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Moral Authorities Encourage Songkran Attendees to Dress Appropriately

Jacob Maslow

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Ministry of Culture - Thailand's most bullsh%t ministry by far....

Established on 3 October, 2002 by Thailand's most bullsh%t PM by far...

Well done, 9 posts in and you manage to do itcrazy.gif. There needs to be something similar to Godwin's Law for Mr. T.

No matter what the discussion is, eventually we end up with Thaksin!! You have managed to do it on the 9th post for something completely unrelated! Well done

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"the sexual assault of women is caused by the clothing they wear"

No. The sexual assault of women is caused by idiots lacking self-control -- of both sexes.


Is there not an increased risk of sexual assault on women if they're getting around half naked in public places?

Too many people are making too much of poor wording by non-native-English speaking journalists, but most sensible people get the point.

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This image used to be on the Ministry of Culture website (until the 2011 Songkran episode):


The offending image was changed after the MoC condemned topless revellers during the 2011 celebration and a flurry of people pointed out that the MoC had an image of topless girls on their website !

When my kids have grown up and left home I'm going to hang this in my bedroom if the wife is okay with it smile.png

Why if the wife is OK with it? Is she a member of the Thai Moral Authority? or feeling inadequate? As for the kids, I am sure that they have seen more pornography on the internet than you have. I find this very beautiful and would love to hang it on my wall.thumbsup.gif

I like it too.

It's a beautiful picture.

But, I do not think it is cultural accurate!

The average bra cup size in Thailand is an A cup.

That means half of the breasts in Thailand are smaller than a full A cup.

Some of those look like they might even be a small B cup to me.

Wishful thinking on the part of the painter?

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"The Moral Promotion Center has laid out 7 Values that theyre encouraging the public to adhere to. Following these values will help attendees enjoy the festivities safely.

1. Show Discipline: Follow the law. Obey traffic laws and drive within the speed limit. Stand in line when waiting for public transportation.

2. Be Kind: Show kindness and compassion to others by lending a hand and offering support.

3. Be Patient: Tolerate anger from individuals who are drunk to avoid unnecessary disputes. Avoid gambling.

4. Be Responsible: Know your duties in society to safeguard the safety of others.

5. Be Giving: Share and give to others. Be helpful to others.

6. Exercise Caution: Be cautious in everything that you do. Avoid doing anything that would bring harm to you or others.

7. Consciousness: Know the consequences of your actions; not drinking and driving. "

What a flamin joke these are:

1. Obey traffic laws and drive within the speed limit. - WHAT TRAFFIC LAWS, There aren't any, and as for drive within the speed limits WHY INSIST ON THIS NOW when for the rest of the year it's a full speed ahead grand prix race, and as for motorbikes, they would make excellent kamikaze pilots because all they are interested in is themselves. They have no consideration for other road users.

3. Tolerate anger from those who are drunk. HOW CAN THEY GET DRUNK IF IT'S ALCOHOL FREE ZONES?

As far as dress being the cause of rapes, what a lot of BS. This culture minister seems to know very little about her own culture and the way women dressed. If she is such a prude why was Bang Rajun allowed to be shown on tv with bare breasted women. The boobs weren't even pixelated out. yet further instances of hypocrisy can be seen regularly on Channel V in video clips where female dancers butts and bikini or bra covered boobs are pixelated out. PERHAPS THIS MINISTER IS A MUSLIM. That might account for these ridiculous dress codes she is trying to impose.

Yeah because we know that Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jews, etc never impose dress codes.

Leave your prejudices against Islam out of a thread that has nothing to do with that faith.

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Dear all Thailand bashers!

as I've red in this topic and many others - you hate Thailand, Thais, Thai government etc.

so why do you torture yourself so fiercely? why don't you go back to your wonderful civilized Western countries?

is it a kind of kinky weird pleasure - to hate a place, suffer and still live here?


What you state may be the truth,

But the " If you do not like it here, go home" reply has been so overused for so long, that it has been agreed by manyt, not to state the obvious any more.

Use your imagination, at least try to find a new way to state it..

.For example:

" Maybe you would be happier and more comfortable elsewhere?"

or even...

"Get out of Dodge Cowboy"!cheesy.gif

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"the sexual assault of women is caused by the clothing they wear"

No. The sexual assault of women is caused by idiots lacking self-control -- of both sexes.


Is there not an increased risk of sexual assault on women if they're getting around half naked in public places?

Too many people are making too much of poor wording by non-native-English speaking journalists, but most sensible people get the point.

No there isn't.

Rape is all about power and dominating another. The state of dress of the victim is irrelevant to rapists.

Many rapists are known by their victims in a social/work environment. Again how they dress is not the cause of or a precursor to rape.

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Dear all Thailand bashers!

as I've red in this topic and many others - you hate Thailand, Thais, Thai government etc.

so why do you torture yourself so fiercely? why don't you go back to your wonderful civilized Western countries?

is it a kind of kinky weird pleasure - to hate a place, suffer and still live here?


What you state may be the truth,

But the " If you do not like it here, go home" reply has been so overused for so long, that it has been agreed by manyt, not to state the obvious any more.

Use your imagination, at least try to find a new way to state it..

.For example:

" Maybe you would be happier and more comfortable elsewhere?"

or even...

"Get out of Dodge Cowboy"!cheesy.gif

Or even better accept that just because you live somewhere other than your home country you should not cease to think.

Or even accept that when someone makes a crass, stupid and patently false claim, as mr sin did, they deserve all the abuse they get.

It's not bashing if its highlighting the truth.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Dear all Thailand bashers!

as I've red in this topic and many others - you hate Thailand, Thais, Thai government etc.

so why do you torture yourself so fiercely? why don't you go back to your wonderful civilized Western countries?

is it a kind of kinky weird pleasure - to hate a place, suffer and still live here?

The only real suffering we are exposed to here, is reading nonsense posts like yours!!

We are criticizing to double standards of the Morale Police here, in other words standing up for the Thai people>

No government official anywhere should tell women how to dress, and say if they get assaulted, they had it coming...............

Now be a good boy, and go back under your bridge!!

why do you think Thais should tolerate all these sugar daddies in pith helmets from the West come to their homeland and try to teach how Thais should live?

what is moral and what is immoral

what they should do and what they shouldn't

why don't you keep your view on moral values (which some people call lechery) for yourself and let others deal with there internal issues?

who, please tell me who, lied you that you know it better how other nations should live?!

Or even better accept that just because you live somewhere other than your home country you should not cease to think.

Or even accept that when someone makes a crass, stupid and patently false claim, as mr sin did, they deserve all the abuse they get.

It's not bashing if its highlighting the truth.

you are making statements based on your moral values, your cultural background etc. But here in Thailand people have different ideas about there country development. and they don't care of what you think. because of these ideas Thailand became what it is now - attracting millions of tourists (including you) every day. You chose Thailand as a place to live because of this ideas and principles. And now you are bashing them.

you ran away from emancipation, which destroys western society, and here you try to instill the same infection (!!!). even animals don't shit where they live.

Thailand is what it is. you have neither power nor moral right to change anything here. Thais would never need your opinion about how to manage there own country. So why don't you either accept Thailand as it is or leave it?

instead of this you are keep staying here and bash the country, like Muslim immigrants bash "anti-Muslim discrimination in the UK" but do whatever it takes in order not to come back to their wonderful Muslim homelands.

This is what I don't understand

Edited by Jeffreyake
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I have read a few articals recently where Muslim men are claiming that if a woman is raped, it is her own fault because she was probably dress inappropriatly!----willyumiii

...but I wont send you just 1 of the links from the many articles that I have read stating this ------(Because they don't excist ?) but hey,.... lets not let facts get in the way of a little bigotry .................coffee1.gif

Hi oxo1947, you are a stupid moron if you believe that. Perhaps if you did some real research and read some of the news articles on recent rapes in Australia by Muslim men on Western women, they all used this very reason as justification for rape. It was the girls fault because she was wearing what THEY deemed to be inappropriate clothing. They also justified their actions by stating that western girls were pigs and deserved to be raped. No bigotry there just FACTS.

No just rapists trying to defend the indefensible and blame others for their inadequacies.

The bigotry comes from those who want to believe that is how men of one faith act.

Nothing do with religion or clothes and everything to do with power.

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Those of us who grew up in the 70's know that banning the wearing of bras would be appropriate for appropriate attire on Songkran.

Having a three day national water fight and wet t-shirt contest is rather pointless when bras are under the t-shirts.

Yes, pun is intended.

Get the point(s)???


So many agree with my suggestion for appropriate Sangkran clothing, I'll post another example.

Please not that not just white shirts are appropriate.

Color has little to do with it.


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And after our illustrious PM shot himself in the foot when he made similar comments about the Koh Tao murders.

Seems they have difficulty getting their feet out of their mouths.

Yea, but whose feet are in whose mouths ? are sock suckers upon us? oh the humanity of it all. :-)

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Dear all Thailand bashers!

as I've red in this topic and many others - you hate Thailand, Thais, Thai government etc.

so why do you torture yourself so fiercely? why don't you go back to your wonderful civilized Western countries?

is it a kind of kinky weird pleasure - to hate a place, suffer and still live here?

I fail to see how this is bashing Thailand. Walking around in shorts is not secret code for "Please sexually assault me." It doesn't matter if I'm in Thailand, Australia, the US, or the back end of nowhere.

Freedom from sexual assault (and not being blamed for being sexually assaulted) is a fundamental human right and isn't subject to geographical limitations.

this is classic example of neo-colonialist way of thinking. you apriori believe that your moral values are better than others

and how are you going to enforce this "freedom without geographic limitations" ?

let me guess... carpet bombing?

1)"fundamental human rights" is just 200 years old Western idea which is now used to discredit and manipulate sovereign governments. who told you everybody should accept it

2) "freedom from sexual assault" does not justify provocative behavior. every women in the world knows what buttons naked ankles and breasts push in man's psych. women use it to manipulate men and to force them to give away their resources. and when provocation goes wrong - sexual assault can happen. does it mean that the rapist is innocent? no! does it mean that a women's decision was a cause of the rape? yes! that's why changing women's behavior to non-provocative can help from men who can't control there libido. this is a fact, which all leftists like you deny for 50 years.

but Thai government doe's not give a shit about your weird destructive left-wing ideas. so calm down and relax.

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This image used to be on the Ministry of Culture website (until the 2011 Songkran episode):


That image was a portion of this original painting by the Thai artist Sompop Budtarad:


The offending image was changed after the MoC condemned topless revellers during the 2011 celebration and a flurry of people pointed out that the MoC had an image of topless girls on their website !


Perhaps what is "appropriate" depends largely on how it looks when you wear it (or don't) yourself !

Thai Moral Taliban-like forgets its own history.

A past dictator from 1938 also brought about a change in cultural traits in Thailand. It even forbade chop sticks in favor of forks and spoons.

Even the traditional dress was demonized.


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this is classic example of neo-colonialist way of thinking. you apriori believe that your moral values are better than others

and how are you going to enforce this "freedom without geographic limitations" ?

let me guess... carpet bombing?

1)"fundamental human rights" is just 200 years old Western idea which is now used to discredit and manipulate sovereign governments. who told you everybody should accept it

2) "freedom from sexual assault" does not justify provocative behavior. every women in the world knows what buttons naked ankles and breasts push in man's psych. women use it to manipulate men and to force them to give away their resources. and when provocation goes wrong - sexual assault can happen. does it mean that the rapist is innocent? no! does it mean that a women's decision was a cause of the rape? yes! that's why changing women's behavior to non-provocative can help from men who can't control there libido. this is a fact, which all leftists like you deny for 50 years.

but Thai government doe's not give a shit about your weird destructive left-wing ideas. so calm down and relax.

I don't even know where to go with this, so I won't. Some people just can't be helped.

Does anyone know if there's a documented increase in sexual assaults during Songkran? I'm not particularly worried and I'm not hiding in my house for a week, but I'm just curious if there's something about Songkran that brings out the predatory behavior in people.

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More ' values ', more hypocrisy, more BS that no one will pay the slightest attention to.

Ladies dress appropriately or you encourage a sexual assault ! Does this apply to ugly women who may wear bikinis ?

Did the moral Thai Taliban defined their perception of "appropriate"?

Is it appropriate to charge outrageous amounts for using an ATM to get "our money"?

Anybody knows how true is the rumor that such charges will not be made at ATM during Songkran?

Richard Barrow commented on it in his blog.

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Those of us who grew up in the 70's know that banning the wearing of bras would be appropriate for appropriate attire on Songkran.

Having a three day national water fight and wet t-shirt contest is rather pointless when bras are under the t-shirts.

Yes, pun is intended.

Get the point(s)???


She is beautiful!!wub.png

Yes, and that lawn looks nice too.

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Dear all Thailand bashers!

as I've red in this topic and many others - you hate Thailand, Thais, Thai government etc.

so why do you torture yourself so fiercely? why don't you go back to your wonderful civilized Western countries?

is it a kind of kinky weird pleasure - to hate a place, suffer and still live here?


What you state may be the truth,

But the " If you do not like it here, go home" reply has been so overused for so long, that it has been agreed by manyt, not to state the obvious any more.

Use your imagination, at least try to find a new way to state it..

.For example:

" Maybe you would be happier and more comfortable elsewhere?"

or even...

"Get out of Dodge Cowboy"!cheesy.gif

I think Jeffery phrased the common " If you do not like it here, go home" rather well, with his statement "why don't you go back to your wonderful civilized Western countries?" Just saying.........

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Is this what the moral police have in mind as appropriate attire to avoid sexual assault?


That should work this Songkran, provided it is rust proof. smile.png

...its actually quite exotic....

Edited by NeilSA1
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Those of us who grew up in the 70's know that banning the wearing of bras would be appropriate for appropriate attire on Songkran.

Having a three day national water fight and wet t-shirt contest is rather pointless when bras are under the t-shirts.

Yes, pun is intended.

Get the point(s)???


No bikini, ergo, she is "safe as houses."

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The state media is warning the public that the sexual assault of women is caused by the clothing they wear.

For those poor of mind that don't understand the wording used in the OP, or pretend not to understand just to increase their post and like count, I'll give a simple example.

stock-footage-beautiful-muslim-lady-chec The chance that the lady in the first picture is raped by an unstable person is much lower than for the one in the second picture Low-Cut-Mini-Dress-with-Cinched-Ties-on-

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Sexual assault is caused by the women's clothes !!!

I can just imagine the result of blaming the woman's attire as a defence in an assault or rape court case.

Who would be the decision maker as to the suitability of attire. Would the same standard apply to males and females?

What sort of fool would ever make such a statement and how on earth do they keep their job?

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The state media is warning the public that the sexual assault of women is caused by the clothing they wear.

For those poor of mind that don't understand the wording used in the OP, or pretend not to understand just to increase their post and like count, I'll give a simple example.

stock-footage-beautiful-muslim-lady-chec The chance that the lady in the first picture is raped by an unstable person is much lower than for the one in the second picture Low-Cut-Mini-Dress-with-Cinched-Ties-on-

No it isn't.

Rape is about power and control, what the victim is wearing is not what matters to the rapist.


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