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International court welcomes Palestinians as 123rd member


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Thousants of PLO genocidal terror attackt?

You mean during the 2014 war where 2,139 Palestinians were murdered (of which some 500 children), the 20,000 destroyed homes of the Palestians, the 3700 rockets dropped on Gaza by the IDF, compared to the genocide of 58 Israeli soldiers and 6 Israeli civilians? And then we are not even talking about the chemical weapons Israel has used on on people who are locked up in a refugee camp!

As I said in my post, my grandfather was also deemed a terrorist in the eyes of the Nazis, because he fought (including bombings) the occupying force. He was my hero, but you can disagree of course. I only find it so ironic that (friends of) Israel is now labelling my grandfather a terrorist......

that is such nonsense. your are the one equating your grandfather with terrorists, no one else. Maybe you should try not to link that which has no relevance to the topic.

I do however realize your attempt to paint Israel as comparable to the Nazi's.

The Nazi's controlled most of Europe. Israel doesn't. So now having made that link you accuse your grandfather of being a terrorist just to try and make some point. very odd, don't you thinkwhistling.gif


Obviously you do not understand the meaning of genocide!

Its cheap and wrong that you accuse me that I make my grandfather a terrorist, or that I use him spending time in Dachau to make a point, because actually its your post that is equating my grandfather with terrorism, by saying that Palestinian resistance commits genocidal terror attacks. I understand that you might not like the comparison between the resistance in WW2 Europe and resistance in Gaza, but both are resistance against an occupying power, an occupying power which were/are committing genocidal atrocities to people who are locked up in “refugee/work camps”.

By saying this I don’t say Israeli are Nazis (though I do think the Likud has a fascist ideology), I merely state that there is an enormous double standard here. For me any freedom fighter is the same, my grandfather, a Palestinian, but I also support (strongly) Syrian and Iraqi citizens (and yes even Iranian militias) that stand up and fight the occupying idiots of ISIS. By your standard these Syrian and Iraqi freedom fighters should be labelled terrorists too of course (although I am sure in this case you’ll say that ISIS are the terrorist, because they dont fit in your political ideas…see the double standard?.....probably not,....a lot of people are blinded by Israeli indoctrination).

Don’t get me wrong, I would be the last to support any idiot who steps into a bus in Tel Aviv with a “life jacket” on to kill a busload of Israeli citizens. But I couldn’t care less about these 58 IDF soldiers who have the blood of 500 children on their hands. Again you and I can have different standards of course…..

you made the equation not me. You are just digging yourself into a deeper hole. How you can compare the two. My mother survived Auschwitz and Belsen. I think I know what genocide is. Funny as most of the refugee camps are in Arab countries. I would be interested to know where in Israel there are work camps of concentration camps for that matter.

By your standard that would make ISIS/ISIL, Houthi's, Boko Haram etc all freedom fighters, Ah but what of Hezbolah! they are backed by Iran but are fighting the freedom fighters in Syria, But advise the Houthi's in the Yemen so are they Terrorists or freedom fighters?

Apparently you have problems reading. You ask me about ISIS being freedom fighters while I very clearly stated what I think about them above, I have also never said that there are refugee camps in Israel. Gaza is a refugee camp, which is completely sealed off by their occupier Israel. You seem to be very poorly informed, even thought you have these strong opinions.

Boko Haram are like Al Qaida and ISIS which are terrorists organizations, Hezbolla is a political party, and they might be backed by Iran, but the US (and actually also Israel) is backing Saudi who is supporting Al Qaida and ISIS in Yemen. So basically by blindly supporting israel you are supporting ISIS and Al Qaida too....congratulations! The Houthis is a polpulation of Yemen, what happens in Yemen is called a civil war.

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OK so you know better than any lawyer! whistling.gif

Another rubbish statement.

My opinion has nothing to do with knowledge of the law. Do you understand the idiom, "You can't have your cake and eat it too"?

"You can't have your cake and eat it too"?

Something the Palestinians have been doing for ages! they fire rockets at Israeli citizens and then go to the ICC claiming they are innocent victims. Just because Israel doesn't recognize the ICC doesn't mean they cannot defend themselves.

That you don't like the truth shows your bias. Even in International law Israel has the right to defend itself in the ICC, by your argument because Israel doesn't recognize the ICC it could also be claimed the ICC have no Jurisdiction over Israel. Either way it is still far from certain the ICC will take forward any cases the Arabs bring against Israel.

And with Amnesty International having already said Hamas are guilty of war crimes against Israel, It really isn't looking so good for the Arabs.

Oh dear. I'll have to spell it out for you in very simple terms.

Nobody has said Israel is not allowed to defend itself.

But if Israel does not accept judgments against it, then it can hardly lay legal complaints. Have cake, eat it. Please try to research terms that you plainly do not understand, I'm not going to help you every time.

Who said Palestinians are claiming they are innocent victims? That's your distortion and fiction.

Although, I'm sure most people will agree that the 500 children killed by Israel certainly were innocent victims.

Oh Dear, read my posts, I have only ever said Israel has a right to defend itself! Thank you for admitting that.

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