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Steve Irwin Dead

Old Croc

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'Most' meaning the greater majority huh....slight exageration there buddy, crikey really.

In fact when you get a feminist whench like Germain Greer leading the charge...well she could not even make a dog excited when she is on heat. Aniamlas stay out of her way for good reason, as do most humans.

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It's a great shame that Steve Irwin is dead but fortunately there's a replacement who's willing to carry on bringing the natural world to the public. His name is David Attenborough and he's been doing the nature thing since 1952.

Oh for heaven's sake, enough of this sentimentality already!

Comparing Irwin to Attenborough is akin to saying a day out in Disneyland is on par with watching Shakespeare at the Globe.

I'm sure in a blokey sort of way he was a wonderful chap but his contribution to the sciences is questionable at best. He achieved what most dream about.....combining one's pleasures with employment. As a circus performer reliant upon sensationalism he was probably peerless in the animal arena and it is unsurprising that he struck a chord with the modern day public whose shallowness and hunger for undemanding entertainment is inexhaustible.

But, I'm sure the hyperbole will just keep on rolling........,

cricky's mate,

run along will you,

i can here your mummy calling.

she 's got some hyperbole for you to pig out on. :o

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Ive been reading other forums around the world that have posted this news.

Most views are along the lines of: "this guy prevoked animals to essentially perform for the video cameras, he was filming a doco about the world's deadly animals. Is it surprising that when pissing off a normally quiet and unthreatening stingray, he was killed? play with fire...etc etc"

Mother Teresa of the animal kingdom? Gimmie a break.

Actually einstien, he had taken a break from filming about the worlds deadly animals.

Mr Stainton said bad weather had stopped filming for their documentary Ocean's Deadliest, about some of the world's most dangerous sea creatures.

Irwin decided to shoot some film for Bindi's series.

"He said, 'I might just go off and shoot some segments for Bindi's show, just stuff on the reef and little animals'," Mr Stainton said.

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'Most' meaning the greater majority huh....slight exageration there buddy, crikey really.

In fact when you get a feminist whench like Germain Greer leading the charge...well she could not even make a dog excited when she is on heat. Aniamlas stay out of her way for good reason, as do most humans.

im am australian.

germain greer is also an australian,

but i must tell you punters,

that she is one, dog ugly, horrible, shocking piece of australiana. :D

actually, she was that ugly when she was born, that the doctor slapped her mother. :D

its a disgrace and an insult to our fine australian female lovely's who are light years removed from this piece of <deleted>. :D

she's a terrible old slapper to say <deleted> like that about steve, but you have to realise that it is her being her own stupid self.

cheers friend :o

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I would say his life was not wasted. It educated and enterained millions and millions of people. His passion and enthusiam for all animals, large and small, was infectious.

Sure, he was a bit overblown, but you could never deny his heart was always in the right place. I will miss him, and my sympathies go out to his family.

Be at Peace, my friend.

No your right his life wasnt wasted upto this point, but i am sure he had many more years of education to give, which is a waste, it is a shame my son wont be able to watch his programs as he grows up :o

Steve Irwin was a great guy, bringing Wildlife and Fun into the homes of hundreds of Millions of people, worldwide, including millions in Thailand.

He was on the edge many times doing scary things but he and his programs will be missed...


..however, Daley: your boy doesn't have to miss his programs I think, since the series will be recorded and for sale on DVD for many years to come, fortunately!

RIP for Steve Irwin :D


Dont fret, the Australian Zoo will go on , getting bigger and better, especially as his daughter Bindi grows up. Steve was probably the worlds greatest most genuine animal conservationist, spending many thousands of dollars of his own money helping wild animals.

Alongside the zoo is a 'full blown' animal hospital caring for sick and injured native animals. Many Kangaroos, Wallabies and Koalas injured by cars are nursed back to health by the hospital. They release Koalas on my farm when they are well enough, as i live nearby and have the necessary 'food' trees. All this is fully funded by the Erwin family. Steve was to be in Thailand next month, he helps Elephants somewhere in the north, by providing medical aid.

A truely wonderful man who was equally assisted by Terry his lovely American wife, also an animal conservationist.

A loss to the world.

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'Most' meaning the greater majority huh....slight exageration there buddy, crikey really.

In fact when you get a feminist whench like Germain Greer leading the charge...well she could not even make a dog excited when she is on heat. Aniamlas stay out of her way for good reason, as do most humans.

im am australian.

germain greer is also an australian,

but i must tell you punters,

that she is one, dog ugly, horrible, shocking piece of australiana. :D

actually, she was that ugly when she was born, that the doctor slapped her mother. :D

its a disgrace and an insult to our fine australian female lovely's who are light years removed from this piece of <deleted>. :D

she's a terrible old slapper to say <deleted> like that about steve, but you have to realise that it is her being her own stupid self.

cheers friend :o

Yes, we all know the ugly miserable ole slapper here in oz, thats why she has to live in England.

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It's a great shame that Steve Irwin is dead but fortunately there's a replacement who's willing to carry on bringing the natural world to the public. His name is David Attenborough and he's been doing the nature thing since 1952.

Oh for heaven's sake, enough of this sentimentality already!

Comparing Irwin to Attenborough is akin to saying a day out in Disneyland is on par with watching Shakespeare at the Globe.

I'm sure in a blokey sort of way he was a wonderful chap but his contribution to the sciences is questionable at best. He achieved what most dream about.....combining one's pleasures with employment. As a circus performer reliant upon sensationalism he was probably peerless in the animal arena and it is unsurprising that he struck a chord with the modern day public whose shallowness and hunger for undemanding entertainment is inexhaustible.

But, I'm sure the hyperbole will just keep on rolling........,

cricky's mate,

run along will you,

i can here your mummy calling.

she 's got some hyperbole for you to pig out on. :o

In a thread that is fast developing into a voyage of the surreal the above response has a fitting home but for the life of me I can't see its relevance.

I surmise from other posts the author is antipodean but of what hue it's difficult to gauge. Is he simply another broken down alcoholic or possibly a spurned, raddled, old drag queen from Adelaide? His preoccupation with Germaine Greer suggests the latter but I may be wrong.

Cue the minority sexual response with their familiar manta,er sorry,mantra.......

Edited by the gent
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It's a great shame that Steve Irwin is dead but fortunately there's a replacement who's willing to carry on bringing the natural world to the public. His name is David Attenborough and he's been doing the nature thing since 1952.

Oh for heaven's sake, enough of this sentimentality already!

Comparing Irwin to Attenborough is akin to saying a day out in Disneyland is on par with watching Shakespeare at the Globe.

I'm sure in a blokey sort of way he was a wonderful chap but his contribution to the sciences is questionable at best. He achieved what most dream about.....combining one's pleasures with employment. As a circus performer reliant upon sensationalism he was probably peerless in the animal arena and it is unsurprising that he struck a chord with the modern day public whose shallowness and hunger for undemanding entertainment is inexhaustible.

But, I'm sure the hyperbole will just keep on rolling........,

Thing is, David Attenborough reads his from a script.

Steve had been with crocs and wildlife since he was 7 yrs old.............he KNEW what he was talking about. Did you ever see Attenborough get anywhere close to anything other than the family cat?

cricky's mate,

run along will you,

i can here your mummy calling.

she 's got some hyperbole for you to pig out on. :o

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'Most' meaning the greater majority huh....slight exageration there buddy, crikey really.

In fact when you get a feminist whench like Germain Greer leading the charge...well she could not even make a dog excited when she is on heat. Aniamlas stay out of her way for good reason, as do most humans.

im am australian.

germain greer is also an australian,

but i must tell you punters,

that she is one, dog ugly, horrible, shocking piece of australiana. :D

actually, she was that ugly when she was born, that the doctor slapped her mother. :D

its a disgrace and an insult to our fine australian female lovely's who are light years removed from this piece of <deleted>. :D

she's a terrible old slapper to say <deleted> like that about steve, but you have to realise that it is her being her own stupid self.

cheers friend :o

Yes, we all know the ugly miserable ole slapper here in oz, thats why she has to live in England.

thank frigging god the poms have her as she fits in well in londonstan. :D

but thats why all the poms are here in oz, as they flee from the old blighty to get away from the trollup. :D

any way life aint perfect is it ?

in conclusion ,

we win, as we are here, and she is there, so as steve would say :

cricky's mate,

thats frigging brilliant as they can have her. :D

cheers friend. :D

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It's a great shame that Steve Irwin is dead but fortunately there's a replacement who's willing to carry on bringing the natural world to the public. His name is David Attenborough and he's been doing the nature thing since 1952.

Oh for heaven's sake, enough of this sentimentality already!

Comparing Irwin to Attenborough is akin to saying a day out in Disneyland is on par with watching Shakespeare at the Globe.

I'm sure in a blokey sort of way he was a wonderful chap but his contribution to the sciences is questionable at best. He achieved what most dream about.....combining one's pleasures with employment. As a circus performer reliant upon sensationalism he was probably peerless in the animal arena and it is unsurprising that he struck a chord with the modern day public whose shallowness and hunger for undemanding entertainment is inexhaustible.

But, I'm sure the hyperbole will just keep on rolling........,

cricky's mate,

run along will you,

i can here your mummy calling.

she 's got some hyperbole for you to pig out on. :o

In a thread that is fast developing into a voyage of the surreal the above response has a fitting home but for the life of me I can't see its relevance.

I surmise from other posts the author is antipodean but of what hue it's difficult to gauge. Is he simply another broken down alcoholic or possibly a spurned, raddled, old drag queen from Adelaide? His preoccupation with Germaine Greer suggests the latter but I may be wrong.

Cue the minority sexual response with their familiar manta,er sorry,mantra.......

with all due respect my learn'ed friend,

can i ask you a question please ? :D

you been smoking that waccy tabakky or something ? :D

jes---us mate,

give us a break will you.

any way,

cheers to you :D

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Terry57, you have a good first name, live in the right city (probably support the wrong footy team :D ) and your use of the venacular grates at times. However, you have great taste in women. That Greer moved to Britain many years ago was the only good thing about this horrible piece of ....!

Her attack on the deceased Steve Irwin, in an attempt for personal publicity, was a low point even for something like her. :D Her most recent attempts at fame revolve around an arty tv show where she exhibits an unnatural interest in paintings and sculptures featuring naked boys. :o

For the anti Irwin brigade she is an unlikely hero.

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It's a great shame that Steve Irwin is dead but fortunately there's a replacement who's willing to carry on bringing the natural world to the public. His name is David Attenborough and he's been doing the nature thing since 1952.

Oh for heaven's sake, enough of this sentimentality already!

Comparing Irwin to Attenborough is akin to saying a day out in Disneyland is on par with watching Shakespeare at the Globe.

I'm sure in a blokey sort of way he was a wonderful chap but his contribution to the sciences is questionable at best. He achieved what most dream about.....combining one's pleasures with employment. As a circus performer reliant upon sensationalism he was probably peerless in the animal arena and it is unsurprising that he struck a chord with the modern day public whose shallowness and hunger for undemanding entertainment is inexhaustible.

But, I'm sure the hyperbole will just keep on rolling........,

cricky's mate,

run along will you,

i can here your mummy calling.

she 's got some hyperbole for you to pig out on. :o

In a thread that is fast developing into a voyage of the surreal the above response has a fitting home but for the life of me I can't see its relevance.

I surmise from other posts the author is antipodean but of what hue it's difficult to gauge. Is he simply another broken down alcoholic or possibly a spurned, raddled, old drag queen from Adelaide? His preoccupation with Germaine Greer suggests the latter but I may be wrong.

Cue the minority sexual response with their familiar manta,er sorry,mantra.......

nope aint from adelaide me old cock, :D

im from freo, so get a grip on that one my learn'ed friend. :D

<deleted> antipodian ?

bloody oath i am. :D

only drink on days that end with Y.

and i dont wear a dress but dame edna everage does.

and went snorkling with some mantra's at coral bay last year. :D

jesu---s mate,

you were at the end of the line when god give the brain matter out wer'nt you ? :D

any way good luck in school. :D

cheers friend :D

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Terry57, you have a good first name, live in the right city (probably support the wrong footy team :D ) and your use of the venacular grates at times. However, you have great taste in women. That Greer moved to Britain many years ago was the only good thing about this horrible piece of ....!

Her attack on the deceased Steve Irwin, in an attempt for personal publicity, was a low point even for something like her. :D Her most recent attempts at fame revolve around an arty tv show where she exhibits an unnatural interest in paintings and sculptures featuring naked boys. :D

For the anti Irwin brigade she is an unlikely hero.

good on you croc,

as i new that you would realise that i was a top bleeding aussie mate of yours sooner or latter.

i must be truthful, and say that sometimes people think i got no venaculars. :D

but i'll let you in on a top bit of information my friend,

i got 2 of them, :D

but im of to the quack as one's hanging lower than the other. :D

cheers croc. :o

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It's a great shame that Steve Irwin is dead but fortunately there's a replacement who's willing to carry on bringing the natural world to the public. His name is David Attenborough and he's been doing the nature thing since 1952.

your joking right? I would think that irwin(In his short life) has done much more for animal awareness and conservation than Attenborough has ever done.Whilst attenborough has the spit and polish that only the poms can produce, to compare him to Irwin is just like comparing oil and water.I don't think that too many children will shed a tear when David pops his clogs. :o

i can't but help think that your attitude reflects your own personal dislike of irwin.Especially if posts on this and other boards are anything to go by.maybe I'm wrong??

These are a few of Attenborough's contributions to educating the public about the natural world:


1954-64 Zoo Quest

1975 The Explorers

1976 The Tribal Eye

1977 Wildlife on One

1979 Life on Earth (estimated viewing figures for this series alone were 500 million worldwide)

1984 The Living Planet

1987 The First Eden

1989 Lost Worlds, Vanished Lives

1990 The Trials of Life

1993 Wildlife 10

1993 Life in the Freezer

1995 The Private Life of Plants

1996 Attenborough in Paradise

1997 The Wildlife Specials

1998 The Life of Birds

2000 State of the Planet

2001 The Blue Planet

2002 The Life of Mammals

2005 Life In The Undergrowth

2006 Planet Earth


1956 Zoo Quest to Guyana

1957 Zoo Quest for a Dragon

1959 Zoo Quest in Paraguay

1960 Quest in Paradise

1961 Zoo Quest to Madagascar

1963 Quest Under Capricorn

1976 The Tribal Eye

1979 Life on Earth

1984 The Living Planet

1987 The First Eden

1990 The Trials of Life

1994 The Private Life of Plants

1998 The Life of Birds

2002 The Life of Mammals

2002 Life on Air

2005 Life In The Undergrowth

One glib remark in a deliberately glib thread doesn't give you any right to make assumptions about my attitude towards Irwin. I thought he was quite entertaining but as The Gent said his contribution to the spreading of the natural sciences pales into insignificance when compared to Attenborough.

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It's a great shame that Steve Irwin is dead but fortunately there's a replacement who's willing to carry on bringing the natural world to the public. His name is David Attenborough and he's been doing the nature thing since 1952.

your joking right? I would think that irwin(In his short life) has done much more for animal awareness and conservation than Attenborough has ever done.Whilst attenborough has the spit and polish that only the poms can produce, to compare him to Irwin is just like comparing oil and water.I don't think that too many children will shed a tear when David pops his clogs. :o

i can't but help think that your attitude reflects your own personal dislike of irwin.Especially if posts on this and other boards are anything to go by.maybe I'm wrong??

You really serious!!! ....???

Sir David Attenbrough's contribution to wildlife spans 5 decades and he has brought understanding and inspiration in this field accross the whole globe. Some of his programmes are some of the best and most remarkable television of all time. He is also outspoken in support of a number of environmental causes.

It is very tragic about Steve Irwin but the only time i saw a programme of his it seemed to be more about what a great father he was and what a great happy family he had than the animals!!

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You really serious!!! ....???

Sir David Attenbrough's contribution to wildlife spans 5 decades and he has brought understanding and inspiration in this field accross the whole globe. Some of his programmes are some of the best and most remarkable television of all time. He is also outspoken in support of a number of environmental causes.

It is very tragic about Steve Irwin but the only time i saw a programme of his it seemed to be more about what a great father he was and what a great happy family he had than the animals!!

But for a country whose culture is symbolized by a stubbie, it should come as no surprise that some there would equate Irwin with Sir Attenbrough. Let's face it, the differences between Irwin and Attenbrough, both very admirable environmentalists and conservationists, are not capable of being appreciated by your average Aussie bloke and Sheila now, eh? I really do think they should have a State funeral for Irwin. I mean apart from a few Hollywood tarts and anti-semites, perhaps some aging rockers, and a race horse, who else has the land of Oz have on the world stage? Steve Irwin was as good as it gets from down under.

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I would say his life was not wasted. It educated and enterained millions and millions of people. His passion and enthusiam for all animals, large and small, was infectious.

Sure, he was a bit overblown, but you could never deny his heart was always in the right place. I will miss him, and my sympathies go out to his family.

Be at Peace, my friend.

No your right his life wasnt wasted upto this point, but i am sure he had many more years of education to give, which is a waste, it is a shame my son wont be able to watch his programs as he grows up :D

Steve Irwin was a great guy, bringing Wildlife and Fun into the homes of hundreds of Millions of people, worldwide, including millions in Thailand.

He was on the edge many times doing scary things but he and his programs will be missed...


..however, Daley: your boy doesn't have to miss his programs I think, since the series will be recorded and for sale on DVD for many years to come, fortunately!

RIP for Steve Irwin :D


Dont fret, the Australian Zoo will go on , getting bigger and better, especially as his daughter Bindi grows up. Steve was probably the worlds greatest most genuine animal conservationist, spending many thousands of dollars of his own money helping wild animals.

Alongside the zoo is a 'full blown' animal hospital caring for sick and injured native animals. Many Kangaroos, Wallabies and Koalas injured by cars are nursed back to health by the hospital. They release Koalas on my farm when they are well enough, as i live nearby and have the necessary 'food' trees. All this is fully funded by the Erwin family. Steve was to be in Thailand next month, he helps Elephants somewhere in the north, by providing medical aid.

A truely wonderful man who was equally assisted by Terry his lovely American wife, also an animal conservationist.

A loss to the world.

Cobblers my friend!! Australia Zoo was bought out by an American entertainment Conglomerate in July 2003, the Irwin Family are purely the Flag figures , Why do you think a holiday village is being built purely for septic tourists!! of course he did a lot for native wildlife, and used his eco warrior status to great effect for publicity, but he was also ruthless , he did not give a toss about the residents of Beerwah, using his power to try and bully the local people and local councils into getting his way, one example was ecological helicopter tourist flights over the zoo and local area, of course he was a larrikin , Just a modern Aussie Barnum!! close this thread please :o Nignoy
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Sukhont, why can't you beleive he was killed by an animal? Have you seen his docs? When I saw him playing with poisionous snakes, I thought how long before this cast bits the dust. So I can't believe he lived soo long?

R:I:P: Steve Irvin.

He had experience handling snakes and crocs, but who has experience handling a stingray that you surprise the <deleted> out of?? sad news though and actually a big surprise. They (The Media) was running his interview of when he held his young son in front of a croc and got dragged over the coals for doing that. I admire the man because even though he lived life on the edge he also helped behing the scenes, Not many people do that.



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I'm sure our Australian brothers didnt mean this to happen, but this has rapidly become one of the funniest threads ever on Thaivisa.

But . . . ummm . . it still has nothing to do with thaivisa, despite even the mods' attempts to make the most tenuous links. Come on for chrissakes - posting a picture showing some thai conservationists mourning his death does NOT make this a Thai subject.

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