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Steve Irwin Dead

Old Croc

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Aw Maaaaaaan, Just read the news.

I rarely get a lump in my throat when I hear of celebs popping off but defo did when I read about croc hunter Steve.

Was in Paragon the other day and they were running an add on one of thier huge TV's, Steve endorsing Ozzy made goods.

Real buzzy guy,

Real shame :o


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Definately a tragic loss. He was a great "ambassador" for Australia and I believe is responsible for making the wildlife shows popular. His was the class act that others tried to achieve.

I question the fact that the media is so free in releasing information if it is true that his wife still hasn't been notified. They were a true loving family and a great team.

Yes, very sad . I used to enjoy watching his exciting programm. :o

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Crikey, that's a right bloody shame, especially with a young family and all... always found his show entertaining and his personality most amusing... couldn't help but wonder, though, when his brazen approach to dealing with dangerous animals might have serious consequences.

As others have said he went out doing what he loved, and I reckon he wouldn't have had it any other way.

G'day and RIP Steve Irwin :o

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One of the topics of conversation in my local ex-pat bar tonight was this, not one single joke was cracked, there wasn't a single offside comment.

Nice bloke, bad end.

Johpa .... you should be ashamed of yourself.

RIP Steve.

The only shame, by crikey, would be caught drinking in such humorless company.

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One of the topics of conversation in my local ex-pat bar tonight was this, not one single joke was cracked, there wasn't a single offside comment.

Nice bloke, bad end.

Johpa .... you should be ashamed of yourself.

RIP Steve.

The only shame, by crikey, would be caught drinking in such humorless company.

At least I don't drink alone and I have a sense of humour.... but this is not the right thread or the right time for that sort of post.

Respect is given, where respect is due.

Edited by Thaddeus
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My thoughts and prayers go out to all his family, the immediate family and the world family. Thats all of us, becaues I know I feel a little different on hearing the news

RIP Steve

Totally with that sentimate. :o

Leave Johpa alone, Steve had humour and, I kind of liked the post, even with the humour it made me think from the other way round. I do not think for one minute Johpa intended to be disrespectful. Let us remember the fun loving guy that died, he would probably push the thoughts of the Ray faster than anyone and, would only reiterate Johpa's statement. :D:D

RIP Steve, a sad time for all. :D


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This is a sad loss one of the worlds leading Conservationalists and a key figure in the the Discovery programme Living Planet he put the programme where it is today.

My condolances go out to his wife and family what a sad loss.

Full Story on this link http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/5313078.stm


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Is it me, or is this thread turning into a sentimental groundhog day? Is it 1 September 1997 all over again?

Goodbye Australia's rose.

Personally, I too didn't know that stingrays were dangerous, though I had an inkling that they stung. but then so do bees. Now people know that stingrays are dangerous (a la Great White sharks) we should take the appropriate precautions ........and kill them all.

If only the Chinese ate them, all those critters'd be gone already.

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it is a sad lost !

i was thinking few time he like to tease the animal a bit to much for the pleasure of the camera, and was wondering if one day a problem will not occure !

yesterday on animal planet (UBC ) they put a info they will stop for a while his program for the respect of Steve Irwin and it family !

He was a true blue Ozi , but my bonus ++ go for Jeff Corwin

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Tragic loss of a special Australian, R.I.P. I don't think it is necessary and hope the publishers of his films do not make his last scene public after the police release them. I see where John Howard have offered the family a state funeral. Justly deserved.

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Bendix made a witticism.... "crocodile tears" ....and nobody has noticed as it was so subtle.

I think Stevo's death is going to change people, and Australians will now become a more loving and touchy-feely folk in tune with nature. By the way have you seen that new aboriginal model? Shes an absolute hornbagger.

Mind Aussies are good really about nature. The other day I saw a Cantonese woman chuck a beer can into the ocean. I could have chucked her in after it. If you paid me $500 I couldn't do that.

Edited by Papa_Lazarou
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This morning on Bloomberg his friend and producer John Stainton said in tears that Steve would have said "Crocs Rule". At his peak Steves shows were getting 200 million people a week watching them. He was a great Australian and will be dearly missed all around the world.

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And then sum.

'Shocking' footage of Irwin's death given to police

1.00pm Tuesday September 5, 2006

Shocking underwater video footage of 'Crocodile Hunter' Steve Irwin's death has been handed to police.

Irwin, 44, was killed yesterday when a stingray barb pierced his chest while he filmed footage for a television programme on the Great Barrier Reef off far north Queensland. His body has been taken to Cairns.

Irwin's life in pictures

Irwin's manager, John Stainton, told Sydney's 2GB radio this morning that the footage showing Irwin's death after he was speared in the chest by a stingray was "shocking".

He told the station: "It's a very hard thing to watch because you're watching somebody die and it's terrible."

The video showed Mr Irwin pulling the barb out of his chest before losing consciousness, said Mr Stainton.

But the head of Discovery Networks which broadcasts Irwin's shows told agencies today that the footage of the final moments may never be shown.

AAP reported that Billy Campbell, the president of Discovery Networks, which owns the Animal Planet channel, said it was far too early to decide what footage viewers would see from Irwin's fatal trip on the Great Barrier Reef.

The death of Mr Irwin, best known for his catchcry "Crikey!" and nicknamed The Crocodile Hunter, lead TV and radio bulletins throughout Australia, the United States and Britain.

Flowers have been left outside his Australia Zoo in Queensland.

He made almost 50 documentaries which appeared on the cable TV channel Animal Planet.

His friend and manager Mr Stainton told reporters in Cairns that Irwin's wife, Terri, was putting on a brave front after the incident.

"I think she's being very strong," Mr Stainton told reporters.

"I think for the children's sake she has to be strong because they're at a very impressionable age, as you know.

"Bindi's eight and little Robert's coming up to three, so he may not totally understand but Bindi certainly does.

She is at the family home on the Sunshine Coast with her children and Mr Stainton said she had no plans to go to Cairns.

ABC Radio reported that the footage could become key evidence at a coroners inquest.

Far north police Superintendent Michael Keating confirmed police were preparing a report for the coroner.

ABC said the footage apparently showed a bull ray in close contact with Irwin. A cameraman accompanying Mr Irwin told police he noticed blood in the water straight after the sting.


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Much better, thank you. Your interest in my financial status is equaled only by my lack of interest in yours.

Now, getting back to the thread . . . . .

If it's being disrespectful to Steve Irwin to question why this is a relevant thread when many other non-Thai threads are closed immediately, then I apologise to the board, to Steve and to his family.

Irwin was a character for sure, although not without controversy. Does anyone remember him dangling his baby above a crocodile's mouth a few years ago? But he seemed a genuine guy and there is something strangely fitting that he would go this way. All losses of life are tragic, especially when he's leaving a young family behind.

My sympathies to the family.

But I dont think my post was an unreasonable one. Many other posters have had threads closed when non-Thai issues are raised. It seemed a reasonable question.

yes fair enough mate,

what ever you recon is a fair thing fella. :o

this is how it goes ok,

you would not have to be posting your apology on this forum if you had just done the right thing at the get go.

you are only human my friend, so dont go getting depressed over your cock up. :D

lets face facts here, :D

and they are :

1. you used a very piss poor choise of words about our friend steve. :D

2. he does qualify to be represented on this forum because,

first reason being, he was australian like many of us punters. :D

second reason being, he was well known in los. :D

and lastly, yes your post was very unreasonable, lacking badly in the compassion department, but in my opinion only.

if you want to give it a crack i suppose we could start a new topic about that very question. :D

but to be fair id say that 99 % of punters would agree with my good self.

you did'nt mean it mate,

so cheer up and hit the rubbity for a pint.

cheers friend :D

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Well hi there boys and girls. Yes, I am a sting ray, a proud member of the rajisformes order and a close cousin to sharks. Yea, my family has been around this planet for a hel_l of a long time. We might not be the brightest fish in the tropical tank, but we sure are very well adapted to a quiet and peaceful existence skimming along the sea bottom in search of food, you know, delicacies like escargot. Unlike my some of my shark cousins, I am not particularly aggressive and it takes but a few very narrow conditions to force my 50 million years of conditioning for me to defend myself with that little pointed thing at the end of my tail, like getting stepped upon. I really hate when that happens.

So what was the deal yesterday with that pesky human. I did try to swim away from him. But he kept following real close and his mouth was moving real fast making lots of vibrations. I mean most humans keep a minimal distance and usually ain't moving their mouths like they are going to eat me. Usually it is just a few low tones, oohs and aahs. Hey, I can handle that.

But what the hel_l does "Crikey" mean in human talk? I didn't like that excited high tone at all. And then he swims right on top of me with all that excitement and his mouth moving and I am like trying to chill out and get away from the dude. But yo, what is a ray to do with a crazed human in such a state of agitation? My 50 million years of Darwinian training led me to two equally distasteful conclusions. The dude is either going to try to hump me or to eat me. Hey man, at that point it is all instinct. I mean I am not responsible for my actions against this crazy human. So I flinched and lashed out with my tail. How was I to know the guy had placed his most vital organ within the very short range of my tail?

So now I am a celebrity. Some of my bros and sistas are calling me a hero as now those human terrestrials are no longer swimming, and I do use that word loosely, so close as to be an embarrassment. Yep, 'bout time for some of us older denizens of the planet to kick back and relax a bit now that we might get some r-e-s-p-e-c-t. Yo snake, gimme high five.


that was just a brilliant bit of posting,

not being disrespectful but delivering a very important point that the sting ray was indeed doing what it had to do.

what are the bloody chances of the ray getting him smack in the heart ?

incredible really, and you could never manufacture a ray strike that precise. :D

but i truly believe steve would have loved how he passed on. :D

sympathy for his family.


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I remember when David Hookes died and the Aussies on Thaivisa got a bit maudlin and, in fact aggressive, when it was pointed out that he was not the same calibre of cricketer as Geoffrey Boycott.

Aussies do have a pronounced and unexpected emotional side, and this empathy does sometimes come across strongly.

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he was a good ole boy. the last fatality in Aus from a ray was back in 1945 ,so extremely bad luck for steve .

cricky's mate,

can you back off with the good old boy <deleted>, :D

im not an american, :D

im just a top, aussie fella. :D

je-----sus mate, get it right will you. :D

cricky's. :o

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