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Parsing Tinglish


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Here's an example:

Yesterday I go to kin somtam with tilak. She chawp kin pet-pet, but pet to much!. 5555.

Why not write:

Yesterday I ate papaya salad with my girlfriend. While she likes spicy food, this was to much even for her. It was hilarious!

It's cringe-worthy enough when native English speaking Westerners speak this way, but writing as well? How could it read or sound better than when Thais put 'English' words in their sentences?

Edited by BudRight
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Because it makes it a whole lot easier for Thais to understand you. Do you think fluent or near fluent English speakers massacre the language for fun?

It doesn't fill me with joy when a fluent Thai speaker decides to pepper their Thai with English for my benefit - it actually makes it harder to understand.

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Because it makes it a whole lot easier for Thais to understand you. Do you think fluent or near fluent English speakers massacre the language for fun?

It doesn't fill me with joy when a fluent Thai speaker decides to pepper their Thai with English for my benefit - it actually makes it harder to understand.

Understood...You're a special person with special needs and we should all do our best to do as you wish.

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Let me "correct" you sir - It Pet too Mutt! ( It's too spicy)

- Jep Toot! (My A--hole is sore)

- I DON"T Chuah ( I'm not sure)

- You want Boom Boom? ( Would you like to engage in a round of short time, meaningless sexual intercourse, shower first or not up to you, in a dingy room at a nearby short time hotel, with a possible phone number after, so you can call me, perhaps help me make my next motorcycle payment? Gold is good too. )

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Because it makes it a whole lot easier for Thais to understand you. Do you think fluent or near fluent English speakers massacre the language for fun?

It doesn't fill me with joy when a fluent Thai speaker decides to pepper their Thai with English for my benefit - it actually makes it harder to understand.

Understood...You're a special person with special needs and we should all do our best to do as you wish.

Limited vocabulary, unnecessary difficulty in discerning foreign words and parsing the sentence without consistent syntax limit the depth of the conversation and demean both speaker and listener.

That somehow you understood the opposite of what I meant - that one should not assume the listener has 'special needs' and needs baby talk to understand - demonstrates the difficulty even with a single language.

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Because it makes it a whole lot easier for Thais to understand you. Do you think fluent or near fluent English speakers massacre the language for fun?

I don't think it makes it easier for them to understand. The guys that talk like this usually have a really small vocabulary in Thai, consisting entirely of really basic words the person they are talking to already knows in English. If it was a difficult word I could understand, but it never is. These guys are using really simple Thai words, chawp, kin, pai, etc, and the bar girl they're talking to usually knows all these words in English already.

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The wife lived in the west for over 10 years so her English is good ,she also reads and writes in English,a friend of ours of many many years will insist on speaking her in Tinglish,a few weeks ago she just gave up and said ++++>>> will you please not talk in that foreign language I can't understand it,he was quite taken back and started speaking properly ,for all of 10 minutes,then off he went again , you just can't tell some people,if your reading this +++++,you know who you are ,555

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So, when a foreigner is in a situation where no english is spoken or understood and said foreigner has limited command of Thai and Isaan, what did those of you do before you had a such a high level of speaking Thai and Isaan under your belt. If you don't use what little you know, how will your command of a different language increase?

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Because it makes it a whole lot easier for Thais to understand you. Do you think fluent or near fluent English speakers massacre the language for fun?

It doesn't fill me with joy when a fluent Thai speaker decides to pepper their Thai with English for my benefit - it actually makes it harder to understand.

Understood...You're a special person with special needs and we should all do our best to do as you wish.

Limited vocabulary, unnecessary difficulty in discerning foreign words and parsing the sentence without consistent syntax limit the depth of the conversation and demean both speaker and listener.

That somehow you understood the opposite of what I meant - that one should not assume the listener has 'special needs' and needs baby talk to understand - demonstrates the difficulty even with a single language.

Let me translate that free of charge: When desperate farang want to get a desperate spinster Thai ladies panty's off, and then his rocks, he sucks up and brown noses his way into her good graces (and then into her pants) by saying such gems like:

"Me like you Mak Mak .You eat now Naaaaaah? Fish with rice Loy Khrap?"

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Hi Boys and girls: Here's the Picture, and here's how the purchase of a sex trade worker by an at-risk sex pat Tinglish conversation went..

Pattaya Sex-trade worker : "Have money you good man, no money you bad man.."

Sex Pat: "Have."

Her: " I wait you come back."

Sex Pat: " You good lady mak mak."

Her: "Take care me when you leave."

Sex Pat: "Chure teelak"

Her: "I virgin ass. Save man marry me."

Sex Pat: "Me love you love time teelak"

Her: "Me like farang pompooee mak mak."


Lies. Lies and more lies


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So, when a foreigner is in a situation where no english is spoken or understood and said foreigner has limited command of Thai and Isaan, what did those of you do before you had a such a high level of speaking Thai and Isaan under your belt. If you don't use what little you know, how will your command of a different language increase?

But you do use what little you know. You just don't fill in what you don't with English. You fill it in with what you hear, knowing that you'll screw it up, and then get corrected.

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