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MSDHS Min: Special team deployed to rescue Thai fishery workers in Indonesia

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MSDHS Min: Special team deployed to rescue Thai fishery workers in Indonesia

BANGKOK, 30 March 2015 (NNT) – A special team has been deployed to rescue the stranded Thai fishery workers on Ambon Island in Indonesia, says the MSDHS Minister, adding that 43 workers have been found.

The Minister of Social Development and Human Security (MSDHS) Pol Gen Adul Sangsingkeo has revealed that a special team tasked with rescuing the stranded Thai fishery workers, had arrived on Ambon Island in Indonesia. This operation was a cooperation between the Thai Embassy in Jakarta who has coordinated with the Indonesian Government to facilitate the team in may areas.

He has said that the team had set up a One Stop Service on the Ambon Island. It is reported that 43 workers has already been found by the team, 33 of which are Thai nationals and the remaining 10 are from Myanmar. 38 workers from the 43 found are from fishery boats while another 5 have been found through search operations.

According to the MSDHS Minister, the special team has 4 initial objectives, namely to provide help to the Thai nationals on the island, to help workers on fishery boats who might become victims of human trafficking and to help those who wish to return home. Another objective of the task force is to inspect the dead bodies in the graveyard, and then proceeding the returning process of Thai workers.

A field survey was conducted on Benjina Island today, to search for the stranded Thai workers who are in need help. The mission will conclude figures and accomplishments in this rescue effort on 3 April 2015.

On the returning of the workers, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirms that the expedite and return procedures will be completed within 2 weeks, while the MSDHS will arrange a multidisciplinary team to receive the workers back to Thailand, according to the MSDHS Minister.

-- NNT 2015-03-30 footer_n.gif


Now if only the previous administration had started these initiatives 3 years ago when they were in power there would have been no need for a downgrade, and by now the fishing industry would have been cleaned up and the unfortunates who are now being rescued would have been home long ago.

But I suppose they were busy with attempting (unsuccessfully) to pin something on Abhisit to sideline him and working out how they could get big brother back free of all charges while absolving themselves from any crime and corruption.

The top cop who has recently been charged and convicted was also busy increasing his collection. From what I read some of the charges against him involved taking bribes from human traffickers.

Screwing the rice scheme would have also taken a fair bit of time, organizing overseas trips and photo op's for the PM would also be time consuming.

But I suppose the main problem would have been waiting for instructions from the thinker for if he didn't think of doing something no one else would.

  • Like 1

Now if only the previous administration had started these initiatives 3 years ago when they were in power there would have been no need for a downgrade, and by now the fishing industry would have been cleaned up and the unfortunates who are now being rescued would have been home long ago.

But I suppose they were busy with attempting (unsuccessfully) to pin something on Abhisit to sideline him and working out how they could get big brother back free of all charges while absolving themselves from any crime and corruption.

The top cop who has recently been charged and convicted was also busy increasing his collection. From what I read some of the charges against him involved taking bribes from human traffickers.

Screwing the rice scheme would have also taken a fair bit of time, organizing overseas trips and photo op's for the PM would also be time consuming.

But I suppose the main problem would have been waiting for instructions from the thinker for if he didn't think of doing something no one else would.

Another anti Shin mantra from Robbie. What a surprise!!

You conveniently forgot, that the owners of the fishing vessels and the canning factories all belong to the "good people" aka the elite aka the yellows.

The very people you so wholeheartedly support!!

Without your slave owning friends there wouldn't be an issue in the first place.................coffee1.gif

  • Like 1

Now if only the previous administration had started these initiatives 3 years ago when they were in power there would have been no need for a downgrade, and by now the fishing industry would have been cleaned up and the unfortunates who are now being rescued would have been home long ago.

This is actually shaping up to be an international conspiracy among S.E. Asian Governments to allow this practice to go on for so long.

I dont know about you, but I have not heard or read anything from the govts of Burma, Cambodia or Laos over this.

But there are a few disturbing comments from from the Thai and Indonesian govts.

"These men, some abandoned five, 10, even 20 years ago, load and unload fish off boats for food and pocket money, or cut and sell logs in the forest."

This from the Indo Fisheries Minister

“We are not letting this happen,” she said. “In the past, it’s been a normal practice. Not now. I’m not allowing it.”

From our Thai govt

However, earlier this week, Prayuth urged journalists not to report on human trafficking without considering how the news would affect the country’s seafood industry and reputation abroad.


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Now if only the previous administration had started these initiatives 3 years ago when they were in power there would have been no need for a downgrade, and by now the fishing industry would have been cleaned up and the unfortunates who are now being rescued would have been home long ago.

But I suppose they were busy with attempting (unsuccessfully) to pin something on Abhisit to sideline him and working out how they could get big brother back free of all charges while absolving themselves from any crime and corruption.

The top cop who has recently been charged and convicted was also busy increasing his collection. From what I read some of the charges against him involved taking bribes from human traffickers.

Screwing the rice scheme would have also taken a fair bit of time, organizing overseas trips and photo op's for the PM would also be time consuming.

But I suppose the main problem would have been waiting for instructions from the thinker for if he didn't think of doing something no one else would.

Another anti Shin mantra from Robbie. What a surprise!!

You conveniently forgot, that the owners of the fishing vessels and the canning factories all belong to the "good people" aka the elite aka the yellows.

The very people you so wholeheartedly support!!

Without your slave owning friends there wouldn't be an issue in the first place.................coffee1.gif

Those that live in glass houses should not throw stones.


And so yet another important news item sinks into yet another puerile red/yellow p1$$ing contest.

How about poster do something really ground-breaking and stay on topic for a change.

The situation with slavery across S E Asia is almost endemic: who knows how many thousands are kept against their will in fishing boats, processing factories, logging camps and mines, to name but a few types of place. The most disturbing fact of all was Prayuth's request for silence on the matter in case it hurts the Thai economy. This overt lack of respect for human rights speaks volumes, and none of it gives one much cause to believe the problem will ever be tackled by Thailand.

...........Then they are surprised and upset by the fact that other countries decry Thailand for its record on human rights. LOS...Land of Slavery

  • Like 1

Now if only the previous administration had started these initiatives 3 years ago when they were in power there would have been no need for a downgrade, and by now the fishing industry would have been cleaned up and the unfortunates who are now being rescued would have been home long ago.

But I suppose they were busy with attempting (unsuccessfully) to pin something on Abhisit to sideline him and working out how they could get big brother back free of all charges while absolving themselves from any crime and corruption.

The top cop who has recently been charged and convicted was also busy increasing his collection. From what I read some of the charges against him involved taking bribes from human traffickers.

Screwing the rice scheme would have also taken a fair bit of time, organizing overseas trips and photo op's for the PM would also be time consuming.

But I suppose the main problem would have been waiting for instructions from the thinker for if he didn't think of doing something no one else would.

Another anti Shin mantra from Robbie. What a surprise!!

You conveniently forgot, that the owners of the fishing vessels and the canning factories all belong to the "good people" aka the elite aka the yellows.

The very people you so wholeheartedly support!!

Without your slave owning friends there wouldn't be an issue in the first place.................coffee1.gif

Funny man.. come up with some proof that the yellow supporters own the fishingboats and such. Personally I think (cant prove) that there are just as many rich red elite as yellow elite. Just look at Thaksin and his cabinet.. those are not poor people.


Dear PM would not even bother with this if it hadn't been for the journo. The journo that he threatened for reporting it.

  • Like 1

Now if only the previous administration had started these initiatives 3 years ago when they were in power there would have been no need for a downgrade, and by now the fishing industry would have been cleaned up and the unfortunates who are now being rescued would have been home long ago.

But I suppose they were busy with attempting (unsuccessfully) to pin something on Abhisit to sideline him and working out how they could get big brother back free of all charges while absolving themselves from any crime and corruption.

The top cop who has recently been charged and convicted was also busy increasing his collection. From what I read some of the charges against him involved taking bribes from human traffickers.

Screwing the rice scheme would have also taken a fair bit of time, organizing overseas trips and photo op's for the PM would also be time consuming.

But I suppose the main problem would have been waiting for instructions from the thinker for if he didn't think of doing something no one else would.

Another anti Shin mantra from Robbie. What a surprise!!

You conveniently forgot, that the owners of the fishing vessels and the canning factories all belong to the "good people" aka the elite aka the yellows.

The very people you so wholeheartedly support!!

Without your slave owning friends there wouldn't be an issue in the first place.................coffee1.gif

The truth hurts you all right so you have to attack me.

How you work out that I am friends with those who would enslave people is beyond understanding for nothing could be farther from the truth.

I however do applaud anyone who does anything to bring about an end to this abhorrent practice as I condemn those from the past who knew about it and did nothing.

However as you appear to know who are the ones responsible it would help if you were to take your important information to the relevant authorities so it can be acted on.

  • Like 1

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Now if only the previous administration had started these initiatives 3 years ago when they were in power there would have been no need for a downgrade, and by now the fishing industry would have been cleaned up and the unfortunates who are now being rescued would have been home long ago.

But I suppose they were busy with attempting (unsuccessfully) to pin something on Abhisit to sideline him and working out how they could get big brother back free of all charges while absolving themselves from any crime and corruption.

The top cop who has recently been charged and convicted was also busy increasing his collection. From what I read some of the charges against him involved taking bribes from human traffickers.

Screwing the rice scheme would have also taken a fair bit of time, organizing overseas trips and photo op's for the PM would also be time consuming.

But I suppose the main problem would have been waiting for instructions from the thinker for if he didn't think of doing something no one else would.

Another anti Shin mantra from Robbie. What a surprise!!

You conveniently forgot, that the owners of the fishing vessels and the canning factories all belong to the "good people" aka the elite aka the yellows.

The very people you so wholeheartedly support!!

Without your slave owning friends there wouldn't be an issue in the first place.................coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJARfU4 alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

That's a pretty strong comment.

What y evidence can you give that the fishing vessels and the canning factories all belong to the good people / the elite / yellows.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Now if only the previous administration had started these initiatives 3 years ago when they were in power there would have been no need for a downgrade, and by now the fishing industry would have been cleaned up and the unfortunates who are now being rescued would have been home long ago.

But I suppose they were busy with attempting (unsuccessfully) to pin something on Abhisit to sideline him and working out how they could get big brother back free of all charges while absolving themselves from any crime and corruption.

The top cop who has recently been charged and convicted was also busy increasing his collection. From what I read some of the charges against him involved taking bribes from human traffickers.

Screwing the rice scheme would have also taken a fair bit of time, organizing overseas trips and photo op's for the PM would also be time consuming.

But I suppose the main problem would have been waiting for instructions from the thinker for if he didn't think of doing something no one else would.

Another anti Shin mantra from Robbie. What a surprise!!

You conveniently forgot, that the owners of the fishing vessels and the canning factories all belong to the "good people" aka the elite aka the yellows.

The very people you so wholeheartedly support!!

Without your slave owning friends there wouldn't be an issue in the first place.................coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJARfU4 alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

That's a pretty strong comment.

What y evidence can you give that the fishing vessels and the canning factories all belong to the good people / the elite / yellows.


  • Like 1

What I love about TVF is the Farang ability to always blame the last guy/gal for the current issues.

When you inherit buckets of shit, you empty them and try to stop them from filling up again, it's almost like blaming the previous owner of your home for the shit decor, and poor founds and subsidence.. well you can change the decor, and you should have got a better surveyor before you moved in ;)

The tit for tat here amongst grown adults is pure comedy gold..

  • Like 2

Enough enough ah but ah but abut...... these are real human beings that have been sh1t on for, who knows how long, lets at least be pleased that something is being done for them now.

I know, too little, too late.


Now if only the previous administration had started these initiatives 3 years ago when they were in power there would have been no need for a downgrade, and by now the fishing industry would have been cleaned up and the unfortunates who are now being rescued would have been home long ago.

But I suppose they were busy with attempting (unsuccessfully) to pin something on Abhisit to sideline him and working out how they could get big brother back free of all charges while absolving themselves from any crime and corruption.

The top cop who has recently been charged and convicted was also busy increasing his collection. From what I read some of the charges against him involved taking bribes from human traffickers.

Screwing the rice scheme would have also taken a fair bit of time, organizing overseas trips and photo op's for the PM would also be time consuming.

But I suppose the main problem would have been waiting for instructions from the thinker for if he didn't think of doing something no one else would.

You mean these practices didn't exist before 2011?


Now if only the previous administration had started these initiatives 3 years ago when they were in power there would have been no need for a downgrade, and by now the fishing industry would have been cleaned up and the unfortunates who are now being rescued would have been home long ago.

But I suppose they were busy with attempting (unsuccessfully) to pin something on Abhisit to sideline him and working out how they could get big brother back free of all charges while absolving themselves from any crime and corruption.

The top cop who has recently been charged and convicted was also busy increasing his collection. From what I read some of the charges against him involved taking bribes from human traffickers.

Screwing the rice scheme would have also taken a fair bit of time, organizing overseas trips and photo op's for the PM would also be time consuming.

But I suppose the main problem would have been waiting for instructions from the thinker for if he didn't think of doing something no one else would.

Another anti Shin mantra from Robbie. What a surprise!!

You conveniently forgot, that the owners of the fishing vessels and the canning factories all belong to the "good people" aka the elite aka the yellows.

The very people you so wholeheartedly support!!

Without your slave owning friends there wouldn't be an issue in the first place.................coffee1.gif

The truth hurts you all right so you have to attack me.

How you work out that I am friends with those who would enslave people is beyond understanding for nothing could be farther from the truth.

I however do applaud anyone who does anything to bring about an end to this abhorrent practice as I condemn those from the past who knew about it and did nothing.

However as you appear to know who are the ones responsible it would help if you were to take your important information to the relevant authorities so it can be acted on.

Oh the irony!!

You are an expert on finding quotes on what Thaksin or YL said 5-10 years ago, but suddenly when it comes to tracing down the people behind the atrocities taking place within the Thai fishing industry, you can not find them!!

Try to google CPF (Charoen Pokphand Foods) and TUF (Thai Union Frozen)

The extremely wealthy owners of those companies are hardly supporting the red shirts!!

So by lending your support to Prayut, you are indirectly supporting the people on which behalf he is acting.

So IMO a post for MR P is a post for slavery!!

  • Like 1

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Now if only the previous administration had started these initiatives 3 years ago when they were in power there would have been no need for a downgrade, and by now the fishing industry would have been cleaned up and the unfortunates who are now being rescued would have been home long ago.

But I suppose they were busy with attempting (unsuccessfully) to pin something on Abhisit to sideline him and working out how they could get big brother back free of all charges while absolving themselves from any crime and corruption.

The top cop who has recently been charged and convicted was also busy increasing his collection. From what I read some of the charges against him involved taking bribes from human traffickers.

Screwing the rice scheme would have also taken a fair bit of time, organizing overseas trips and photo op's for the PM would also be time consuming.

But I suppose the main problem would have been waiting for instructions from the thinker for if he didn't think of doing something no one else would.

Another anti Shin mantra from Robbie. What a surprise!!

You conveniently forgot, that the owners of the fishing vessels and the canning factories all belong to the "good people" aka the elite aka the yellows.
The very people you so wholeheartedly support!!

Without your slave owning friends there wouldn't be an issue in the first place.................coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJARfU4 alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

That's a pretty strong comment.

What y evidence can you give that the fishing vessels and the canning factories all belong to the good people / the elite / yellows.


CP is a yellow supporter? Is that correct?


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Now if only the previous administration had started these initiatives 3 years ago when they were in power there would have been no need for a downgrade, and by now the fishing industry would have been cleaned up and the unfortunates who are now being rescued would have been home long ago.

But I suppose they were busy with attempting (unsuccessfully) to pin something on Abhisit to sideline him and working out how they could get big brother back free of all charges while absolving themselves from any crime and corruption.

The top cop who has recently been charged and convicted was also busy increasing his collection. From what I read some of the charges against him involved taking bribes from human traffickers.

Screwing the rice scheme would have also taken a fair bit of time, organizing overseas trips and photo op's for the PM would also be time consuming.

But I suppose the main problem would have been waiting for instructions from the thinker for if he didn't think of doing something no one else would.

Another anti Shin mantra from Robbie. What a surprise!!

You conveniently forgot, that the owners of the fishing vessels and the canning factories all belong to the "good people" aka the elite aka the yellows.

The very people you so wholeheartedly support!!

Without your slave owning friends there wouldn't be an issue in the first place.................coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJARfU4 alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

The truth hurts you all right so you have to attack me.

How you work out that I am friends with those who would enslave people is beyond understanding for nothing could be farther from the truth.

I however do applaud anyone who does anything to bring about an end to this abhorrent practice as I condemn those from the past who knew about it and did nothing.

However as you appear to know who are the ones responsible it would help if you were to take your important information to the relevant authorities so it can be acted on.

Oh the irony!!

You are an expert on finding quotes on what Thaksin or YL said 5-10 years ago, but suddenly when it comes to tracing down the people behind the atrocities taking place within the Thai fishing industry, you can not find them!!

Try to google CPF (Charoen Pokphand Foods) and TUF (Thai Union Frozen)

The extremely wealthy owners of those companies are hardly supporting the red shirts!!

So by lending your support to Prayut, you are indirectly supporting the people on which behalf he is acting.

So IMO a post for MR P is a post for slavery!!

"The extremely wealthy owners of those companies are hardly supporting the red shirts!!" Please expand / why do you say that?


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Now if only the previous administration had started these initiatives 3 years ago when they were in power there would have been no need for a downgrade, and by now the fishing industry would have been cleaned up and the unfortunates who are now being rescued would have been home long ago.

But I suppose they were busy with attempting (unsuccessfully) to pin something on Abhisit to sideline him and working out how they could get big brother back free of all charges while absolving themselves from any crime and corruption.

The top cop who has recently been charged and convicted was also busy increasing his collection. From what I read some of the charges against him involved taking bribes from human traffickers.

Screwing the rice scheme would have also taken a fair bit of time, organizing overseas trips and photo op's for the PM would also be time consuming.

But I suppose the main problem would have been waiting for instructions from the thinker for if he didn't think of doing something no one else would.

Another anti Shin mantra from Robbie. What a surprise!!

You conveniently forgot, that the owners of the fishing vessels and the canning factories all belong to the "good people" aka the elite aka the yellows.

The very people you so wholeheartedly support!!

Without your slave owning friends there wouldn't be an issue in the first place.................coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJARfU4 alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

That's a pretty strong comment.

What y evidence can you give that the fishing vessels and the canning factories all belong to the good people / the elite / yellows.


CP is a yellow supporter? Is that correct?

I think probably the number one ticket holder.

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Now if only the previous administration had started these initiatives 3 years ago when they were in power there would have been no need for a downgrade, and by now the fishing industry would have been cleaned up and the unfortunates who are now being rescued would have been home long ago.

But I suppose they were busy with attempting (unsuccessfully) to pin something on Abhisit to sideline him and working out how they could get big brother back free of all charges while absolving themselves from any crime and corruption.

The top cop who has recently been charged and convicted was also busy increasing his collection. From what I read some of the charges against him involved taking bribes from human traffickers.

Screwing the rice scheme would have also taken a fair bit of time, organizing overseas trips and photo op's for the PM would also be time consuming.

But I suppose the main problem would have been waiting for instructions from the thinker for if he didn't think of doing something no one else would.

Another anti Shin mantra from Robbie. What a surprise!!

You conveniently forgot, that the owners of the fishing vessels and the canning factories all belong to the "good people" aka the elite aka the yellows.

The very people you so wholeheartedly support!!

Without your slave owning friends there wouldn't be an issue in the first place.................coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJARfU4 alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

That's a pretty strong comment.

What y evidence can you give that the fishing vessels and the canning factories all belong to the good people / the elite / yellows.


CP is a yellow supporter? Is that correct?

I think probably the number one ticket holder.

Another anti Shin mantra from Robbie. What a surprise!!

You conveniently forgot, that the owners of the fishing vessels and the canning factories all belong to the "good people" aka the elite aka the yellows.

The very people you so wholeheartedly support!!

Without your slave owning friends there wouldn't be an issue in the first place.................coffee1.gif

The truth hurts you all right so you have to attack me.

How you work out that I am friends with those who would enslave people is beyond understanding for nothing could be farther from the truth.

I however do applaud anyone who does anything to bring about an end to this abhorrent practice as I condemn those from the past who knew about it and did nothing.

However as you appear to know who are the ones responsible it would help if you were to take your important information to the relevant authorities so it can be acted on.

Oh the irony!!

You are an expert on finding quotes on what Thaksin or YL said 5-10 years ago, but suddenly when it comes to tracing down the people behind the atrocities taking place within the Thai fishing industry, you can not find them!!

Try to google CPF (Charoen Pokphand Foods) and TUF (Thai Union Frozen)

The extremely wealthy owners of those companies are hardly supporting the red shirts!!

So by lending your support to Prayut, you are indirectly supporting the people on which behalf he is acting.

So IMO a post for MR P is a post for slavery!!

Once again you twist things all out of context.

These would be the companies, among others, which got a reduction in company tax from the Yingluck Govt. Would they have also been companies which benefited from the rice scheme ?

They of course would have benefited greatly from their activities being allowed to continue under the red administration.

In the last 6 months there has been more done to combat slavery than any time in the past and yes I can if need be find many quotes to prove that so your claim is pure red bovine excrement.


Now if only the previous administration had started these initiatives 3 years ago when they were in power there would have been no need for a downgrade, and by now the fishing industry would have been cleaned up and the unfortunates who are now being rescued would have been home long ago.

But I suppose they were busy with attempting (unsuccessfully) to pin something on Abhisit to sideline him and working out how they could get big brother back free of all charges while absolving themselves from any crime and corruption.

The top cop who has recently been charged and convicted was also busy increasing his collection. From what I read some of the charges against him involved taking bribes from human traffickers.

Screwing the rice scheme would have also taken a fair bit of time, organizing overseas trips and photo op's for the PM would also be time consuming.

But I suppose the main problem would have been waiting for instructions from the thinker for if he didn't think of doing something no one else would.

You mean these practices didn't exist before 2011?

Indeed they did right through the Thaksin years and before that, through the time of his 2 proxy parties and the Abhisit administration.

The only thing that has been done previously is the law that was passed in 2008 : http://www.thailawforum.com/database1/thailand-anti-human-trafficking-act.html

This law was proposed by the previous military government and enacted into law during the Samak Government.


WHO, and which organisation is responsible for conducting Maritime Operations considering there is no Thai Coastguards?

Yes, slavery is all Thaksin's fault too, you know he eats small babies too, honest to Christ, the bitterness here is shocking, what does it feel like talking fluent Ostrich, with heads buried in the sand all the time?

Slavery has been an issue for a lot longer than Thaksin or the PTP or any Red Organisation has been around, but it's so much more convenient to point fingers and accuse others because it's a deflection.

When people implicate others in such acts, the first thing that happens is they sue !!

Sure the Junta have done more to combat the problem, but that's because the eyes of the world are on them, and the recent reports and downgrading happened when the ball is in their court!!.

It's always the usual suspects too who counter any articles with ....but but Thaksin .... PTP... why not just state, "well at least the issue is starting to be resolved which is a positive step" , instead of always laying blame at other peoples doors?

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