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Thai politics: Beware of those who see the need for Article 44


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Fascism alive and well in Thailand. And some morons here are supporting this. 'Ohh But it doesn't affect me guv'na!". They screws have already Been tightened on visas and For Thais their freedom of speech. Our way or the unaccountable military court way. Some Of you seriously Have your heads a few feet down in the sand!

I agree 100%.

But those same morons have their passports and can return to a freedom-loving democracy whenever they want.

Problem solved... coffee1.gif

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It is absolutely amazing how some of you are thoroughly convinced that all corruption started with Thaksin, and that wiping out his entire clan will suddenly make Thailand corruption free. Hate to break it to you, but total Thai corruption was around long before Thaksin was even a gleam in the eyes of his father. All he did was take it to a new level, and in the process, actually did more good for Thailand and ALL her people, instead of just the BKK elite, than anyone before him, or sense. Was he corrupt? To the core! Was he greedy? Absolutely! Did he somehow invent corruption? Not by a long shot. So why don't some of you grow a few brain cells and stop the "But Thaksin..." mantra, and try looking at the whole picture for a change.

".......actually did more good for Thailand and ALL her people...."

That might be your opinion, but I don't see my Thai family benefiting from his last attempt at government, just a debt that needs to be repaid. I am quite willing to forget Thaksin, as long as measures are installed to stop him, and other rapacious criminals like him, from buying their way to power and plundering the nation or wasting resources on unviable populist policies to maintain their grip on power.

The whole picture is that the ignorant and educated will still be swayed by false promises and bribes, allowing criminals to run the country, unless measures are installed to stop them. Do you expect the corrupt to install those measures?

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OK people, your only looking at the darkside of having Article 44 enacted.....how about the good side of it?

Start the list of good things here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>...............................................................................................................

If you need another page I will do another post for you! whistling.gif

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Autocratic rule worked well for Lee in Singapore, making it into a prosperous modern country. Not a democracy, but the good outwieghs the bad if the leader put the interests of the country first.

Democracy doesn't mean you will not end up a serf. High taxes at some point makes everyone nothing more than a serf working most of the year for his master. The only difference is the benifits are a bit better than 800 years ago, but a serf is a serf even ifit comes with meager retirement pensions.

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".......actually did more good for Thailand and ALL her people...."

That might be your opinion, but I don't see my Thai family benefiting from his last attempt at government, just a debt that needs to be repaid. I am quite willing to forget Thaksin, as long as measures are installed to stop him, and other rapacious criminals like him, from buying their way to power and plundering the nation or wasting resources on unviable populist policies to maintain their grip on power.

The whole picture is that the ignorant and educated will still be swayed by false promises and bribes, allowing criminals to run the country, unless measures are installed to stop them. Do you expect the corrupt to install those measures?

"Do you expect the corrupt to install those measures?"

No, that's why I never believed the military's promises regarding reform.

Regarding the "ignorant and educated (?)" "swayed by false promises and bribes"--the people I've met in the north seem sufficiently well informed, and frequently well educated, enough to vote intelligently.

Before Thaksin the Thai government existed to serve Bangkok, since Thaksin the government has been shifting its focus a little towards the rest of the country. The majority of Thais don't live in Bangkok and want a government that serves them as well as Bangkok. Even if all Shinawatra influence is removed the preference of the majority will be expressed in future elections. Unless the junta succeeds in neutering democracy, which seems to be its goal.

Why would the military's corruption stop them from installing measures to restrict politicians greed? It's no loss to them.

And yes, I meant ignorant and educated, but still possessing enough naivete or venality to try and grasp the illusion offered or the short term benefit. Policies need to critically examined, audited and discussed widely and political lies exposed. If the people in the north are so bloody intelligent, why did they jump at the rice scam when everybody else knew it had failed before and would again? Because nobody told them how bad it was, or because they thought they might benefit and bugger everybody else?

BTW We don't live in BKK, nor does the extended family. But its not hard to see improvements here and in the north that could have been made with B700 billion to throw around.

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What's the betting that in years to come, 'Article 44' will have the power of one of those dark phrases from history, loaded with infamous connotation. A reminder for future generations on how NOT to do it.

Yeah, like 'Area 51' something for idiots to write about on the internet. Cue for Twilight Zone theme..........

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OK people, your only looking at the darkside of having Article 44 enacted.....how about the good side of it?

Start the list of good things here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>...............................................................................................................

If you need another page I will do another post for you! whistling.gif

Use it to reform the RTP.

BTW the sarcasm of your post isn't lost on me.

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Anyone who has watched developments since the coup and thinks Prayuth wants to rule with absolute power or have anyone executed is insane.

All of this mess is because of one single problem. As soon as they think they can get away with it, certain people (and we all know who they are) will put terrorists on the streets to cause unrest.

This is what the general is afraid of. He knows they have stockpiled weapons and are just waiting for the order and the cash to hand them out to the usual low-life who will put grenades into crowds for 2,000 baht. However these cowards won't do it if they think they might get caught.

I'm sure he is open to any alternatives to solve this problem should the critics have any.

And who says propoganda is not effective?

Nobody. It is very effective. The lower the IQ of the recipient, the greater the effect. It's no coincidence that most of those who post here against the junta write like someone who never made it through high school.

Do I take you actually deny there was/is any terrorist threat ?. Were all the murders and attacks simply propaganda and never happened ?. Or do you still seriously believe the PDRC murdered themselves ?.

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Anyone who has watched developments since the coup and thinks Prayuth wants to rule with absolute power or have anyone executed is insane.

All of this mess is because of one single problem. As soon as they think they can get away with it, certain people (and we all know who they are) will put terrorists on the streets to cause unrest.

This is what the general is afraid of. He knows they have stockpiled weapons and are just waiting for the order and the cash to hand them out to the usual low-life who will put grenades into crowds for 2,000 baht. However these cowards won't do it if they think they might get caught.

I'm sure he is open to any alternatives to solve this problem should the critics have any.

And who says propoganda is not effective?

Nobody. It is very effective. The lower the IQ of the recipient, the greater the effect. It's no coincidence that most of those who post here against the junta write like someone who never made it through high school.

Do I take you actually deny there was/is any terrorist threat ?. Were all the murders and attacks simply propaganda and never happened ?. Or do you still seriously believe the PDRC murdered themselves ?.

It's no coincidence that most of those who post here against the junta write like someone who never made it through high school.

At least we don't put full-stops after question marks. giggle.gif

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In my village in Phetchaburi life goes on just the same they get up at sun up and work until 10.00 come back and eat or eat where they work .

Work again until too hot and then rest go back again and stop at sun down .

This happens every day around here, what coup.

Edited by nevets
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".......actually did more good for Thailand and ALL her people...."

That might be your opinion, but I don't see my Thai family benefiting from his last attempt at government, just a debt that needs to be repaid. I am quite willing to forget Thaksin, as long as measures are installed to stop him, and other rapacious criminals like him, from buying their way to power and plundering the nation or wasting resources on unviable populist policies to maintain their grip on power.

The whole picture is that the ignorant and educated will still be swayed by false promises and bribes, allowing criminals to run the country, unless measures are installed to stop them. Do you expect the corrupt to install those measures?

"Do you expect the corrupt to install those measures?"

No, that's why I never believed the military's promises regarding reform.

Regarding the "ignorant and educated (?)" "swayed by false promises and bribes"--the people I've met in the north seem sufficiently well informed, and frequently well educated, enough to vote intelligently.

Before Thaksin the Thai government existed to serve Bangkok, since Thaksin the government has been shifting its focus a little towards the rest of the country. The majority of Thais don't live in Bangkok and want a government that serves them as well as Bangkok. Even if all Shinawatra influence is removed the preference of the majority will be expressed in future elections. Unless the junta succeeds in neutering democracy, which seems to be its goal.

Why would the military's corruption stop them from installing measures to restrict politicians greed? It's no loss to them.

And yes, I meant ignorant and educated, but still possessing enough naivete or venality to try and grasp the illusion offered or the short term benefit. Policies need to critically examined, audited and discussed widely and political lies exposed. If the people in the north are so bloody intelligent, why did they jump at the rice scam when everybody else knew it had failed before and would again? Because nobody told them how bad it was, or because they thought they might benefit and bugger everybody else?

BTW We don't live in BKK, nor does the extended family. But its not hard to see improvements here and in the north that could have been made with B700 billion to throw around.

It seems you assume a corrupt military that is in no way accountable to the people will govern better than corrupt politicians that have to answer to the voters. You should drop your arrogant "Thai people aren't smart enough to vote" attitude, I've never met a Thai person as naive as you.

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Anyone who has watched developments since the coup and thinks Prayuth wants to rule with absolute power or have anyone executed is insane.

All of this mess is because of one single problem. As soon as they think they can get away with it, certain people (and we all know who they are) will put terrorists on the streets to cause unrest.

This is what the general is afraid of. He knows they have stockpiled weapons and are just waiting for the order and the cash to hand them out to the usual low-life who will put grenades into crowds for 2,000 baht. However these cowards won't do it if they think they might get caught.

I'm sure he is open to any alternatives to solve this problem should the critics have any.

And who says propoganda is not effective?

Nobody. It is very effective. The lower the IQ of the recipient, the greater the effect. It's no coincidence that most of those who post here against the junta write like someone who never made it through high school.

Do I take you actually deny there was/is any terrorist threat ?. Were all the murders and attacks simply propaganda and never happened ?. Or do you still seriously believe the PDRC murdered themselves ?.

"It's no coincidence that most of those who post here against the junta write like someone who never made it through high school."

Funny, I think much the same about many of those who post for the junta.

"Do I take you actually deny there was/is any terrorist threat ?"

Are you posting about the anti-democracy terrorists under Suthep, or the pro-democracy elements that came out against them?

Regarding the murders, I believe most of them remain unsolved, and that there is no evidence linking them to the PTP. In fact, I think that if the PTP had not done its best to restrain some of the more angry supporters who sensed the overthrow of another elected government, then there would have been serious bloodshed.

Do you think it was the PTP that used violence and intimidation to disrupt the February 2014 election, and threatened to do the same during the proposed July election?

By the way, dozens of deaths associated with the protests, and violence committed by both sides. Independent news organizations estimate that hundreds have been detained without charge by the junta, and an unknown number are still being held. There are different kinds of terrorism.

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Anyone who has watched developments since the coup and thinks Prayuth wants to rule with absolute power or have anyone executed is insane.

All of this mess is because of one single problem. As soon as they think they can get away with it, certain people (and we all know who they are) will put terrorists on the streets to cause unrest.

This is what the general is afraid of. He knows they have stockpiled weapons and are just waiting for the order and the cash to hand them out to the usual low-life who will put grenades into crowds for 2,000 baht. However these cowards won't do it if they think they might get caught.

I'm sure he is open to any alternatives to solve this problem should the critics have any.

And who says propoganda is not effective?

Nobody. It is very effective. The lower the IQ of the recipient, the greater the effect. It's no coincidence that most of those who post here against the junta write like someone who never made it through high school.

Do I take you actually deny there was/is any terrorist threat ?. Were all the murders and attacks simply propaganda and never happened ?. Or do you still seriously believe the PDRC murdered themselves ?.

"The lower the IQ of the recipient, the greater the effect"

I rest my case.

Proof that "you can fool some of the people all of the time."

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What's the betting that in years to come, 'Article 44' will have the power of one of those dark phrases from history, loaded with infamous connotation. A reminder for future generations on how NOT to do it.

Yeah, like 'Area 51' something for idiots to write about on the internet. Cue for Twilight Zone theme..........

Area 51? What are you on about? No, more like Article 12 Cambodia 1975, or Section 10 South Africa 1945, or several other instruments of blanket legislation that have robbed people of their human rights and subsequently gained sinister notoriety. You weren't aware of these? Oh, well...

Area 51 indeed..haha

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Why would the military's corruption stop them from installing measures to restrict politicians greed? It's no loss to them.

And yes, I meant ignorant and educated, but still possessing enough naivete or venality to try and grasp the illusion offered or the short term benefit. Policies need to critically examined, audited and discussed widely and political lies exposed. If the people in the north are so bloody intelligent, why did they jump at the rice scam when everybody else knew it had failed before and would again? Because nobody told them how bad it was, or because they thought they might benefit and bugger everybody else?

BTW We don't live in BKK, nor does the extended family. But its not hard to see improvements here and in the north that could have been made with B700 billion to throw around.

It seems you assume a corrupt military that is in no way accountable to the people will govern better than corrupt politicians that have to answer to the voters. You should drop your arrogant "Thai people aren't smart enough to vote" attitude, I've never met a Thai person as naive as you.

I don't assume a military government will govern better, I can see it happening.

And I don't think "Thai people aren't smart enough to vote", but I do think they are not educated and/or informed enough to see through BS policies that promise much and deliver nothing, to the voters at least. That's why I consistently advocate auditing and critical analysis of party policies, and measures to prevent campaign lies.

All you seem to care about is voting. I want the people to know what they are voting for 9or against).

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Why would the military's corruption stop them from installing measures to restrict politicians greed? It's no loss to them.

And yes, I meant ignorant and educated, but still possessing enough naivete or venality to try and grasp the illusion offered or the short term benefit. Policies need to critically examined, audited and discussed widely and political lies exposed. If the people in the north are so bloody intelligent, why did they jump at the rice scam when everybody else knew it had failed before and would again? Because nobody told them how bad it was, or because they thought they might benefit and bugger everybody else?

BTW We don't live in BKK, nor does the extended family. But its not hard to see improvements here and in the north that could have been made with B700 billion to throw around.

It seems you assume a corrupt military that is in no way accountable to the people will govern better than corrupt politicians that have to answer to the voters. You should drop your arrogant "Thai people aren't smart enough to vote" attitude, I've never met a Thai person as naive as you.

I don't assume a military government will govern better, I can see it happening.

And I don't think "Thai people aren't smart enough to vote", but I do think they are not educated and/or informed enough to see through BS policies that promise much and deliver nothing, to the voters at least. That's why I consistently advocate auditing and critical analysis of party policies, and measures to prevent campaign lies.

Quiz custodiet ipsos custodes? All political parties lie. All political parties gerrymander the budget to reward their supporters. It's not unique to Thailand. Sure, Thaksin is a rogue. Many in his party - think Chalerm! - are outright criminals. And they were running the country into the poorhouse.

Never mind. EVENTUALLY, the chickens would gave come to roost, and they'd have lost their popular support. Yes, it would have been expensive, but at the end of the day Thailand would have come out of it with a solid and repeatable political system for the future, and the electorate would have learned a salutory lesson. And the electorate would (as they should) have been the guardians of the guardisns.

What's happened with the coup is a disaster. Thailand has been set back 30 years and power now rests wholly in the hands of those with the biggest lethal arsenal. And there is nobody guarding them at all. They can set up an ersatz parliament to do the day to day petty administration, but the control of everything else remains with a self-appointed group who derive their power through the use or threat of violence.

It's been tried before, and every time it has, it's ended in tears. There's nothing to suggest that this time it will be any different.

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Why would the military's corruption stop them from installing measures to restrict politicians greed? It's no loss to them.

And yes, I meant ignorant and educated, but still possessing enough naivete or venality to try and grasp the illusion offered or the short term benefit. Policies need to critically examined, audited and discussed widely and political lies exposed. If the people in the north are so bloody intelligent, why did they jump at the rice scam when everybody else knew it had failed before and would again? Because nobody told them how bad it was, or because they thought they might benefit and bugger everybody else?

BTW We don't live in BKK, nor does the extended family. But its not hard to see improvements here and in the north that could have been made with B700 billion to throw around.

It seems you assume a corrupt military that is in no way accountable to the people will govern better than corrupt politicians that have to answer to the voters. You should drop your arrogant "Thai people aren't smart enough to vote" attitude, I've never met a Thai person as naive as you.

I don't assume a military government will govern better, I can see it happening.

And I don't think "Thai people aren't smart enough to vote", but I do think they are not educated and/or informed enough to see through BS policies that promise much and deliver nothing, to the voters at least. That's why I consistently advocate auditing and critical analysis of party policies, and measures to prevent campaign lies.

Quiz custodiet ipsos custodes? All political parties lie. All political parties gerrymander the budget to reward their supporters. It's not unique to Thailand. Sure, Thaksin is a rogue. Many in his party - think Chalerm! - are outright criminals. And they were running the country into the poorhouse.

Never mind. EVENTUALLY, the chickens would gave come to roost, and they'd have lost their popular support. Yes, it would have been expensive, but at the end of the day Thailand would have come out of it with a solid and repeatable political system for the future, and the electorate would have learned a salutory lesson. And the electorate would (as they should) have been the guardians of the guardisns.

What's happened with the coup is a disaster. Thailand has been set back 30 years and power now rests wholly in the hands of those with the biggest lethal arsenal. And there is nobody guarding them at all. They can set up an ersatz parliament to do the day to day petty administration, but the control of everything else remains with a self-appointed group who derive their power through the use or threat of violence.

It's been tried before, and every time it has, it's ended in tears. There's nothing to suggest that this time it will be any different.

Yes, it would have been expensive, but its not you paying the bill. Instead you reap the benefits of a cheap lifestyle.

EVENTUALLY was too far, by B2.3 trillion which would have deferred the collapse.

What's the difference between a self-appointed group who derive their power through the use or threat of violence, and an elected group who derive their power through the use and threat of violence? Not just the money, how many would have to die to get Thaksin's puppets out?

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Why would the military's corruption stop them from installing measures to restrict politicians greed? It's no loss to them.

And yes, I meant ignorant and educated, but still possessing enough naivete or venality to try and grasp the illusion offered or the short term benefit. Policies need to critically examined, audited and discussed widely and political lies exposed. If the people in the north are so bloody intelligent, why did they jump at the rice scam when everybody else knew it had failed before and would again? Because nobody told them how bad it was, or because they thought they might benefit and bugger everybody else?

BTW We don't live in BKK, nor does the extended family. But its not hard to see improvements here and in the north that could have been made with B700 billion to throw around.

It seems you assume a corrupt military that is in no way accountable to the people will govern better than corrupt politicians that have to answer to the voters. You should drop your arrogant "Thai people aren't smart enough to vote" attitude, I've never met a Thai person as naive as you.

I don't assume a military government will govern better, I can see it happening.

And I don't think "Thai people aren't smart enough to vote", but I do think they are not educated and/or informed enough to see through BS policies that promise much and deliver nothing, to the voters at least. That's why I consistently advocate auditing and critical analysis of party policies, and measures to prevent campaign lies.

All you seem to care about is voting. I want the people to know what they are voting for 9or against).

besides being completely besides the point, it is remarkable that you claim to "see" the military 'government' governing better - with all the transparency that the Junta has implemented, of course whistling.gif

As for your denial, you then basically turn around and say the same thing with I do think they are not educated and/or informed enough and I would just ask you if there is some kind of educational requirement to vote in your home country. There isn't in mine and yet we don't now have generals running the show.... no matter how good or bad the government is that the people elect.

Finally, you want people to know what they are voting for or against - well who the heck doesn't?? That doesn't change the fact that no one is voting now nor was there an election which put the current 'government' in place...

and it looks like the elections, when / if they come about, will be essentially irrelevant as the system of self-government for the people of Thailand will have been completely neutered by this military / elitist regime. coffee1.gif

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And I don't think "Thai people aren't smart enough to vote", but I do think they are not educated and/or informed enough to see through BS policies that promise much and deliver nothing, to the voters at least. That's why I consistently advocate auditing and critical analysis of party policies, and measures to prevent campaign lies.

Quiz custodiet ipsos custodes? All political parties lie. All political parties gerrymander the budget to reward their supporters. It's not unique to Thailand. Sure, Thaksin is a rogue. Many in his party - think Chalerm! - are outright criminals. And they were running the country into the poorhouse.

Never mind. EVENTUALLY, the chickens would gave come to roost, and they'd have lost their popular support. Yes, it would have been expensive, but at the end of the day Thailand would have come out of it with a solid and repeatable political system for the future, and the electorate would have learned a salutory lesson. And the electorate would (as they should) have been the guardians of the guardisns.

What's happened with the coup is a disaster. Thailand has been set back 30 years and power now rests wholly in the hands of those with the biggest lethal arsenal. And there is nobody guarding them at all. They can set up an ersatz parliament to do the day to day petty administration, but the control of everything else remains with a self-appointed group who derive their power through the use or threat of violence.

It's been tried before, and every time it has, it's ended in tears. There's nothing to suggest that this time it will be any different.

Yes, it would have been expensive, but its not you paying the bill. Instead you reap the benefits of a cheap lifestyle.

EVENTUALLY was too far, by B2.3 trillion which would have deferred the collapse.

What's the difference between a self-appointed group who derive their power through the use or threat of violence, and an elected group who derive their power through the use and threat of violence? Not just the money, how many would have to die to get Thaksin's puppets out?

What's the difference between a self-appointed group who derive their power through the use or threat of violence, and an elected group who derive their power through the use and threat of violence?

in spite of the completely unbalanced comparison of the previous government and the junta above, and the banal (and false) rhetorical equivalence you imply, can you honestly not understand the difference for yourself?

Come on! Be a fan-boy if you want to be one, but have the balls to be an honest fan-boy...

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Anyone who has watched developments since the coup and thinks Prayuth wants to rule with absolute power or have anyone executed is insane.

All of this mess is because of one single problem. As soon as they think they can get away with it, certain people (and we all know who they are) will put terrorists on the streets to cause unrest.

This is what the general is afraid of. He knows they have stockpiled weapons and are just waiting for the order and the cash to hand them out to the usual low-life who will put grenades into crowds for 2,000 baht. However these cowards won't do it if they think they might get caught.

I'm sure he is open to any alternatives to solve this problem should the critics have any.

And who says propoganda is not effective?

Nobody. It is very effective. The lower the IQ of the recipient, the greater the effect. It's no coincidence that most of those who post here against the junta write like someone who never made it through high school.

Do I take you actually deny there was/is any terrorist threat ?. Were all the murders and attacks simply propaganda and never happened ?. Or do you still seriously believe the PDRC murdered themselves ?.

"The lower the IQ of the recipient, the greater the effect"

I rest my case.

Proof that "you can fool some of the people all of the time."

Quote "

"The lower the IQ of the recipient, the greater the effect"

I rest my case.

Proof that "you can fool some of the people all of the time."

It must have worked on you too.

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Why would the military's corruption stop them from installing measures to restrict politicians greed? It's no loss to them.

And yes, I meant ignorant and educated, but still possessing enough naivete or venality to try and grasp the illusion offered or the short term benefit. Policies need to critically examined, audited and discussed widely and political lies exposed. If the people in the north are so bloody intelligent, why did they jump at the rice scam when everybody else knew it had failed before and would again? Because nobody told them how bad it was, or because they thought they might benefit and bugger everybody else?

BTW We don't live in BKK, nor does the extended family. But its not hard to see improvements here and in the north that could have been made with B700 billion to throw around.

It seems you assume a corrupt military that is in no way accountable to the people will govern better than corrupt politicians that have to answer to the voters. You should drop your arrogant "Thai people aren't smart enough to vote" attitude, I've never met a Thai person as naive as you.

I don't assume a military government will govern better, I can see it happening.

And I don't think "Thai people aren't smart enough to vote", but I do think they are not educated and/or informed enough to see through BS policies that promise much and deliver nothing, to the voters at least. That's why I consistently advocate auditing and critical analysis of party policies, and measures to prevent campaign lies.

All you seem to care about is voting. I want the people to know what they are voting for 9or against).

"I don't assume a military government will govern better, I can see it happening."

As evidenced by replacing martial law with Article 44, which gives unchecked power to Prayuth? Or do you think that censorship, limits on free speech and political gatherings, and suppression of all dissent using detention without trial are evidence of better government? Perhaps it's just the fact that they seized power using the military that gives you a thrill. You may see these things as evidence of good governance by the military, most people don't.

You think the Thai people "are not educated and/or informed enough to see through BS policies that promise much and deliver nothing". Yet you support this undemocratic military junta that has no respect for human rights and all the spending plans it is promising (using opaque negotiations, no mention of competitive bidding for contracts, most spending focused on Bangkok) in an attempt to buy popularity. Once again you display a naivety far beyond that of any Thai person I've met.

Edited by heybruce
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