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What is Koh Chang like?


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I will be holidaying on Koh Chang for a few days soon and wonder if anyone can tell what Koh Chang is like nowadays?

I have never been there myself (I live and work in BKK).

Can anyone tell what the island is like now?

In other words, any very recent, or even current, experience.

How are the people there, infrastructure, the beaches, facilities, roads etc.

What is it like when, say, compared to places such as Pattaya, Phuket?

Are there scams there as well (renting a motorcycle, jetski etc.), do tuk tuks/taxis overcharge tourists, stuff like that.

I am hoping it is not like Pattaya or Phuket, I am hoping it is more relaxed, not so touristy, but that it is in the modern age so to speak.

Thanks for any insights!

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Armin, You realize that you are effectively asking someone to write something just like this, https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Ko_Chang, only just for you. Do you have specific questions?

No, that is not what I am asking at all.

I am asking for people's personal experiences that they had very recent on what it is like to be on the island, deal with its natives,

if it is now a copy of Pattaya or if it is still a bit relaxed and not too overly populated with tourists, if there are scams there like there

are in Pattaya or on Phuket, or if you can still rent anything on Koh Chang without being ripped off after you take it back.

Are the native people on Koh Chang nice and friendly, or are they as the natives in Pattaya, hardened by all the commercialization.

Are the beaches on Koh Chang still clean and natural, or not.

Are the beaches crowded with vendors or not.

I am asking for real eperiences, not promotional text from an add or a geographical description of Koh Chang.

In short....if I wanted to go to a place like Pattaya.....I would go to Pattaya...I want to know if Koh Chang is indeed not like Pattaya.

But thanks for your input! thumbsup.gif

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was great in 1994, now it's as horrible as anywhere else, Thais would concrete the beach if there was baht in it.

Coming out of Bangkok I think people can enjoy Koh Chang today but it's non stop development everywhere. If you have been couped up in Bangkok for months or have been working hard somewhere it's going to be a nice break.

Have you tried the other Koh Chang in Ranong? Pretty laid back when I went 2000. More development and forest cut down when I went in 2006.

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Armin, You realize that you are effectively asking someone to write something just like this, https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Ko_Chang, only just for you. Do you have specific questions?

I think that description is pretty spot on. Answers most of what the OP is looking for. Smaller than Pattaya, still a tourist attraction...so expect the odd scam. Nice beaches, but lots of development recently.

It's a nice island. If you've never been, go check it out. I doubt you'll be disappointed. Then please report back what you think. We'd love to hear your thoughts!!

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I will be sure to post my impression of the island after I return.

I am sure Koh Chang is not the quiet idyllic paradise it once was/must have been, just wonder if it is still not like Pattaya.

Not bashing Pattaya, it is just not what I am looking for during this break.

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I've been there many times already. Always went to the same small resort in the south that is peaceful and has great food. No, I won't tell you the name....It should stay peaceful. ?

Anyways, there are many such places around the island, especially on the east coast. Go down to the Treehouse2 if you want a big beach for yourself.

Rent a bike and ride around the island. As of last year the road wasn't finished, so you'll have to ride back at some point.

I always enjoyed staying there and can only recommend it.

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Would you also recommend renting a motorcycle?

I'll be staying around the south-west side....any nice beaches you can recommend there?

As the road is very steep at certain points on the west coast, I would only recommend it if you have some riding experience already.

Nature beach resort on Lonely Beach is very nice and laid back. There, I told you my little secret getaway place.

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Would you also recommend renting a motorcycle?

I'll be staying around the south-west side....any nice beaches you can recommend there?

As the road is very steep at certain points on the west coast, I would only recommend it if you have some riding experience already.

Nature beach resort on Lonely Beach is very nice and laid back. There, I told you my little secret getaway place.

Thanks, although, from what I have read about Koh Chang, 'Lonely Beach' is the busiest most developed place it seems on Koh Chang, so I'm surprised there

would be a laid back getaway there.

But will sure check it out.

I have riding experience, but thanks for the warning.

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My daughter and her husband stayed there in February at a resort(can't recall the name, sorry) and they had a great time, enjoyed everything about it. Also had a friend's daughter go there in 2006 and again last year and were disappointed at all the commercial changes that had taken place. So it's in the eyes of the beholder I guess you'd say. Hope you have a great time, it's surely got to beat that rat race in Bangkok.

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Goh Chang? Wot's it like? in a word, boring.

A big mountain in the sea with a road around the coast. Don't go on a holiday weekend unless you like to wait 4 hours at the ferry terminal to get across, BOTH WAYS. No exaggeration.

Must take your GF/wife as no other opportunities if single. Nothing like Pattaya or Puket, very quiet.

Very nice resorts, meals, eating out is good although at the hotel we ate out at the food was good but the service from the Cambodians naff. Not their fault, they were nice people, but the management didn't teach them anything. Beaches - I've seen a lot better.

So, you go there, wait hours, spend time at the nice resort, eat nice food, wait hours, and leave. Boring.

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If the few days soon is over the Songran, it wont really matter as everywhere is the same......if its not songran then yes its a fantastic place....Accommodation a bit expensive but no pizza huts, kfcs or any of that rubbish.

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Have a dvd at home the most beutiful islands in thailand Ko Chang and ko phangan is the winner!

But the hippie times are over you come to late sorry!

Can someone discribe me the way in a pm to Ko payam?

Don't forget taro taro was there 4 years ago walked across the island 16 km one day and met only one Brit !

Have one taxi driver 2 restaurant and no atm!

If you want quite go there

Room realy beutiful build by the kingdom with full glass windows around you!

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Thanks all for the replies.

To some: I just want to take a break and find a different scenery, more quite and relaxed than Bangkok...but I don't want to go back in time or anything.

I made the comparison to Pattaya because most will know what Pattaya is like: crowded, seedy nightlife, overcommercialized (and the 'bad' Thai attitude that comes with that).

Nothing wrong with that....just not what I want.

So I asked if Koh Chang is the same or not.

Good to read that it is not.

@PattayaPhom....as a matter of fact...yes my trip is over Songkhran period. But I've read or heard somewhere that Songkhran is not celebrated that long

on most islands, maybe just 1 day or two. I just hope it is not as massive as it would be in Bangkok, where I will get soaked either direction I walk from my apartment. biggrin.png

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Very nice there the GF and I really enjoyed it but I would wait until after Songran. stayed at the Kocha resort and spa, they have a beach and hillside resort. Pools on both sides of the road. nice little night market just to the right of the front door. Ice cream shop and 7-11 a little further up the road. You can drive load your car on the ferry and park at hotel. I would highly recommend this place. it is on white Sand Beach.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The island is 70% natural rain forest, best preserved in Thailand. Not like Pattaya, laid back and relaxed but it rains a lot this time of year.

And don't forget the mosquitoes and sand flies. How many motorcyclists were killed or critically injured last year? How many people drowned in the race that occurs just off shore?

I lived on the island for 21 months, 2006/07, last revisited in 2010. Promised myself never to go there again. Too much concrete, inadequate infrastructure for the burgeoning development taking place.

A once beautiful island spoilt by avarice.

Edited by fgmr
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Got back from Koh chang 3 weeks ago booked in at lonely beach four 4 nights left after 2 nights . The beach was dirty full of backpackers ,had a dodgy meal the first night spent most of the next day in the loo ! The roads are very bad very hilly and tight corners and monkeys running all over the place,so me and my family packed up and went to koh Samat for a few days a far better island a lot cleaner good for families

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Went there the end of 2014. Very disappointed.

Arrived in the evening after surviving a short listing ferry ride. Beach looked great as the sun went down

In the morning tide was out...rocks, bottles. Mud. Looked disgusting

Didn't go in the sea when it came back in.

Hotel supposed to be 4 star was a mess and very poor with staff that couldn't give a crap.

When I asked why the sea view I had booked and paid for turned out to be a view of a building site they went to get the manager.

A burly Thai guy arrived and told me if we didn't like it we could leave!

Restaurants, what there were, full of backpackers and people a bit the worse for drink which is ok if that's what you want. I wanted a quiet Thai beach with good food.

This was all on the western side. Might be different elsewhere.

Wouldn't go back

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Armin, You realize that you are effectively asking someone to write something just like this, https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Ko_Chang, only just for you. Do you have specific questions?

No, that is not what I am asking at all.

I am asking for people's personal experiences that they had very recent on what it is like to be on the island, deal with its natives,

if it is now a copy of Pattaya or if it is still a bit relaxed and not too overly populated with tourists, if there are scams there like there

are in Pattaya or on Phuket, or if you can still rent anything on Koh Chang without being ripped off after you take it back.

Are the native people on Koh Chang nice and friendly, or are they as the natives in Pattaya, hardened by all the commercialization.

Are the beaches on Koh Chang still clean and natural, or not.

Are the beaches crowded with vendors or not.

I am asking for real eperiences, not promotional text from an add or a geographical description of Koh Chang.

In short....if I wanted to go to a place like Pattaya.....I would go to Pattaya...I want to know if Koh Chang is indeed not like Pattaya.

But thanks for your input! thumbsup.gif

Had great times at, BB Divers at Bang Bao.....almost at the end of the island, good diving great people....

Best regards.

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