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Female genital mutilation in southern thailand


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My opinion may not be shared by anyone, but here it is.

FGM is, as the name suggests, a form of mutilation. I believe it compares in ways to other mutilation, such as foot binding, neck stretching, plates inserted into lips etc. Reasons why these are done are religious and cultural / traditional.

These mutilations are barbaric to most westerners and do not fit into our world view.

I believe however we should not involve ourself. It is not our culture, believe system or religion. Getting involved and criticise those who practice any such mutilations will be perceived as interference from outsiders.

Do I think these acts are cruel? Certainly I do. But I also believe I have no right to judge other's ways, believes and cultures. I can tell them I think it is barbaric, but I don't take myself the right to ask them to stop.

Minor mutilations are tattoos, piercings etc. Depends where your threshold is.

Think many centuries back, we had human sacrifices, witch hunts, canibalism etc. All very gross and in the name of religion. But changes have to come from within the system of believes, not outsiders.

Let's make the world a better place, but keep in mind we share this place with many others who may have different values. We are actually the minority.

Again, this is my opinion.

And to stick with the Topic, from what I hear FGM is common amongst Thai Muslims. As the south has significant Muslim population it is common there.

From what my Muslim friends tell me it is however declining, at least further north, not sure about declining in the south.

cannot argue with anything u said. Perfectly logical. Makes me laugh when some try to make it sound that it's a good thing distancing the act from what it truly is. Barbaric.
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According to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali woman Moslem apostate, now atheist, in the shadow of a fatwa and now living in the US, there are far more FGM's performed on Christian girls in Ethiopia than on Moslem women in African countries. She also calls for the world to leave the criticism of Moslem FGM and allow their women to manage the issue as they seem to be doing.

If Christians also do it or do it more than Muslims doesn't make it any better. That isn't a argument at all.

Yes I agree it is not a defense argument. The original implication was that the issue is a Moslem issue and many follow ons were related to this.

GM isn't defensible but it is widespread and potentially harms many. Hirsi Ali's research suggests that FGM is diminishing and being reviewed by many women in the communities that practice this procedure. Her argument is that it is likely to be a better outcome than imposed prohibition of the procedure, which would be unable to be monitored.

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Isolated situations aside Islam condones it and Christianity/west condemns it. As mentioned earlier this is one of many barbaric and inhuman acts that are being carried out by them and what's worse they have every intention to impose their will upon us. Big mistake for letting them in our lives. Need to put a stop to it.

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Thank you for that but reading, as you suggested, I found a number or articles in which was stated, after research, that most but not all FGM, was carried out by women. I suggest you read a little more, and you will find, as I did, articles which indicate that men, in certain African communities, who have assumed the role of health worker, also carry out FGM.

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Isolated situations aside Islam condones it and Christianity/west condemns it. As mentioned earlier this is one of many barbaric and inhuman acts that are being carried out by them and what's worse they have every intention to impose their will upon us. Big mistake for letting them in our lives. Need to put a stop to it.

More rubbish. Islam does NOT condone it, it is NOT in the Koran.

It is practiced more by Christians in Africa.

Learn some facts.


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Circumcision is completeley different. It has to do with ignorance and hygiene.

apologies as i was speaking on a religious perspective and what u say its also acceptable because bottomline is hygiene

I hope nobody is implying that not circumcised men are unhygienic.

Depends if you like the cheese ?

I'm (thankfully) not circumcised and have never come across any of this stuff that circumcised men seem to focus on when they talk about it. blink.png

I do though, enjoy all the sensations from the most sensitive part of my body. If it had been cut off without my consent and I'd been forever robbed of them, I think I would be filing human rights charges. :D

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Isolated situations aside Islam condones it and Christianity/west condemns it. As mentioned earlier this is one of many barbaric and inhuman acts that are being carried out by them and what's worse they have every intention to impose their will upon us. Big mistake for letting them in our lives. Need to put a stop to it.

More rubbish. Islam does NOT condone it, it is NOT in the Koran.

It is practiced more by Christians in Africa.

Learn some facts.


you can fool those who have not read the Quran. I have read it. Comparing to other things it orders the followers to do fgm is rather laim. The miracle bestowed on the prophet when the book just appeared from the heavens. Oh please.
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Circumcision is completeley different. It has to do with ignorance and hygiene.

apologies as i was speaking on a religious perspective and what u say its also acceptable because bottomline is hygiene

I hope nobody is implying that not circumcised men are unhygienic.

Depends if you like the cheese ?

I'm (thankfully) not circumcised and have never come across any of this stuff that circumcised men seem to focus on when they talk about it. blink.png

I do though, enjoy all the sensations from the most sensitive part of my body. If it had been cut off without my consent and I'd been forever robbed of them, I think I would be filing human rights charges. :D

According to one poster you should not share that personal information and you owe yourself an apology ?

I too am not circumsized. If i had it done as a child i doubt i would know any difference as i would have only experience with the skin.

But to you point, i dont agree any circumcision should be done unless a doctor (real one) considers it necessary on immediate health issues.

When an adult then do to your body what you want.

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Isolated situations aside Islam condones it and Christianity/west condemns it. As mentioned earlier this is one of many barbaric and inhuman acts that are being carried out by them and what's worse they have every intention to impose their will upon us. Big mistake for letting them in our lives. Need to put a stop to it.

More rubbish. Islam does NOT condone it, it is NOT in the Koran.

It is practiced more by Christians in Africa.

Learn some facts.


you can fool those who have not read the Quran. I have read it. Comparing to other things it orders the followers to do fgm is rather laim. The miracle bestowed on the prophet when the book just appeared from the heavens. Oh please.

You may have read it but you have obviously never studied it.

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Wow, talk about overstating the effects of a 3mm cut.

Ahh Yes a 3mm Cut WHAT BS

There are different ways for FGM the one you are talking about is removal of the Clitoris there are 2 others practised also where they remove everything lips clit the LOT and its more like 3 inches of removal THEN SEW HER UP LEAVING A LITTLE HOLE for peeing



Ok so you dont believe it, i do get a close look at it quite often. No you are not getting a pic. Your comments are quite odd.

I posted a link with Pictures what you are saying is your wife has had the #1 procedure done where just the Clitoris is removed (to say that it is not removed is a LIE its removed PERIOD)

So as you can see from the examples your girl has had the frist one done which is the least removed the other 2 examples are of more removed NOW if Sheryl is so well researched and respected have her EXPLAIN those examples and show me where the skin on the clit was removed like a mans foreskin

COMPLETE RUBBISH and the religion I was reffering to was ISLAM of course

Hope this helps with the bickering that appears to be going full bore.


Female genital mutilation is classified into four major types.

  • Clitoridectomy: partial or total removal of the clitoris (a small, sensitive and erectile part of the female genitals) and, in very rare cases, only the prepuce (the fold of skin surrounding the clitoris).
  • Excision: partial or total removal of the clitoris and the labia minora, with or without excision of the labia majora (the labia are "the lips" that surround the vagina).
  • Infibulation: narrowing of the vaginal opening through the creation of a covering seal. The seal is formed by cutting and repositioning the inner, or outer, labia, with or without removal of the clitoris.
  • Other: all other harmful procedures to the female genitalia for non-medical purposes, e.g. pricking, piercing, incising, scraping and cauterizing the genital area.
Edited by Si Thea01
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I posted a link with Pictures what you are saying is your wife has had the #1 procedure done where just the Clitoris is removed (to say that it is not removed is a LIE its removed PERIOD)

So as you can see from the examples your girl has had the frist one done which is the least removed the other 2 examples are of more removed NOW if Sheryl is so well researched and respected have her EXPLAIN those examples and show me where the skin on the clit was removed like a mans foreskin

COMPLETE RUBBISH and the religion I was reffering to was ISLAM of course

Again learn to read. I do not have a wife. I have a girlfriend.

There is a 4th way, the covering of the clit is nicked to expose it. That is it. Google is your friend. You will learn.

You are just so blinded in your hatred of islam. Most fgm is done in africa, by christians.

I am against it wherever it is done and by anyone who does it or defends the BARBARIC practice

I never said i supported it.

All i did was tell you of a personal experience that what you where saying was not correct. The 4th way is merely the small cut of the skin covering the clit.

Your eyes then rolled back and you came in saying it was BS and that my 'wife' had her clit removed. That is false.

You owe an apology.

Yes, to your g/f, from you, for telling the world about something that is personal and should remain between you and her. Just a little too much information, I don't think many of us want to know or need to know such personal details. I know you remain anonymous to many but someone may know you, so what happens at home should remain at home.

you owe an apology to your wife and to decent human beings
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Wow, talk about overstating the effects of a 3mm cut.
Ahh Yes a 3mm Cut WHAT BS There are different ways for FGM the one you are talking about is removal of the Clitoris there are 2 others practised also where they remove everything lips clit the LOT and its more like 3 inches of removal THEN SEW HER UP LEAVING A LITTLE HOLE for peeing http://www.kidsnewtocanada.ca/images/fgm-2.jpg DEFEND THAT linky
Ok so you dont believe it, i do get a close look at it quite often. No you are not getting a pic. Your comments are quite odd.
I posted a link with Pictures what you are saying is your wife has had the #1 procedure done where just the Clitoris is removed (to say that it is not removed is a LIE its removed PERIOD) So as you can see from the examples your girl has had the frist one done which is the least removed the other 2 examples are of more removed NOW if Sheryl is so well researched and respected have her EXPLAIN those examples and show me where the skin on the clit was removed like a mans foreskin COMPLETE RUBBISH and the religion I was reffering to was ISLAM of course
Hope this helps with the bickering that appears to be going full bore. Procedures. Female genital mutilation is classified into four major types.
  • Clitoridectomy: partial or total removal of the clitoris (a small, sensitive and erectile part of the female genitals) and, in very rare cases, only the prepuce (the fold of skin surrounding the clitoris).
  • Excision: partial or total removal of the clitoris and the labia minora, with or without excision of the labia majora (the labia are "the lips" that surround the vagina).
  • Infibulation: narrowing of the vaginal opening through the creation of a covering seal. The seal is formed by cutting and repositioning the inner, or outer, labia, with or without removal of the clitoris.
  • Other: all other harmful procedures to the female genitalia for non-medical purposes, e.g. pricking, piercing, incising, scraping and cauterizing the genital area.

In relation to this actual thread. It is number 1 that is generally practiced in Thailand. So may be 'rare in overall statistics but common in Thailand. It is the fold of the skin that is cut, not the clitoris.

In Africa, the mainly Christian FGM is more severe.

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My opinion may not be shared by anyone, but here it is.

FGM is, as the name suggests, a form of mutilation. I believe it compares in ways to other mutilation, such as foot binding, neck stretching, plates inserted into lips etc. Reasons why these are done are religious and cultural / traditional.

These mutilations are barbaric to most westerners and do not fit into our world view.

I believe however we should not involve ourself. It is not our culture, believe system or religion. Getting involved and criticise those who practice any such mutilations will be perceived as interference from outsiders.

Do I think these acts are cruel? Certainly I do. But I also believe I have no right to judge other's ways, believes and cultures. I can tell them I think it is barbaric, but I don't take myself the right to ask them to stop.

Minor mutilations are tattoos, piercings etc. Depends where your threshold is.

Think many centuries back, we had human sacrifices, witch hunts, canibalism etc. All very gross and in the name of religion. But changes have to come from within the system of believes, not outsiders.

Let's make the world a better place, but keep in mind we share this place with many others who may have different values. We are actually the minority.

Again, this is my opinion.

And to stick with the Topic, from what I hear FGM is common amongst Thai Muslims. As the south has significant Muslim population it is common there.

From what my Muslim friends tell me it is however declining, at least further north, not sure about declining in the south.

My wife, with whom I have lived for 18 years, is a Thai Muslim from Pattaya, with many extended family connections to other Thai Muslim communities thoughout Thailand, but not the deep South. I have asked her about FGM within the Thai Muslim community and she states she has never heard anyone taking about or has been subjected to FGM.

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Ban male genital mutilation (circumcision) globally when there is no medical issue and the person has not given consent (as a young child could not) while we're at it.

Why can't people just let others be as they naturally should, without cutting the best parts of their bodies.

Would that also include the hair, nails, umbilical cord?

Stupid troll.

A typical response from the ignorant. People have pierced, tattooed, bound, circumcised and otherwise modified their bodies all throughout history. Why can't they just leave them alone you ask? Most likely because they made a conscious decision not to leave them alone. Perconally, I would not modify my body, but others do.

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Ban male genital mutilation (circumcision) globally when there is no medical issue and the person has not given consent (as a young child could not) while we're at it.

Why can't people just let others be as they naturally should, without cutting the best parts of their bodies.

Would that also include the hair, nails, umbilical cord?

Stupid troll.

A typical response from the ignorant. People have pierced, tattooed, bound, circumcised and otherwise modified their bodies all throughout history. Why can't they just leave them alone you ask? Most likely because they made a conscious decision not to leave them alone. Perconally, I would not modify my body, but others do.

On babies?

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Ban male genital mutilation (circumcision) globally when there is no medical issue and the person has not given consent (as a young child could not) while we're at it.

Why can't people just let others be as they naturally should, without cutting the best parts of their bodies.

Would that also include the hair, nails, umbilical cord?

Stupid troll.

A typical response from the ignorant. People have pierced, tattooed, bound, circumcised and otherwise modified their bodies all throughout history. Why can't they just leave them alone you ask? Most likely because they made a conscious decision not to leave them alone. Perconally, I would not modify my body, but others do.

You do understand that they're not doing it to their body, but (surgically removing the most sensitive part, and best part, I may add of ) other people's body without their consent.


Edited by Happy Grumpy
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Ban male genital mutilation (circumcision) globally when there is no medical issue and the person has not given consent (as a young child could not) while we're at it.

Why can't people just let others be as they naturally should, without cutting the best parts of their bodies.

Stick with the topic, has nothing to do with males, it is about FGM. But seeing you digressed so will I. Please do some research before you post and you will find that male circumcision is nearly always done under medical supervision; does not have the complications that this barbaric custom does on women and is a undesirable trait that goes back to medieval times which is forced on woman by men. One thing I liked to know is how you define male circumcision as mutilation, when only excess skin is removed.

Excess skin? cheesy.gif

Thanks for the laugh.

It is the most sensitive part of a man's body. The only other place where those receptors are are in the finger tips. And yes, cutting off part of a person's body is mutilation (perhaps you don't understand the word and may be educated if you look it up in a dictionary).

Cutting off the best and most enjoyable part of their body, that has negative implications for not only them, but also their partners, without their consent, is, really, a human rights violation.

End of story, really.

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The guardian is reporting FGM:


This is a disgrace and should not be occurring in the LOS. There are so many things about the Islamic religion that I disagree with...

The way that these people think:

''I dont know what the benefit is behind it, but I believe there must be one. I know the prophet said it is desirable for the husband when women are cut. Actually in Islam we believe that women have more desire than men, so there must be something to control the women, give them humility and modesty and this could be one way to do it. Maybe in the future the scientists will find out and then we will know the benefit. All the girls here in the south do it.

"All the girls here in the south do it."

Yes, because they are given no choice! All prisoners in the south also stay in prison, but try opening the gate and see what happens.

"Maybe in the future the scientists will find out and then we will know the benefit."

Unlikely, afterall muslims are not exactly famous for their scientists :-)

Edited by monkeycountry
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My opinion may not be shared by anyone, but here it is.

FGM is, as the name suggests, a form of mutilation. I believe it compares in ways to other mutilation, such as foot binding, neck stretching, plates inserted into lips etc. Reasons why these are done are religious and cultural / traditional.

These mutilations are barbaric to most westerners and do not fit into our world view.

I believe however we should not involve ourself. It is not our culture, believe system or religion. Getting involved and criticise those who practice any such mutilations will be perceived as interference from outsiders.

Do I think these acts are cruel? Certainly I do. But I also believe I have no right to judge other's ways, believes and cultures. I can tell them I think it is barbaric, but I don't take myself the right to ask them to stop.

Minor mutilations are tattoos, piercings etc. Depends where your threshold is.

Think many centuries back, we had human sacrifices, witch hunts, canibalism etc. All very gross and in the name of religion. But changes have to come from within the system of believes, not outsiders.

Let's make the world a better place, but keep in mind we share this place with many others who may have different values. We are actually the minority.

Again, this is my opinion.

And to stick with the Topic, from what I hear FGM is common amongst Thai Muslims. As the south has significant Muslim population it is common there.

From what my Muslim friends tell me it is however declining, at least further north, not sure about declining in the south.

Imagine that someone decides to cut off the right arm of their healthy infant child, claiming it is a religious/cultural habit. If you were right next to the them, and no one else was around, would you not feel obliged to stop them by any means?

What if it was the foot, or perhaps just 2 toes or an ear. Or maybe just a few hard punches in the infants face. Where is the limit for how seriously someone is allowed to physically hurt their defenceless child?

culture and religion is no excuse. The child understands neither religion nor culture, it is simply a victim of other peoples beliefs.

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^ A more apt comparison would be removing a infant's fingertips.

They are the only part of the body that have anything close to the fine sensitivity of the parts being removed. (but of course without any of the extremely, pleasurable stimulation)

And could be called 'only bits of excess skin' by those who had it done to them.

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Ban male genital mutilation (circumcision) globally when there is no medical issue and the person has not given consent (as a young child could not) while we're at it.

Why can't people just let others be as they naturally should, without cutting the best parts of their bodies.

Stick with the topic, has nothing to do with males, it is about FGM. But seeing you digressed so will I. Please do some research before you post and you will find that male circumcision is nearly always done under medical supervision; does not have the complications that this barbaric custom does on women and is a undesirable trait that goes back to medieval times which is forced on woman by men. One thing I liked to know is how you define male circumcision as mutilation, when only excess skin is removed.

Excess skin? cheesy.gif

Thanks for the laugh.

It is the most sensitive part of a man's body. The only other place where those receptors are are in the finger tips. And yes, cutting off part of a person's body is mutilation (perhaps you don't understand the word and may be educated if you look it up in a dictionary).

Cutting off the best and most enjoyable part of their body, that has negative implications for not only them, but also their partners, without their consent, is, really, a human rights violation.

End of story, really.

You're still off topic but tell me, what made you laugh, the excess or skin part. Whatever, glad to see you have a sense of humour. My understanding is that what is removed in the circumcision is the foreskin or loose fold of skin that covers the glans of the penis, which is also called prepuce. So I called it excess, sorry if that does not fit with your opinion. The rest I know nothing of so I am unable to comment.

Now mutilation. So you suggest that a mild surgical adjustment called circumcision is mutilation, a cruel and injurious form of torture? Again my opinion differs from yours but unlike yourself, I respect your opinion; have not suggested you should educate yourself nor mocked your post.


Your last quote actually says more about you then anything else. "End of Storey ,really" So no matter what anyone says, everything you say is correct, cannot be questioned and no one has the right to a differing opinion. if you read the multitude of reports from inquiries conducted throughout the world, you will find that many medical experts, countries, races and religions have vastly differing opinions.

There are those that are for and those that are against against. Now these people are educated, leave it to the reader to either accept or reject their findings based on the information presented, yet none mock the opposition, tell the others they don't understand and may be educated if they check on the definition of a word. Now, I do not put myself in that category of knowledgeable medicos or other experts, I just made a comment and asked a question, after which I am told I may need re-educating. Says a lot doesn't it?

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There are reports in the Sunnah which indicate that circumcision for women is prescribed in Islam. In Madeenah there was a woman who circumcised women and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to her: “Do not go to the extreme in cutting; that is better for the woman and more liked by the husband.” Narrated by Abu Dawood (5271), classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.

Female circumcision has not been prescribed for no reason, rather there is wisdom behind it and it brings many benefits.

Mentioning some of these benefits, Dr. Haamid al-Ghawaabi says:

The secretions of the labia minora accumulate in uncircumcised women and turn rancid, so they develop an unpleasant odour which may lead to infections of the vagina or urethra. I have seen many cases of sickness caused by the lack of circumcision.

Circumcision reduces excessive sensitivity of the clitoris which may cause it to increase in size to 3 centimeters when aroused, which is very annoying to the husband, especially at the time of intercourse.

Another benefit of circumcision is that it prevents stimulation of the clitoris which makes it grow large in such a manner that it causes pain.

Circumcision prevents spasms of the clitoris which are a kind of inflammation.

Circumcision reduces excessive sexual desire.

"Circumcision reduces excessive sensitivity of the clitoris which may cause it to increase in size to 3 centimeters when aroused, which is very annoying to the husband, especially at the time of intercourse."

I'm sorry, but I have had a good range of experience in my fortunate life, and I have yet to be annoyed by a clitoris! Just ridiculous ... this is just a 'myth' being spread by people with no direct experience of it. A clitoris extending 3cm from the opening would be so rare (if possible at all!) as to not justify this barbaric practice.

I'm sure many more women complain about overly lengthy pensises than men complaining about 'annoying clitrorises'. Do you also advocate surgical procedures in all men so that some women will not suffer this discomfort? (And no, male circumcision does not do the trick).

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Ban male genital mutilation (circumcision) globally when there is no medical issue and the person has not given consent (as a young child could not) while we're at it.

Why can't people just let others be as they naturally should, without cutting the best parts of their bodies.

Stick with the topic, has nothing to do with males, it is about FGM. But seeing you digressed so will I. Please do some research before you post and you will find that male circumcision is nearly always done under medical supervision; does not have the complications that this barbaric custom does on women and is a undesirable trait that goes back to medieval times which is forced on woman by men. One thing I liked to know is how you define male circumcision as mutilation, when only excess skin is removed.

Excess skin? cheesy.gif

Thanks for the laugh.

It is the most sensitive part of a man's body. The only other place where those receptors are are in the finger tips. And yes, cutting off part of a person's body is mutilation (perhaps you don't understand the word and may be educated if you look it up in a dictionary).

Cutting off the best and most enjoyable part of their body, that has negative implications for not only them, but also their partners, without their consent, is, really, a human rights violation.

End of story, really.

You're still off topic but tell me, what made you laugh, the excess or skin part. Whatever, glad to see you have a sense of humour. My understanding is that what is removed in the circumcision is the foreskin or loose fold of skin that covers the glans of the penis, which is also called prepuce. So I called it excess, sorry if that does not fit with your opinion. The rest I know nothing of so I am unable to comment.

Now mutilation. So you suggest that a mild surgical adjustment called circumcision is mutilation, a cruel and injurious form of torture? Again my opinion differs from yours but unlike yourself, I respect your opinion; have not suggested you should educate yourself nor mocked your post.


Your last quote actually says more about you then anything else. "End of Storey ,really" So no matter what anyone says, everything you say is correct, cannot be questioned and no one has the right to a differing opinion. if you read the multitude of reports from inquiries conducted throughout the world, you will find that many medical experts, countries, races and religions have vastly differing opinions.

There are those that are for and those that are against against. Now these people are educated, leave it to the reader to either accept or reject their findings based on the information presented, yet none mock the opposition, tell the others they don't understand and may be educated if they check on the definition of a word. Now, I do not put myself in that category of knowledgeable medicos or other experts, I just made a comment and asked a question, after which I am told I may need re-educating. Says a lot doesn't it?

I have exactly zero respect for people who cut babies genitals. No matter if it is just a mild cut or a big cut.

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