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Farangs need to pay for their public road repair and upgrade.

Happy Grumpy

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Four of them did.

Official line came back that the budget was all used up and there was no money left to do the roads that were not done.

The only road that was not done was, yup, Soi Farang. laugh.png

They were told again that they could pay to have it done, if they wanted.

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i have seen the same thinking when a major highway was widened, money to pay Thai home owners to rebuild their homes futher back from highway consumed the entire budget alloted for all the houses so the farang owners were left to finance /pay themselves for their rebuild. one has not rebuilt to date (2 YEARS), house still setting where it was (dangerously close to highway)

It will be interesting to see who wins the stand off.

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It was the same when I lived in Phuket in the Baan Suan Kamnan area south of Patong.

We had to pay for our own roads down to the houses from the Government main road...but there is always 1 or 2 foreigners that refuse to pay and force the rest to cover for them.

We paid and made a decent road...then trucks used that road to build developments further down the hill and made a mess of it.

Shit happens.

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There's a lot of skimming in road repairs. And I don't mean the road surface.

A couple of years ago I had a conversation with the head of the village regarding road repairs. He told me a large company will get the contract then they take a portion and sub contract it out. This happens all down the line until the local residents get a budget to fill in the holes and pay them a wage for the work.

I pointed out by next year the pot holes are back due to the rainy season, perfect he said then everyone gets payed again. Thai logic but logic all the same.

Contractor A quotes 300k

B quotes 350k

C quotes 800k

Eh? Contractor A only quoted 300k.

Yes, give the contract to me and I'll hire him then we split the difference between us.

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It was the same when I lived in Phuket in the Baan Suan Kamnan area south of Patong.

We had to pay for our own roads down to the houses from the Government main road...but there is always 1 or 2 foreigners that refuse to pay and force the rest to cover for them.

We paid and made a decent road...then trucks used that road to build developments further down the hill and made a mess of it.

Shit happens.

So...the hold outs were right.

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It was the same when I lived in Phuket in the Baan Suan Kamnan area south of Patong.

We had to pay for our own roads down to the houses from the Government main road...but there is always 1 or 2 foreigners that refuse to pay and force the rest to cover for them.

We paid and made a decent road...then trucks used that road to build developments further down the hill and made a mess of it.

Shit happens.

So...the hold outs were right.

Kind off.

The road was so efficient at carrying water down the hill that when it rained really hard it went directly into their house and flooded their garage and under the front door.

...now if they'd paid their share, they could have had a say in drainage...but unfortunately they didn't...so they paid another way.

Life's like that.

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You can feel the hatred for Thais just oozing out of this thread, but yes that is a very messed up situation and a very clear example of what happens when you have mickey mouse "village heads" who must be among the most obviously corrupt people in Thailand.

How much would it cost them to get the road done?

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A few bickering posts removed.

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