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10) Do not discuss moderation publicly in the open forum; this includes individual actions, and specific or general policies and issues. You may send a PM to a moderator to discuss individual actions or email support (at) thaivisa.com to discuss moderation policy.

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Personally I deal with it by not coming here much. Too much passive-agressive or outright aggressive nonsense here. Every forum has its personality, and it's pretty much a given, not changeable. I hang out on guitar forums and international newspaper forums most of the time when I'm online.

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It hasn't always been this high in mediocrity, its been a lot higher but then again you always have the choice of being the ultimate censor in these matters

Personally I think everyone (within reason) has a valid right to opinionate on this forum , whether you agree or not is neither the point or the issue.

Some of the more, shall we diverse posters on here are responsible for some very interesting threads and posts , to the extent that you dont know what is coming next, some of the extreme right or left wing attitudes make for a real good debate, compelling people to just join in the fracas.

I dont know what is the point of your thread either with respect but I do think that it has a valid reason for being here in that I and others have already taken the bait as it were, so you yourself in making this entirely pointless comment have contributed to the very mediocrity that you are having a moan about.

You are now a fully paid up member of the ThaiVisa mediocrity club.....Welcome! 555

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Personally I deal with it by not coming here much. Too much passive-agressive or outright aggressive nonsense here. Every forum has its personality, and it's pretty much a given, not changeable. I hang out on guitar forums and international newspaper forums most of the time when I'm online.

Sorry about that sundrenched but you dont know what you are missing, maybe you havnt yet acquired the thickness of skin require to participate in some of the more adventurous threads.

Must admit though never noticed too much "passive aggression" but read plenty of posts containing the other but even then I wouldn't say that it is real aggression because the majority of reasonable people posting on here would soon see an an aggressive poster for what they were iand through the keyboard soon dispense with that poster .

Trying to think where I have read a thread or post which had "Passive aggression" in it. ????????

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Forgive and forget, ....

Tell that to the bloke sitting next to me on the 'plane.

"Did you say something?"

"It was a Louis Armstrong impression" I replied.

I could see his eyes beginning to water

Edit: Louis Armstrong, but not a wonderful world; not for him, anyway

Edited by StreetCowboy
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Opinions are great, if I agree with them or not.

That is what a forum is for.

People resorting to insulting and criticizing others they do not agree with is just wrong and add nothing to the topic being discussed.

Posts that only insult and criticize others personally, and have nothing to do with the topic, should be eliminated, by " someone".

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GT is totally opinion-based but I get ticked off when I see some of the misinformation posted in forums like Health, Visas and the Economy forums - each of which contains people who know their stuff but that doesnt stop the uninformed trying to turn a thread into their own soapbox. It's died down now, but at the height of the back-to-back visa exemption crackdown there were pitched battles being waged in threads that should have simply been about giving people options at a point where they were stuck at a land border trying to get back into Thailand. Many of the longterm retirees here clearly have an axe to grind with those they see as exploiting the apathy of Thai authorities over the years and that was a classic example. Very easy to become a sniper or an attack dog here, but I believe some of those who post complete nonsense for the sake of it bring a lot of that on themselves - sadly, in some cases, I believe they get off on it.

Forums designed for Thai expats have long been the subject of derision from the likes of Stickman, although its clear that he does scan these pages from time to time. All that will come to an end soon and Stick - like several before him - will leave Thailand to its own devices.

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Don't sign the farewell card just yet. Stick is hinting at a last-minute twist in the tale.

Be amazed if there wasn't with perhaps a new man at the helm with same format.......hope so anyway. Guy was good to me over something and unlikely to forget it

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Don't sign the farewell card just yet. Stick is hinting at a last-minute twist in the tale.

Be amazed if there wasn't with perhaps a new man at the helm with same format.......hope so anyway. Guy was good to me over something and unlikely to forget it

I thought that was the plan - he would sell it and go back to NZ to live the quiet life ?

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I think what the OP is trying to say is that opinions are best when 'informed', guesses when 'educated' and facts when 'substantiated'.

My point is that a negative aspect of publishing the amount of posts a member has made may well encourage arguments rather than discussions and 'childish sniping' a-plenty; in the race by some for the greatest number of posts.

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