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Can any IT experts on this site solve my dilemma.?

I have a wireless router in my lounge( TOT ) which works perfectly. But I want it to reach into the corner of my garden ( 15 Mts.) where I have a cottage. Adjoining the cottage is a sala/Beer bar where the signal reaches but is weak. So to get to the cottage it has to travel through a wall, by which time the signal is lost. I do not want to buy another router( also I have no telephone point in the cottage) so is not practical. I have been to Tuk Com to explain my situation! But no one seemed to know what I was talking about!

So I ask what is the best way to receive internet on my laptop when I am in the cottage? What would be ideal is a signal booster for the wireless router in my lounge maybe plugged into a mains socket in the Beer bar so signal would reach the Cottage through the existing wall!

Has any one any ideas please Thx .


You need a access point. This is basically a wired connection from your existing router. Put your access point as close to the area you want to cover.

Your access point will have wired ports and wifi.

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We have a number of these chaps scattered about as repeaters http://www.invadeit.co.th/product/wireless-networking/tp-link/150mbps-wireless-n-nano-router-tl-wr702n-p022057/ just put them where they can see the router (they have a built-in site survey tool).

Do read about the issues with repeaters, but for net surfing or streaming video with one or two clients connected they work just fine.

EDIT You could use two of the above devices linked with a short cable to make a full bandwidth repeater if you're desperate for throughput.

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"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


I always travel with this: ALPHA ADAPTER



Can find TUKOM for 990 Baht. Make sure to get 2000MW model. Many shops have it. I buy third fl. right bottom end / South side in small shop.

Doubles or triples reach from your side. Works great for me and many friends. On it right now in the middle of the Atlantic :-) Serious....

Usually it is the laptop/gadget which can not provide enough range. It is a 2-way street.

Good luck. MS>


I like Powerline solutions: http://www.amazon.co.uk/TRENDnet-TPL-410APK-Powerline-Wireless-Extender/dp/B00K4XO3VU (many other brands are available).

They are very easy to set up and very easy to move around afterwards. Also they dont reduce the total wifi bandwidth available to you as the wifi extender sytems previously mentioned do.

Your electrical wiring does need to be in good order for them to function correctly.


Just extended the range of my original modem by installing a "Power Line" it consists of 2 units, a receiver and a transmitter, plugged into the electrical sockets, one close to the modem, the other, in my case in another bedroom, I now have a very strong signal throughout my entire condo. Bought from J C ?? it's between the elevators on the 3rd floor of Tukcom, they "paired" the 2 units for me, Baht 2200 (fixed price, no discount)


I use XyZEL adapters from invadeIT a TH internet provider. Excellent and will easily do the trick without dicking around with access points. Works like a charm for me. You will need the transmitting adapter which will receive a LAN cable from your router and a receiving adapter in your remote location. Good luck.


I use XyZEL adapters from invadeIT a TH internet provider. Excellent and will easily do the trick without dicking around with access points. Works like a charm for me. You will need the transmitting adapter which will receive a LAN cable from your router and a receiving adapter in your remote location. Good luck.

InvadeIT are not an internet provider and your Xyzel adaptor sounds exactly like an access point.


For best results run a cable to a new wireless access point closer to your desired coverage area. Ethernet always better than wifi in real usage.

Wireless repeater an option for increased range but decreased performance. Easy but not ideal.

Since you get signal but weak the 2nd best option above repeater and below cabling is increase range of existing device.

Look for a router that supports tomato/ddwrt firmware which allow boosting power(but dont put it too high). Get some higher dbi antennas. Consider relocating router slightly closer or less concrete to your corner. Make sure running wireless N protocol or better, ideally multiband.

Asus NT12-HP covers all that for less than 2k but may need help installing tomato and setting up for optimum performance.

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For best results run a cable to a new wireless access point closer to your desired coverage area. Ethernet always better than wifi in real usage.

Wireless repeater an option for increased range but decreased performance. Easy but not ideal.

Since you get signal but weak the 2nd best option above repeater and below cabling is increase range of existing device.

Look for a router that supports tomato/ddwrt firmware which allow boosting power(but dont put it too high). Get some higher dbi antennas. Consider relocating router slightly closer or less concrete to your corner. Make sure running wireless N protocol or better, ideally multiband.

Asus NT12-HP covers all that for less than 2k but may need help installing tomato and setting up for optimum performance.

Isnt it amazing how people such a simple process difficult. My first thought was exactly like yours, cable to wireless access point in lounge. Simple, cheap, fast process.


You do not need an access point.

You need a wifi repeater. I have 2 of these at home and have wifi access at every corner of my abode.


Bear in mind that with a wireless repeater you're reducing your speed by 50%. A wired access point is a better option if you can run cable to it.

Either way, he's going to have to buy something.

My first thoughts were that if the OP's wifi router cannot cannot send a decent signal through one concrete wall to a receiver 15 m away his router must be a piece of crap. I use a TP Link (3 antennas) router to send a signal to my neighbour's 3 story (big) townhouse and she gets a signal throughout, and the signal is going through a wall and concrete floors. She's quite happy with her signal.

If the OP doesn't want to spend anything, I suggest he puts the router next to the concrete wall.

Before I went to fiber optic and started using an expensive Airport Time Capsule (Apple), I used a TP Link adsl wifi router and I got a brilliant signal throughout the 3 floors of our townhouse front to back (20 m). I have to say that the old TP Link router gave a slightly stronger signal throughout the house than the Airport Time Capsule. A TP link router performed better than a D-Link router too, which I bought at the same time to wifi 2 different adsl connections throughout the house, so I would highly recommend it.

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I use XyZEL adapters from invadeIT a TH internet provider. Excellent and will easily do the trick without dicking around with access points. Works like a charm for me. You will need the transmitting adapter which will receive a LAN cable from your router and a receiving adapter in your remote location. Good luck.

InvadeIT are not an internet provider and your Xyzel adaptor sounds exactly like an access point.

To me it sounds like the Powerline solution I mentioned earlier in post #10.

I use a Zyxel Powerline system in my condo to bridge my DSL modem to my main router (phone line comes in on the wrong side of the condo) but my units dont have the wifi part which I dont need. I paid under 1500B for the pair. (Often available in the UK for under GBP20 the pair.)


I bought a very powerful wifi router in the US a few years ago. Put it in the back office and 2 rooms away, the signal was pretty bad. Not soo good outside in the pool either.

So...ran a cable off a cheap router I got from ToT to this one which is on top of my outdoor refrig. I get fantastic reception all around the house now. The cheap router didn't have wifi and I think some 400-500B.

I've also used USB adaptors and they worked very well. I had a nice one with antennas and everything.


Knock a hole in the wall. smile.png))

Also lift your initial router to the highest point you can. If it is on the floor it wont broadcast as far.

These two could save you money.

I just set up a range extender for my mother in Australia in a granny flat out the back of my sisters house but as soon as I left to go overseas it stopped working and no one there has the brains to work it out.

Look up Dlink or Tplink range extenders. They are what you need but can you work out how to use them?

Another solution is to get a portable wifi hotspot for your outside room. Just put in a sim card and it works anywhere there is mobile coverage.

I use one of them all over Myanmar and it is great.


Many if not all WAP's have the facility to alter the power from Low to Medium to High.

I would guess your router has a built in WAP and that it is set to Low so it doesnt interfere with other WAP's in the area. You could ask the provider if they can increase the power a little. Also as others have said see if you can locate it so it has a clear view of where you want to use it

If you need an additional WAP get the TPLink nano. Easy to set up and has great coverage


I use XyZEL adapters from invadeIT a TH internet provider. Excellent and will easily do the trick without dicking around with access points. Works like a charm for me. You will need the transmitting adapter which will receive a LAN cable from your router and a receiving adapter in your remote location. Good luck.

InvadeIT are not an internet provider and your Xyzel adaptor sounds exactly like an access point.

My aplogies Don Mega. I should have known your consiglieri would be vetting your threads.

You are right I should have said internet retailer regarding InvadeIT and clarified that I was referring to a powerline solution.

It won't happen again.


RE OP; Perhaps the antenna could be repositioned ?

If the antenna is orientated vertically - the signal spreads outs horizontally.

So if the antenna is pointing "towards" the cottage, it would need moving 90deg (anti)clockwise, or ideally the antenna is pointing upwards to provide a wide range of coverage at the floor level the unit is serving.



Some Modem/Routers have interchangeable reverse SMA antennas. The existing ones are normally adequate within the house but the gain of these is normally only about 3dbi so going outside means the signal strength falls away quite rapidly. For about 700 Baht at your local computer shop you should be able to buy a 7dbi antenna which will double the reception range. TP-Link is a common brand and they also have antenna at the other end which plugs into the USB port of the Notebook.

There are other options though but check if your Modem/Router has the external antenna


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