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White South African man arrested for selling drug in Bangkok

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White South African... I guess that means he wasn't black. What is the purpose of this headline? To distinguish between colour? I simply don't get it.

Let me clarify this for you: In South Africa it is not derogatory to say "that black guy, white guy, coloured or Indian guy". That's how everyone talks because there is such a large mixed population all over the country. Nobody has a hang-up about it at all. It just makes it easier and convenient to identify to other people who you are refering to, no matter who you talking to. A black, coloured, white, Indian or any other person of race.

Ok ... Thanks for that. I have my head caved in everyday by the P.C. I was just questioning the journalism involved in the article. Race and origin just seem to be irrelevant. I wish we had more time to talk.

I too can confirm this as I used to live there. Surely you know by now that the Thai press like to be very descriptive about anyone in the news. They even post photos of passports if they are at hand. Although I agree it doesn't matter what colour the drug seller is, it's no big deal to hear that he is white, which is a rarity for the African continent.
Let's face facts shall we to the vast majority of Thai's it actually is head line news that there are whites who are Africans or is more politically correct to non-blacks these days ? Edited by Soutpeel
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the drug in question generally comes in liquid form so it would be 2 1/2 litres. So yes a significant quantity

And you know this due to your vast experience in drug dealing ?

Google is your friend.. whistling.gif
Oh dear such a clichéd response, may be you could have added if I didn't like it I should leave as well just to cover all the bases

Seems to me quite a few posters are really up to speed on their knowledge of date rape drugs

Edited by Soutpeel
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White South African... I guess that means he wasn't black. What is the purpose of this headline? To distinguish between colour? I simply don't get it.

Thai authorities see him as a white elephant so his capture is unusual compared to the usual black Africans drug dealers and thus the manner in which the headline reads.

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This 52 year old animal should be tried and executed fast by shooting or hanging as he is responsible for the lives of many young men who have been destroyed. Being gay, I can tell you that lots of stupid thai young gays fall into a "trend" of taking drugs like ice etc to appear as being in the in crowd and while hign, indulge in unprotected sex or group sex and get infected with HIV etc. There are many young thai gay males who are dying very fast these days from rapidly developing AIDs complications like TB, etc and most of the time the doctors at the public hospitals or coroners will simply put the cause of death as TB, Respiratory related problems, etc and not HIV or AIDs just to make the country look good in terms of the annual HIV Statistics!

In actual fact, the AIDs pandemic is getting out of hand in Thailand and a lot of these stupid young thai gays have misconceptions that as long as you stay away from farangs or blacks, and you screw within your own kind or with other Asians , its ok! In fact, its best to stay away from any thai gay guys these days as almost 85 to 90% of them are infected with HIV( cannot verify this figure but was quoted by an Aids worker) and most of these thai gay guys are carrying new virulent HIV virus strains that are not very susceptible to most antivirals. Plus to complicate things, these guys also carry a multitude of STDs and also new STDs bacteria . The recent gay Songkran festival in which a lot of Singaporean, Taiwanese and Malaysian and Indonesian Chinese gays were here in Bangkok with a lot of side parties with drugs and group sex etc also help to promote the spread of HIV strains to the local gay guys here. The Authorities are doing nothing but are happy to promote the thailand as a gay venue! at the cost of young thai gay lives! The existence of so many gay saunas promoting unprotected casual sex and also the go go bars are all helping this spread and the numerous websites where thai guys sell themselves such as (simply goggle gboysiam, tmmsociety,camfrog gay rooms, etc) are all helping the spread of AIDs.

People like this white african scum who peddle drugs to these community and helping to compound the problem should be executed!

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White South African... I guess that means he wasn't black. What is the purpose of this headline? To distinguish between colour? I simply don't get it.

Black Africans have a bad reputation here for being involved in criminal activities, so why not mention that the seller in this case is white?

His color has nothing to do with this crime and neither does his national origins.

Very true. But a headline of 'Man caught selling drugs arrested' isn't great. And even if that was the headline you might then add his sex also has nothing to do with the case.

So for you the headline should be 'Person caught selling drugs' and that should also be the end of the report.

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Candyman Brox busted for Christina in Bangkok skyscraper.

Quinquagenarian Roland Van Del Brox, a 'whitey' from South Africa said yesterday after being arrested and charged with possessing narcotics with intent to sell that he intended to sue police for describing him as a 'white South African'.

Police said that it was part of their job to describe suspects.

Edited by piersbeckett
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This 52 year old animal should be tried and executed fast by shooting or hanging


Always nice to read calm and reasoned discourse.

And blaming the spread of HIV and STDs on the use of drugs as well, ones decision to take drugs and undertake risky sexual encounters rest solely with the individual concerned Edited by Soutpeel
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White South African... I guess that means he wasn't black. What is the purpose of this headline? To distinguish between colour? I simply don't get it.

Let me clarify this for you: In South Africa it is not derogatory to say "that black guy, white guy, coloured or Indian guy". That's how everyone talks because there is such a large mixed population all over the country. Nobody has a hang-up about it at all. It just makes it easier and convenient to identify to other people who you are refering to, no matter who you talking to. A black, coloured, white, Indian or any other person of race.

Ok ... Thanks for that. I have my head caved in everyday by the P.C. I was just questioning the journalism involved in the article. Race and origin just seem to be irrelevant. I wish we had more time to talk.

I too can confirm this as I used to live there. Surely you know by now that the Thai press like to be very descriptive about anyone in the news. They even post photos of passports if they are at hand. Although I agree it doesn't matter what colour the drug seller is, it's no big deal to hear that he is white, which is a rarity for the African continent.

Fair comment but it seems the piece was written by a whitey

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"The officials seized.........2,550 grams of gamma-hydroxybutyrate or GHB date rape drug from his room."

So that's over 2kg of this?

That can't be right, 2 kilos!

in number of countries (e.g. all over continental Europe) a comma is used as "decimal point" i.e. 2,550 grams = 2.55 grams.

News to me.

Never seen that before and I know that if you use a comma instead of a decimal point in primary school maths, then the answer is wrong.

Plus, all the other measures given in the OP had a decimal point, not a comma.

Though if that is correct, the amount makes more sense.

Not in a moral sense of course, but just in terms of the amounts found.

it's suspended in water - so it could easily be 2550g / 2,5 liters. This drug is very rare in powder form, and is not insufflated or injected.

Essentially its "brake fluid" and is very very dangerous, especially if taken together with other things, that targets GABA receptors in the brain eg. Alcohol or the benzodiazepines then clown was also in possession of.

A very small misdosage, can result in coma/death - truly a drug for the very stupid.

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White South African... I guess that means he wasn't black. What is the purpose of this headline? To distinguish between colour? I simply don't get it.

I'm very sure that it's because Normally our Black African brothers are assocciated with selling drugs... whistling.gif

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"A South African named Roland Van Del Brox?"

Would you prefer it had been Stukkie van der Merwe and he'd been referred to as a japie?

I'd simply prefer the press spelling his name correctly and not butchering it by writing it as "van del" "vander" or "vanderbrox" or any other such silly variations. Can't be that hard to correctly copy the name as it appears in the passport.

"Sounds like he has Dutch ancestors"

I guess history was not your strong suit eh? The Dutch were in South Africa before the British and are known as Boers.

Had the individual been a Zulu, I am sure they would not have mentioned his colour.

History was my favourit and best subject. Being Dutch myself I know full well that the Dutch migrated to there. The boer-war may ring a bell to people who hardly know a thing about SA. Those people speak a funny version of Dutch though: Afrikaans Though there is no knowing if Roland speaks Afrikaans at all or just English. But his ancestors obviously are Dutch who migrated to SA. The surname was a give a way and also makes it extremely likely that he is white or is mostly white.

You people speak a funny version of Afrikaans my friend tongue.png

Is Afrikaans still a compulsory subject at school? Back when I lived there all white people could speak or at least understand it. The Dutch never could get over the fact that it's now a unique language. They improved the Dutch language.biggrin.png

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Is Afrikaans still a compulsory subject at school? Back when I lived there all white people could speak or at least understand it. The Dutch never could get over the fact that it's now a unique language. They improved the Dutch language.biggrin.png

An interesting fact is that it is actually the 3rd most spoken 1st language in South Africa (It's not only a 'white' language) and in my province (Western Cape) I'd say 80%+ of people speak Afrikaans at home. Good luck getting white people in KZN to admit they understand it though wink.png

Edited by SABloke
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I don't know why the police go into such detail about the type of drugs .the man is pushing drugs which is a crime in any country end of story.

You could say the same of 90% of news stories - you must be new here. It is called making a story out of nothing. They have to fill the newspapers with something.

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Is Afrikaans still a compulsory subject at school? Back when I lived there all white people could speak or at least understand it. The Dutch never could get over the fact that it's now a unique language. They improved the Dutch language.biggrin.png

An interesting fact is that it is actually the 3rd most spoken 1st language in South Africa (It's not only a 'white' language) and in my province (Western Cape) I'd say 80%+ of people speak Afrikaans at home. Good luck getting white people in KZN to admit they understand it though wink.png

You didn't answer my question - is it still a compulsory subject at school? Back when I lived there in the 70's (Johannesburg) the country was officially bilingual. What's the official situation now? (as there are so many native languages it must be a problem).

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Is Afrikaans still a compulsory subject at school? Back when I lived there all white people could speak or at least understand it. The Dutch never could get over the fact that it's now a unique language. They improved the Dutch language.biggrin.png

An interesting fact is that it is actually the 3rd most spoken 1st language in South Africa (It's not only a 'white' language) and in my province (Western Cape) I'd say 80%+ of people speak Afrikaans at home. Good luck getting white people in KZN to admit they understand it though wink.png

You didn't answer my question - is it still a compulsory subject at school? Back when I lived there in the 70's (Johannesburg) the country was officially bilingual. What's the official situation now? (as there are so many native languages it must be a problem).

No it's not compulsory. It is compulsory to study 2 languages though (which is a good thing IMO). This means most people study English and then the main language from their region: Xhosa, Zulu, Afrikaans etc.

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You people speak a funny version of Afrikaans my friend tongue.png

Haha, and the great thing: A SA person speaking Afrikaans can have a conversation with a Dutchy and both can understand 99% of what the other is saying and have a laugh about the silly language the other person is speaking. cheesy.gif I think less and less people speak Afrikaans though but more and more English instead. :(

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Is Afrikaans still a compulsory subject at school? Back when I lived there all white people could speak or at least understand it. The Dutch never could get over the fact that it's now a unique language. They improved the Dutch language.biggrin.png

An interesting fact is that it is actually the 3rd most spoken 1st language in South Africa (It's not only a 'white' language) and in my province (Western Cape) I'd say 80%+ of people speak Afrikaans at home. Good luck getting white people in KZN to admit they understand it though wink.png

You didn't answer my question - is it still a compulsory subject at school? Back when I lived there in the 70's (Johannesburg) the country was officially bilingual. What's the official situation now? (as there are so many native languages it must be a problem).

No it's not compulsory. It is compulsory to study 2 languages though (which is a good thing IMO). This means most people study English and then the main language from their region: Xhosa, Zulu, Afrikaans etc.

I imagine Xhosa and Zulu must be tough languages for English speakers to master. Especially that clicking sound in Xhosa.

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the drug in question generally comes in liquid form so it would be 2 1/2 litres. So yes a significant quantity

And you know this due to your vast experience in drug dealing ?

Google is your friend.. whistling.gif
Oh dear such a clichéd response, may be you could have added if I didn't like it I should leave as well just to cover all the bases

Seems to me quite a few posters are really up to speed on their knowledge of date rape drugs

It is [also] known as the date-rape-drug, but not used exclusively for that purpose! In the right quantities GHB can, allegedly, give the user a very pleasant high. You'll note he also had Ketamine - which is available to vets, zoos etc as a horse/elephant tranquiliser. I'm pretty sure there is isn't much call for sleeping horses in the gay-bars of Patong; although you never know.

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White South African... I guess that means he wasn't black. What is the purpose of this headline? To distinguish between colour? I simply don't get it.

Black Africans have a bad reputation here for being involved in criminal activities, so why not mention that the seller in this case is white?

His color has nothing to do with this crime and neither does his national origins.

Very true. But a headline of 'Man caught selling drugs arrested' isn't great. And even if that was the headline you might then add his sex also has nothing to do with the case.

So for you the headline should be 'Person caught selling drugs' and that should also be the end of the report.

You have a good point there... I thought about his gender when I posted it, but posted it anyway. I agree it's irrelevant.

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White South African... I guess that means he wasn't black. What is the purpose of this headline? To distinguish between colour? I simply don't get it.

I'm very sure that it's because Normally our Black African brothers are assocciated with selling drugs... whistling.gif

Damn! Our White African brothers are doing the same as our Black African Brothers. Our White and Black African Brothers should really stop dealing drugs and leave it to our Brown Skinned Thai Brothers. Seems our Brothers with Coats of Many Colours really need to get their ducks in a row.

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White South African... I guess that means he wasn't black. What is the purpose of this headline? To distinguish between colour? I simply don't get it.

I'm very sure that it's because Normally our Black African brothers are assocciated with selling drugs... whistling.gif

Damn! Our White African brothers are doing the same as our Black African Brothers. Our White and Black African Brothers should really stop dealing drugs and leave it to our Brown Skinned Thai Brothers. Seems our Brothers with Coats of Many Colours really need to get their ducks in a row.

It would seem that you're making more fuss about colour than any other, so...don't forget the mixed race population, which is about equal in number to whites in South Africa. FYI they are called "coloured" people.

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This 52 year old animal should be tried and executed fast by shooting or hanging as he is responsible for the lives of many young men who have been destroyed. Being gay, I can tell you that lots of stupid thai young gays fall into a "trend" of taking drugs like ice etc to appear as being in the in crowd and while hign, indulge in unprotected sex or group sex and get infected with HIV etc. There are many young thai gay males who are dying very fast these days from rapidly developing AIDs complications like TB, etc and most of the time the doctors at the public hospitals or coroners will simply put the cause of death as TB, Respiratory related problems, etc and not HIV or AIDs just to make the country look good in terms of the annual HIV Statistics!

In actual fact, the AIDs pandemic is getting out of hand in Thailand and a lot of these stupid young thai gays have misconceptions that as long as you stay away from farangs or blacks, and you screw within your own kind or with other Asians , its ok! In fact, its best to stay away from any thai gay guys these days as almost 85 to 90% of them are infected with HIV( cannot verify this figure but was quoted by an Aids worker) and most of these thai gay guys are carrying new virulent HIV virus strains that are not very susceptible to most antivirals. Plus to complicate things, these guys also carry a multitude of STDs and also new STDs bacteria . The recent gay Songkran festival in which a lot of Singaporean, Taiwanese and Malaysian and Indonesian Chinese gays were here in Bangkok with a lot of side parties with drugs and group sex etc also help to promote the spread of HIV strains to the local gay guys here. The Authorities are doing nothing but are happy to promote the thailand as a gay venue! at the cost of young thai gay lives! The existence of so many gay saunas promoting unprotected casual sex and also the go go bars are all helping this spread and the numerous websites where thai guys sell themselves such as (simply goggle gboysiam, tmmsociety,camfrog gay rooms, etc) are all helping the spread of AIDs.

People like this white african scum who peddle drugs to these community and helping to compound the problem should be executed!

The drug dealer is a scapegoat like other vices that we blame for social ills and social diseases. It is the choices we make that is the the deadliest of denominators...

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