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Thailand upset with EU 'yellow card' over illegal fishing


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I dont know about you but i'm really really starting to hate those two words... clear and transparent....Thailand has been trying to tackle the illegal fishing problem.....erm no you bloody have not as your elders are making way too much pocket money. And incase you are too pig ignorant to look at your ocean you will see its been milked to death. Stupid greedy selfish morons.

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I dont really know why Thailand is throwing the dummy out of the pram. the country has been warned for many years by many courtries ( Not just The EU ) over the many issues surrounding the Thai fishing Industry.

The world needs to start seeing reform, not just of the actual implementation of laws, but also the adhesion of those laws.

Unfortunately, Thailand is living in a time bubble, where 300 years ago, it was perfectly acceptable to enslave people to work on the boats, and to fish wherever you wanted, for anything you wanted. However, the world is a new place now, and these kind of things are totally unacceptable

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Visa Problems in our Future, I Wonder, G7 Countries...

Doubtful mate. If the country starts reacting in such a way -- as children might -- the economy would be on the brink of a relative collapse. There must be a couple of reasonably intelligent people among the bureaucracy who understand what would happen if there is a mass exodus of foreign investment in this otherwise fairly inept economy.

The artificial propping-up of the Thai Bhat cannot be good for the "what would happen next" part.

Edited by meltingpot2015
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