing and whistle sounds, perhaps so they know it was a joke?

The pig ran out because it did not want to take it up the ass again, like it had for the previous 20 minutes.

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A sense of humour?

Well it seems there is a sense of strangeness about the topic in its O.P as the names used do not seem to link up with the O.P .blink.png

Perhaps the mods can inform us as to why this may be.wai2.gif

Any explanation as to why the post was started by Ayutthaya11 but all editing is done by someone with the name '' Ashley 1982''?whistling.gif

Edited by siampolee
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Yes many Thai women do not want to be called black, OUCH no wonder she is your ex. That is a very negitive comment meaning they are a farmer from the Northeast. Many thai women do not like the girls from Isaan and they refer them to black girls of isaan.

Notice all the lotion with whitening crap in it and all the pale looking pretties.

My GF ask me why do Farangs like Black girls from Isaan ?

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I was recently on the MuM show, probably Thailand's best known comic. The first part was people sniffing each others armpits and 'jokes' about if they were gay or not. My stock joke when they ask where I come from is to say, I come from my house at Param 3, usually cracks them up, of course they expect me to say what country. I played the dumb falang and pretend I did not know who MuM was = daft foreigner. Anyway, he seems like a nice bloke but not a comedian in the western sense. The mrs often tells me a joke from one of her magazines that has cracked her up, usually it involves some reference to sex that might just have been midly amusing when I was 12, then she gets annoyed when i say not funny- I will never understand Thai humor

Edited by jacky54
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My GF couldn't stop laughing after she tried to throw a lump of soil at a neighbours puppy to scare it back home, but mis-threw it and hit our dog on the head.

I still don't understand.

She definitely hates your dog and could not believe her luck when she could wack it in the face with something "by mistake" and know she would get away with it.

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Yes many Thai women do not want to be called black, OUCH no wonder she is your ex. That is a very negitive comment meaning they are a farmer from the Northeast. Many thai women do not like the girls from Isaan and they refer them to black girls of isaan.

Notice all the lotion with whitening crap in it and all the pale looking pretties.

My GF ask me why do Farangs like Black girls from Isaan ?

Spot On !!!

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However, the topic is about Thais not having a sense of humour and we should look at that rather than the one mentioned incident. (bad boy BTW)

I agree Thais do not have a sense of humour in the way that we Farang have. I love listening to and telling jokes but should I dare to tell one to my wonderful wife I must start by saying;

This is a joke. Then I must be sure to use words that she will understand. After several times of telling it, she maybe gets it? Not always though.

Example, an Englishman, Aussy and an American all bet on who can stay the longest in a pig sty. The English Man stayed for 5 minutes, the Aussy for 15 minutes, then the American entered. One minute later the pig ran out!

(End of joke laugh now)

Thais have many jokes on the telly but they seem to be more the practical joke type along with the boing and whistle sounds, perhaps so they know it was a joke?

The pig ran out because it did not want to take it up the ass again, like it had for the previous 20 minutes.

This pig has standards?

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she wasn't happy when I posted her the shirt with "Black Ass 69" on the back

Mister..me from THailand. You know you cannot (yes!, Cannot) marry Donkey in thailand. You have to go South of U.S of A and become Hillbilly.

Edited by meltingpot2015
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Yes Thais have a sense of humor if they see an old lady slipping on a banana peel

and fall over and break her back they laugh tongue.png

I think this is very unfair. Some stupid farang may laugh also. The colour of the skin is a major issue since the antiquity. In pluralistic America, I think, it is still a very sensitive and uncomfotable issue even today . You just can't joke wth someones colour if the person has the 'wrong' colour. racism is everywhere and it wont be eradicated. It is not so much a cultural rather than an internal issue inherent in everybody. The way it is manifested depends on the personality which means strengths and insecurities of the individual. Self control and proper behaviour, if not inherent, they must be taught.

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A sense of humour?

Well it seems there is a sense of strangeness about the topic in its O.P as the names used do not seem to link up with the O.P .blink.png

Perhaps the mods can inform us as to why this may be.wai2.gif

Any explanation as to why the post was started by Ayutthaya11 but all editing is done by someone with the name '' Ashley 1982''?whistling.gif

Because I requested to change my name. Joined the site 2008 but only just started using it again. Wanted a new username. Anything else Sherlock? Edited by Ayutthaya11
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I used to live in Thailand for 10 years and in my experience they have a much better sense of humor than people in Germany, which is where I'm from. I pulled lots of practical jokes on strangers and 95% where laughing with me. In Germany it's more or less the exact opposite.

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A sense of humour?

Well it seems there is a sense of strangeness about the topic in its O.P as the names used do not seem to link up with the O.P .blink.png

Perhaps the mods can inform us as to why this may be.wai2.gif

Any explanation as to why the post was started by Ayutthaya11 but all editing is done by someone with the name '' Ashley 1982''?whistling.gif

Because I requested to change my name. Joined the site 2008 but only just started using it again. Wanted a new username. Anything else Sherlock?

Don't worry Siampolee is just a curtain twitcher ,he's probably pissed off that the forum owners didn't run your name change request by him first!

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