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Rubio tells supporters he is running for White House


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Marco Rubio was born in 1971, long after his family arrived in America. He told the story that they told him. which was apparently off by a couple of years. Big deal. rolleyes.gif

A career politician, taking a government paycheck, that says anything to get votes.

I would feel better if he had held a real job rather than just being a community organizer.

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So now the criticism rages from how Rubio's wife looks, to how she drives, to whether Rubio told the absolute truth as to the heritage of his parents?

My only question is...What difference, at this point, does it make?

Sen. Marco Rubio is running for president and he has some assets that he will apply to the quest.

Which makes him a legitimate focus of attention to advocates, opponents and to many positioned at various postures in between.

His liabilities are on the record with many more to come out.

All's fair to Republican right wingers in their relentless all out nuclear war politics so youse guyz are just going to have to suck this up and live with it, to respond as youse may....other than all the bellyaching about it.

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Some chatter that Rubio is running for VICE president. That would make more sense.

He still wouldn't have a real job which would preserve his perfect record of living off the taxpayers of Florida exclusively and then of the United States too. smile.png

The only payrolls Marco Rubio has ever met are the public ones he's lived off.

We also recall Marco was for the Indiana law before he was against it but has yet again said the concept applies in other ways while not applying to people in certain specific ways, even as it does apply to some people in some certain situations at certain places at certain times and specific but limited contexts and circumstances despite it not applying to traditional marriage which while it's not specifically in the Bible does apply in all places always.

Senator Marco Rubio = blink.png

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Marco Rubio was born in 1971, long after his family arrived in America. He told the story that they told him. which was apparently off by a couple of years. Big deal. rolleyes.gif

So he comes from a long line of liars then?

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Puke. Every republican has to end every speech with "God bless you, God bless the USA" . Fresh face but same old right wing religious conservatism at the end of the day. No thanks. Hilary is the go, even better if she were to choose Nancy Pelosi for running mate

Have you seen the third season of House of Cards?

There's a woman running in the presidential primaries. Someone tells her that what she'll need for a running mate is "a southerner with a penis." Great line.

Pelosi? No chance. She's toxic, a lot of baggage. I don't think Hillary is a very nice person, but next to Pelosi she's Mother Cabrini.

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Marco Rubio was born in 1971, long after his family arrived in America. He told the story that they told him. which was apparently off by a couple of years. Big deal. rolleyes.gif

Big deal?

It is a big deal. The guy fabricated his parents history to get the sympathy vote.

He can't even qualify now to be a TV News anchor let alone president of the USA.

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Saying that his parents moved to America 2 years later than they actually did is not "fabricating his parents history". They wanted to move back to Cuba eventually, but could not because Castro had taken over. No one but partisan fools are going to pay attention to that silly talking point.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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OK, all politicians lie.
That's a given.

I don't care about Rubio's embellishment of his life story but I do care about his ideology.

Ironically, he won't even get the majority of the Hispanic/Latino vote.

Jeb Bush is a much better play for the republicans if that's what they're after and his wife is basically MEXICAN.

Much better cred for votes than a RIGHT WING CUBAN.

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Marco Rubio was born in 1971, long after his family arrived in America. He told the story that they told him. which was apparently off by a couple of years. Big deal. rolleyes.gif

So he comes from a long line of liars then?

Funny. FOX would be on RED ALERT if this story was attached to a Democrat.

This same crowd, that has been falsely accusing Obama of being a border jumping, illegal alien with a fake birth certificate......wants to give Rubio a 'pass' when he flat out lied about his heritage, over and over and over again in his campaign.... and on his official biography posted on the Senate website.

Just another shameless lying politician. "Fleeing that thug Castro"cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Edited by jamesjohnsonthird
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Rubio tells supporters he is running for White House

I remember the story that former Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter one day told his Mother, Miss Lillian, that he had decided to run for President.

She said: "That's nice, Jimmy. President of what?"

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The Miami Herald's renown Fact Check got the opportunity to see a lot of Marco Rubio from the time in 2000 he was a city commissioner so it has a lot of fact-check on him, as follows right up to the present.....

But even as his hopes for immigration legislation were dashed, Rubio refashioned himself as a prominent GOP figure who could talk with expertise on a long list of topics. We’ve fact-checked Rubio 85 times on a variety of claims including about climate change, Common Core, Cuba, the federal health care law, foreign affairs,guns, poverty, space and technology.

Out of Rubio’s 85 ratings, he has received 16 percent True, 25 percent Mostly True, 20 percent Half True, 25 percent Mostly False; 12 percent False, and 2 percent Pants on Fire.

In July 2013, Rubio said that under Obamacare, “75 percent of small businesses now say they are going to be forced to either fire workers or cut their hours.” We rated his claim Pants on Fire.


Here's another quote from the Miami Herald story Tuesday about how the boy wonder Rubio went from one year as a city commissioner of West Miami to next in line as speaker of the Florida House, then to the US Senate, where the NYT greeted him with this ....

Rubio made the cover of the New York Times Sunday magazine. The headline: “The First Senator from the Tea Party?”

His 2012 book was timed for publication with carefully crafted speeches that positioned Rubio as a possible Romney running mate. He was vetted for the position but ultimately didn’t get it; Romney’s former campaign insisted it had nothing to do with Rubio’s close friendship to ex-Rep. David Rivera of Miami, who had been dogged by investigations and would soon be tied to an illegal federal campaign-finance scheme in a case that is still ongoing.

From the Herald archives: Rubio charged personal bills on GOP card


And here's one about Rubio the community organizer who's never met a public payroll he didn't like....

From the Herald archives: Foreclosure suit shines spotlight again on Rubio’s personal finances

The lawsuit may renew criticism over Rubio’s personal finances, a problem that has plagued him for years.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/elections-2016/marco-rubio/article18163541.html#storylink=cpy

The Tuesday Herald article notes the inveterate campaigner Rubio has a back up plan, which is to run for FL governor in 2018.

Edited by Publicus
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It seems such a waste we didn't have all of this investigative reporting before the 2008 election.

We're down to Rubio's choice of breakfast cereals yet we still don;t know anything about the other guy.

We're down to Rubio's choice of breakfast cereals

Missed it and don't care.

Now that the right is suffering a bellyach about it however I would expect Marco Rubio to be enjoying his bowl of Comet Balls cereal for daily breakfast, which has been on the shelves since 2006 and which would seem to suit him well given that he's already flaming out in the political atmosphere (ouch). Cape Canaveral is in Florida too.

The extreme right just needs to keep in mind no one has accused Sen Rubio of being determined to destroy the United States or of being the insidious Trojan Horse agent of foreign enemies of the United States.

Oops, he did sign the letter of advice, consent, support, to the Ayatollah in league with another 46 Republicans in the Senate. That's 47 of the 54 Republicans in the Senate that provided aid and comfort to the Ayatollah and to all the little ayatollahs. Btw has Sen Rubio provided his birth certificate from Cuba for public scrutiny......


Edited by Publicus
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Many are happy he added his name to the web page. Some might have even donated to his campaign because of it.

The Ayatollahs are getting all the support they need from the vaudeville team named Obama and Kerry


Politics | Fri Apr 17, 2015 7:12pm EDT
Marco Rubio: the 2016 presidential campaign's $40 million man
(Reuters) - Less than a week after announcing his 2016 campaign for president, Republican Senator Marco Rubio of Florida doesn't need to worry about money.
It's as good as in the bank.
"Marco Rubio will have the resources necessary to run a first-class campaign, that’s already been determined," said billionaire Florida auto dealer Norman Braman, a former Jeb Bush supporter who is now one of Rubio's highest-silhouette donors.
Annandale Capital founder George Seay, who is hosting a Rubio fundraiser with the moneyed Dallas elite at his 7,000-square-foot, seven-bath home on Tuesday, said: "Marco has had zero trouble raising money."
Edited by chuckd
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So this guys parents lied to him about fleeing Castro or he just made it up to get votes?

The Cuban revolution began in 1953 - 3 years before Rubio's parent moved to America. If they "lied", it was only about leaving after Castro had taken over. They had always hoped to one day return to Cuba if things improved and traveled there several times. In 1961, his family did return to Cuba, but after a few weeks they realized the true nature of the direction Castro was taking Cuba and returned to the United States one month later, never to return.

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Many are happy he added his name to the web page. Some might have even donated to his campaign because of it.

The Ayatollahs are getting all the support they need from the vaudeville team named Obama and Kerry


Politics | Fri Apr 17, 2015 7:12pm EDT
Marco Rubio: the 2016 presidential campaign's $40 million man
(Reuters) - Less than a week after announcing his 2016 campaign for president, Republican Senator Marco Rubio of Florida doesn't need to worry about money.
It's as good as in the bank.
"Marco Rubio will have the resources necessary to run a first-class campaign, that’s already been determined," said billionaire Florida auto dealer Norman Braman, a former Jeb Bush supporter who is now one of Rubio's highest-silhouette donors.
Annandale Capital founder George Seay, who is hosting a Rubio fundraiser with the moneyed Dallas elite at his 7,000-square-foot, seven-bath home on Tuesday, said: "Marco has had zero trouble raising money."

Citizens United dividing the country.

George Seay, who is hosting a Rubio fundraiser with the moneyed Dallas elite at his 7,000-square-foot, seven-bath home

Giving the people a bath again. The flow of obscene cash is now a flood but voters are mobilizing. There are just too many of us. Last time we dropped the soap was in 2000. We haven't dropped it since and we won't drop it again.

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So this guys parents lied to him about fleeing Castro or he just made it up to get votes?

The Cuban revolution began in 1953 - 3 years before Rubio's parent moved to America. If they "lied", it was only about leaving after Castro had taken over. They had always hoped to one day return to Cuba if things improved and traveled there several times. In 1961, his family did return to Cuba, but after a few weeks they realized the true nature of the direction Castro was taking Cuba and returned to the United States one month later, never to return.

Looks like you memorised the press release he put out after he got caught lying.

Parents fled that thug Castrocheesy.gif

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So this guys parents lied to him about fleeing Castro or he just made it up to get votes?

The Cuban revolution began in 1953 - 3 years before Rubio's parent moved to America. If they "lied", it was only about leaving after Castro had taken over. They had always hoped to one day return to Cuba if things improved and traveled there several times. In 1961, his family did return to Cuba, but after a few weeks they realized the true nature of the direction Castro was taking Cuba and returned to the United States one month later, never to return.

Looks like you memorised the press release he put out after he got caught lying.

Parents fled that thug Castrocheesy.gif

Robo Man thumbsup.gif

Please press three for Marco's statement concerning his parents' walk across water..... laugh.png

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There is no evidence of that. If anyone "lied", it is his parents. They said they left after the revolution, instead of during it, but, if they had waited until the fall of Havana. they might not have been able to get the family out.

OK. His parents fabricated his life story. You win.

They told their son they were "exiles, fleeing that murdering thug, Castro," when in fact they were immigrants years before.

Rubio just accidentally lied over and over and over again to the Cuban voters in Florida during his campaigns.

Edited by jamesjohnsonthird
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