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Thai Tourist Police crack down on 'the colored'

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detaining 72 clearly guilty of having black skin for drug tests.

'coloured' people? who writes this stuff? they are not a journalist that's for sure. who edited this piece? no professional editor would allow this to print.

why not? we are not in Europe or the U.S. and in Thai language a black gentleman (or lady, for that) is still called a NEGRO, like it or not (for Indians, Arabs etc. they have another set of fine descriptions)

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For some reason I have no problem with this. If they arrest someone because of their skin color that is a crime but if they are targeting an ethnic or race group based on a solid profile I have no problem with this

I do not believe in political correctness it gets people into trouble.

If it quakes like a duck , waddles like a duck and swims like a duck Guess what ? it must be a duck

Unless it doesn't, it doesn't, it doesn't and it isn't.


They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

because Africans are openly dealing drugs in that area.

No.place for PC bs, clean it up


No it's offensive. Except to wannabes that is.

It's really not, no matter how desperately you want it to be.

It can be used in an offensive context - but that doesn't make the word itself offensive.

Just like 'black', for example. "That black man over there" is fine. "Look at that black bastard" is not.


They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

A little walk in the neighborhood in question might answer some of your questions??

Do you also find it offensive that people dressed like jihadists are targeted by airport security??

I find your posts offensive, actually. Particularly one quoted just above. This is a visa forum, to remind you. That includes people of all nationalities and races. And your personal opinions about other races on a site of that purpose are in extremely poor taste.

No racism involved on my part!!

But in a way you are hitting the nail on the head.

Most of us long-stayers have to jump through the hoops of immigration in order to stay here legally.

So yes it irritates me that some people circumvent the system and are openly selling drugs, and getting away with it. In contrast to, if I am 5 baht short of my 800k needed for my yearly extension, I will be given 7 days to leave the country. No matter how many years here.

As for the expression the the OP "colored", maybe not PC

But sometimes you have to call a spade for a spade!!


No it's offensive. Except to wannabes that is.

It's really not, no matter how desperately you want it to be.

It can be used in an offensive context - but that doesn't make the word itself offensive.

Just like 'black', for example. "That black man over there" is fine. "Look at that black bastard" is not.

It really is no matter how desperately you don't want it to be.


Here I am trying to argue that Thais are not a racist people

you are a nice guy but you are totally wrong...


I've never seen so many racist comments made in one TVF thread as such as this one in my life. This thread should be blocked/closed.


Any removal of criminals is welcomed by this reader. As for the criteria the police use or the wording of the article, that is a debate best left for other groups and not me.


They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

Didn't take long for someone to use the race card.

They have every right to target the Africans. They hardly come here to open legit businesses.

I might add not all white skinned people come here to open legit businesses. Your comment makes you look racist.


I hope that all of you liberals will acknowledge the fact that 'profiling' is a legitimate and effective tactic for narrowing the field in the hunt for criminals. It is, despite the liberal outcry, nothing more than a description of those who have been seen committing a particular crime. Rounding up black people in an area of drug sales is no different than would be rounding up "sexy" women in an area know for prostitution; or rounding up "white skinned foreigners of about 6' tall and 180 - 200 pounds" when a man of such description was seen assaulting a woman; or being a bit more intense in checking body and baggage of Middle Eastern people in an airport, as someone referred to earlier. All of those things, and any other general description of a group of people by appearance and/or behavior, is 'profiling"; and it is a significant aid in identifying and apprehending criminals.

This becomes a problem ONLY when authorities are abusive in their treatment of people who cooperate during detention and questioning. A "good citizen" , who is innocent of any crime, should cooperate with authorities. In the great percentage of cases, respect will be met with respect, and the innocent person will simply lose a bit of time. And in those cases, a "good citizen" should recognize that the authorities are doing their best to protect him and others from being abused by criminals. This is true here. It is true in the USA. It is true all over the world.

"Profiling" is NOT a dirty word; nor is it racism; nor is it a bad practice for principled police. Fighting against it is providing support for those who wish to feed off of, or destroy society.

OK, liberals. Take your shots!

The 'shot' is that your post is utterly pathetic.

Well I am confident that despite patsfangr's articulate and intelligent post he/she is cowering in a corner somewhere mumbling gibberish because of your superior counter argument. I'm being sarcastic No Apologist, thought I better add that in case you couldn't work it out for yourself.


the poor BIB from Lumphini, I guess they got forced to shoot themselves in the foot or was this done by the municipal police? My guess is the latter as the Lumphini BIB have been letting these scumbags operate their drug and scam rings from this area for decades with impunity.

You will be hard pressed to see one of these drug peddling vermin on the East side of Asoke as Thonglor BIB won't tolerate them.

Round them up, kick them the hell out or throw them in jail here. Then do the same to the BIB that have been profiting from them all this time!!!

Did you actually read the headline and the OP? Both give a big clue as to which police carried this out.

Lumphini police won't like the Tourist Police coming onto their patch. The open drug dealing and pimping of African whores in that area is disgraceful. Maybe some reshuffling of police badly needed.


They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

Because it is those Africans that push drugs on lower Sukhumvit.


WOW!!! I'M SPEECHLESS!! In the US, blacks complain of there being an offence of "Drive while Black!!" I may have small doubta as to there being a problem with drug traffickers in certain areas of Thailand who are predominantly of a particular skin colour....but to target “colored people" suggests that the police (who themselves don't have all that pure a reputation in the minds of many) have been given explicit orders to arrest and detain persons for the "offence of breathing air while black" boggles the mind!! Here I am trying to argue that Thais are not a racist people (and I still don't believe that they truly are) and it is alleged that the police have been given, not only permission to be racist in their dealings with the public but orders to do so. If it was a provable fact that not only was it true that the ONLY criminals carrying out drug trafficking offences in those areas are "coloured people" but that people with "coloured skin" were the only inhabitants of the area, I could possibly have a slightly different outlook on things. By the way, the term "coloured"....what a STUPID adjective when applied to the skin of human beings!!!! Just because I am not BLACK doesn't mean that I am NON-COLOURED or WITHOUT COLOUR. I may be vanilla, coffee triple cream, or just coffee one cream...and then of course there are the "yellow" or "red" skinned people. My God, when are we going to stop with the bloody "COLOUREDS" , "WHITES", ''BLACKS, terminology! What juvenile minds are we still encouraging!! I am "coloured" for Gawd's sakes!!!! And I have children ranging in colour from coffee triple cream to coffee hold the cream!!! I'm not coloured black, yellow, red or brown (well, give me a fair turn of the spit, and you would be hard-pressed not to call me "brown"...at least in those areas generally permitted to be publicly exposed!!) So when will people grow up and stop with that stupid, ignorant and meaningless "COLOUREDS".reference which only exposes the user as an illiterate ignoramus!!!

I totally agree with your feelings about this. But as a point of fact, Thailand is actually rife with racism, and always has been. I love Thai people dearly, too, so I don't mean this to sound hateful.

But the truth is, Thais are judging each other (and themselves) constantly by (to us) subtle shades of difference. That's why all the models you see are almost pure white, and why 711 has whole racks of things that say 'whitening' on them. The lighter the skin, the more 'hi so' a person is. Many women routinely bleach their skin here.

And also, I've seen black people separated and targeted in cues just waiting at Sawanabhumi, routinely. Young attendents aggressive go only to black people and ask them point blank and without a trace of politeness, 'Why you come Thailand!', before they even reach the immigration desk. Thailand (and all of Asia) is a very racist place.


They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

Didn't take long for someone to use the race card.

They have every right to target the Africans. They hardly come here to open legit businesses.

I might add not all white skinned people come here to open legit businesses. Your comment makes you look racist.

I know I didn't.


I'm not passing that area as much as I used to and certainly no longer in the wee hours of the night, but till now and unlike some I've never ever been offered drugs. Should I feel discriminated against?

Same here.

I am not in that area often, but in all my years I have never so much as been offered drugs by anyone, let alone an African.

They seem to leave me alone.

The Indian tailors however...that's another story.


Excellent..........and about time too.

It's no secret what the Blacks here get up to re Drugs.

It's not Rascist it's simply a fact.

We all know what english people do in the same soi : they take drugs and go with prostitutes...it s not racism, it s fact...


Yes a sensible approach to cleaning up this activity even if it is unpopular with the politically correct. I travel extensively and selling drugs seems to be the occupation of choice for many Africans living abroad.

And you are how old?


They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

Didn't take long for someone to use the race card.

They have every right to target the Africans. They hardly come here to open legit businesses.

I might add not all white skinned people come here to open legit businesses. Your comment makes you look racist.

His comment was correct in the context of the OP. Had the police arrested white, brown, yellow or mixed race people then he may have commented accordingly.

Fact - black people commit a lot of street crimes in many countries. Fact many drug dealers and pimps in that area are of African origin - as anyone walking through can see.


If for example 90% of people from say Nigeria coming to Thailand were criminals, I would simply ban all citizens of Nigeria from entering Thailand, as that is much more efficient that trying to catch them all once they are here.

Yes, that might be a problem and unfair for the legal 10%, but it is first and foremost Thailands duty to protect the rights and interests of Thailand and Thais, not the rights and interests of Nigeria or Nigerians.


I hope that all of you liberals will acknowledge the fact that 'profiling' is a legitimate and effective tactic for narrowing the field in the hunt for criminals. It is, despite the liberal outcry, nothing more than a description of those who have been seen committing a particular crime. Rounding up black people in an area of drug sales is no different than would be rounding up "sexy" women in an area know for prostitution; or rounding up "white skinned foreigners of about 6' tall and 180 - 200 pounds" when a man of such description was seen assaulting a woman; or being a bit more intense in checking body and baggage of Middle Eastern people in an airport, as someone referred to earlier. All of those things, and any other general description of a group of people by appearance and/or behavior, is 'profiling"; and it is a significant aid in identifying and apprehending criminals.

This becomes a problem ONLY when authorities are abusive in their treatment of people who cooperate during detention and questioning. A "good citizen" , who is innocent of any crime, should cooperate with authorities. In the great percentage of cases, respect will be met with respect, and the innocent person will simply lose a bit of time. And in those cases, a "good citizen" should recognize that the authorities are doing their best to protect him and others from being abused by criminals. This is true here. It is true in the USA. It is true all over the world.

"Profiling" is NOT a dirty word; nor is it racism; nor is it a bad practice for principled police. Fighting against it is providing support for those who wish to feed off of, or destroy society.

OK, liberals. Take your shots!

Absolutely agree with you patsfangr.

If, for instance, an Eastern European gang were creating havoc by card scamming and the BIB profiled and acted against Eastern European men in a swoop would you all get so upset about profiling?

Police forces across the world tend to be under-funded. When you try to reduce crime you employ 'best bang for your buck' methods and hence profiling. Can't see anything wrong with that logic whatsoever.


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They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

If they are the people they get the most complaints about why shouldnt they check them? I guess you are another PC recruit


This article is about color and race but most of all this is about the selling of drugs in the open street. I am sure complaints and observations were made that the majority of the drug dealings were being made by those of African heritage. Simple detecting and detainment. They are still human scum (setting skin color aside) peddling poison to other humans (white, black, yellow, female, male and female/male) . I hope a follow up story is in order in the future to see how many of these innocent humans are really innocent and not guilty of drug dealing, use of drugs or in the country illegally.

Now, how do you think these "scum" do business... just in case you have trouble working this out, I'll tell you, the bloody cops/authorities allow it, they could not trade if there was a dedicated policing of the area.


They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

Didn't take long for someone to use the race card.

They have every right to target the Africans. They hardly come here to open legit businesses.

I might add not all white skinned people come here to open legit businesses. Your comment makes you look racist.

His comment was correct in the context of the OP. Had the police arrested white, brown, yellow or mixed race people then he may have commented accordingly.

Fact - black people commit a lot of street crimes in many countries. Fact many drug dealers and pimps in that area are of African origin - as anyone walking through can see.

Fact - black people commit a lot of street crimes because they grow up being routinely discriminated against and accused of being criminals starting so early in life, that after a while they hate people who say things like you do. And I don't blame them for it after seeing enough of it.


Racial profiling is all good and nice unless your the one they are profiling and innocent. Remember the outcry when the cops of Thonglor were constantly profiling whites for drug testing and let the Thais go.. then the forum had page after page of comments.

Now its all good, sure there are a lot of Nigerian drug dealers.. but they only went after black people, could have been black Americans too or whatever. They did not check if someone was suspicious.. it was just their skin. That is wrong in my eyes. Should not be to hard to just catch the real culprits... Everyone always sees them dealing ( i haven't but I dont go there often). If so easy.. why not catch them in the act. Sounds to me that the police opted for the easy way.

Just wait till its our turn to get profiled.. wonder how many here would cheer then.


I hope that all of you liberals will acknowledge the fact that 'profiling' is a legitimate and effective tactic for narrowing the field in the hunt for criminals. It is, despite the liberal outcry, nothing more than a description of those who have been seen committing a particular crime. Rounding up black people in an area of drug sales is no different than would be rounding up "sexy" women in an area know for prostitution; or rounding up "white skinned foreigners of about 6' tall and 180 - 200 pounds" when a man of such description was seen assaulting a woman; or being a bit more intense in checking body and baggage of Middle Eastern people in an airport, as someone referred to earlier. All of those things, and any other general description of a group of people by appearance and/or behavior, is 'profiling"; and it is a significant aid in identifying and apprehending criminals.

This becomes a problem ONLY when authorities are abusive in their treatment of people who cooperate during detention and questioning. A "good citizen" , who is innocent of any crime, should cooperate with authorities. In the great percentage of cases, respect will be met with respect, and the innocent person will simply lose a bit of time. And in those cases, a "good citizen" should recognize that the authorities are doing their best to protect him and others from being abused by criminals. This is true here. It is true in the USA. It is true all over the world.

"Profiling" is NOT a dirty word; nor is it racism; nor is it a bad practice for principled police. Fighting against it is providing support for those who wish to feed off of, or destroy society.

OK, liberals. Take your shots!

The 'shot' is that your post is utterly pathetic.

"Rounding up black people in an area of drug sales is no different than would be rounding up sexy women in an area know for prostitution".

Absolutely. Both will be equally repugnant not only to "liberals", but to anyone other than a racist and sexist bigot with masochistic tendencies. You need help.


I hope that all of you liberals will acknowledge the fact that 'profiling' is a legitimate and effective tactic for narrowing the field in the hunt for criminals. It is, despite the liberal outcry, nothing more than a description of those who have been seen committing a particular crime. Rounding up black people in an area of drug sales is no different than would be rounding up "sexy" women in an area know for prostitution; or rounding up "white skinned foreigners of about 6' tall and 180 - 200 pounds" when a man of such description was seen assaulting a woman; or being a bit more intense in checking body and baggage of Middle Eastern people in an airport, as someone referred to earlier. All of those things, and any other general description of a group of people by appearance and/or behavior, is 'profiling"; and it is a significant aid in identifying and apprehending criminals.

This becomes a problem ONLY when authorities are abusive in their treatment of people who cooperate during detention and questioning. A "good citizen" , who is innocent of any crime, should cooperate with authorities. In the great percentage of cases, respect will be met with respect, and the innocent person will simply lose a bit of time. And in those cases, a "good citizen" should recognize that the authorities are doing their best to protect him and others from being abused by criminals. This is true here. It is true in the USA. It is true all over the world.

"Profiling" is NOT a dirty word; nor is it racism; nor is it a bad practice for principled police. Fighting against it is providing support for those who wish to feed off of, or destroy society.

OK, liberals. Take your shots!

Absolutely agree with you patsfangr.

If, for instance, an Eastern European gang were creating havoc by card scamming and the BIB profiled and acted against Eastern European men in a swoop would you all get so upset about profiling?

Police forces across the world tend to be under-funded. When you try to reduce crime you employ 'best bang for your buck' methods and hence profiling. Can't see anything wrong with that logic whatsoever.

How about if a certain well know nationality known for liking alcohol is singled out for testing (if driving car bike ect) (white skins) while all others are let go. I bet there will be an outcry. Just go after the guilty not because he has a certain color or nationality.


I didn't know that in this are it is tolerated to dealing with drugs. Interesting. On the flip side people get jailed when they smoke a joint at the beach. So, who protects these colored guys? Who do they bribe to do their business? Something smells bad here. But, not really a surprise. TiT.


They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

Didn't take long for someone to use the race card.

They have every right to target the Africans. They hardly come here to open legit businesses.

I might add not all white skinned people come here to open legit businesses. Your comment makes you look racist.

His comment was correct in the context of the OP. Had the police arrested white, brown, yellow or mixed race people then he may have commented accordingly.

Fact - black people commit a lot of street crimes in many countries. Fact many drug dealers and pimps in that area are of African origin - as anyone walking through can see.

OK, so now you show your racist side, here is something to think about, would you label all Italians as gangsters, after all, all mafia are white, from Italian origins, and from well defined areas. It would have been better not to have mentioned the colour of anyone's skin, or race, all they had to do is target a known drug dealing area. Like I have mentioned in another post. These people can only ply their trade if allowed to do so by the cops, and/or authorities.

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