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90 day reporting - forgot sase

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I forgot to put a self addressed stamped enevelope when I posted my 90 days. I was thinking maybe post a sase with a note saying I forgot it.

I'm in Lampang, by the way. It's due Monday and I sent it ems yesterday to Chiang Mai immigration. I'd like to avoid the time and money of a trip

Any ideas? Thanks for the advice

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It seems you were late sending it anyway. I think their requirements are that it has to be sent 15 days before the report date or at the least it needs to be at the office 7 days before.

You could try sending an envelope by EMS but I don't think it will do any good.

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When reporting by post, it must arrive at least 15 days before the due date.


Not true. When reporting by post, it must be sent (not arrive) at least 15 days before the due date.

How do I know this?

I read your link. wink.png

Yes :-)

And then there were the reports of people getting their reports back with a notice saying is should arrive at least 15 days before, so maybe a little bit of ambiguity.

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You see, this is from the Phuket office;



The documents must arrive at Phuket Immigration within the notification window of

15 days before and 7 days after notification due date.

Yes, there is ambiguity surrounding when to send in the tm-47 by mail. But the link you quote above does offer the following recommendation:

To avoid such a fine we recommend that the paperwork is sent a day before or on the day of the 14 day early period starts. If you hear nothing by day 5 of the 7 day late period, make the trip to town.

That seems like sensible advice.

My concern with sending it before 15 days is that it would arrive too early (that is, outside the 15 day before and 7 day after window) and someone at immigration wishing to be exacting could legitimately reject it as being received outside of the required window. One would hope this would not be the case. Especially since Phuket Immigration is one of those offices that give you a new report date 90 days after you report, not 90 after your current report due date, so by sending it early you aren't getting any more time before your next report will be due.

I'm hopeful that online reporting will work for me next time I try it as it's much easier than mail or calling at the office in person.

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I think some of you are reading the time frame incorrectly. It says the notice must arrive within 15 days before or 7 days after the due date. That doesn't mean it has to arrive or be sent 15 days before the due date. There is a 23 day window. So if the OP's due date is Monday, and he sent it EMS on the prior Friday, he will not be late (aside from the missing sase envelope). He still has 7 days after Monday to be in compliance. I always send mine in about a week before the due date, and have never been told I am doing it wrong.

Am I misunderstanding the comments made by skatewash, big3116, and even Ubonjoe?

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I think some of you are reading the time frame incorrectly. It says the notice must arrive within 15 days before or 7 days after the due date. That doesn't mean it has to arrive or be sent 15 days before the due date. There is a 23 day window. So if the OP's due date is Monday, and he sent it EMS on the prior Friday, he will not be late (aside from the missing sase envelope). He still has 7 days after Monday to be in compliance. I always send mine in about a week before the due date, and have never been told I am doing it wrong.

Am I misunderstanding the comments made by skatewash, big3116, and even Ubonjoe?

As with much of immigration related things there is a bit of ambiguity and inconsistency among immigration offices on the right way to do the 90 day report by mail. I think the best advice is to do it the way your immigration office suggests you do it.

In my case, since I live in Phuket I follow that immigration office's recommendation which is (basically) to mail the report to the office 15 days before the due date. A consequence of following this recommendation is that the report will never arrive before the required window for reporting (15 days before and 7 days after the due date). And it is extremely likely that a letter sent 15 days before the due date will, in fact, reach the immigration office before the due date. The mail may not be swift, but Phuket is not that big. If it doesn't arrive within 15 days it's probably not going to arrive at all.

I'm pretty confident something mailed in Phuket will reach another address in Phuket within 15 days. In Phuket, if the recommendations coming from the immigration office are to be believed, they would even accept a submission that arrived up to 7 days after the due date. If you sent it 15 days before the due date, the letter has almost 22 days to reach the immigration office and be processed before the window for valid submission closes. The Phuket office further recommends that if you don't receive a receipt by the 5th day of the late period (the period 7 days after the due date) that you assume your submission by mail has not been accepted and you should instead go in person (or send a proxy in person to do it for you).

So, in Phuket, I would mail my 90 day report 15 days before the due date. If I got my receipt back before the 5th day of the late period, I would be done. If I didn't, I would go to report at the immigration office on the 5th day of the late period.

Different immigration offices may have slightly different policies and offer different recommendations. You should follow the recommendations (if any) of your local immigration office. In Phuket these recommendations are posted under glass on the table provided for you to fill out your forms while at the office. I image that in other immigration offices, recommendations for submitting the 90 day report (if they exist) might be in a similar place. In the absence of any specific recommendations from your immigration office (and assuming your office accepts reports by mail), it seems to me that you would be safest following the Phuket recommendations, which seem designed to make sure your report gets to them as early as possible, but not too early.

Now that some people are reporting success with online 90 day reporting, hopefully the requirements for reporting by mail will be moot for many, as it seems to me much easier to do the online report.

The Phuket immigration office recommendations:


The documents must arrive at Phuket Immigration within the notification window of

15 days before and 7 days after notification due date.

The TM47 must be properly and completely filled in and signed.

The photocopies must be of the correct entries in the passport.

No correspondence is entered into, so if anything is wrong, the documentation is rejected. This means that the next notification must be done in person at Phuket Immigration and a fine of THB 2000 levied.

To avoid such a fine we recommend that the paperwork is sent a day before or on the day of the 14 day early period starts. If you hear nothing by day 5 of the 7 day late period, make the trip to town.

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I think some of you are reading the time frame incorrectly. It says the notice must arrive within 15 days before or 7 days after the due date. That doesn't mean it has to arrive or be sent 15 days before the due date. There is a 23 day window. So if the OP's due date is Monday, and he sent it EMS on the prior Friday, he will not be late (aside from the missing sase envelope). He still has 7 days after Monday to be in compliance. I always send mine in about a week before the due date, and have never been told I am doing it wrong.

Am I misunderstanding the comments made by skatewash, big3116, and even Ubonjoe?

I think you are misreading it.

For reporting in person you can report up to 15 days before or 7 days after the report date.

For mail in reports you must mail it in to where it arrives at the office no later than 7 days before the report date according to this procedure posted by immigration as a notice last year. 90day_notification.pdf

According to the website you must mail it 15 days before the report date. .http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/en/base.php?page=90days

But every office can have their on procedure for mail in reports

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Thank you for clarifying, gentlemen. I have never seen that 90 day notification that was posted last year. It certainly is hard to keep up with the "ambiguity and inconsistency" even though I try my best. I use the Nan office, and they seem to make their own rules. They still insist on a medical certificate when doing the annual extension, and require 90 days seasoning of bank funds if doing the combination method. Last year they said my income letter from the US Consulate wasn't fresh enough. When I showed them the new notice (posted on this forum) stating that 6 months was the revised time frame, they asked if they could keep the notice. It would be nice if they posted their idiosyncrasies, but last year they moved their office and didn't inform anyone. blink.png

As I said, I mail my notice a few days before the due date. They have never balked, and EMS always gets it there within 2 days. But I strive to be in compliance, and appreciate this new information and will make note of it. I will certainly welcome the new online procedure if it ever becomes universal.

Thanks again to all. I couldn't sleep last night, thinking that Ubonjoe may have made an error! Whew!!

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Lengthy discussion about 15 days/7 days.

So far so good, but as @ubonjoe already stated the poster is late anyway.

Due on Monday, sent on Friday and forget return envelope.

I would make the trip until next Friday (last day to be in time).

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