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Overcharging farangs in CM bars


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If they don't know how to treat customers, than it's not really worth it to have one beer there, because there are plenty of other good promos going on, and that place will likely not last. Places that see the $$$ signs for any kind of special event or holiday, without regard for year-around customers is one of my pet peeves. I only do promos, and if they aren't cold and fresh; the tip will be adjusted accordingly. I'm really surprised at how many farang drink at a certain bottle shop on Nimman. The owners seem very unappreciative of their customers and downright nasty at times. They don't even have a toilet for customers. I go down the street, and their are promo girls, decent toilets, and better prices.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Pardon my pun. It was OP who said he lost his sh*t. I understood perfectly what he said --- and how I responded still goes.

All this angst over 51 bhat! alt=facepalm.gif> Pleading "the principle of the thing" over 51 bhat ?! alt=blink.png> Some people just don't get how to get along and would probably be happier elsewhere. Stay here? Try Four Seasons. Every customer regardless of race, creed, color, gender or sexual orientation probably gets the same price (unless they have grabbed a promo somewhere) ! Walk in, sit down, try it out!

In the meantime, we don't need another thread about differential pricing in Thailand. beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu alt=beatdeadhorse.gif width=65 height=78> There is a lot of it all over the world in various forms, certainly much more significant than 51 bhat.

Just to start a new line of thought on this matter, perhaps this perennial ThaiVisa forum topic represents a is a kind of "Caucasian Crisis." White people see so little discrimination in this world that when they experience a 50 bhat incident they feel the world is against them! alt=rolleyes.gif>

I see discrimination all the time against all sorts of people. I am happy when they stand up against it. Why should we act any different. People like you going in and just not caring and paying the price add to the problem. I hope to live in a place where we are all treated equal. Obviously you are happy going in like the village lord and paying more because you can. Showing off your wealth and hoping to proove yourself better than the others.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Pardon my pun. It was OP who said he lost his sh*t. I understood perfectly what he said --- and how I responded still goes.

All this angst over 51 bhat! alt=facepalm.gif> Pleading "the principle of the thing" over 51 bhat ?! alt=blink.png> Some people just don't get how to get along and would probably be happier elsewhere. Stay here? Try Four Seasons. Every customer regardless of race, creed, color, gender or sexual orientation probably gets the same price (unless they have grabbed a promo somewhere) ! Walk in, sit down, try it out!

In the meantime, we don't need another thread about differential pricing in Thailand. beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu alt=beatdeadhorse.gif width=65 height=78> There is a lot of it all over the world in various forms, certainly much more significant than 51 bhat.

Just to start a new line of thought on this matter, perhaps this perennial ThaiVisa forum topic represents a is a kind of "Caucasian Crisis." White people see so little discrimination in this world that when they experience a 50 bhat incident they feel the world is against them! alt=rolleyes.gif>

You talk about the Caucasian crisis but what you are enforcing when you walk in and pay over the odds is the Caucasian superiority complex.

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In the meantime, we don't need another thread about differential pricing in Thailand.

"we" means you ? do you own this forum ? Why you feel a need to comment then ?

Zeichen, you judge people very easily, which allows me to disrespect you a lot. You assuming things, for example that I can not speak Thai, and my gf doesn't stand up for me. This is unreal. Get a real life.

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"zeichen doesn't like to deal with reality"

You are right. Every single Thai person accepts all tons of crap and garbage from every single person. I often see all my doctor friends bow down to waiters when they give bad service or cheat them.

Thais never ask for a pay raise, they never argue or dispute things with anyone, they never stand up for their rights or beliefs. They just all bow down and take everything right up the a**. Or perhaps they do, you guys just don't see it because you hide behind your wife's skirt and force her to talk for you because you don't know the language, or the subtleties of the culture to get what you want.

Fact is that Thais are very good at recognizing the situations in which they confront things. The subtlety is usually lost on most foreigners. There is being humble and then there is allowing your loved ones to be cheated. Yelling and screaming, throwing a fit or doing passive aggressive things to the low paid wait staff isn't useful. However, in my 15+ years living here, I have never been with friends that would allow someone to cheat me or charge me a different rate. Every single family member or friend would back me up if I complained to the manager.

OP, no I don't know you or your girl friend nor your relationship. I don't claim to be an expert on anything. I do have my experiences which I shared. It is a fact that Thai people stand up for themselves when they are in situations in which they can. Your partner didn't for you. All I said is that would bother me. I am not you. It doesn't bother you, so that is what matters. But don't delude yourself that it is cultural to avoid all conflict. I asked a simple question. If your girl friend was with her Thai friends and someone tried to cheat the group, would she also accept it? If she would defend her Thai friends and not you, then yes I think that is a problem. If she acts the same, then no it isn't a problem. That is all I meant.

"Lower status Thais tend to pull a gun or machete when they 'lose their sh_it'.

I feel foreigners are fairly non-confrontational in comparison."

LOL. Too true but those aren't as much lower status as just lower class usually drunkards or addicts. I know I am out on a limb, but I am starting to like every single thing you post. LOL

Were you drunk when you posted that?

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With so many places to eat and drink - just walk out

They won't care - you won't care

I agree. I don't spend my money where I don't feel I'm being treated right, and I have no trouble finding places to eat and drink in Chiang Mai where I'm treated right. Why waste time and money on places that don't want you?

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What astounds me is the amount of guys dating "Thai," women in Chiang Mai that don't know that they are either Shan or Mountain People.

Not a chance they will go head to head with a Thai in the situation the OP describes.

Next up from that are the Isaan hookers -

If you think they are going to walk into a medium to Hi-So "in," place in Chiang Mai and start demanding their rights you must be mad.


Farangs being seen in the company of Shan, Mountain People and Isaan hookers are regarded as lower than a cockroaches belly.


So if you ever wonder why your lady doesn't speak up - ask yourself this -

Is it because she's too timid and shy? ( unlikely ).


Because she knows she is out of her league.

The sooner some of you realize it's the latter the better.

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What astounds me is the amount of guys dating "Thai," women in Chiang Mai that don't know that they are either Shan or Mountain People.

Not a chance they will go head to head with a Thai in the situation the OP describes.

Next up from that are the Isaan hookers -

If you think they are going to walk into a medium to Hi-So "in," place in Chiang Mai and start demanding their rights you must be mad.


Farangs being seen in the company of Shan, Mountain People and Isaan hookers are regarded as lower than a cockroaches belly.


So if you ever wonder why your lady doesn't speak up - ask yourself this -

Is it because she's too timid and shy? ( unlikely ).


Because she knows she is out of her league.

The sooner some of you realize it's the latter the better.

I'm so happy to read your views on this. Can you teach me anything else? Anxiously awaiting...

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What astounds me is the amount of guys dating "Thai," women in Chiang Mai that don't know that they are either Shan or Mountain People.

Not a chance they will go head to head with a Thai in the situation the OP describes.

Next up from that are the Isaan hookers -

If you think they are going to walk into a medium to Hi-So "in," place in Chiang Mai and start demanding their rights you must be mad.


Farangs being seen in the company of Shan, Mountain People and Isaan hookers are regarded as lower than a cockroaches belly.


So if you ever wonder why your lady doesn't speak up - ask yourself this -

Is it because she's too timid and shy? ( unlikely ).


Because she knows she is out of her league.

The sooner some of you realize it's the latter the better.

What an odd post, is the poster trying to tell us about the bigotry of "Thai" people towards "mountain people" and Shan? ...or is he simply displaying his disdain for said minorities as well as the farang that may spend time with them? I can't imagin that someone would spend time with a Thai minority and not know their ancestry as they often like to share their culture and history. The exception being if they are not Thai citizens and fear immigration police, then they will want to hide their identity..... on topic, I would walk if the bar said a promo was not for all customers.

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Perhaps rephrase that to lower status Thais avoid confrontation as they don't believe themselves worthy of fair treatment. There are also many acceptable ways that Thais confront people and situations. "Loosing one's Shit" is the foreigners way to confrontation which I didn't and wouldn't suggest . But if your partner didn't defend you or get things straightened out with the manager, she either believes herself as lower status or doesn't think you deserve fair treatment. If they pulled that crap with her in a group of Thai people, would she have done anything different?

Right, and you are an expert of thai culture and my relationship, as well as you know my girlfriend very well.

zeichen doesn't like to deal with reality

and zeichen is an acclaimed professor of about anything....

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With so many places to eat and drink - just walk out

They won't care - you won't care

I agree. I don't spend my money where I don't feel I'm being treated right, and I have no trouble finding places to eat and drink in Chiang Mai where I'm treated right. Why waste time and money on places that don't want you?

Yeah but I'd still trash the place on Tripadvisor anyway.

Saves people having to waste a single baht in a place that doesn't treat them properly.

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What astounds me is the amount of guys dating "Thai," women in Chiang Mai that don't know that they are either Shan or Mountain People.

Not a chance they will go head to head with a Thai in the situation the OP describes.

Next up from that are the Isaan hookers -

If you think they are going to walk into a medium to Hi-So "in," place in Chiang Mai and start demanding their rights you must be mad.


Farangs being seen in the company of Shan, Mountain People and Isaan hookers are regarded as lower than a cockroaches belly.


So if you ever wonder why your lady doesn't speak up - ask yourself this -

Is it because she's too timid and shy? ( unlikely ).


Because she knows she is out of her league.

The sooner some of you realize it's the latter the better.

The better man sees the person, not the race, not the class, without judgement.

Yes - and John Lennon sang "Imagine."

Back in the real World, you are in a racist society comparable to 1950's Mississippi.

And the idea that Shan or Mountain People are going to raise their head against a Thai is ridiculous.

Nearly as ridiculous as an Isaan hooker walking into a medium-Hi/So bar in Chiang Mai and demanding her rights.

So feel free to live within your happy,clappy delusion.


So did the OP walk into a med/Hi-So bar with a Bar Girl/ex-Bar Girl of any description and get rudely treated by the staff?

Only he knows the truth of that.

You'll be judged and treated by the company you keep.

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You'll be judged and treated by the company you keep.

Perhaps if I was in your company, that would be the case. Thankfully my friends, Thai included, are above judging anyone before they knowing them.

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What astounds me is the amount of guys dating "Thai," women in Chiang Mai that don't know that they are either Shan or Mountain People.

Not a chance they will go head to head with a Thai in the situation the OP describes.

Next up from that are the Isaan hookers -

If you think they are going to walk into a medium to Hi-So "in," place in Chiang Mai and start demanding their rights you must be mad.


Farangs being seen in the company of Shan, Mountain People and Isaan hookers are regarded as lower than a cockroaches belly.


So if you ever wonder why your lady doesn't speak up - ask yourself this -

Is it because she's too timid and shy? ( unlikely ).


Because she knows she is out of her league.

The sooner some of you realize it's the latter the better.

What an odd post, is the poster trying to tell us about the bigotry of "Thai" people towards "mountain people" and Shan? ...or is he simply displaying his disdain for said minorities as well as the farang that may spend time with them? I can't imagin that someone would spend time with a Thai minority and not know their ancestry as they often like to share their culture and history. The exception being if they are not Thai citizens and fear immigration police, then they will want to hide their identity..... on topic, I would walk if the bar said a promo was not for all customers.

You've got that back to front - but that likely suited your agenda. I am a proponent of the rights of Mountain People. In my opinion, the fact that they are denied citizenship makes matters worse for all Thai society as they are easy pickings for criminality and prostitution.

That does not change the fact that when Shan and Mountain People are confronted in the situation described by the OP, they will fold like a pack of cards. The same applies to Isaan hookers in CM.

The level of ignorance displayed by your average farang to the caste/class system in Thailand is laughable.

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You'll be judged and treated by the company you keep.

Perhaps if I was in your company, that would be the case. Thankfully my friends, Thai included, are above judging anyone before they knowing them.

I judged no one - I pointed out an uncomfortable truth.

And if you believe that Thais don't pre-judge people - there's something wrong with you.

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What an odd post, is the poster trying to tell us about the bigotry of "Thai" people towards "mountain people" and Shan? ...or is he simply displaying his disdain for said minorities as well as the farang that may spend time with them? I can't imagin that someone would spend time with a Thai minority and not know their ancestry as they often like to share their culture and history. The exception being if they are not Thai citizens and fear immigration police, then they will want to hide their identity..... on topic, I would walk if the bar said a promo was not for all customers.

No bigotry calling white folk 'farang' then.

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You'll be judged and treated by the company you keep.

Perhaps if I was in your company, that would be the case. Thankfully my friends, Thai included, are above judging anyone before they knowing them.

I judged no one - I pointed out an uncomfortable truth.

And if you believe that Thais don't pre-judge people - there's something wrong with you.

Making a generalisatiom about Thais there I see.

Not all Thais pre-judge. Many of my Thai friends work for international companies, some have worked abroad, many work with foreigners here, with Koreans and Japanese usually. A very well rounded bunch of people. If you're living in a world where you think mine means I have "something wrong with me" then you need to get out a bit more.

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As an OP of this topic I would like to request from moderators to delete this topic (if it is possible). Discussion went too far off the topic, and I did not wish to have my gf criticized or other foreigners fighting.

Thank you.

Just removed 2 unpleasant posts.

As per OP request ......... //CLOSED//

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