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Thai Tourist Police crack down on 'the colored'

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detaining 72 clearly guilty of having black skin for drug tests.

'coloured' people?

who writes this stuff? they are not a journalist that's for sure.

who edited this piece? no professional editor would allow this to print.

Well the terms of reference made by the PC brigade do change rather rapidly, it used to be that it was impolite to say black so it was changed to coloured, i think we are back to black now but who knows and in my case who cares.

I know unbelievable it is only a name after all

Good people are good people end of

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They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

If they were acting on complaints regarding people of a cetain color it does make sense to target people having said color.

If you were searching for a rapist you would probably not consider the women around.


But surely they weren't judging them guilty, but merely detaining them on suspicion of commiting a crime.

Also there's a specified location in the part you quote. That seems like another criteria to me.

As has been said, though, there seems little point in discussing this with someone who's convinced they're always right.

It's wrong because it was a "hunt" based on colour.

As for me never being wrong. Nope you're wrong again.

However I fail to see how defending hunting people on the basis of their colour can ever not be wrong.


It's true that "black" is non-PC in the U.S. and England, but sensible people use it anyway.

That's not true at all.

In the US Congress there is the Congressional Black Caucus. In the US there is also the United Negro College Fund and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. I notice on this forum a lot of, presumably white, posters getting offended for persons of color who are not, themselves, offended by the words 'black', 'negro', or 'colored' and who are calling other posters 'racist' for not finding these words as offensive as they do. I have had conversations with posters on TVF who've decided never to use race as a descriptor and who argue there is no such thing as race (which kind of negates the whole idea of anthropology). Their minds are made up and they choose to lead a life of being personally offended or offended by proxy for others who should, in their minds, be offended.


It's true that "black" is non-PC in the U.S. and England, but sensible people use it anyway.

That's not true at all.

In the US Congress there is the Congressional Black Caucus. In the US there is also the United Negro College Fund and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. I notice on this forum a lot of, presumably white, posters getting offended for persons of color who are not, themselves, offended by the words 'black', 'negro', or 'colored' and who are calling other posters 'racist' for not finding these words as offensive as they do. I have had conversations with posters on TVF who've decided never to use race as a descriptor and who argue there is no such thing as race (which kind of negates the whole idea of anthropology). Their minds are made up and they choose to lead a life of being personally offended or offended by proxy for others who should, in their minds, be offended.

I say leave them to it my honkey cracker friend.

Next time I see the term "Thainess" used in a negative connotation I'm writing to the UN, the WHO (not the Roger Daltrey one), Obama and Jerry Springer.


These scumbags are not interested in Thai culture, no decent Thai woman would marry one...

I thought you were talking about the farangs that frequent that part of town for a moment there.


About time they cleared them off the entrance of Soi 13. Their open drug dealing made the area feel unsafe.

...and every other soi those offenders soil.


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They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

Just go walk around these areas and keep a score (the teams being Africans vs. non-Africans) on your phone every time you are offered drugs, then publish the result.

Just go on the same street and keep a score on your phone everytime you see a drunk or everytime you see someone under the influence of drug...then i think it would be time to arrest tonight all the farangs in this street

I am not saying, "Not arrest the Nigerians", they should test all foreigners in the street and lockup the one shows test positive. I also don't care majority is Nigerian or not, why only they pick test on people looking black!

Similar to the Human rights indicate the illegal migrant labors in the boat, Human Rights will take up this case. This news is just the best piece of the Thai racism towards not white tourists. If they think they are here illegally, why they give visa in first place ? Thai police wanted money from them, but not Nigerians. What if Japan stamps Thais as unruly crowd and illegal workers and rounding them up in Japan and bring them to detention centers for clarifications ?

I hope world will change.

yes that makes sense , they get reports of Black men selling drugs openly in this street so they should round up all the white women and test them

Thais are racist because they are targeting non-Thais for investigation in illegal immigrant worker cases ? you are right they should check all Thais first to see if they are illegal immigrants , I think you are on to something there , I have never met a Thai with a visa to be in the country much less a work permit


"The foreign criminals come in many forms, and the target for us tonight is colored people,"

Yes, because we all know coloured people is a criminal type.

In general, around the targeted area they are right with their assumptions.


"80 police officers were sent to hunt down and round up the darker-skinned people"

Someone call out the KKK

Have heard worse ideas.


I was quite annoyed when I had to take a "Thai Culture" course to continue teaching. Thank God these journalists have to take a "1960s BBC Culture" course.

1. I don't mind Ni_ No_s as long as they:

a. Move out of my way.

b. Go to the back of the queue.

c. Move into my neighbourhood.

I know there are problems. I just object to the word "coloured". Why not call us what we are? (insert own pejorative here).

Coloured would seem to be absolutely appropriate then.


They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

A little walk in the neighborhood in question might answer some of your questions??

Do you also find it offensive that people dressed like jihadists are targeted by airport security??

I find your posts offensive, actually. Particularly one quoted just above. This is a visa forum, to remind you. That includes people of all nationalities and races. And your personal opinions about other races on a site of that purpose are in extremely poor taste.

" And your personal opinions about other races on a site of that purpose are in extremely poor taste."

No they're not.


"The foreign criminals come in many forms, and the target for us tonight is colored people,"

Yes, because we all know coloured people is a criminal type.

In general, around the targeted area they are right with their assumptions.



"80 police officers were sent to hunt down and round up the darker-skinned people"

Someone call out the KKK

Have heard worse ideas.

Slow day?

Nothing to contribute is your usual mode when posting I know, however even for you that is feeble.

Though I guess that there are racist bigots out there whose lives are nothing but hate, who might support such an idea.

I'm not saying you are one of them, but you shouldn't listen to their lack of thinking.


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They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

Wake up folks as most Thais are predujice not only to blacks but all NON- THAIS Come to the country, leave your wallet and credit cards and get on the next plane back home. You are all idiots if you do not realise that to most Thais you are an A.T.M. on legs

I can only assume you are not in Thailand. I guess you are just a decent enough guy who has no knowledge first hand but believe what you hear. On that basis you must be a Yank


Just a thought that comes to mind about my own history.

When at University, I used to play in Blues bands to make money and developed many friendships that lasted after graduation.

One time one of those friends who was out of town touring asked me to go by his post office box, pick up his mail and give it to his bass player who happened to be in town and would meet me at the post office.

I was with my wife, and while she had heard my friend and I mention this bass player in many conversations over the years, she had never met him. When she asked me what he looked like (as we were trying to pick him out of a crowd), I told her he was black and what his other features were.

She remarked that in all the years she had heard us talk about this bass player, she had never heard either of us us mention that he was black. I replied that it was never relevant before; only now that we're trying to pick him out of a crowd.

In hindsight, I suppose I was being racist and guilty of racial profiling.


People were targeted on the basis of colour. Fact.

No investigation, gathering of evidence or observation of behaviour took place. Fact.

So how did they know where to look? It's not like they were just arresting black people at random all over the city.

Its not the fact they knew where to look or the nationality of those they arrested that makes this whole event racist.

It's the fact they did no surveillance beforehand.

It's the fact they gathered no evidence.

It's the fact that no intelligence took place.

It's the fact they "hunted" people on the basis of colour.

It's the fact that this whole operation was based solely upon prejudice, bigotry and racial profiling.

Is that clear enough for you?

there you are banging on about racism again when you refuse to accept the definition of it.

As for your claims that there was no investigation, no planing, no surveillance, no evidence, no intelligence, it is clear that all these things in fact did take place , they had a planned operation to target that street and obviously had some reason to be targeting black people in that location.

If they have had reports that black men are openly selling drugs at this location it would be stupid to go targeting white women at this location.

and yes everything you say is perfectly clear to all of us, most of us disagree with you because you seem to not be thinking things through before posting

Are there reports of black men selling drugs in this location ? yes there are , people in this thread have said they have seen this.

Would it make sense to round up everyone in this area after having reports that black men were committing the crime? no. the EVIDENCE is eyewitness reports of black men committing the crime

Look at your post measured against your own values -:

crime being committed - defamation

surveillance - search of TV forums person is seen often posting in threads related to Thai government bodies.

evidence - history of calling Thai government bodies racist with no supporting evidence. makes accusations of misconduct and incompetence with no supporting evidence. forms opinion with no research and then states it as fact.

points of proof required for conviction -:

person has made untrue statements about another person or organisation - proved

these untrue statements have caused damage to that other person or organisation - not proved , on the balance of probability most people would dispute his assumptions as being heretical and far fetched

result -: charge would be unlikely to be proved due to reputation of accused

TL;DR -: no point targeting white women when reports are black men did it. Things are not racist just because you want them to be


People were targeted on the basis of colour. Fact.

No investigation, gathering of evidence or observation of behaviour took place. Fact.

So how did they know where to look? It's not like they were just arresting black people at random all over the city.

Its not the fact they knew where to look or the nationality of those they arrested that makes this whole event racist.

It's the fact they did no surveillance beforehand.

It's the fact they gathered no evidence.

It's the fact that no intelligence took place.

It's the fact they "hunted" people on the basis of colour.

It's the fact that this whole operation was based solely upon prejudice, bigotry and racial profiling.

Is that clear enough for you?

there you are banging on about racism again when you refuse to accept the definition of it.

As for your claims that there was no investigation, no planing, no surveillance, no evidence, no intelligence, it is clear that all these things in fact did take place , they had a planned operation to target that street and obviously had some reason to be targeting black people in that location.

If they have had reports that black men are openly selling drugs at this location it would be stupid to go targeting white women at this location.

and yes everything you say is perfectly clear to all of us, most of us disagree with you because you seem to not be thinking things through before posting

Are there reports of black men selling drugs in this location ? yes there are , people in this thread have said they have seen this.

Would it make sense to round up everyone in this area after having reports that black men were committing the crime? no. the EVIDENCE is eyewitness reports of black men committing the crime

Look at your post measured against your own values -:

crime being committed - defamation

surveillance - search of TV forums person is seen often posting in threads related to Thai government bodies.

evidence - history of calling Thai government bodies racist with no supporting evidence. makes accusations of misconduct and incompetence with no supporting evidence. forms opinion with no research and then states it as fact.

points of proof required for conviction -:

person has made untrue statements about another person or organisation - proved

these untrue statements have caused damage to that other person or organisation - not proved , on the balance of probability most people would dispute his assumptions as being heretical and far fetched

result -: charge would be unlikely to be proved due to reputation of accused

TL;DR -: no point targeting white women when reports are black men did it. Things are not racist just because you want them to be

From the OP

"over 80 police officers were sent to hunt down and round up the darker-skinned people found around Sukhumvit sois 3 to 13, Petchaburi and Ratchaprarop roads."

Hunting people on the basis of their colour is racist.

Investigating crime is not.

Do try to see the difference.

As for definitions, I don't accept your definition because, no matter how much you bang on about one aspect of one UN policy, you're incorrect.


How can someone be clearly guilty of having black skin. I didn't know being a black person was a crime.

Sure it is, ask any white USA cop..! w00t.gif


How can someone be clearly guilty of having black skin. I didn't know being a black person was a crime.

Sure it is, ask any white USA cop..! w00t.gif

So being a white US policeman automatically means you are prejudice against black people? I am sure you are 100% wrong about all US police but I am also 100% sure that you are the prejudice person. Black people are some of the most prejudice people on the planet, but not all .....

I don't understand why they don't have much stricter immigration policies for Nigeria and Ghanaians. That would solve the issue rather rapidly. I hope that all of those rounded up are heavily fined and kicked out. We can do without their sort making Bangkok a worse place to live.

From my experience I would not put Nigerians and Ghanaians in the same bracket.


I can recall feeling the collar or two of coloured or black miscreats whatever you like who we caught when they were doing a blagging job or dealing.Always the same comment

'',It's because I'm a black man you nicked me''.

My reply was always, '' yes a crooked black man who was caught breaking the law, tough luck.

Never heard a Paddy or a Jock or the assorted Oriental and Europeans as well as a few ethnic minorities from the Americas too when we we nicked them start wailing away about their ethnic origin.

No matter what your ethnic origin may be if you're caught you're caught all because you were and are poor at your job not because of your ethnicity.


sheesh these replies are making me cringe. its almost like I didn't leave America reading these posts. I like how out of all of the posters in here talking from the sidelines, you all continue to ignore the few posts made from Blacks who deal with this BS all the time. Internet is just like society it seems.


They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!


They should get rid of the blacks, in this area, they are no good, sell drugs, use internet to try and rob people. If the cops go in an area, thats rife for drugs, and all the suspects are black, so be it.

That is why i love Thailand, not the nanny states who wouldnt dare do this raid, because of their colour. How many are ed visa and dont go to learn thai, how many overstay, how many are commiting other crimes to live.Do you actualy believe these are fine, upstanding citizens????

Grow up, and stop throwing the racist card again.

That's why you love Thailand UNTIL it's staring at YOU in the face. Imagine your on the same part of lower sukhumvit. This time across the street in soi 4. Police decide they've had enough of these sex tourist white farang buying hookers and deceiving women. So they round up every white person in soi 4, regardless of what nationality you are (because hey, you're white you could be ANYTHING). Take you to the station, drug test you, check your papers. You know how many fine, upstanding citizens you'd find in that lot??

So you grow up, and use your brain. Understand how completely stupid you sound


I really do not know what you people have for a problem with Nigerians.

I have a real good friend working for the Central Bank of Nigeria. Although

I never met him personally, he promised to send me 15.5 million dollars.

Well, I'm a very kind hearten person and have written him back with the plight

of those poor fellow country men of his and I'm sure, he will be more then

willing to help every single one of them if only they send him their bank details.

Oh Lucky Day! So happy I saw your posting. I too have been in communication via e mail with a very nice chap who is highly placed withing the Nigerian Central Bank.

It seems that his very rich grandfather left him $100 Million, but because of some technical legal difficulties, the money is tied up in probate ... and possibly for a very long time.

The good news is, (and I do not profess to be an expert on law, and especially Nigerian Law ...) that there is a loophole! You see, if certain paperwork and processes are completed, and the fees for each are paid ... the money can be freed up before 2016 !

My Nigerian friend has guaranteed for each $100,000 I send to his numbered account (it is all so hush hush ... almost afraid to talk about it !!) he will pay me back TENFOLD!

Gents, when my ship comes in later this year ... it is drinks on me and good times for all!

My question JoeLing, is if you are in the same amazing position, and how much you have sent? I had $100,000 here in BKK, and trying to sell my family home in California to get more and really cash in big time.

I am a bit concerned though ... out of the blue I got a letter from another chap in Nigeria who seemed to have very much the same issue. Is it normal for the transfer of wealth to become so complicated there?

I do hope they get the telephones fixed there soon, since it has been a long time since I got any news from the bank.

Happy to have a friend on Thai Visa who is also investing in this amazing opportunity.

Living in a cold water flat is getting old, and soup is not my favorite meal ... but soon ... Champagne Fountains by the pool at my Penthouse Condo on Soi Thong Lor !! See you there !! :-)


How can someone be clearly guilty of having black skin. I didn't know being a black person was a crime.

Sure it is, ask any white USA cop..! w00t.gif

Bakseeda, love the user name, the irony of it will be lost on many, nice one.


It's true that "black" is non-PC in the U.S. and England, but sensible people use it anyway.

That's not true at all.

The former is merely true; the latter overwhelmingly so.


Given that the world and his dog are well aware there are african dealers working in the area in question, what should the police have done? Arrested a few white people too just to redress the balance?

I as a black says who buys from these so call African Dealers If they sell I bet it to Whites and Asians not fellow Blacks they are to smart to use it here


Given that the world and his dog are well aware there are african dealers working in the area in question, what should the police have done? Arrested a few white people too just to redress the balance?

I as a black says who buys from these so call African Dealers If they sell I bet it to Whites and Asians not fellow Blacks they are to smart to use it here

And you know this how?


It's true that "black" is non-PC in the U.S. and England, but sensible people use it anyway.

That's not true at all.

The former is merely true; the latter overwhelmingly so.

Nonsense. Black is not 'non-PC' in either country.

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