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Feel good story re honest Thai noodle seller


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Yes generally speaking the thais are honest people,but think on what use for anyone is a camera bag without the camera hehe.

You are right, and I thought the same, tho there was a small P&S and several expensive lenses. But unless one was a photographer, would not be interested in just lenses. Sorry, should have mentioned the contents of the bag.

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Hubby and I had a similar incident when we were doing some bicycle touring around Nong Khai, only we left a small backpack with our passports, airline tickets, money and other difficult to replace stuff near the entry to the carpark at the Tesco Lotus where we'd chained our bicycles when we went shopping. We realized our loss about 30 minutes later and when we returned, we found the backpack where we'd left it, but the carpark security guard worked just a few feet away and he was watching it like a hawk. I still don't know why he hadn't picked it up and moved it out-of-sight, but perhaps he didn't want to be accused of touching it. No one else had touched it either.

There are several other instances when I've left items in restaurant restrooms or in song thaews and they've always managed to find them way back to me.

The Thai people are basically very honest people who want to do the right thing.

He may have thought it was a bomb and not game to go near it :)

Just joking, its refreshing to hear good stories.

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Great story and I will totally agree I have had more positive than negative. Used to hold a hand full of coins out to vendors and they wood take what they needed when I was first here. Could not grasp the coin money but I would pay close attention to what they took. Took about 2 weeks then I was properly educated. The paper money was easy.

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OP, thank you for sharing this good story with us.

As about the dentist, I would recommend the Khon Kaen central hospital.

They have a very good reputation and have used them myself in the past.

The only problem is, expect some waiting time as they are usually busy.

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in all my 20 years here in Thailand I have never had any problems with the thai people I have been harassed by the occasional ladyboy but in general the thais are no problems at all.

I got an idiot neighbor that causes trouble.. but the other Thai neighbors are having problems with him too. You can have something like that in any country.

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Re: #7, #15.

If one does a search on Holographic Fractals Universe,

You'll find that the holographic universe is a scientific theory.

We are that which we gaze upon!

Something like that..


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Thank you for that story.

Having lived here for 5 years, I can tell of at least two dozen stories of Thai people treating me with kindness, compassion, and honesty. And I can tell you of more than a dozen stories of farang here treating me like shit and cheating me out of serious money.

As one poster said, every country has it's good and bad people. The bias here, I believe, is that so many farang live in Pattaya, or around Sukhumvit Bangkok, both being magnets for the worst of Thais looking to take advantage of foreigners. The difference between Sukhumvit and Din Daeng is night and day as far as the Thai people. Go across the Chao Praya river, and the difference is even more pronounced.

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I like hearing these stories and wish more would share. I was recently at Klang Village in Korat and ordered some drinks in the food court, I accidentally overpaid by about 60bht and went and sat down to eat with friends. The stall holder came chasing me to pay me the extra money I had accidentally left, I've had many similar instances across Thailand but I guess some of the rip-off stories are centred around tourist hot-spots rather than local places.

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Nice story. I've lived in a few diffrent countries, met people from all four corners of the planet. I believe that most people are generally good by nature. In the five years I've lived here, I haven't had a single problem with a Thai. They're generally friendly, inquisitive and courteous.

Unfortunately the few dishonest ones, operating mainly in the tourist areas, have shed a negative light on the rest.

Edited by djayz
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Re: #7, #15.

If one does a search on Holographic Fractals Universe,

You'll find that the holographic universe is a scientific theory.

We are that which we gaze upon!

Something like that..


You realize you appear "way" out there with this post, right?

But I get it. You are spot on. I am quite familiar with your point.

Definitely out there. The world needs more people in left field. thx

Bring it to Bedlam.

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I agree.

I am constantly dealing with Thai people who are more honest in doing business than many are in my home country of USA.

I often wonder about those who are always complaining about the evil dishonest Thais who rip off every farang thy come into contact with.

Could it be they do not understand the concept of bartering and automatically pay the first price asked for rather than counter with an off half of the original...that's a good way to rip yourself off..and neither you or the vendor enjoys it much!

Maybe they just walk around acting rude and looking like helpless targets and attract the wolves to come in for the kill?

Seriously, I am very impressed with the honesty of most Thai people.

Example..A few weeks ago I was at DM airport waiting for a flight to Krabi. Got a bite to eat at a cafe in the airport and then left for a long leisurely stroll my boarding gate.

Arriving at the gate almost an hour later, I realized when it was time to have my carryon luggage scanned that I had left my new laptop computer at the cafe an hour ago!

It was time to board the plane, so I ran all the way back to the cafe ( a good distance ) and when I arrived the waitress was smiling at me, went into the kitchen and brought out my computer without my even asking about it.

I smiled, gave her healthy tip and ran back to my boarding plane.

That laptop had cost me about 15,000 baht a few days earlier.....she could have easily told me she had not seen it.

I have had nothing but good experiences with good, honest Thai people.

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Hubby and I had a similar incident when we were doing some bicycle touring around Nong Khai, only we left a small backpack with our passports, airline tickets, money and other difficult to replace stuff near the entry to the carpark at the Tesco Lotus where we'd chained our bicycles when we went shopping. We realized our loss about 30 minutes later and when we returned, we found the backpack where we'd left it, but the carpark security guard worked just a few feet away and he was watching it like a hawk. I still don't know why he hadn't picked it up and moved it out-of-sight, but perhaps he didn't want to be accused of touching it. No one else had touched it either.

There are several other instances when I've left items in restaurant restrooms or in song thaews and they've always managed to find them way back to me.

The Thai people are basically very honest people who want to do the right thing.

I'm always nervous about moving stuff that has been obviously mislaid, as the people who have mislaid it will retrace their steps, but not necessarily ask everyone every five steps of the way "Did you happen to see..."

My apologies for the off-topic digression, but I'd have sworn that Charles Aznavour sang that....

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