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Steve Irwin Dead

Old Croc

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I mean apart from a few Hollywood tarts and anti-semites, perhaps some aging rockers, and a race horse, who else has the land of Oz have on the world stage? Steve Irwin was as good as it gets from down under.


umm, urr excuse me johpa,

i got a pretty good sense of humour mate ,

but look mate if your going to have a crack at us, dont frig around and really bloody give it to us. :D

cricky's mate ,

you can do better than that. :D


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Hey Papa, dont you have your own thread you can go play in...all alone and lonely like.

David Attenborough IS Jurassic park.

David Attenborough discovered that you could take a piece of amber, containing a fly, and extract prehistoric DNA from a dinosaur.

Scientist? ..........Yes, I think so.

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First the death of any individual with a young family is tragic, and so anyone feels for the family.

But I'm not sure why there is such a gushing of lachrymose emotion. The gentlemen, whilst raising the profile of conservation, did so in a manner which demeaned the animals and humans place within the environment.

It's interesting to note that Sir David Attenbourgh is mentioned here, since his contribution, as listed plus being controller of BBC2, his support for the BBC Natural History Film unit in Bristol, which pioneered techniques which have allowed viewers worldwide to experience vicariously flight with birds, and view the world through animal's eyes, often without any on-screen 'presenter' is viewed by many as creating both the entertainment platform for channels such as Animal Planet and the promotion of 'animal studies' as a scientific discipline.

Steve's life-long dedication to his view of conservation is to be applauded and, apparently especially in the US, he was viewed as a children's icon. It is to be hoped that as the children grow, they don't think the best way to interact with the eco-systems is by shouting at it however. I do appreciate that Irwin put 'his money where his mouth was' and bought tracts of land in Australia, Fiji and elsewhere to try to create protected areas, and it is to be hoped that these areas, where scientific study shows relevance, will continue to provide habitats.

By the by Lord {Richard} Attenborough, the actor, director and producer {Gandhi, Cry Freedom, [director] Jurassic Park [actor]} is Sir David's brother .


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First the death of any individual with a young family is tragic, and so anyone feels for the family.

But I'm not sure why there is such a gushing of lachrymose emotion. The gentlemen, whilst raising the profile of conservation, did so in a manner which demeaned the animals and humans place within the environment.

It's interesting to note that Sir David Attenbourgh is mentioned here, since his contribution, as listed plus being controller of BBC2, his support for the BBC Natural History Film unit in Bristol, which pioneered techniques which have allowed viewers worldwide to experience vicariously flight with birds, and view the world through animal's eyes, often without any on-screen 'presenter' is viewed by many as creating both the entertainment platform for channels such as Animal Planet and the promotion of 'animal studies' as a scientific discipline.

Steve's life-long dedication to his view of conservation is to be applauded and, apparently especially in the US, he was viewed as a children's icon. It is to be hoped that as the children grow, they don't think the best way to interact with the eco-systems is by shouting at it however. I do appreciate that Irwin put 'his money where his mouth was' and bought tracts of land in Australia, Fiji and elsewhere to try to create protected areas, and it is to be hoped that these areas, where scientific study shows relevance, will continue to provide habitats.

By the by Lord {Richard} Attenborough, the actor, director and producer {Gandhi, Cry Freedom, [director] Jurassic Park [actor]} is Sir David's brother .


It's not just in the USA where he has been viewed as a childrens icon.I dear say that he made more people aware of conservation and animal welfare than Attenborough ever will.

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It's not just in the USA where he has been viewed as a childrens icon.I dear say that he made more people aware of conservation and animal welfare than Attenborough ever will.

As I said it is to be hoped that the positive aspects of his work continues after his death. On the Attenborough point, 1 of his series of programmes 'Life on Earth' is estimated to have been seen by 500 million viewers. Others have figures in the 150 million range. A reference link is provided below, since as the saying goes 87.5% of all statistics are made up on the spot {like this stat} :o



/edit amendment//

Edited by A_Traveller
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It has been announced that a tribute song to Steve is to be released.

May it rise to the same lofty artistic heights as Sir Elton John's tribute to Lady Di. Perhaps Rolfe Harris could compose new lyrics to Waltzing Matilda to be sung by Olivia Newton-John.

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you can argue these points well into the next millennium people, :D

the bottom line being,

the people have spoken and steve irwin was only ever guilty of being,

passionate and animated in his cause towards education and all issue's relating to animal conservation.

so he got a bit bloody close to a whale, kangaroo or some other form of wild life once and a while.

big deal punters, :D

the main thing was that he had only good intent. :D

how did david bloody attenborough get wrapped up in this anyway ?

at least he's still alive.

any way,

chock dee cup punters. :o

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It has been announced that a tribute song to Steve is to be released.

May it rise to the same lofty artistic heights as Sir Elton John's tribute to Lady Di. Perhaps Rolfe Harris could compose new lyrics to Waltzing Matilda to be sung by Olivia Newton-John.

classic mate :D:o:D:D

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I'm curious.

Is terry57 a real aussie fool, or just someone pretending to be one? I cant believe he's real . . he's too . . well . . . too much of a caricature to be real. Isnt he?

Do people like that really exist outside of Simpsons parody shows?

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