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Rubio tells supporters he is running for White House


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They told their son they were "exiles, fleeing that murdering thug, Castro," when in fact they were immigrants years before.

TWO years before the fall of the country, during the middle of the Communist revolution. They saw the way things were going and got out when the going was good. No one cares, besides people dreaming up partisan talking points.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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My bet is if we get to a debate between Hillary and Rubio, she won't even consider bringing up the heritage issue.

She has her own heritage ghosts trying to get back into her closet.

Edited by chuckd
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

My grandparents were jailed in Cuba for arriving as underage illegal immigrants. Should I run for president?

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You'd have my support and the endorsement of a number of others around here smile.png on Israel in particular but HRC has all of it covered so thx anyway.

Besides if you ran I couldn't be vp cause you and I are from the same state and the Constitution is rather specific about that. The ticket would anyway need regional and ideological balance so if you'd like I can check with some of the Texas bois in these parts to see if anyone might be interested....then again maybe not wink.png

There might be a lot of other reasons too biggrin.png

My bet is if we get to a debate between Hillary and Rubio, she won't even consider bringing up the heritage issue.

She has her own heritage ghosts trying to get back into her closet.

Push come to shove republican primary voters are dominated by angry old white men and they aren't going to nominate a baby faced Latino man-boy anyway.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Rubio's biggest problem is that he is still his high school junior class president working the crowd at Dairy Queen so even the kids who voted for him consider him to be juvenile, ideological, overambitious and solicitous, flighty and in need of a reality check from some of the beer blast football jocks. wink.png

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Rubio's biggest problem is that he is still his high school junior class president working the crowd at Dairy Queen so even the kids who voted for him consider him to be juvenile, ideological, overambitious and solicitous, flighty and in need of a reality check from some of the beer blast football jocks. wink.png

If he makes it as far as the debates and the subject of Tupac comes up Marco will be the star of the show. laugh.png

Yeah, he's the youthful candidate, but he's on the wrong side of the aisle. I don't see the younger generation buying into the corporate-fascist agenda, but maybe I'm being too optimistic. Otherwise, next year's spring break (especially in his home state) could be a big 'Rubio 2016' promo.

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Rubio's biggest problem is that he is still his high school junior class president working the crowd at Dairy Queen so even the kids who voted for him consider him to be juvenile, ideological, overambitious and solicitous, flighty and in need of a reality check from some of the beer blast football jocks. wink.png

If he makes it as far as the debates and the subject of Tupac comes up Marco will be the star of the show. laugh.png

Yeah, he's the youthful candidate, but he's on the wrong side of the aisle. I don't see the younger generation buying into the corporate-fascist agenda, but maybe I'm being too optimistic. Otherwise, next year's spring break (especially in his home state) could be a big 'Rubio 2016' promo.

The Republican party controlled by the tea party, evangelicals, warmongers and the rest of the far right would likely excommunicate Rubio or anyone else who even went near Spring Break.

The fun party which contrasts to the Republican party is for the Millennials and the Millennians voted 66% for Barack Obama. The Republican party is over so the last one out of the political pews needs to turn off the lights.

Yeah, it's from the Huffington Post but the facts concerning the Millennial generation of voters, presently aged 18-30, are there in black and white.....

Two-thirds of them voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and 60 percent of them voted for his reelection. Even though there are significant ethnic differences within a generation that is 40 percent non-white, Millennial voting behavior continues to show the powerful pull of their generation's consensus-oriented approach to decision-making.

Millennials are now a key part of a 21st century Democratic coalition that includes minorities and women, especially college educated and single women of all ethnicities, which together now represents a majority of American voters.

As the number of Millennial voters continues to grow throughout this decade and the generation preserves its unity of belief, something which political science research suggests will happen, Millennials will have the pleasure of experiencing many more electoral triumphs in the years ahead.


The R party seems to have missed the fact Millennials made the 2012 difference for Prez Obama in states such as Pennsylvania, Ohio, Marco Rubio's Florida and in Virginia. Even as Hispanic voters are voting at their historically high levels, Millennials, about a quarter of whom are Hispanic, became a powerful 23 million strong segment of the electorate, a number that will only grow larger over the rest of this decade.

Millennial voter participation for the first time in 2012 exceeded the legendary participation rate of senior citizens.

It is further the case that only some 60% of Millennials have turned eighteen. Over the next eight years, all Millennials will become eligible to vote, meaning 95 million new voters that, unlike the politically divided Baby Boomer generation are a unified political and generational force. So if Millennials continue to participate at around the 50 percent mark that they have in the past two presidential elections, they will eventually represent about a 47 million member constituency, twice the numbers that they were in 2012.

The long and the short of it is that Marco Rubio's Grand Old Party is fast becoming the Gone Old Party. Where are he and the Republicans going to find the votes they need, and that they need so desperately in 2016? They can't. The Gone Old Party can only try to prevent or to discourage people from voting. The Republican citizens united will throw a couple of billion bucks at the 2016 election to try to steal it, for which there is ample precedent centered around the Bush Bros.

Rubio is indeed on the wrong side of the aisle which also puts him on the wrong side of the electorate.

Edited by Publicus
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Rubio has style, brains, charisma, but in maturity he is still the president of his junior year class in high school. He was impressive yesterday as you note in particular, but he simultaneously flipped off a core voting group of the Republican party, those aged 59 and older.

He did not turn off anyone I know. It was obvious that the old person with old ideas that he was talking about is HILLARY and he has a valid point. Old people are quite happy to vote for young people as intelligent, articulate and accomplished as Marco Rubio.

Old people are quite happy to vote for young people as intelligent, articulate and accomplished as Marco Rubio.

The GOP and 'old people' is a statement that is exactly on the mark and some people here speak well for the old-timers.

The vast majority of Millennials however won't vote for Rubio or for anyone else from the Gone Old Party. Neither will Hispanics, neither will blacks, neither will 45% of white voters, neither will Asian-Americans, women, gays, most Independent voters among many other constituencies.

GOP, the Gone Old Party.

it has the tea party older people, evangelical dogmatics, old-line warmongers, those who deny science to include climate change, far out right wingers in lunar orbit, the Republican controlled congress maximus that won't vote an immigration bill, budget balancers who don't pay any taxes....etc.

The GOP.

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GQ Magazine interview:

"Rubio is not sure whether Earth was created by God in seven days or in “seven actual eras” and that parents should be encouraged to teach their children “both theories” on the Earth’s age.blink.png

I’m not sure we’ll ever be able to answer that. It’s one of the great mysteries.”

This guy in on the Senate Science Committee.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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GQ Interview: Rubio on Global Warming.

"I believe the climate is changing because there has never been a moment when the climate is not changing."

"What I said was that humans are not responsible for climate change in the way that these scientists are trying to make us believe."

Rubio is not stupid. Those statements are aimed at the big polluters with deep pockets. He's announcing to the environmental destruction lobby that he is their guy.

The donors with the most to give don't want any environmental regulation. They'll throw hundreds of millions of dollars at candidates who say this kind of stuff in the hope that just one of them gets the nomination.

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"There is no scientific debate on the age of the Earth, it's established pretty definitively, it's at least 4.5 billion years old" -

Marco Rubio

He flip flopped on that one. Now he is back to the Bible version.

"Just not sure if it was 7 days or 7 eras."

The guy is on the senate science committee! cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

In the UK, the government has issued new regulations that say the teaching of creationism as scientific fact is forbidden in all schools, a big step forward for ensuring the integrity of scientific education.

In order to ensure that kids are getting a fair and healthy education, the government will needs to ban creationism from science classroom.
Edited by jamesjohnsonthird
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He did not flip flop. He always said that the scientific version should be taught in school, but parents also have the right to tell their children about the Bible's version. That is exactly how we were taught when I was a kid and no one I knew thought the world was actually 6,000 year old.

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GQ Magazine interview:[/size]

"Rubio is not sure whether Earth was created by God in seven days or in “seven actual eras” and that parents should be encouraged to teach their children “both theories” on the Earth’s age.blink.png[/size] [/size]

I’m not sure we’ll ever be able to answer that. It’s one of the great mysteries.”[/size]

This guy in on the Senate Science Committee.

Please start backing up your claims with links to a credible source. I have a feeling that this is not what Rubio himself said. It is someone else's spin.

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He is not "abandoning science." His science is spot on.

"There is no scientific debate on the age of the Earth, it's established pretty definitively, it's at least 4.5 billion years old" -

Marco Rubio

Thank you for proving my point. He flip flopped on evolution.

This year he is going with the bible version.

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He is not "abandoning science." His science is spot on.

"There is no scientific debate on the age of the Earth, it's established pretty definitively, it's at least 4.5 billion years old" -

Marco Rubio

This year he is going with the bible version.

No. He did not flip flop. If, he is "going with the bible version this year", PROVE IT.

Direct quotes from a credible source with a link.

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Rubio is correct that there "is no scientific debate" the Earth is 4.5 billion years old because science is 99.9% in factual agreement based on the scientific evidence.

It is the people outside science who reject this scientific fact. The people outside science constitute the politico-religious right who base their beliefs on a bronze age mythology that is of the same fantasy nature as was Greek ancient mythology. Rubio believes with these people that science is illegitimate and that religion rules.

The unmistakable evidence of this is best presented by Rubio's strong public statements before he was elected to the Senate, as in 2008, when Rubio said, "I don't want a school system that teaches kids that what they're learning at home is wrong. Where would that leave parents who teach their children about science and evolution at home?"

That would leave them voting for 'Constantine' Rubio or almost any other Republican because Rubio's statement that there is no scientific debate refers to within science only, whereas the politico-religious right disputes the science and rejects it in the absolute. Which makes Rubio a shameless jitterbug rhetoritician who will say anything to avoid saying something that is rational or based in science.

The single thing Rubio and the politico-religious right will not say is that science is factual, that it is evolutionary in its knowledge and database, while religion is conversely dogmatic, unchanging, anti-rational, fundamentalist, in the skies and yet set in stone.

And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear 2 Pet. 3.5 : and it was so.

Thank God for separation of church and state.

Edited by Publicus
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Science. It's a dilemma for conservative candidates.


Good graphics, bad idea. I don't think it's just the kids making the decision (or should I say selection?).

One man's 'magic' is another man's engineering - Robert A. Heinlein

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