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Motorbikes and knives.


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On Sukhumvit last night outside Robinson and there's this kid on a motorbike arguing with a taxi driver, lifts up his seat and pulls out a twelve inch knife and goes for the taxi driver driver pulls away and the kid puts the knife back and chases after him. Maybe good thing to be aware of if you ever have an encounter with one of these idiots especially after the women who got attacked by four of them with knives last week.

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I'm glad I live far far away from BKK and any other sort of city

they don't have knives upcountry? Where do you think most of these punks come from?

Up country we have machetes, scythes etc but they rae generally used for their proper purpose.

Having said that at the local fair last November a young lad from one local group was shot and killed by somebody from a rival group. For the rest of the fair there was a heavy presence of police and army. Some of the youths were so stupid they tried again and again but were caught and tossed into the police paddy wagon and taken away to be dealt with. Also the fair was shut down early every night.

To be fair the youths did keep it between themselves and the only bystanders that were hurt was because they were in the way of the runners. It was nothing personal.

There is no easy way to deal with stupid.

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