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How strong Bhat realy have and effect on export prices in the world?

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When the economy in your home country runing bad , then value of money goes down in Thailand !

This is one reason why every body must concern about economic in home country!

Ignoring everything , is not the aswer of understanding where a problem comes from!

go ahead and be concerned, i am not and i don't have a problem with the "strong" Baht.

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Eports sometimes are barter trade. They usually are in the form of currency that two parties agree on, not always US$.

The strong Baht caused by the elite is really liked by them. They remain very happy about the level. The poor devils that would like to export are not very happy. With oil prices down they have a lot of foreign reserves to keep the Baht propped up.

please name the source/reasons for your claim that the strong Baht is caused by the "elite".

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When the economy in your home country runing bad , then value of money goes down in Thailand !

This is one reason why every body must concern about economic in home country!

Ignoring everything , is not the aswer of understanding where a problem comes from!

and once you know the answer what causes the problems in your home country Austria what will you do? and how will your actions fix your personal problem EUR/THB exchange rate?

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I not talk about fix, I only talk

It's a must do of everyone to understand his own economy!

This kind of people not try it, are proverbly the same that also never go to a election!

When you practice this then you never part of a socity !

One time I talk with a large food importer from Netherlands he import a lot of food to amersterdam cargo!

He told me , when the export price is to low and pressure on final sale price then thais want sale to you

Before the risk to make no bisness !

Same Thai air do!

Now have financial problems because company's buy the chicken in brazil instead of Thailand!

Could the system collapse in future , and how in your opinion this collapse have an real affect on bath strength?

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There are alot of moving parts here : I and others can be on several tracks simultaneously. Questioning why the Baht is suspiciously strong. You dont have to be an economist to read the newspapers. While also concerned about our respective countries economies and the effect on exchange rates. Here is how concerned I am: Bush,Greenspan, and Bernanke should be in prison

for 1.Causing the financial crisis with reckless financial deregulation and housing bubble. 2. Debasing the dollar with Q.E.'s

-do you really think the local newspapers carry clues why the Baht is "suspiciously" strong?

-where do you see a debasing of the US-Dollar? since quantitative easing started i see an overall USD strengthening vs. virtually all currencies.

take a look at the USD index of the last 5 years:


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Eports sometimes are barter trade. They usually are in the form of currency that two parties agree on, not always US$.

The strong Baht caused by the elite is really liked by them. They remain very happy about the level. The poor devils that would like to export are not very happy. With oil prices down they have a lot of foreign reserves to keep the Baht propped up.

please name the source/reasons for your claim that the strong Baht is caused by the "elite".

With a war chest of 9 trillion US supposidly held by Thai govt they can hold out for quite a while,but that does not include the populice. The 3% reduction in exports now I estimate a far higher figure and getting higher will lead to unrest. Already dumping rice and rubber on world markets

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Eports sometimes are barter trade. They usually are in the form of currency that two parties agree on, not always US$.

The strong Baht caused by the elite is really liked by them. They remain very happy about the level. The poor devils that would like to export are not very happy. With oil prices down they have a lot of foreign reserves to keep the Baht propped up.

please name the source/reasons for your claim that the strong Baht is caused by the "elite".

With a war chest of 9 trillion US supposidly held by Thai govt they can hold out for quite a while,but that does not include the populice. The 3% reduction in exports now I estimate a far higher figure and getting higher will lead to unrest. Already dumping rice and rubber on world markets

only $ 9 trillion? huh.png

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Eports sometimes are barter trade. They usually are in the form of currency that two parties agree on, not always US$.

The strong Baht caused by the elite is really liked by them. They remain very happy about the level. The poor devils that would like to export are not very happy. With oil prices down they have a lot of foreign reserves to keep the Baht propped up.

please name the source/reasons for your claim that the strong Baht is caused by the "elite".

With a war chest of 9 trillion US supposidly held by Thai govt they can hold out for quite a while,but that does not include the populice. The 3% reduction in exports now I estimate a far higher figure and getting higher will lead to unrest. Already dumping rice and rubber on world markets


9 trillion U.S. ????? Where in the heck did you get that number ?? So Thailand has 75% of the world currency reserves ??

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Eports sometimes are barter trade. They usually are in the form of currency that two parties agree on, not always US$.

The strong Baht caused by the elite is really liked by them. They remain very happy about the level. The poor devils that would like to export are not very happy. With oil prices down they have a lot of foreign reserves to keep the Baht propped up.

please name the source/reasons for your claim that the strong Baht is caused by the "elite".

With a war chest of 9 trillion US supposidly held by Thai govt they can hold out for quite a while,but that does not include the populice. The 3% reduction in exports now I estimate a far higher figure and getting higher will lead to unrest. Already dumping rice and rubber on world markets


9 trillion U.S. ????? Where in the heck did you get that number ?? So Thailand has 75% of the world currency reserves ??

Yep ,did read up market magazine couple of weeks ago,did quote they had reserves of 9 trillion .

Regardless Thailand is in deep trouble,the domestic works programme announced will keep unemployment down for a while but cannot do much for exports

GBP up 1% this morning BoT chairman must be reading this thread

Edited by loppylugs1
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When the economy in your home country runing bad , then value of money goes down in Thailand !

This is one reason why every body must concern about economic in home country!

Ignoring everything , is not the aswer of understanding where a problem comes from!

go ahead and be concerned, i am not and i don't have a problem with the "strong" Baht.

Herr Naam, I'm sure your gardener can come along, with a more valid point than I can. My post was made more from annoyance, that Thailand is somehow at fault for their poor exchange rate. And, as you have noted several times, I'm still waiting for the total collapse of the Thai nation many have predicted. A lot of headache over the price of a few Changs.

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Eports sometimes are barter trade. They usually are in the form of currency that two parties agree on, not always US$.

The strong Baht caused by the elite is really liked by them. They remain very happy about the level. The poor devils that would like to export are not very happy. With oil prices down they have a lot of foreign reserves to keep the Baht propped up.

please name the source/reasons for your claim that the strong Baht is caused by the "elite".

He has no proof that the strong baht is caused by the elite. He just made that up. When these guys lose their purchasing power due to the weakness of their home currencies, they feel a need to blame somebody. No proof required. It may make them feel better, but it will not change anything.

Edited by Berkshire
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Eports sometimes are barter trade. They usually are in the form of currency that two parties agree on, not always US$.

The strong Baht caused by the elite is really liked by them. They remain very happy about the level. The poor devils that would like to export are not very happy. With oil prices down they have a lot of foreign reserves to keep the Baht propped up.

please name the source/reasons for your claim that the strong Baht is caused by the "elite".

He has no proof that the strong baht is caused by the elite. He just made that up. When these guys lose their purchasing power due to the weakness of their home currencies, they feel a need to blame somebody. No proof required. It may make them feel better, but it will not change anything.

If you read the BP business section today "currency wars" something Thailand does not seem to want to join in,it will lead to major problems for sure for the country. Could go on and on but pointless, most farang I see or mix with are on the move out of thailand

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The elite in Bangkok are people in top government positions, heads of big companies and about 20 families that are extremely wealthy. Why would they want their money depreciated. All of thailand revolves around the Peoples Republic Of Bangkok. I did business there for 30 years before I retired. What makes you think the Baht should have a higher value than the currencies of other countries like Australia, Singapore, EU and Malaysia? Have you looked at the basic reasons for the value of a country's currency? You have to accept that there is currency manipulation. In 1997 they spent all of their foreign currencies trying to defend the Baht to no avail. George Soros still brought them down. He also did this to England in 1980. When the handwriting was on the wall the elite quickly changed to $ and kept them in the banks in Switzerland. Insiders became very wealthy with these moves. July 2, 1997 was the day that they were forced to float the currency. These are complicated issues that are determined behind closed doors. As a small fish and vegetable farmer in Chiang Rai I don't claim to know much about them so you are invited to disagree and provide better reasoning and logic.

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The elite in Bangkok are people in top government positions, heads of big companies and about 20 families that are extremely wealthy. Why would they want their money depreciated. All of thailand revolves around the Peoples Republic Of Bangkok. I did business there for 30 years before I retired. What makes you think the Baht should have a higher value than the currencies of other countries like Australia, Singapore, EU and Malaysia? Have you looked at the basic reasons for the value of a country's currency? You have to accept that there is currency manipulation. In 1997 they spent all of their foreign currencies trying to defend the Baht to no avail. George Soros still brought them down. He also did this to England in 1980. When the handwriting was on the wall the elite quickly changed to $ and kept them in the banks in Switzerland. Insiders became very wealthy with these moves. July 2, 1997 was the day that they were forced to float the currency. These are complicated issues that are determined behind closed doors. As a small fish and vegetable farmer in Chiang Rai I don't claim to know much about them so you are invited to disagree and provide better reasoning and logic.

Every time a given currency moves up or down, it helps or hurts "somebody." Are you suggesting that exporters--many of whom I'd imagine would be on your list of "elite"--would want a strong baht? It would make their exports less competitive on the world market. So if there were any manipulation, it would logically be to make the baht weaker. But the value of the baht is determined by the market. That's it, and that's all.

By the way, how can you possibly determine that the baht has "a higher value than the currencies of other countries like Australia, Singapore, EU and Malaysia?" That's a rather bizarre statement.

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I believe that from Economics 101 you might conclude the valy of a given curriency is determined by the following factors:

Balance of payments

Balance of trade

Foreign currency reserves

Overall efficiency of the work force

Political and social stability

From these factors the market decides what it's value is.

Currency trading is not necessarily like stock trading where when one gains another loses.

I rest my case so if you don't believe the Thai currency is manipulated god speed.

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I believe that from Economics 101 you might conclude the valy of a given curriency is determined by the following factors:

Balance of payments

Balance of trade

Foreign currency reserves

Overall efficiency of the work force

Political and social stability

From these factors the market decides what it's value is.

Currency trading is not necessarily like stock trading where when one gains another loses.

I rest my case so if you don't believe the Thai currency is manipulated god speed.

economics 101 is for eggheads to teach and ignorants to listen to in universities. in the real world "Mr. Market" cares a flying fart.

moreover my comment was not referring to "manipulation" but to

The elite in Bangkok are people in top government positions, heads of big companies and about 20 families that are extremely wealthy.

by the way, most currencies are "manipulated" by central banks and/or the markets and that for many different and quite often valid reasons.

as far as your lectures are concerned i'd like to refer to your rather naïve comment

Currency trading is not necessarily like stock trading where when one gains another loses.

note: any asset can be traded without any participating party "losing". if i buy an asset for 100, sell it for 150 and the buyer can sell it for 200 neither me nor the buyer lost a single penny.

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When I begin to compare the prices of Thai products here and in Europe , I found out looking for example on Thai wine on sold on eBay and the web , that the price espasaly in Germany for large import asian shop and dealers is even more cheaper or nearly same price like in Thailand !

Same I recognized in Indonesia with famous copy luwak coffee , it was cheaper on amazon then in bali in the shops!

No matter what products I look manuka honey from New Zealand or macadamia from Australia , when I check websites in there country of origin , Is exactly same price like on amazon!

So how a strong Bhat have realy influence on export market?

Was a report on tv that Germany bought the Thai chicken for there restaurants for workers in company in thailand , that is possible also in Europe to offer a menu for workers in company for 3 €. , because ordered the chicken in Thailand !

Now since the Bhat rise and euro fall

Thailand has a problem to sale the chicken to the world because price is to high !

Now brazil makes the deal of chicken, instead of Thailand because there currency goes down together!

We all know that exporters buying tons of a product try to pressure the price on a very deep level!

For example Italian wine in my home country austria is cheaper then in Italy it self!

I could tell s lot of other examples , I concider diffrent prices in diffrent markets

All the time in my life, but i not realy found out all real secrets!

Tvs in Europe because import from asia

Will be soon rise by 20 Procent after euro crash , but in food prices , I not see much diffrence comparing to that price

In country of origin !

Thanks for your inputs in my topic!

..... Keep in mind one of the largest chicken processors in Thailand is US-based CARGILL in Korat. Wouldn't be in Thailand if not very profitable! Cargill $100 billion sales world wide annually.


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BoT's foreign currency reserves are around $148bn. See attached for details http://www2.bot.or.th/statistics/BOTWEBSTAT.aspx?reportID=80&language=ENG

If you look at line 5 on chart : Foreign currency reserves. You see the Bank of Thailand is spending about a billion / month on something. While not proof it is buying Baht, possible.

the Bank of Thailand is not "spending" but "allocating" foreign exchange for various purposes but mainly for the companies who require forex for imports. that's what every central bank does and that's why foreign reserves are quoted quite often by adding "equivalent to x months imports".

moreover, the BoT has been successfully accumulating foreign reserves since 2007 inspite of "wasting billions" to fit the various conspiracy theories of uninformed people and the theories of "Economics 101" experts tongue.png

Between January and April [2008], Thailand's FX reserves increased 21% to USD108.4bn.

"conspiring" parties should do a little homework (Google is your friend) instead of ridiculing themselves with irrelevant statements and the arithmetically impaired should use a pocket calculator to achieve the result of 148 billions minus 108 billions, i.e. growth of reserves in seven years.


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