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my mate has just gone back to the uk, a bar girl he befriended, sent him a text,"please send money, i have had a motorbike accident and have been in hospital for one week, " so i pop round her bar to "surprise " her, she had a scratch on one knee, that a kid might get in the school playgound he he.


my mate has just gone back to the uk, a bar girl he befriended, sent him a text,"please send money, i have had a motorbike accident and have been in hospital for one week, " so i pop round her bar to "surprise " her, she had a scratch on one knee, that a kid might get in the school playgound he he.

RUG Burns......am I being Captin Obvious ?


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There's not all that much difference between children and a lot of Thais, and the answer is the same - you have to set boundaries, and retain control of finances.

I admire the Thais for their social inclusiveness. It doesn't matter if a Thai is gaga, or incapacitated by accident or a stroke, the extended family will rally round in support. In the West, you'd be shovelled into the nearest institution.

Possibly a lot of the older falangs with younger Thai wives/girlfriends have worked out it's better to be looked after in return for financial support. A bit more appealing than lying in urine-soaked sheets in a Western nursing home, waiting for your next meal of cooked cardboard.

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Don't have this kind of problem. My wife never ask for money since I handed over my ATM card. It's really so easy


ha ha ha ....but maybe a good idea.


Whoever believes that a 42 yo woman stays with a 68 yo man for love needs serious help.

S$it, thats the age of my wife and mine.facepalm.gif

At least you are big enough to admit it Costas, but there are some overweight, tattooed, facial haired, ugly guys with plenty of money,

come over here, find a Thai girl about half his age, she then tells him she loves him, and he is stupid enough to believe her.

huh....... thats true anywhere in the world, i am guessing you are to to far from your birth home. but take it as fact, all women say what they need to & all men hear what they want to :-)

There is no sense here. A 65 year old get to meet a 24-30 year old beautiful Thai girl. She say I love you and he already is in love with this beautiful lady. Get married and in this process he pay lots of money to her family, build a house etc etc. Then he say oh these Thai girls are only after money.

Well my question is what the hell do you have that she should be interested in?????

What can you give her at the age of 65??? You may not even be able to perform sexually as she need. You will not be or have not interest to go to disco and dance with her. You may not want a child at this age. In couple of years she even may have to clean your ass as you can not walk to the toilet either.

Well if she doesn't come to you for money and the security then she is one of the most stupid person.

Grow up and if you really want to find love in this LOS then find someone in your own age.


Whoever believes that a 42 yo woman stays with a 68 yo man for love needs serious help.

S$it, thats the age of my wife and mine.facepalm.gif

May be time to trade her in then laugh.png

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Followed by ...

When you have a couple hundred million $USD it's all about appearances anyway.


Here's proof that some men can do it on just their good looks and sharp attire. They don't have to move to Thailand.

George "Hansum Man" Soros 84 and his wife Tamiko 43.


What a "stud"

Double post, point is when you have "Legacy Wealth", where your descendants will be set minted for generations, it is not hard getting a fancy broad to marry. She might even permit actual intercourse 4 or 5 times.


Here's proof that some men can do it on just their good looks and sharp attire. They don't have to move to Thailand.

George "Hansum Man" Soros 84 and his wife Tamiko 43.


Nice looking couple.

And the missus is not badcoffee1.gif


I am a lucky man... I get pocket money from my wife...10 days ago she went to her village and she left me 4 K....lucky man I am....

You sound like you've come back from Vegas saying you won four grand, failing to mention the 120 Grand you lost on previous trips biggrin.png

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Well, it doesn't seem so strange to me. My wife expects me to support the family. It is a more traditional society. Actually, even in the US, you don't have to go back that far to hear similar things said in a more euphemistic way. People of my parents' generation (baby boomers, so born in the decade after WWII) will often say things like "I stayed with your dad because he was a good provider." Believe me, I have heard that a ton from people of that era.

So, here in Thailand, the women are looking for "good providers." Now, they may misunderstand how much money you have or you may run into a truly horrible human being who really does want to milk you for all you're worth....the later is certainly a reality. But I know plenty of people here, myself included, who have wives who expect to be provided for but who will step up and help out as they can.

Find one of those. Maybe not so easy, but they are around.

EDIT--Here you go....this is from just a few years ago...maybe you are familiar with the series.

I am familiar with it and recall what happened to both those characters.


Whoever believes that a 42 yo woman stays with a 68 yo man for love needs serious help.

S$it, thats the age of my wife and mine.facepalm.gif

At least you are big enough to admit it Costas, but there are some overweight, tattooed, facial haired, ugly guys with plenty of money,

come over here, find a Thai girl about half his age, she then tells him she loves him, and he is stupid enough to believe her.

Yes - because in his mind, he still thinks he is the good looking, slim and fit 25 year old he once was.

People delusions of themselves can be quite amazing : I reckon half of all the fat blokes don't actually think they are fat.


Never had this problem since my partner of 3 years and her family have never asked me for money. I provide for her and our daughter and that's it.


Whoever believes that a 42 yo woman stays with a 68 yo man for love needs serious help.

S$it, thats the age of my wife and mine.facepalm.gif


And mine and mine still works for her own money I help out when really needed but no rellies involled so easy sailing for the last 11 yearswhistling.gif


Whoever believes that a 42 yo woman stays with a 68 yo man for love needs serious help.

S$it, thats the age of my wife and mine.facepalm.gif

Why would a 68 year old choose to stay with such an old woman?


Whoever believes that a 42 yo woman stays with a 68 yo man for love needs serious help.

S$it, thats the age of my wife and mine.facepalm.gif

At least you are big enough to admit it Costas, but there are some overweight, tattooed, facial haired, ugly guys with plenty of money,

come over here, find a Thai girl about half his age, she then tells him she loves him, and he is stupid enough to believe her.

A woman half my age...

I would dearly believe anything she says.... Hehehe


Everything is always the fault of the old fat ugly ex-pat...according to the "Thailand is paradise" crowd...get real...


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There is no sense here. A 65 year old get to meet a 24-30 year old beautiful Thai girl. She say I love you and he already is in love with this beautiful lady. Get married and in this process he pay lots of money to her family, build a house etc etc. Then he say oh these Thai girls are only after money.

Well my question is what the hell do you have that she should be interested in?????

What can you give her at the age of 65??? You may not even be able to perform sexually as she need. You will not be or have not interest to go to disco and dance with her. You may not want a child at this age. In couple of years she even may have to clean your ass as you can not walk to the toilet either.

Well if she doesn't come to you for money and the security then she is one of the most stupid person.

Grow up and if you really want to find love in this LOS then find someone in your own age.

Actually, there is a lack of sense in some of your post.

Sure, some guys think with their "little head" and get burned, i agree. But I don't think this is limited to elderly gents. Let me use myself as an example. I am 60 yrs old, certainly not a "hansum man" with the many telltale lines, ditches and troughs on my face. I'm not into plastic surgery, so I accept I'm stuck with that. However, I go to gym 3 or 4 times a week, swimming twice a week and am extremely fit and healthy. I eat healthy, but have an addiction to Thai bakery cakes and pastries. I enjoy going to discos and can dance with the best of them.

So, as to what could I give a 24-30 yr old. Firstly, I can perform well sexually and never had any complaints. Secondly, I can provide financial and emotional security for her for life, without adversely affecting my bank balance. Thirdly, we would be able to travel regularly, and be close companions and communicate well, since I have learned to speak Thai.

Yes, i have had younger girlfriends and enjoyed their company, as they have enjoyed mine. I don't see age difference as a barrier to a successful relationship. There are much more serious barriers such as mistrust, cultural differences, personality, etc. to consider. Right now, I am happy to be single and do what I want to do, when I want to do it. This may change in the future and, if I find a lovely, petite, gorgeous 25 yr old, please forgive me wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cAx1lGI2wn7 alt=wai.gif width=20 height=20>

Sorry but what 25 year old Thai woman is going to want to walk into a club with a Western bloke in his 60s? She'd die of embarrassment especially when he starts doing the bloody Charleston to a deep house track

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Sorry but what 25 year old Thai woman is going to want to walk into a club with a Western bloke in his 60s? She'd die of embarrassment especially when he starts doing the bloody Charleston to a deep house track

CH showing us how to do it the right way to a 'deep house' track

White dude in tan top is, in fact, doing the Charleston.


Whoever believes that a 42 yo woman stays with a 68 yo man for love needs serious help.

S$it, thats the age of my wife and mine.facepalm.gif

At least you are big enough to admit it Costas, but there are some overweight, tattooed, facial haired, ugly guys with plenty of money,

come over here, find a Thai girl about half his age, she then tells him she loves him, and he is stupid enough to believe her.

So? They believe want they want they want to believe. They do not interfere with my life, so I don't bother with it.


Don't have this kind of problem. My wife never ask for money since I handed over my ATM card. It's really so easy


I don't quite understand the reason for the topic here really.... Considering the selection of a mate for you is based on lies then you can take all the negatives that come with that.

However... If you lay out the truths pre meeting lets say online is some manner. IE: not a wealthy man but can provide food and housing and transportation for US.

I met my wife online Thai site chatted for close to a year with the intention of marrying and moving here permanently. I told her my finances, my work, my plan, my living situation,. A year later we met married and began the PR process to Canada for her. 9 months later she is a landed immigrant and 3 years after that she is a citizen with a 10 year passport. During all this time she has had a JOINT ACCOUNTS WITH ME; bank chequing saving visa RRSPs.

Ready for the good part now fellow TVF people. She just turned 30 and a total doll and I am 67. She has never asked for a thing and the only money that goes out that is solely for her is for the payment of her annual student loan in July. I even offered that WE should pay it off but she refused. During the 3 years in Canada awaiting time in to get citizenship this lady with a bachelor degree earned her own money as a cleaning lady/porter in a shopping mall cleaning bathrooms and what have you. What did she do with the money she earned you wonder???? She put it into our joint account savings.

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