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Female genital mutilation in southern thailand


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The mutilation of a defenseless child is a CRIME !

nothing wrong if someone want to do it with 18. For babies as you say.....

If someone would cut of the small toe of a baby because god told so, they would put him/her into the psychiatry.....But it is nothing different....you don't need it and it often makes problems with the nails......

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I have had 5 diferent gf who have Had genital mutalation.None of them had wanted it ,all of them wish it had never been done and all said they would not let any of there own children have it . they all had it done to them when they were between 6 and 8 years old 3 were Somali one was kenia and one from Seria leone, Those that knew said it was done by a woman with an old razor blade.some had no glitteris at all, and had no sexual feelings when making love,What a shame for these poor ladies.

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never heard that it exists in Thailand. If yes it would be very shocking for me.

This loonies do many things we don't know about. The cutting is so the female does not get stimulated and is just a slave of the inferior males.

Edited by BlueSkyCowboy
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What became of honest and trust? Why do muslim men feel so uncomfortable about a woman's desire. Could it be that the men have no self confidence, in the woman they married? Or is it Muslim men have no respect for a

woman's chastity before marriage?

Why is it always one sided when it comes to a woman's fidelity? I find more men chasing after girls, then girls chasing after men. Most woman that do, are looking for security, where as the males are looking for fun and conquest! They are so unconfident about themselves, that they make their woman cover their faces and hide their bodies from other men.

Do they feel that strongly, woman can't control their sexuality and will jump in bed at a moments notice? I've heard that Muslim men have sex with their wives just to produce a child. After mutilation of the female genital, there is no recreational pleasure. I don't know if its true, males traditionally prefer the struggle with sheep, goats and donkeys, as a male thing.

Edited by Daniel Ingalls
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Christians do it because Jesus was circumcised himself ........

Circumcision is completeley different. It has to do with ignorance and hygiene.

apologies as i was speaking on a religious perspective and what u say its also acceptable because bottomline is hygiene
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Nothing weird about it just shaping a women to a decent modest outlook in life SIMPLE!

You are so wrong, wrong, wrong. Immediate consequences of FGM include severe pain and bleeding, shock, difficulty in passing urine, infections, injury to nearby genital tissue and sometimes death.

The procedure can result in death through severe bleeding leading to haemorrhagic shock, neurogenic shock as a result of pain and trauma, and overwhelming infection and septicaemia. In addition to the severe pain during and in the weeks following the cutting, women who have undergone FGM experience various long-term effects - physical, sexual and psychological.

So there is nothing weird, your opinion is that this is just shaping a women to have a decent modest outlook in life. SIMPLE, sure explains your attitude. Please give me a break. You would have to be a male, no woman would wish this on another. And no, I am not female just a male who would not inflict such torture on a woman.

Although it is practiced by the Muslim community back in Australia, it is totally illegal and many people have been and are currently before the courts for carrying out such a barbaric act. It should also be noted that many of these mutilations are carried out by persons with absolutely no medical background whatsoever.

Edited by Si Thea01
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never heard that it exists in Thailand. If yes it would be very shocking for me.

This loonies do many things we don't know about. The cutting is so the female does not get stimulated and is just a slave of the inferior males.

Ill informed rubbish

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prevention, prevention, why not cut off your toes, in prevention of toe cancer

religion is the root cause of many many evil

always people around to interpret how it is benefiting them

Because if get an infection in your toes it may not lead to you be unable to get pregnant

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Nothing weird about it just shaping a women to a decent modest outlook in life SIMPLE!

You are so wrong, wrong, wrong. Immediate consequences of FGM include severe pain and bleeding, shock, difficulty in passing urine, infections, injury to nearby genital tissue and sometimes death.

The procedure can result in death through severe bleeding leading to haemorrhagic shock, neurogenic shock as a result of pain and trauma, and overwhelming infection and septicaemia. In addition to the severe pain during and in the weeks following the cutting, women who have undergone FGM experience various long-term effects - physical, sexual and psychological.

So there is nothing weird, your opinion is that this is just shaping a women to have a decent modest outlook in life. SIMPLE, sure explains your attitude. Please give me a break. You would have to be a male, no woman would wish this on another. And no, I am not female just a male who would not inflict such torture on a woman.

Although it is practiced by the Muslim community back in Australia, it is totally illegal and many people have been and are currently before the courts for carrying out such a barbaric act. It should also be noted that many of these mutilations are carried out by persons with absolutely no medical background whatsoever.

Wow, talk about overstating the effects of a 3mm cut.

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Ban male genital mutilation (circumcision) globally when there is no medical issue and the person has not given consent (as a young child could not) while we're at it.

Why can't people just let others be as they naturally should, without cutting the best parts of their bodies.

Stick with the topic, has nothing to do with males, it is about FGM. But seeing you digressed so will I. Please do some research before you post and you will find that male circumcision is nearly always done under medical supervision; does not have the complications that this barbaric custom does on women and is a undesirable trait that goes back to medieval times which is forced on woman by men. One thing I liked to know is how you define male circumcision as mutilation, when only excess skin is removed. Do a Google search and compare the two.

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According to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali woman Moslem apostate, now atheist, in the shadow of a fatwa and now living in the US, there are far more FGM's performed on Christian girls in Ethiopia than on Moslem women in African countries. She also calls for the world to leave the criticism of Moslem FGM and allow their women to manage the issue as they seem to be doing.

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Nothing weird about it just shaping a women to a decent modest outlook in life SIMPLE!

You are so wrong, wrong, wrong. Immediate consequences of FGM include severe pain and bleeding, shock, difficulty in passing urine, infections, injury to nearby genital tissue and sometimes death.

The procedure can result in death through severe bleeding leading to haemorrhagic shock, neurogenic shock as a result of pain and trauma, and overwhelming infection and septicaemia. In addition to the severe pain during and in the weeks following the cutting, women who have undergone FGM experience various long-term effects - physical, sexual and psychological.

So there is nothing weird, your opinion is that this is just shaping a women to have a decent modest outlook in life. SIMPLE, sure explains your attitude. Please give me a break. You would have to be a male, no woman would wish this on another. And no, I am not female just a male who would not inflict such torture on a woman.

Although it is practiced by the Muslim community back in Australia, it is totally illegal and many people have been and are currently before the courts for carrying out such a barbaric act. It should also be noted that many of these mutilations are carried out by persons with absolutely no medical background whatsoever.

Wow, talk about overstating the effects of a 3mm cut.

Don't prove to the world your ignorance. Dr Quack is it? So you obviously know more then many learned doctors who've had to treat many women who have been seriously mutilated. Do some research before you post rubbish.

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Ban male genital mutilation (circumcision) globally when there is no medical issue and the person has not given consent (as a young child could not) while we're at it.

Why can't people just let others be as they naturally should, without cutting the best parts of their bodies.

Stick with the topic, has nothing to do with males, it is about FGM. But seeing you digressed so will I. Please do some research before you post and you will find that male circumcision is nearly always done under medical supervision; does not have the complications that this barbaric custom does on women and is a undesirable trait that goes back to medieval times which is forced on woman by men. One thing I liked to know is how you define male circumcision as mutilation, when only excess skin is removed. Do a Google search and compare the two.

no it is usually forced on women by women, as crazy as it sounds....

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Nothing weird about it just shaping a women to a decent modest outlook in life SIMPLE!

You are joking of course. If not perhaps you should receive a lobotomy to allow you to live a full and sensible life. Simple!coffee1.gif

from the postings it seems it has be done already.

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Ban male genital mutilation (circumcision) globally when there is no medical issue and the person has not given consent (as a young child could not) while we're at it.

Why can't people just let others be as they naturally should, without cutting the best parts of their bodies.

Stick with the topic, has nothing to do with males, it is about FGM. But seeing you digressed so will I. Please do some research before you post and you will find that male circumcision is nearly always done under medical supervision; does not have the complications that this barbaric custom does on women and is a undesirable trait that goes back to medieval times which is forced on woman by men. One thing I liked to know is how you define male circumcision as mutilation, when only excess skin is removed. Do a Google search and compare the two.

Yes my gf had it done. It is a 3mm nick on the skin that covers the clitoris. It is not a hatchet job.

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According to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali woman Moslem apostate, now atheist, in the shadow of a fatwa and now living in the US, there are far more FGM's performed on Christian girls in Ethiopia than on Moslem women in African countries. She also calls for the world to leave the criticism of Moslem FGM and allow their women to manage the issue as they seem to be doing.

If Christians also do it or do it more than Muslims doesn't make it any better. That isn't a argument at all.

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My girlfriend had it done as a child. Yes She is Muslim. It isnt a butcher hatchet job, it is a slight nick of about 3mm on the clitoris. She still enjoys sex so no problem. She wouldnt know any different anyway, doesnt concern her, or me smile.png

Edit: she is Malay.

So she has had her Clitoros cut off which is what FGM is and you think she enjoys sex ?? Well I think she would enjoy it a lot more if she had her Clit

Nothing more than a BARBARIC practice which is done by insecure idiots to make her NOT HAVE ANY SEXUAL FEELINGS AND DESIRES

If you educate yourself on this practice you will also see there are many variations of this practice some as the OP says just CUTS OF THE CLIT other cut that as well as all the lips and labia then THEY ARE SEWN UP until they are married

Anyone that defend this practice is just as much an animal as the religion that does this

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Female Genital Mutilation is just that, Mutilation. It is an act of Brutal Barbarity and should be treated as such. Criminalize the act and jail the practitioners. Now, I know someone will bring up the subject of Male Circumcision as being the same thing. Totally different topic as far as I'm concerned because it's comparing apples and oranges. So save your rebuttals for another day. Any Religion that allows Brutality and Barbaric acts to take place needs to be annihilated. And I mean any Religion. More people have been killed in the name of the God's than any other reason for Warfare. It's far better to believe in one's self than to believe in ancient Hocus-Pocus. IMHO. thumbsup.gif

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I believe that in Thailand/Malaysia what is usually done is literally circumcision i.e. removing the foreskin of the clitoris. Completely unnecessary but unlike more drastic procedures does not impeded sexual function.

ABSOLUTE RUBBISH before you post complete drivel and mistruths DO A BIT OF RESEARCH I would post some pictures but they would be too graphic but your comment is coming from someone that has not got a clue and does not know what they are talking about.

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My girlfriend had it done as a child. Yes She is Muslim. It isnt a butcher hatchet job, it is a slight nick of about 3mm on the clitoris. She still enjoys sex so no problem. She wouldnt know any different anyway, doesnt concern her, or me smile.png

Edit: she is Malay.

So she has had her Clitoros cut off which is what FGM is and you think she enjoys sex ?? Well I think she would enjoy it a lot more if she had her Clit

Nothing more than a BARBARIC practice which is done by insecure idiots to make her NOT HAVE ANY SEXUAL FEELINGS AND DESIRES

If you educate yourself on this practice you will also see there are many variations of this practice some as the OP says just CUTS OF THE CLIT other cut that as well as all the lips and labia then THEY ARE SEWN UP until they are married

Anyone that defend this practice is just as much an animal as the religion that does this

Oh my God, can u read?

FGM is not only having the clitoris removed. My gf did not have her clitoris removed. She had a 3mm nick on the skin that covers the clit, all it does is expose it a bit.

For some reason they consider that as FGM. Much the same way a male circumcision is considered mutilation by some.

And no, it wasnt sewn back up, shes never been married.

So yes she still enjoys sex and has orgasms the same as any guy does that has been circumsized.

Edit: the religion that does this? You mean Christians as they do it the most.

Edited by Linky
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There are reports in the Sunnah which indicate that circumcision for women is prescribed in Islam. In Madeenah there was a woman who circumcised women and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to her: “Do not go to the extreme in cutting; that is better for the woman and more liked by the husband.” Narrated by Abu Dawood (5271), classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.

Female circumcision has not been prescribed for no reason, rather there is wisdom behind it and it brings many benefits.

Mentioning some of these benefits, Dr. Haamid al-Ghawaabi says:

The secretions of the labia minora accumulate in uncircumcised women and turn rancid, so they develop an unpleasant odour which may lead to infections of the vagina or urethra. I have seen many cases of sickness caused by the lack of circumcision.

Circumcision reduces excessive sensitivity of the clitoris which may cause it to increase in size to 3 centimeters when aroused, which is very annoying to the husband, especially at the time of intercourse.

Another benefit of circumcision is that it prevents stimulation of the clitoris which makes it grow large in such a manner that it causes pain.

Circumcision prevents spasms of the clitoris which are a kind of inflammation.

Circumcision reduces excessive sexual desire.

Preferable that you would stop posting.

You are sounding more and more like the moron from Saudi Arabia who was seriously explaining on video why muslim women in his country should not be allowed to drive cars.....

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Ban male genital mutilation (circumcision) globally when there is no medical issue and the person has not given consent (as a young child could not) while we're at it.

Why can't people just let others be as they naturally should, without cutting the best parts of their bodies.

Stick with the topic, has nothing to do with males, it is about FGM. But seeing you digressed so will I. Please do some research before you post and you will find that male circumcision is nearly always done under medical supervision; does not have the complications that this barbaric custom does on women and is a undesirable trait that goes back to medieval times which is forced on woman by men. One thing I liked to know is how you define male circumcision as mutilation, when only excess skin is removed. Do a Google search and compare the two.

no it is usually forced on women by women, as crazy as it sounds....

Do you have a link to any report that sustains what you have alleged?

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