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Photo of Suthep's 'armed escort' explained

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Joc , for once in your life stop being negative and spilling your nonsense.

This is Pattani where Buddhists are killed every day.

Doesn't matter low ranking or not ......he is a Buddhist monk.

I understand your feelings against him but please show some sense, as I don't think you lack of it, but you are just trying to be clever.

The question is, do all monks have private armed escorts as you insinuate? If the answer is no, then man up and own your own attempt at cleverness.


ALL low level monks in the South move about with close protection teams or is it just the ones with stature and money?

Personally I don't see a huge issue with this as long as ALL monks are afforded close protection teams in the south although I suspect this is more about whom this monk was.

There you go, a reasonable mind in action.


Joc , for once in your life stop being negative and spilling your nonsense.

This is Pattani where Buddhists are killed every day.

Doesn't matter low ranking or not ......he is a Buddhist monk.

I understand your feelings against him but please show some sense, as I don't think you lack of it, but you are just trying to be clever.

As a rule, clowns enjoy a good joke about them.


As someone said (something along the lines of) 'karma will ensure he is punished for any misdeeds he has perpetrated on others'.......yer right! rolleyes.gif


ALL low level monks in the South move about with close protection teams or is it just the ones with stature and money?

Personally I don't see a huge issue with this as long as ALL monks are afforded close protection teams in the south although I suspect this is more about whom this monk was.

How about they give more protection to high value high media coverage targets. But almost everyone needs to be protected in the South. I don't see a problem here.

I would also understand YL who is now a civilian getting protection when she goes there.

Bet the red moaners would moan when he had brought his own guards too.

So you don't have an issue, unlike others on here with YS having a close protection team/officer?, I don't mean just in the South, but all over?

This is my profession Rob, we don't do this work for free, and if Suthep hired his own protection team, that's his prerogative. It's when the State provides that protection it gets questionable.

But I have a feeling that Costas and many other here who claimed ALL monks in the South receive a similar armed close protection team is grossly exaggerated sir. You understand just how many CPO's would be needed if that really were the case ?. To be fair and honest I'd like to see photographic evidence to back this up, but I suspect it's not going to be forthcoming.


Suthep is a fake!

Huh??????? Ah, so now he can not only afford his own multiple sets of security guards but security body doubles, too, just like a Russian or Romanian P.M. Or, come to think of it Churchill in the movie, "The eagle has landed"!


There was a guy in Bangkok last year that looks just like this monk.

That guy led a mob and shut down the city, got people killed and even threatened the PM and her kids.

That guy is probably in jail now since we have a legitimate PM.

"even threatened the PM and her kids."

Source please ... especially for where you claim, that former-PM Yingluck has more than one child ! facepalm.gif

I think some people have also suggested ill treatment to her father too. 555?


Joc , for once in your life stop being negative and spilling your nonsense.

This is Pattani where Buddhists are killed every day.

Doesn't matter low ranking or not ......he is a Buddhist monk.

I understand your feelings against him but please show some sense, as I don't think you lack of it, but you are just trying to be clever.

Rubl, Robblok, Costas et al.

You want to believe this so badly that you will suspend disbelief.

Suthep is as much of a monk as I am.

The only reason he is pretending to be a monk is because he was told to do it by the Junta after he had served his purpose of destroying the functioning of government departments.

"Go and cool your heels for a while and lay low".

What better way to try and garner some sympathy and respect than to become a holy man.

Of course those men are his armed guards.

There are millions of ordinary Thais who would love to shoot him or worse.

I bet he sleeps with guards around him 24/7.

So, go on, living in your pretend world.

When things start to turn really bad here maybe you could be the farang apologists for the strong men appearing on TV each night.

Telling everyone, don't worry about the disappearances of a few people, they're probably in hiding.

All good here in Thailand, come and enjoy a holiday in the land of the free.


ALL low level monks in the South move about with close protection teams or is it just the ones with stature and money?

Personally I don't see a huge issue with this as long as ALL monks are afforded close protection teams in the south although I suspect this is more about whom this monk was.

How about they give more protection to high value high media coverage targets. But almost everyone needs to be protected in the South. I don't see a problem here.

I would also understand YL who is now a civilian getting protection when she goes there.

Bet the red moaners would moan when he had brought his own guards too.

So you don't have an issue, unlike others on here with YS having a close protection team/officer?, I don't mean just in the South, but all over?

This is my profession Rob, we don't do this work for free, and if Suthep hired his own protection team, that's his prerogative. It's when the State provides that protection it gets questionable.

But I have a feeling that Costas and many other here who claimed ALL monks in the South receive a similar armed close protection team is grossly exaggerated sir. You understand just how many CPO's would be needed if that really were the case ?. To be fair and honest I'd like to see photographic evidence to back this up, but I suspect it's not going to be forthcoming.

Your profession.. yes only if the goverment does not take care of his / her duty as its their fist duty. Bringing in armed guards (sorry mate) is just stupid. Protection like this should always be done by the government, can you imagine the problems if everyone is bring in their own guards ?

In a normal world armed forces should originate from the government and not from private organisations. Its just crazy and a sign of weakness from a government. Next you get 2 teams of armed bodyguards shooting at each-other. If you got government controlled ones you know where there allegiance lies. With private paid for and private contractors you don't. Basically you then get thugs for hire. That is not something id like to see. People with private armies are a bad idea.

Sure in a warzone.. but not in the south and especially not in Thailand.

As for YL if she goes to the south.. ok.. the rest of the place.. not really needed but if it was an army officer paid for by the government sure. Not some gung ho armed thug who is loyal only to YL Can you imagine what happens if they want to arrest someone with a private army....

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Suthep is a fake!

Suthep will go down in Thai history as a hero..... single handed he rid Thailand of the Shinewatra scum..! blink.png

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A wicked, wicked man. karma will bite his butt.

And now he is making merit by being a monk. You will not be the one who decides anyone's Karma except your own.

What do you know about making merit? It is a false assumption that one can just become a monk and the sins are washed away.

Considering his past and the allegations that stick to him like dog sh*t to a shoe, he will need to spend many many years as a monk before it makes a dent. BTW, do you think he's roughing it with the other monks sleeping on a hard floor and walking barefoot in the morning seeking alms?


ALL low level monks in the South move about with close protection teams or is it just the ones with stature and money?

For those obviously unfamiliar with the Deep South, dozens of monks have been killed there, and unsurprisingly many are afforded protection.

Far more teachers, health workers, government officials and members of the general public have been killed than monks.

In fact, teachers and health workers are the top targets. Yet, teachers and health workers don't receive the protection Suthep received. Nurses are still going out providing vaccinations and basic health care without armed escorts. Teachers are still going to work every day without armed guards. Government workers are still keeping the system from falling into chaos without armed escorts.


Joc , for once in your life stop being negative and spilling your nonsense.

This is Pattani where Buddhists are killed every day.

Doesn't matter low ranking or not ......he is a Buddhist monk.

I understand your feelings against him but please show some sense, as I don't think you lack of it, but you are just trying to be clever.

He might be wearing the robes of a monk, but was in Pattani to sell and sign books for his political followers.

Hardly the duty of a Buddhist monk!!

Source with video: Bangkok Post

Also to sort out some of his huge blocks of land.


Joc , for once in your life stop being negative and spilling your nonsense.

This is Pattani where Buddhists are killed every day.

Doesn't matter low ranking or not ......he is a Buddhist monk.

I understand your feelings against him but please show some sense, as I don't think you lack of it, but you are just trying to be clever.

He might be wearing the robes of a monk, but was in Pattani to sell and sign books for his political followers.

Hardly the duty of a Buddhist monk!!

Source with video: Bangkok Post

Give the guy a break life as a monk life is hard. I am sure his previous source of funds has dried up and now he must fend for himself. He just wants to extend his 15 minutes of fame lest we forget.


"Phra Suthep was not personally involved in the matter."

Said his brother, then it must be true.........................coffee1.gif

Do you have any information that it is not true?


He might be wearing the robes of a monk, but was in Pattani to sell and sign books for his political followers.

Hardly the duty of a Buddhist monk!!

Source with video: Bangkok Post

If he is genuine or not is not for us to judge.

But what I'm trying to understand is the riddle that is called JOC.

You don't like the Siwanatras.

You don't like Adhesit and his clan.

You don't like Prayut and his Government.

You don't like the Elite and the others.

Who do you like JOC?

Who do you think should be in charge of Thailand at the moment?

I don't think you have an answer to that, but you just write posts against everybody either to acquire the admiration of people that they can't see through you or to get likes.

C'mon JOC, give us the pleasure of knowing you and what you represent.

I would love the see Surin Pitsuwan and Korn Chatikavanij in charge of Thailand!!

Thank you JOC.

Both of them respectable men.

Korn Chatikavanij


Surin Pitsuwan


But both without any history of leadership capabilities.

May be in the future one of them will shine and get elected.

But for the moment there is no alternative, available.

Only slightly off topic but the last "elected" PM of Thailand not only had no leadership qualities nor did she have any political experience at all.


So you don't have an issue, unlike others on here with YS having a close protection team/officer?, I don't mean just in the South, but all over?

This is my profession Rob, we don't do this work for free, and if Suthep hired his own protection team, that's his prerogative. It's when the State provides that protection it gets questionable.

But I have a feeling that Costas and many other here who claimed ALL monks in the South receive a similar armed close protection team is grossly exaggerated sir. You understand just how many CPO's would be needed if that really were the case ?. To be fair and honest I'd like to see photographic evidence to back this up, but I suspect it's not going to be forthcoming.

Your profession.. yes only if the goverment does not take care of his / her duty as its their fist duty. Bringing in armed guards (sorry mate) is just stupid. Protection like this should always be done by the government, can you imagine the problems if everyone is bring in their own guards ?

In a normal world armed forces should originate from the government and not from private organisations. Its just crazy and a sign of weakness from a government. Next you get 2 teams of armed bodyguards shooting at each-other. If you got government controlled ones you know where there allegiance lies. With private paid for and private contractors you don't. Basically you then get thugs for hire. That is not something id like to see. People with private armies are a bad idea.

Sure in a warzone.. but not in the south and especially not in Thailand.

As for YL if she goes to the south.. ok.. the rest of the place.. not really needed but if it was an army officer paid for by the government sure. Not some gung ho armed thug who is loyal only to YL Can you imagine what happens if they want to arrest someone with a private army....

You have some very good points however you need to understand that personal armed security is outsourced to the private sector in many places globally simply because the Armed forces have better things to do than provide security for mon military personnel and eatablishments.

For sure there are some idiots with weapons, but sadly there's as many idiots wearing the uniform of their countries too, it's down to the person themselves.

Why do you think that it's the private sector that provides such protection as well Rob? As an infantry soldier you're trained to kill the bad guys before they kill you, they're not trained to be diplomatic, they're trained and conditioned to follow orders, hence why you pointed out in another thread why Prayuth struggles at times.

It's the private sector who mostly provide security at the majority of embassies all over the world, especially many western ones, it's down to costs as well, insurance, accountability, suitability etc etc. Sure many have their Military attaches and a small contingent of Soldiers But in Hugh Risk environments it's been outsoured to the private sector and has been for decades.

There always someone who will abuse their positions, I've done close protection for Qatari Royalty in Europe and Foreign ambassadors and diplomats in Iraq, I've looked after senior CEOs from Chinese, Korean, Japanese corporations, why ? Because we use a differnt skillet from the " kill them all " squaddie mentality, close protection in the armed forces normally comes from specialised units who do the courses, which the regular infantry units just don't get to do.

I don't see a problem with anyone having close protection regatdless of rheir statues. But you would be very surprised that many CEOs in many countries including Thailand have their own close protection people simply because they perceive there to be a threat, even hardened criminals have CP teams.

Do you remember the story about the former RTN SEALs caught in the hotel during the protests? They were a CP team, even the major press outlets covering the protests had close protection, you just didn't see them, and that's another reason why they don't want the army to do it, it lowers the profile.

Close protection is a necessary evil in some cases, and in this case with Suthep, he's a prominent and controversial figure, he would be stupid if he didn't have such teams, as long as they're abiding by the laws of the land, and have the permits and licences, and their salaries came from his own pockets, then it's no big deal, even YS having a serving member of the police/military is no big deal, she was the former PM whether we like the idea or not, and if the current Government provide her with such, that's down to them, they would do the very same for Prayuth once he is no longer the PM.

If it's all legal and above board, it's a non starter, he'll even you could have your own CP team Rob if you wanted these no law against it, the laws are prohibiting them from carrying weapons, but the mind is the sharpest weapon in the armoury anyway ?

You got good points too... however id like to see only government controlled forces. If needed people like you but only after real good vetting. You might be real good (i assume this as I cant be sure but i think so) but where do you draw the line.. I am sure you would hand over your VIP if the police asked.. but what if not ?.. Suppose YL gets some diehard red loyalist to guard her... not something I would like to see.

Or Suthep gets diehard yellows and there is PTP government... Those are things I rather not see.

I understand the need.. but only under real strict rules. I prefer it if the government is the only one that uses violence (as a last resort) instead of private armies. Though in some cases highly skilled people with restraint.. might be better as government troops, but where to draw the line.

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Again very good points raised,case in example the 2 royals I was looking after were returning to a court hearing in Spain against a very influential person who was embezzling their money (sound familiar ?)

When we arrived via private jet and at a private part of the airport in Spain two police cars suddenly appeared NOBODY apart from the Princes and his household and our team based in Spain knew their arrival time.

The elderly prince told me that the Policeman standing at the steps was a senior secret policeman on the payroll of the connected person, and there was a restraining order against him as it was.

I told them to stay inside and I would see what was the score. Immediately he flashed his ID card and stated he was secret Police and that he had to speak to the Prince.

I asked how he know this flight was arriving he declined to answer, I asked him for his Commmanding Officers number so I could verify his reasons for being there, and asked him why no uniformed police and immigration were with him.

He got very angry and flustered and drove off, we wee tailed from the airport to the hotel location by several vehicles of interest, but we also had vehicle tailing them and taking video and photographs.

Nothing happened after that, but after we debriefed the Spanish based CP team, a few calls to various officials came back that the policeman had been suspended and was acting on his own accord.

Why is this pertinent you may ask, well a lesser experienced CP officer might not have asked the questions as to how and why he was there and under whose authority and therefore putting the clients in danger. Again this comes down to experience and training something the regular squaddies don't get. And to have specialised cops and military "babysitting " such dignatries is a waste of that asset.

We have a vetting system in place after several incidents where expats have gone off the rails, Thailand should be no different but let's be honest the reality is very different. they sent hundreds of assault rifles and sidearms to local militias and security in the South without having vetted any of them to combat terrorism.

Close protection done correctly and with the right people is very cost effective, I'm by no means the best in my field but I've been doing it long enough to have established a decent enough rep in the industry that allows me to continue working within it, and asked to do other work when I'm at home, and it's surprisingly small industry.

There's pros and cons just like every other job, a bit like expecting soldiers to deal with civil unrest when they've never had the training or experience to do it effectively.

We have checks and balances and stringent laws to adhere to and many any times it changes without our knowledge, wrong numbers on paperwork can get you detained and at times deported. No matter where in the world you chose to operate, you're still at the mercy of the host countries laws and how their authorities interpret thse laws.

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