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Prayuth Asks Media to Expose Redshirt Violence in 2010 Crackdown

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Why should the media help a person who sensors their work, threatens them with incarceration, threatens to shut them down, threatens to punch them in the face and threatens to execute them. I ask again why should they help him.

Because if they don't he may incarcerate them, shut them down, punch them or worse?


That is a really strange picture.

It is very surreal. Looks like he has to pee or he's holding back a fart.

Holding back a fart is more likely as he is about to speak.

His farts carry a lot weight more wait than anything that comes out your mouth.

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He means he wants the media to tell the "sanitized" version of events according to him. Never mind what the actual truth is.

It was a war zone.

Yeah it was... It was damn the city and its people. We'll destroy it and them to have our man back.

Maybe, just maybe, it had something to do with, that the majority of Thai voters had enough of, over and over again, seeing their votes being voided by the judiciary and/or the army.

Violence is never a solution, but at some point most people reach their breaking point !!

Do you add Suthep and the whistle blowers to that? Did they have enough? I'd say they reached their breaking point as well, but it's more of a contrast than a comparison to 2010.

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So many of you haven't got a clue what happened... It was ugly almost beyond belief. You just spew out that same old crap about democracy and a police state, with never a mention of morons threatening to explode a propane tanker truck in the squalor of Din Daeng Flats...

April 12 2009, Din Daeng, Nan Lerng, red shirts torched 30 city busses, killed 2 residents and injured many, drove an LPG tanker with opened gas valve on the intersection and tried to blow it up. The reds were angry because their charasmatic leader Arisman, aka Big Mac, was arrested for storming the Asean Summit in Pattaya a day earlier. They also attacked the Prime Ministers car that day (where in the world would that be possible?).

Amazing that those critizing the coup(s) or defend the red shirts never mention these kind of events. This is not an isolated example of red terrorism, but one of many.

This country needs a cooling down period. Serious crimes need to be solved and the most important thing, in my opinion, is that Thaksin needs to serve his time and attend the still 9 other open court cases against him.

That would be the only way forward. No more impunity.

How about the several attempts on Thaksin's life? And the violent street protests with guns & bombs instigated by his minority opposition?


That is a really strange picture.

It is very surreal. Looks like he has to pee or he's holding back a fart.

Holding back a fart is more likely as he is about to speak.

His farts carry a lot weight more wait than anything that comes out your mouth.

I take licking his boots, takes your nose close enough to the generals farts to make you a true expert!!

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Abhisit and Suthep’s fate will be determined by the junta-appointed interim parliament.

Where is there justice in that?

If found guilty of murder by abuse of power, they will receive a 5-year ban from politics.

Where is there justice in that?

Especially if the ban is made retroactively to 2010!

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Slow down a sec guys..........

This thread is not about the violent red thugs (there are 100's of threads about that already)

This is about Mr P asking/begging/ordering the press to report his "truth".

Normally countries where that happens are called (you know what I mean).................whistling.gif

He just ask media to report True.

Media have pictures and videos of this night who clearly show that red shirt always denied : Violence come from red camps.......

Since most of the media are on yellow hands, why haven't those alleged pictures and videos not been published in five years??


I see the yellow shirted troll Costas is up way past his bedtime.

What makes you think, that a man living on a Greek pension can afford a bed??whistling.gif

That's a cheap shot. You're not capable of arguing your point of view from the perspective of logic of which those from Greece can claim as their birthright; so therefore you insult a TV member because of his origin and your erroneous and unfounded opinion of his wealth.

Relax man!!

While you are getting all excited on our Greek friends behalf, I am sure Costas will take my comment for exactly what it was: A friendly joke.....................


@JOC...None of your insults invalidates anything I've posted. They're immature, they aren't constructive and at the end of the day you aren't the PM of Thailand. Try offering a solution in your posts in the future. We'd all love to hear your plan for Thailand.

I would love to see Korn Chatikavanij and/or Surin Pitsuwan in charge of Thailand!!

And honestly I don't care if they are elected or appointed.

Thailand badly needs some intelligent politicians with integrity to move the country forward!!


According to former PM Abhisit, three military generals were involved in the forced dispersal of protesters, including then deputy army chief Gen Prayut. Abhisit said the generals acted as middlemen between those in power, including him, and officials who were carrying out the operations.

Former deputy PM Suthep as Chief of the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation which controlled the protest was in charge of the army officers and he outlined how the officers should use their weapons. Troops were told to shoot below a person’s knee without intent to kill and not to fire a weapon when protesters were mingling with innocent people.

But obviously the soldiers did fire at innocent people. Obviously, the soldiers decided that all protesters deserved to be fired upon.

Why hasn’t General Prayut been charged by the Administrative Criminal Court for murder if he was possibly complicit in protesters/bystanders deaths? He was a military officer and not a government official.

It is an affront to justice that Gen. Prayut has untouchable judicial power under Article 44 and not be held accountable for carrying out Abhisit/Suthep orders to fire at both protesters and bystanders. How noble he is to call on the news media to prove his own innocence as he avoids criminal charges.

For one A44 and in 2010 then General Prayut have no relation. For another PM Prayut didn't ask the press to prove his innocence. He merely asked ""Media, help me. Don't throw away the evidence. I saw you taking many photographs,""

Now why should Gen. Prayut be charged for murder, charged in the Adminstrative Court? I'm afraid the charge would either be thrown out as not an administrative matter, or put on hold as the charge for 'abuse of authority' against Abhisit/Suthep in the Supreme Court for Political Office Holders would need to be answered first.

Of course some here talk about reconciliation, forgive and forget, but that's only when their side is in need of it, it would seem. Others were willing to forget all if needed to get big brother back

PS on April 10th, 2010 a lot of the wounded were shot in the legs, but that might have happened before the army retreated in near panic while under fire by peaceful protesters.


These types of threads always bring up too much democracy rhetoric. Western democracy is a republic founded to protect our individual rights to life, liberty, and happiness. Thailand is not a republic. If you all are going to banter about political philosophy, at least do it with some class.

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These types of threads always bring up too much democracy rhetoric. Western democracy is a republic founded to protect our individual rights to life, liberty, and happiness. Thailand is not a republic. If you all are going to banter about political philosophy, at least do it with some class.

Ok if I understand your mind a western democratic country is a republic ? What about Spain, Great Britain, Belgium, Nederland, Denmark, Sweden and Luxembourg ?

These counties are not a republic ! For you these countries are not democratics ?


Slow down a sec guys..........

This thread is not about the violent red thugs (there are 100's of threads about that already)

This is about Mr P asking/begging/ordering the press to report his "truth".

Normally countries where that happens are called (you know what I mean).................whistling.gif

He just ask media to report True.

Media have pictures and videos of this night who clearly show that red shirt always denied : Violence come from red camps.......

Since most of the media are on yellow hands, why haven't those alleged pictures and videos not been published in five years??

Not only, foreign media have the same evidence......

Quote from Human right watch world report 2012-2014 about Thailand :

« At least 90 people died and more than 2,000 were injured during violent political confrontations from March to May 2010. The loss of life resulted from the unnecessary use of lethal force by Thai security forces, attacks by armed elements operating in tandem with the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), known as the “Red Shirts,” and incitement to violence by some UDD leaders. »

« The status of investigations into alleged crimes by UDD “Black Shirt” militants remained unclear, with the Yingluck government denying the group’s existence despite clear photographic and other evidence. A number of those accused of deadly attacks against soldiers, police officers, and anti-UDD groups were released on bail. The election of 12 senior UDD leaders as ruling Pheu Thai Party members of parliament raised serious concerns that they would be able to use their political influence and parliamentary immunity to evade accountability for their role in the 2010 violence. »

Human Right Watch put on light Red shirt lying..... perhaps HRW are in hand of yellow shirt.......


Let's hope that The General agrees with your sources and allows the media to re-state this, which you included (unhighlighted) in your post:

"The loss of life resulted from the unnecessary use of lethal force by Thai security forces,"

There is a saying in the UK "it's six of one and half a dozen of the other".

I think your tenth rate "Napoleon" may only believe in "six of one".

House of Bonaparte - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Avatar?


Yes tell the truth. The death of those 90 unarmed, peace loving soldiers slaughtered as they played guitars and sang, 'Blowing in the Wind,' is a national tragedy.

I thought your comment sounded familiar.

Because they are mine, but with a UDD twist.

My comment was "Those RS's were peace loving innocent people with flowers in their hair signing kombaya around a camp fire while a guitarist wearing a peace symbol necklace with long braided hair is being slaughtered by a weapon firing 300 bullets a second in the merciless grip of a huge demonizing muscle bound soldier that has fire in his eyes and a vendetta to kill as many innocent people as he can"

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Thank you my friend.

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