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I did my homework, read many rating/reviews and determined that the Transcend DrivePro200 was a good one for me. I bought it from Lazada, and the price came in at about 800 baht less than Amazon, at about Baht 5,000 (with microSD 16gig and suctionmount included).



Ive found suction mounts useless here, they will fall off the screen real fast, I bought one with a self adhesive pad on the back, this too was no good so I araldited it to the windscreen...............its never come off since

The more expensive models come with both mounts, enabling drivers to switch between their primary and any other vehicle quite easily.

Correct BUT they still have a 3m sticky pad which too falls off the screen, I found araldite the only way to hold it on forever..................yes the screen even when thoroughly cleaned still had this problem.

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I did my homework, read many rating/reviews and determined that the Transcend DrivePro200 was a good one for me. I bought it from Lazada, and the price came in at about 800 baht less than Amazon, at about Baht 5,000 (with microSD 16gig and suctionmount included).



Ive found suction mounts useless here, they will fall off the screen real fast, I bought one with a self adhesive pad on the back, this too was no good so I araldited it to the windscreen...............its never come off since

The more expensive models come with both mounts, enabling drivers to switch between their primary and any other vehicle quite easily.

I have an expensive model, it is hard wired into the car so not easily swapped to another.

The adhesive pad it came with is holding strong still after 12 months.


Im Happy with No1 Insurance.Thai Cops take no notice of them cam things,unless it suits them. I Never want to argue a point anyway. Let them sort it. Friends that have them are a pest showing us over a Beer how dumb a Ferang they are. ThenThai Bashing when their tinted windows and useless pre judgement cause most near misses .coffee1.gif


Part from a bit of fun why does anyone need a cam. Not saying their useless. Just replying to the O.P. Do You have one question..

I'm surprised you find it necessary to ask this question, I'd be asking why would anyone think they don't need one.

I'm hoping I'll never need the dash-cam.... But its there (fwd and rear facing)

In the event of being involved in an accident which isn't my fault I'll have evidence. This isn't too important unless someone is seriously injured or worse, the evidence from the dash-cam may be the difference between a high fine, possible jail time etc and walking away.

There are a few recent stories where a Westerner has been involved in an accident (but the dash cams will be useful for anyone). In these cases dash-cam evidence could clearly mean the difference between being charged or not.


Part from a bit of fun why does anyone need a cam. Not saying their useless. Just replying to the O.P. Do You have one question..

If you cannot see the reason then carry on as you are, hopefully you will never regret leaving yourself at somebody else's mercy in the event of an accident but you are quite right it might never happen. I treat things in the opposite way in that I try to cover myself in case the other person is willing to lie or try to get money out of me, I think a video of a situation is hard to argue with

Same with insurance if you are a shit hot driver and lucky you might never need that too so why bother getting it....could be a waste and it is not often it gets checked and I have never had an accident in Thailand.......

Crash helmet - probably wont need that too the chance of an head injury is probably quite low so get the cheapest for use at check points or just avoid the police, why waste the money....you get the point personally I think you are blinkered and bit of an idiot but it is a free country

I have had dash cams for a few years but at the moment I am using an SJC4000 action cam, works well as a dashcam but seeing as I go days without using the car it can also be fitted to the chin bar of my crash helmet. Since doing this I always get waved through checkpoints now, might never need it but I would rather have it for the 1 in a 1000 when I do


I do refer to Cams as used here by the Belt n Braces Brits, perhaps more use in the West i must admit.Thais tend to use them here for recording Police Stop Scams.biggrin.png The Cops hate em.thumbsup.gif


Rather Dramatic. Jail Time.?.Name one.thumbsup.gif

Yes, perhaps a little over dramatic...

In both of these situations (linked below), I'm sure these two guys would be feeling much less worried if they had a dash-cam installed, unless of course they were actually breaking the law by speeding.



Both of the above accidents involved a Motorcycle (allegedly) cutting across a car driven by a Westerner, both involved fatalities of the motorcycle rider, both occurred in the past few weeks....

- In both of the above incidents its possible blame may be proportioned directly on the Westerner, the outcome is unknown but potentially serious. IF driving within the law dash-cam footage would prevent unfair claims against the westerners from sticking.


I see that, but what Claims.?. Unless the Ferang is Drunk or Drugged the Insurance covers everything.Stay Street Legal, don't try to be Smart with the Cops, admit if your wrong and they are fine with You If i thought a Cam Here made a difference id have the best bells n whistles one. But it would fall off knowing my Luck.biggrin.png .


I see that, but what Claims.?. Unless the Ferang is Drunk or Drugged the Insurance covers everything.Stay Street Legal, don't try to be Smart with the Cops, admit if your wrong and they are fine with You If i thought a Cam Here made a difference id have the best bells n whistles one. But it would fall off knowing my Luck.biggrin.png .

Sometimes regardless of how lawful you may have been others will blatantly lie...

A friend (in his BMW) was side swiped by another car (Merc) changing lanes, the other car had the same story, she was side swiped by my friend..... after a long debate the BiB fortunately sided with my friend... Not that much happened, as you said, insurance covered the costs regardless - My friend had no cam, so all that would have been saved is an hour of argument at the Police Station.

I can easily envisage a situation where I'm turning left and a Motorcycle comes a cropper as he tries to under-take me... Or I'm turning right into my Condo and a Motorcycle comes a cropper as he tries to over-take me. Having a cam (which also records sound) will show that I'm indicating and from the rear-view cam show where the motorcycle was in the wrong. If the motorcyclist want to charge for damages, as many do, I'd use the footage, without which its just word for word....

Just one of the many examples a cam may be useful - I can imagine many many more scenarios...

I do think a Cam here will make a difference - which is why I have the best Bells and Whistles one...

That said - each to their own, I'll never really know if it makes a difference until I need it.


Richard .i wont argue.im 70, at your age i possibly would agree some Valid points you make, just as my Son does. I championed the cause to My Dad bout gadgets, power up,big wheels, he just smiled too.thumbsup.gif


I've been driving every day in BKK over the last 2.5 years and no accident.

Yesterday I just touched the car ahead.

A female got out and then proceeded to be rude in every way. I was initially polite and courteous until she really pissed me off.

I say again, my vehicle just touched hers.

She demanded I call my insurer, wife etc.

What's my purpose for being in BKK and the like.

She indicated that she is an attorney and now I've made her late for an appointment. I apologised for the inconvenience.

She was an absolute bitch to say the least.

We waited for my insurer and my wife's sister to come and assist.

The legal bitch tried including previous damage to her car in this non incident.

Eventually when she drove off to a safe area, we inspected the cars and no damage whatsoever.

I say again, this girl was a right bitch.

Like the filth, I wouldn't trust a lawyer here.

I'm buying a cam.

PS: I think I'm a little out of line. There must be good police here but I'm yet to see any or have any dealings with them.


I see that, but what Claims.?. Unless the Ferang is Drunk or Drugged the Insurance covers everything.Stay Street Legal, don't try to be Smart with the Cops, admit if your wrong and they are fine with You If i thought a Cam Here made a difference id have the best bells n whistles one. But it would fall off knowing my Luck.biggrin.png .

Sometimes regardless of how lawful you may have been others will blatantly lie...

A friend (in his BMW) was side swiped by another car (Merc) changing lanes, the other car had the same story, she was side swiped by my friend..... after a long debate the BiB fortunately sided with my friend... Not that much happened, as you said, insurance covered the costs regardless - My friend had no cam, so all that would have been saved is an hour of argument at the Police Station.

I can easily envisage a situation where I'm turning left and a Motorcycle comes a cropper as he tries to under-take me... Or I'm turning right into my Condo and a Motorcycle comes a cropper as he tries to over-take me. Having a cam (which also records sound) will show that I'm indicating and from the rear-view cam show where the motorcycle was in the wrong. If the motorcyclist want to charge for damages, as many do, I'd use the footage, without which its just word for word....

Just one of the many examples a cam may be useful - I can imagine many many more scenarios...

I do think a Cam here will make a difference - which is why I have the best Bells and Whistles one...

That said - each to their own, I'll never really know if it makes a difference until I need it.

I recently fitted two cameras in my car one front and the other on the rear screen.

On Saturday i was waiting at a single lane junction to turn left, as i was entering the left turn

the driver behind me in a pick up noticed that the lights were about to turn red and decided to speed up on my inside while i was indicating left and he was indicating to turn right and drove in to my left front wing.

Insurance assesors turned up and first said we were equally at fault so each insurance would cover the cost of each driver, although the pick up had hardly any damage and my

car needed repair to front wing, bumper, spoiler and alloy wheel replacement.

I insisted that i wouldn't accept any responsibility and the other driver's insurance should cover all repair costs as he was clearly in the wrong, they then said we would need to go to the police station to come to a conclusion.

I then checked my rear camera which showed them the whole incident, clearly showing the

pick up driver at fault, which in turn made him and his assessor change their mind and accept responsibility, if it weren't for that rear camera though, i would have had to claim on my insurance instead of his and also saved me the visit to the police station which would have taken up even more of our time.

This is a perfect example of how assessors will back their drivers who blatantly lie until you prove them wrong due to the camera.


I see that, but what Claims.?. Unless the Ferang is Drunk or Drugged the Insurance covers everything.Stay Street Legal, don't try to be Smart with the Cops, admit if your wrong and they are fine with You If i thought a Cam Here made a difference id have the best bells n whistles one. But it would fall off knowing my Luck.biggrin.png .

Sometimes regardless of how lawful you may have been others will blatantly lie...

A friend (in his BMW) was side swiped by another car (Merc) changing lanes, the other car had the same story, she was side swiped by my friend..... after a long debate the BiB fortunately sided with my friend... Not that much happened, as you said, insurance covered the costs regardless - My friend had no cam, so all that would have been saved is an hour of argument at the Police Station.

I can easily envisage a situation where I'm turning left and a Motorcycle comes a cropper as he tries to under-take me... Or I'm turning right into my Condo and a Motorcycle comes a cropper as he tries to over-take me. Having a cam (which also records sound) will show that I'm indicating and from the rear-view cam show where the motorcycle was in the wrong. If the motorcyclist want to charge for damages, as many do, I'd use the footage, without which its just word for word....

Just one of the many examples a cam may be useful - I can imagine many many more scenarios...

I do think a Cam here will make a difference - which is why I have the best Bells and Whistles one...

That said - each to their own, I'll never really know if it makes a difference until I need it.

I recently fitted two cameras in my car one front and the other on the rear screen.

On Saturday i was waiting at a single lane junction to turn left, as i was entering the left turn

the driver behind me in a pick up noticed that the lights were about to turn red and decided to speed up on my inside while i was indicating left and he was indicating to turn right and drove in to my left front wing.

Insurance assesors turned up and first said we were equally at fault so each insurance would cover the cost of each driver, although the pick up had hardly any damage and my

car needed repair to front wing, bumper, spoiler and alloy wheel replacement.

I insisted that i wouldn't accept any responsibility and the other driver's insurance should cover all repair costs as he was clearly in the wrong, they then said we would need to go to the police station to come to a conclusion.

I then checked my rear camera which showed them the whole incident, clearly showing the

pick up driver at fault, which in turn made him and his assessor change their mind and accept responsibility, if it weren't for that rear camera though, i would have had to claim on my insurance instead of his and also saved me the visit to the police station which would have taken up even more of our time.

This is a perfect example of how assessors will back their drivers who blatantly lie until you prove them wrong due to the camera.

When your insurance comes up for renewal, if you haven't made a claim (against your own insurance) you should receive a discount.... While the Cam may have cost you, when involved in an incident such as this and you are not at fault the cam can save you money.

Had this been a motorcycle and had he been injured, the rear-cam footage would also show you are not at fault thus protecting you from being in a position of weakness, and thus open to claims, medical bills, compensation etc...

Of the accidents I've had in Thailand (all of which ended up being bump-for-bump / 50:50 on insurance) I could have saved money on my renewal insurance by showing on Dash-cam how and where fault lay completely with the other driver and thus lay the claim on their insurance. ... Unfortunately these accidents were before 'dash-cam days'....


I see that, but what Claims.?. Unless the Ferang is Drunk or Drugged the Insurance covers everything.Stay Street Legal, don't try to be Smart with the Cops, admit if your wrong and they are fine with You If i thought a Cam Here made a difference id have the best bells n whistles one. But it would fall off knowing my Luck.biggrin.png .

Sometimes regardless of how lawful you may have been others will blatantly lie...

A friend (in his BMW) was side swiped by another car (Merc) changing lanes, the other car had the same story, she was side swiped by my friend..... after a long debate the BiB fortunately sided with my friend... Not that much happened, as you said, insurance covered the costs regardless - My friend had no cam, so all that would have been saved is an hour of argument at the Police Station.

I can easily envisage a situation where I'm turning left and a Motorcycle comes a cropper as he tries to under-take me... Or I'm turning right into my Condo and a Motorcycle comes a cropper as he tries to over-take me. Having a cam (which also records sound) will show that I'm indicating and from the rear-view cam show where the motorcycle was in the wrong. If the motorcyclist want to charge for damages, as many do, I'd use the footage, without which its just word for word....

Just one of the many examples a cam may be useful - I can imagine many many more scenarios...

I do think a Cam here will make a difference - which is why I have the best Bells and Whistles one...

That said - each to their own, I'll never really know if it makes a difference until I need it.

Excellent post. Any one here who says a cam is not needed has rose coloured glass on and perhaps is not living in the real world. Cams are a necessity in all parts of the world but particularly here.

"I do think a Cam here will make a difference - which is why I have the best Bells and Whistles one"...

Any chance you could please let us know which brand and model car cam you have? Pictures would also assist.


Dumb question, but can you hard wire these things or do you end up having cables all over your car?

I suppose the professionals can run the wiring under the roof lining and down a side pillar, but I don't find the one wire hanging down and plugged into my ciggie lighter that distracting. The camera has to be mounted high on the windcreen so whether it's hard wired or not, the cable will still have to run down.


Part from a bit of fun why does anyone need a cam. Not saying their useless. Just replying to the O.P. Do You have one question..

What fun is involved? The camera is a digital recording of the accident, not someone's interpretation, or downright lie of what happened. Thought that would be obvious to anyone.


Dumb question, but can you hard wire these things or do you end up having cables all over your car?

Easy. Fuse panel usually down on the kick panel. Find a keyed circuit not being used - usually a couple 3 spares.

Remove trim from A pillar and front of headliner. String wire. Viola.


Dumb question, but can you hard wire these things or do you end up having cables all over your car?

I suppose the professionals can run the wiring under the roof lining and down a side pillar, but I don't find the one wire hanging down and plugged into my ciggie lighter that distracting. The camera has to be mounted high on the windcreen so whether it's hard wired or not, the cable will still have to run down.

Mine sits behind the rear view mirror. The wire runs via the pax sun visor to the floor via the door seal & under the mat into the socket. This took just 5 mins without the need for tools & is completly unobtrusive.

Edit: Friends just rang. They've been summoned to the cop shop & might end up with a bill. This might have been avoided if they'd had a dashcam...



Part from a bit of fun why does anyone need a cam. Not saying their useless. Just replying to the O.P. Do You have one question..

What fun is involved? The camera is a digital recording of the accident, not someone's interpretation, or downright lie of what happened. Thought that would be obvious to anyone.

Not Obvious at all, many use them for showing off on You Tube.Like those Go Pro clowns on Motorbikes.Jeez your a bucket of chuckles.cheesy.gif


I see that, but what Claims.?. Unless the Ferang is Drunk or Drugged the Insurance covers everything.Stay Street Legal, don't try to be Smart with the Cops, admit if your wrong and they are fine with You If i thought a Cam Here made a difference id have the best bells n whistles one. But it would fall off knowing my Luck.biggrin.png .

Sometimes regardless of how lawful you may have been others will blatantly lie...

A friend (in his BMW) was side swiped by another car (Merc) changing lanes, the other car had the same story, she was side swiped by my friend..... after a long debate the BiB fortunately sided with my friend... Not that much happened, as you said, insurance covered the costs regardless - My friend had no cam, so all that would have been saved is an hour of argument at the Police Station.

I can easily envisage a situation where I'm turning left and a Motorcycle comes a cropper as he tries to under-take me... Or I'm turning right into my Condo and a Motorcycle comes a cropper as he tries to over-take me. Having a cam (which also records sound) will show that I'm indicating and from the rear-view cam show where the motorcycle was in the wrong. If the motorcyclist want to charge for damages, as many do, I'd use the footage, without which its just word for word....

Just one of the many examples a cam may be useful - I can imagine many many more scenarios...

I do think a Cam here will make a difference - which is why I have the best Bells and Whistles one...

That said - each to their own, I'll never really know if it makes a difference until I need it.

Excellent post. Any one here who says a cam is not needed has rose coloured glass on and perhaps is not living in the real world. Cams are a necessity in all parts of the world but particularly here.

"I do think a Cam here will make a difference - which is why I have the best Bells and Whistles one"...

Any chance you could please let us know which brand and model car cam you have? Pictures would also assist.

I have the blackVue DR650GW-2CH

The Cam offers approximately:

Front: 103 degrees of horizontal view at HD 1920x1080 at 30 fps

Rear: 108 degrees of horizontal view at HD 1080x720 at 30 fps

(a total of 211 degrees horizontal coverage - approx 60%)

The Cam has no screen, but links directly to your smart phone via Wifi.

Installation is simple - I've run the cables through the roof liner, down the B-Pillar to the centre console 12v socket.

There is also a professional option to have the Cam hard-wired using a power-saver (Power Magic) which prevent the battery from being drained. With this in place the Cam also works in 'Park Mode' and records once the motion sensor is triggered (i.e. when someone walks in front or behind the car).

I haven't used the hard-wiring option as I'm concurrence this may void the electrics warrant on my car. Also, the main reason I have the cam is for legal protection in an accident.

Run a search on Dash-Cams... the topic has some fairly decent coverage and opinions... (i.e. link below)


Posts indicate that there are some better specced out Dash-Cams on the market, but I also wanted something small and unobtrusive.... this suited my needs perfectly.


Part from a bit of fun why does anyone need a cam. Not saying their useless. Just replying to the O.P. Do You have one question..

What fun is involved? The camera is a digital recording of the accident, not someone's interpretation, or downright lie of what happened. Thought that would be obvious to anyone.

Not Obvious at all, many use them for showing off on You Tube.Like those Go Pro clowns on Motorbikes.Jeez your a bucket of chuckles.cheesy.gif

I'm sure there are a lot of people with car cams driving aimlessly around on the off-chance they get some footage of an accident, crazy driver etc, just so they can post it on Youtube.


I have the blackVue DR650GW-2CH

I was planning on the DR600GW single version as I'm not sure how difficult it is to run cable to the rear camera. Where did you get it, probably answered already but just in case? smile.png I was considering Amazon as shipping seems to be low but not clear on taxes.

//edit - Just saw your previous link and your comment on the monzyshop.


I have the blackVue DR650GW-2CH

I was planning on the DR600GW single version as I'm not sure how difficult it is to run cable to the rear camera. Where did you get it, probably answered already but just in case? smile.png I was considering Amazon as shipping seems to be low but not clear on taxes.

//edit - Just saw your previous link and your comment on the monzyshop.

Tywais - I purchased my previous cam (DR500GW) for my previous car from Monzyshop....

Since then I have another car with the DR650GW installed. Monzyshop did not have this cam in stock. I purchased the cam from the UK while there at Christmas.

Running the cables to the rear shouldn't be a problem - More often than not the Roof Liner has a little play and you can tuck the cables up inside. I've installed a Dash Cam on 4 different cars so far, never any issue (30min job).


What's the point of the rear facing camera? From what I've read it only records what's happening inside the car.

My rear facing camera as the name suggests faces rear, it captures all that is going on behind my vehicle.

Here is my camera's, watch the vid and you will understand the function of the rear camera.


Sorry Looks good,and i am sure it is BUT stopped it half way through,cant stand the Music drives me crazy. I am already of my trolly

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