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Where to Watch the UK Elections

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LoL I even go as far to say that you can bet on the outcome, if i was thai and living in uk would i be interested in the thai elections i don't think so but each to their own i guess and i hope labour win.

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Put Labour back in and they'll make an even bigger mess of it than last time and probably hand Scotland to that Krankie in charge of the SNP.

Ed Milliband says he is not going to enter into a coaliision with the SNP, looks like Sturgeon and Salmond are getting over excited as usual!

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I will propaly stay up and watch on bbc world news, that's of course if its on????? hope labour win, VOTE LABOUR.

With UKIP to contend with,i'm expecting a few heartbroken Politicians this time,should be the show of the year and well worth staying up in the small hours,for the excuses,lies,back peddling,and some unhappy farewells! As long as the Slimy,dodgy SNP don't wheedle their way in,it should be a good night! but who in there right mind would do a deal with these extreme over the top Nationlists? who have no interest in the union,and can't run off a sentence without the word Scotland in it!

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Put Labour back in and they'll make an even bigger mess of it than last time and probably hand Scotland to that Krankie in charge of the SNP.

It wasn't all Labours fault,the Bankers crash/meltdown, had a large part to play,and we had to bail them out,otherwise it would have been a world Banking crash,Gordon Brown took the right measures,which is why the people still own some healthy Banking assets! no doubt the Tories have plans to milk,and privatise them at a later date,just like they sold off our Royal Post Office, for a third less than it was worth! They are still the Asset strippers from the days of Thatcher! nothing changes with the Tory crooks!


I will propaly stay up and watch on bbc world news, that's of course if its on????? hope labour win, VOTE LABOUR.

With UKIP to contend with,i'm expecting a few heartbroken Politicians this time,should be the show of the year and well worth staying up in the small hours,for the excuses,lies,back peddling,and some unhappy farewells! As long as the Slimy,dodgy SNP don't wheedle their way in,it should be a good night! but who in there right mind would do a deal with these extreme over the top Nationlists? who have no interest in the union,and can't run off a sentence without the word Scotland in it!


Put Labour back in and they'll make an even bigger mess of it than last time and probably hand Scotland to that Krankie in charge of the SNP.

It wasn't all Labours fault,the Bankers crash/meltdown, had a large part to play,and we had to bail them out,otherwise it would have been a world Banking crash,Gordon Brown took the right measures,which is why the people still own some healthy Banking assets! no doubt the Tories have plans to milk,and privatise them at a later date,just like they sold off our Royal Post Office, for a third less than it was worth! They are still the Asset strippers from the days of Thatcher! nothing changes with the Tory crooks!

From waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before Thatchers time.


1566, "an outlaw," specifically "a robber," from Ireland.

As you quite correctly pointed out. Nothing changes. thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif


I will propaly stay up and watch on bbc world news, that's of course if its on????? hope labour win, VOTE LABOUR.

It usually is on the BBC world news - yes indeed, I hope that the Labour party wins the most seats as I was a LP member for many years and campaigned for them on the doorsteps for a number of years.

I hope that UKIP sabotage the Tories chances, but I fear that the SNP will equally damage Labour though, will be interesting to see the outcome!!

I assume that your avatar refers to football alliances rather than political ones then - Chelsea or the Manc's? Whichever of the two you won't like my team - the 'mighty Spurs'!!


give scotland independence would save us billions..and wales too.labour/tory/libs have ruled over us for 170 years..its time the old boys club was dismantled utter scum ruining this once great island..remember its self interest from all of them couldnt give a toss about any of us and dont kid yourself thinking they do..

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It is essential to get rid of Scotland, cos if and when the "promised" referendum on membership of the EU comes along, the SNP would vote massively -probably 100% - to stay in Europe. With no Scotland, England could get on with the job of quitting the Rich Man's Club of Europe and start making alliances with anyone who wants to trade with her. Also, get out of Nato and cancel Trident.

Alas, I live in a fantasy world. Cos all the main parties want to keep the £20 billion Trident. What a waste of goddam money.....

But, luckily for me, UK is not my home country!!.....

The UK is just another country, so its elections are no more or less important than those in Slovenia, Slovakia, Cyprus, Malta etc etc

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give scotland independence would save us billions..and wales too.labour/tory/libs have ruled over us for 170 years..its time the old boys club was dismantled utter scum ruining this once great island..remember its self interest from all of them couldnt give a toss about any of us and dont kid yourself thinking they do..

The panic of the 3 Stoogies high tailing it up to Scotland to promise the World when it looked liked there might be a '' Yes '' vote.

Suggests that your assumption is far from the truth.


It is essential to get rid of Scotland, cos if and when the "promised" referendum on membership of the EU comes along, the SNP would vote massively -probably 100% - to stay in Europe. With no Scotland, England could get on with the job of quitting the Rich Man's Club of Europe and start making alliances with anyone who wants to trade with her. Also, get out of Nato and cancel Trident.

Alas, I live in a fantasy world. Cos all the main parties want to keep the £20 billion Trident. What a waste of goddam money.....

But, luckily for me, UK is not my home country!!.....

The UK is just another country, so its elections are no more or less important than those in Slovenia, Slovakia, Cyprus, Malta etc etc

It is indeed fortunate that the UK is not your Home Country.

There is no such Country as the UK.

A fantasy that affects many. Especially from South of the border tongue.pngtongue.png

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