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All of you who appear so surprised that Thais do not share the same ethic about public disposal of trash as Westerners ought to try to remember the facts.

Cleanliness and waste disposal in public areas is a relatively modern concept. Many Westerners also threw garbage out the windows of their cars and littered their public areas as little as one or two generations ago. Even the civilized Londoners used to throw their chamber pots out their windows and into the streets. Cleanliness is a learned concept.

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i agree pattaya as a tourist destination is an absolute disgrace its filthy they fly tip all over the place and its getting progressively worse the local government should get their fingers out and do something about it clean the place up there is so much that needs to be done in pattaya.


Ultimately it is the responsibility of local authorities to provide "bins" throughout the city and the "personnel" to service them, this is a so called holiday resort and keeping the place tidy should be a high priority, but as we all know the only thing that is a priority in Thailand is the pocket and filling it with money as fast as possible, it is everyone's responsibility to use the services if provided, if the local authorities do not provide an adequate system of bins and personnel to service them then the blame lies 100% with them. I'm not saying we should all be throwing rubbish at our feet either.

If you come on holiday and stay in a hotel your expectation is to be provided with and adequate service during your stay - you do not expect to have to change and wash your bed linen and clean your own room it is expected that service will be provided - if it wasn't you wouldn't stay there.


Judging by the state of the other beaches in Thailand,this Guy could have an unpaid job for life!

I was thinking.....nice and clean for today, but how about when the tide washes everything back in?

Actually, I did the same thing at Baloy Beach, Philippines.....Every day. Never got a thank you or a news article written up. I am green with envy (actually green with sludge and plastic)

Jakkrit Chainok said Thais have been raised this way so no one should be blamed. He added that Farang has been taught the otherwise.

So by this logic all farangs who didn't collect litter are bad and all Thais that caused the litter are good !

Proof: Thai = good, Farang = bad


I know this guy, his name is Peter and he is retired Royal Australian Navy. I guess that after 20 plus years of being forced to pick up rubbish now he cant stop. All you other ex-service guys know that if an officer or nco sees you standing around they always tell you to go clean up something!!


A comment says Thais have been raised this way so should not be blamed but can the new Thais be raised to keep their country tidy or with the ever increasing consumerism will the future generations be living in dirty conditions. In the UK It is shameful to drop litter so most people are tidy to avoid the bad looks or worse they get if they drop litter. There will always be more Thais than foreigners so making more rubbish unless they are taught to be tidy and also bins provided.


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I sincerely hope no one makes a post mocking the no work permit situation because it's real and no matter the good intent can result in problems for the person(s) involved.

A work permit is needed for anything that can be classed as work and all it takes is one person to complain for a reason best know to them but if a foreigner is involved ... ! I'm not saying the authorities in the area concerned would be heavy handed depending on the circumstances but i am suggesting it's not a chance worth taking.

Sad it can come down to this.

Yeah one reason why many don't lift a finger in fear of being arrested and deported. I remember it was the same at the time of the Tsunami when many foreigners came over to do their bit, but the authorities took a heavy hand on the situation, and arrested many. They see foreigners as an interferance, ones which could take jobs away from Thais by their meer presence. So if your mowing your lawn, painting, doing whatever around the house in public view, or even picking up liter on a beach, you could expect a visit from immigration. Work is work, even if you don't get paid ! Thailand is for Thai people, not foreigners.

I like your post however I would like to see immigration arresting me for painting my house in plain view. The press will know what to do with that.


I sincerely hope no one makes a post mocking the no work permit situation because it's real and no matter the good intent can result in problems for the person(s) involved.

A work permit is needed for anything that can be classed as work and all it takes is one person to complain for a reason best know to them but if a foreigner is involved ... ! I'm not saying the authorities in the area concerned would be heavy handed depending on the circumstances but i am suggesting it's not a chance worth taking.

Sad it can come down to this.

Yeah one reason why many don't lift a finger in fear of being arrested and deported. I remember it was the same at the time of the Tsunami when many foreigners came over to do their bit, but the authorities took a heavy hand on the situation, and arrested many. They see foreigners as an interferance, ones which could take jobs away from Thais by their meer presence. So if your mowing your lawn, painting, doing whatever around the house in public view, or even picking up liter on a beach, you could expect a visit from immigration. Work is work, even if you don't get paid ! Thailand is for Thai people, not foreigners.

Surly this cannot be defined as work, technically he would have to gain an income to class it as work. It's more like volunteer, what's the requirement for that? Do volunteer's require work permits?



He's doing a commendable job. But I wish he would wear proper work gloves. I would hate to see him get a needle stick whilst delving his hands into the sand amongst all the rubbish. You do see used needles on Pattaya beach.

Hope he inspires some of the locals, but that would be hard to imagine. As stated in the article Thais are not taught that it is unsociable to throw refuse about.

I had to laugh, several years ago in my village, the local council gave out those rubber rubbish bins to each household, to use for the weekly rubbish pick-up. . I think they are made from used truck tyres. Just about all of them now are being used as either plant pots etc or not used at all. Rubbish is still piled up and made into a stinking smoldering bonfire. I went ballistic when an idiot brother-in-law tried doing that at my place, on my lawn.


The work this guy is doing is similar to charity work, ie, doing good without being paid for it, and as such he should not need a work permit. Good on him! Would be nice if a few more people joined his movement to help him.


Easy fix? Get the 10's of thousands of monks to go out and really earn some merit each morning!?

You know Cabbage and Condoms does just that in Pattaya... The training regimen for their students would embarrass most wannabe monks and their teachers. They are taught a work ethic.


I wish in Asia there would be a religion telling its followers not to foul their environment.

And do you suppose, perchance, that we would see any great adherence to this hypothetical religion than we do to the current one?


I sincerely hope no one makes a post mocking the no work permit situation because it's real and no matter the good intent can result in problems for the person(s) involved.

A work permit is needed for anything that can be classed as work and all it takes is one person to complain for a reason best know to them but if a foreigner is involved ... ! I'm not saying the authorities in the area concerned would be heavy handed depending on the circumstances but i am suggesting it's not a chance worth taking.

Sad it can come down to this.

What is even sadder is that you could post 3 paragraphs on something that really isn't going to happen. Any mocking should be heading in your direction.


Hey arrest him No work permit and working without any pay that is a No No

OK now that I said that tong in cheek This is what I have always been saying Let Farang retires give back and do community work without a work permit

This is good for farang Good for Thais and good for the country . Why is the government so anal about this .

I guess its because it makes farang look good and sometimes Thais loose face because Farang are willing to pitch in and Thais will not a lot of the time


I go for a walk on my local beach about 3 or 4 times a week. If I come to a broken bottle or a piece of glass I pick it up and put it out of harm's way.....it never occurred to me that doing this is anything special.....just common sense, nothing spectacular about it.


Too much hearsay about work permits from those who don't get it. And of course those who constrain their own freedoms from irrational fear, and hate to see others who are not afraid to have a go.


I sincerely hope no one makes a post mocking the no work permit situation because it's real and no matter the good intent can result in problems for the person(s) involved.

A work permit is needed for anything that can be classed as work and all it takes is one person to complain for a reason best know to them but if a foreigner is involved ... ! I'm not saying the authorities in the area concerned would be heavy handed depending on the circumstances but i am suggesting it's not a chance worth taking.

Sad it can come down to this.

Yeah one reason why many don't lift a finger in fear of being arrested and deported. I remember it was the same at the time of the Tsunami when many foreigners came over to do their bit, but the authorities took a heavy hand on the situation, and arrested many. They see foreigners as an interferance, ones which could take jobs away from Thais by their meer presence. So if your mowing your lawn, painting, doing whatever around the house in public view, or even picking up liter on a beach, you could expect a visit from immigration. Work is work, even if you don't get paid ! Thailand is for Thai people, not foreigners.

I have searched but cannot find any accounts of foreign helpers being arrested for legitimately assisting with the tsunami cleanup efforts. Could you please point me toward the evidence of these arrests. Or are you simply repeating hearsay?


T'land is not the only dirty place in Asia. Check out any spot in China, or the worst i have seen, Angeles City, PI. Certainly in China the prevailing mentality is that inside your own little flat/house you may do as you like; clean or dirty. But outside your door the government is in charge of the environment, the individual has NOTHING to do with the cleanliness of the public places.


I sincerely hope no one makes a post mocking the no work permit situation because it's real and no matter the good intent can result in problems for the person(s) involved.

A work permit is needed for anything that can be classed as work and all it takes is one person to complain for a reason best know to them but if a foreigner is involved ... ! I'm not saying the authorities in the area concerned would be heavy handed depending on the circumstances but i am suggesting it's not a chance worth taking.

Sad it can come down to this.

Yeah one reason why many don't lift a finger in fear of being arrested and deported. I remember it was the same at the time of the Tsunami when many foreigners came over to do their bit, but the authorities took a heavy hand on the situation, and arrested many. They see foreigners as an interferance, ones which could take jobs away from Thais by their meer presence. So if your mowing your lawn, painting, doing whatever around the house in public view, or even picking up liter on a beach, you could expect a visit from immigration. Work is work, even if you don't get paid ! Thailand is for Thai people, not foreigners.

You guys seem to know your stuff, so to clarify...if I decide to paint a wall of my house or cut the grass I will first have to apply for a work permit or risk arrest, prosecution etc! if I drop a friend off somewhere am I also illegally operating as a taxi.

This cannot be for real......................truly ludicrous!

So what documentation would I need to take to the labour office and immigration to get the work permit to cut my lawn? paint my house? etc etc and who would be the employer how do I apply?

Or would just getting on with life and ignoring such pedantic interpretation of employment laws be the more sensible option.


He not got arrested for working without a work permit? That's quite amazing. Great guy, he is a perfect sample for his host country and it's people who don't give a shti.

I agree, but your avatar is freaking me out ! w00t.gif


The last 3 weeks i had young visitors from my family staying with me and also sure we went to Jomtien beach and they been quite shocked how dirty the beach is and the water as well and said to me: they would never ever come to have holidays in this city and their beaches!

And yes i also avoid the beaches here as never saw any more dirty place like that!

Shame on the responsible people for the cleaning and care takeing of the beaches and the city: but well i must blame the thais the most!


Don't think it rubbish collection as such, more like funding my like for drink or whatever as i seen many farangs who do the same thing to boost the coffers.


Not one to blow my own trumpet,but i have been doing this for years in my own village and any beach i visit on my walks.Don't do butts though.Just backin Oz to pick up a new paper pickerup.Me and Pattaya farang have a job for life.


Not one to blow my own trumpet,but i have been doing this for years in my own village and any beach i visit on my walks.Don't do butts though.Just backin Oz to pick up a new paper pickerup.Me and Pattaya farang have a job for life.


The last 3 weeks i had young visitors from my family staying with me and also sure we went to Jomtien beach and they been quite shocked how dirty the beach is and the water as well and said to me: they would never ever come to have holidays in this city and their beaches!

And yes i also avoid the beaches here as never saw any more dirty place like that!

Shame on the responsible people for the cleaning and care takeing of the beaches and the city: but well i must blame the thais the most!

It does seem Thais are simply not educated to pick up rubbish.

I was at a beautiful lake area exercising on a machine, a couple of girls were troughing nearby, when finished they simply stood up leaving the plastic bags and bottles on the floor, I told them to stop and pointed to the debris and to the rubbish bin a mere six feet away..............they couldnt have looked more shocked or horrified had I suggested a threesome in the bushes!!

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