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Do You Live In A Thai Village Full Time


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Mac's right about ground rules. Of course a few fibs here and there don't do any harm either.

Every time we visit to check on the progress of the house and anybody mentions money in

any way shape or form, the wife repeats the story of how we have worked long and hard for

many years just to build this house and how all our money has went into it and we only have

enough left for living expenses. No money for any business ventures or the like.

She sounds like a broken record and I expect people get the message:

Don't even ask.

She does not have a big extended family so I suppose that a plus also.

I expect the locals won't believe this because when I designed the house I got a wee bit carried away.

It ended up a lot bigger then I Iintended.

I also knocked down her brother's family shack and built them a house close by. (This is not as crazy as

it sounds. If me and the wife ever go away for a while we will have security and someone to take

care of things while we are away. I've known her brother for about ten years and he is a hard working

honest guy).

So I guess we will be approached at some time or another but trying to get money out of my wife is

like trying to take a bone away from a pit bull terrier. I suppose because she never had a lot in her life

she wants to make sure that now she has something she will not lose it.

Anyway, up until now nobody has asked for nowt, long may it continue.

I don't mind helping out the local school with some football kit or some good cause where I can see where the money is going, but I would never finance a local business venture.

Your situation and your wife sounds similiar to mine except we built the locasl school a new kitchen this year and in the past have taken books etc and the local ice cream to give the schools 200 kids a treat. But I have drawn a line at building a new house for mama and papa because at the moment they dont make any effort to keep what they have clean or look after clothes, they are just left in heaps everywhere. But I always take care of mama papa two nieces and a grandfather food wise and give mama a little pocket money each month and pay hospital bills.

My wife is very thrifty now and yak yaks everyone if need be she is a No1 women. But she is alos a very good hostess when we have guests, no one goes without at our house when they visit, I am a lucky man at last after all the years of Marital mistakes

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My Thai fiance, and I, still live full time here in California. She gets some requests for money from a few relatives since they believe living in the states is equal to big money (this before she and I got together).

She is very careful with amounts sent to close relatives, and only money to those that work hard, and have kids.

On our trips over, we were treated by many of the relatives to small meals, taxi fees, etc and never asked for money.

I'm sure that when we are over there full time it may change, but the Thai fiance has already set the stage. She has also made it clear that I have my own family, and any money given to relatives is her money, from her jobs, and not mine.

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Once again I have to thank all you folks for your input and making this Topic very worthwhile and interesting.

When I started th Topic I thought folks might not want to share there situations but you have and by doing so I am sure it will help those guys that are wondering what it will be like when they re-locate.

I think also it will increase and be more popular as time goes bye


Edited by macb
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Once again I have to thank all you folks for your input and making this Topic very worthwhile and interesting.

When I started th Topic I thought folks might not want to share there situations but you have and by doing so I am sure it will help those guys that are wondering what it will be like when they re-locate.

I think also it will increase and be more popular as time goes bye


Hey Macb,

We just had 40 people at my house for my wife's baby shower. I am glad that gathering is over. I find it refreshing to converse with my wife on money topics related to her family in Isaan. 4-6 weeks ago her older brother wanted to "borrow" 200,000 Bht for a down payment on a new Toyota truck. I did some quick calculations in my head and figured that the monthly payment on a new truck w/the down payment would be around 12,000 Bht. That would leave him about 7,000 Bht a month from his salary to cover rent, living expenses, gas, insurance, ect.... If you factor in his repayment of the down payment there was no way that this was feasible. I said that it was not going to happen and that maybe he needed to look for a used truck. He is a little ticked off, but oh well. I explained to my wife that I do not even have a new Toyota truck so what makes her family think that her brother should have one when he can't afford it. END OF STORY ON THAT ONE.

Fast forward 3 weeks. Her little sister now is thinking that she wants to start a business in the town. In Internet Cafe with 4 other partners that have no experience with computers or running a business. All for the bargain basement price of 40,000 Bht each. I asked what the expected return was, if they had a business plan, what their startup costs are, building lease expenses, ect... Her sister said that she did not know any of this. I told her to talk to me when she had the details. She is now a little ticked off as well. I really do not want to simply buy her a job because she needs one and that appears that it may be that at best. Plus her cousin owns the only other Internet Cafe in town and is very knowledgeable. He is getting by and is not paying rent since it is his fathers building. She would create conflict there for sure since it is family that she would be competing with and she has NO business training, education or experience at all. END OF STORY ON THIS ONE I AM ASSUMING since I am told that no one in Thailand plans for a business. (?)

Last week her oldest brother asks for 300,000 Bht to help purchase an old building in town that used to be the Police Station. I asked what the plans were. No plans I was told, but it would make a great place for a business. I of course had to ask "What kind of business?" So now the last sibling is ticked because I questioned the intent of the investment. There is none apparently, they just wanted to buy the building and figure out the business later. I am finding it difficult to explain the idea of lucrative investments to my wife, let alone breaking even on them. We are making head way though and she will eventually see the light I hope. It is strange for someone with an accounting degree to not understand the basic principles of Profit and Loss. Maybe they do not teach that in Thai Colleges. :D

I can only imagine the level of requests for assistance will escalate once we retire to Thailand in the future. I hope by then they have all gotten the message.

I am learning Thai as well so I can understand more of what is being said since I am not sure I get the full translation or the whole story.

Keep up the thread as it keeps me awake at work. :o

Mike in Seattle

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Nice one Mike, the OceanRover!

It is staggering just how much Thai's presume to borrow. As you have said, "No business plan", in the vaguest sense.

The status thing of having a NEW Red Plate car/pickup means you are top dog.

Okay if you own a few square miles of farmland, or half the town!

We see bargains to buy up everywhere. All of them due to bad debt.

You are also may get stitched up rotten if that wallet/chequebook springs open.

I have just heard of a Swedish fellow losing out.

The missus cajolled him into building the family a complex of three houses, together, near Korat.

Cost, 4.5M Baht.

The family now have to move to another part of Thailand (Why? - Don't try to figure it out - It's a Thai thing)

Selling price, 1.5M Baht. (with probably another 1M Baht in someone's back pocket)

There are a multitude of Thai Things that be tossed into the equation. Matters that are (supposedly) status, loss of face etc etc. These all have uncanny links to Khun Farang investing a wad of cash. Then, by a Thai twist of fate (unforgetable Thailand - check the bank statements!) That investment goes up in smoke.

A friend of mine, who was in the oil business, was in Saudi. A Phillipino, who had worked for them for five years, had to be laid off. He had earnt an unbelievable amount of money.

The fellow was ecstatic about his unemployment...Why?...

He said, "I never knew I had so big a family. They all have new houses, shops and cars. I could not stop working because they always wanted something else. Now I can GO HOME and lie beneath a tree and relax!"

We are lucky, the wife and I. We have had a few instances where neighbours, and in laws have tried it on.

All have been seen off with no bother or lasting acrimony.

Anyone been targetted by the local police? That's another kettle of fish!


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We all been there, but as time has passed by and now that I live in the vilage full time the lending pot etc has now stopped at around 200.000 bht only because I say no now and have laid down the rules.

And also have baby arriving in January 2007 and later hopefully there wil be another . My wife is very good now at saying to folks no sorry we are not a bank.

The key here I have discovered is 'Ground Rules' which I have mentioned before and it does work, I am the first to be a soft touch.

I still feed the Family and take them out for meals and days out, but those kids in the family that just take and show know gratitude I have told my wife I not give to them now unles they make an effort as well. THis is my world as well and there world is far better for me being here, as my wife is always telling them.

What a wonderful day

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We all been there, but as time has passed by and now that I live in the vilage full time the lending pot etc has now stopped at around 200.000 bht only because I say no now and have laid down the rules.

And also have baby arriving in January 2007 and later hopefully there wil be another . My wife is very good now at saying to folks no sorry we are not a bank.

The key here I have discovered is 'Ground Rules' which I have mentioned before and it does work, I am the first to be a soft touch.

I still feed the Family and take them out for meals and days out, but those kids in the family that just take and show know gratitude I have told my wife I not give to them now unles they make an effort as well. THis is my world as well and there world is far better for me being here, as my wife is always telling them.

What a wonderful day


I will have to remember the ground rules and work with my wife to start getting the family used to them now as opposed to later.

I have to run and give my dog a shower since my wife is claiming that he is stinking up the house. He smells the same to me so her nose must be getting more "aware" due to the pregnancy. :o

Have a great week all.

Mike in Seattle

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God...I love Thailand


Me too :D ...... great post.

Could not agree more with Thaddeus; TBWG (The Bountiful Writing Guy) your writing style and sense of humor break up the moments of a dull day at the office. :D

Thanks and let it be known that the demand for your stories is expanding exponetially. :D

Hi DVK1951

Thanks for feedback, now i'm just off to look up exponetially in the dictionary!!



Well I got as far as ex in the dictionary, says... Has been, well that just about sums me up :D

Anyway, after a few weeks of keeping my nose clean I am now in the boss ladies good books, so much so that I have now been allowed to buy a Honda Phantom, that should increase my range and opportunity for mischief!! :o

But back to more mundane things, I am expecting a visit from an ex work colleague back in the UK. So I suppose some tidying up is in order, to start with I think I will sweep the drive, so where is my yard broom brought at great inconvenience and expense from the UK ( Thai brooms as far as I am concerned are about as much use as glass hammer).

What's this some insect has had it for breakfast!! see pic

Well perhaps Thai brooms have some merit after all!!! I'll fix those buggers a good immersing overnight in the water pot should do the trick. Next day I am able to sweep the drive but broom is shedding bristles left right and centre, oh well, thats life.

What's next, ahh yes top up the secret fridge for said guests arrival. As all old Thai hands know it is essential to have a private stock of goodies , beer etc. as it is mandatory that every Thai visiting a fridge has to consume the contents on the spot. In my experience that is why all Thai households have a b****y great fridge that contains only bottled water and out of date medicines, pills, potions and associated medical c**p. Thais being the biggest hypocondriacs on the face of the planet.

I say secret fridge everyone knows it exists, but enters it only on pain of Budha's wrath as I have managed to convince everyone that me and him have a secret pact regarding the wellbeing of the content's. If anyone even thinks about touching our supply of Toblerones they will suffer a particularly nasty attack of boils. So far its seems to have done the trick!!

Well we are all ready for arrival of my guest, who is visiting Thailand for the first time. I'm not worried about him as he is a seasoned traveller having spent many years in Uganda flogging cast off MOT failure tyre's to the locals. It appears that after the downfall of Big Idi (Amin) tyre's where hard to come by so he packed off container loads of UK rejects which where quickly snapped up by the grateful locals who where fed up using inflated goats bladders!

Not too sure about the goats bladders, but the locals managed to get another 30,000 miles out of our cast offs before the canvas vanished into the ether!!

So I'm not to concerned about him, but then I had not considered Suvarnaphum airport. He arrives safely courtesy of Etihad Airlines breezes through immigration and baggage reclaim and is making his way down the travellator to the lower level, it is now that the fickle hand of fate decides to intervene. He has trouble with the new fangled baggage trolley and just catches the person in front a glancing blow. No problem, however the German tourist following with a well loaded cart just can't stop the thing and catches my mate full square on the back of the ankles. Result exits airport in wheelchair straight to hospital for X-rays and emeges with one leg in plaster and on crutches!!

Now bearing in mind the boss lady won't allow me a car, getting about on a motorcy with crutches is really a no no, so off he go's by taxi to Pattaya and the last I heard is that he is getting a lot of sympathy from some friendly young ladies :D

Not sure what the moral is there other than watch those baggage carts at the new airport.

God .... I love Thailand


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I live in a Thai village full time but in Phuket, not in Isaan.

We have a house in the wife's village in Isaan, about 45 mins outside Khorat, and we tried to live there when I first moved to Thailand. I think we both felt rather limited and bored there (we were still both fairly young) and so we decided to build another house in a quiet vilage in Phuket. The original idea was to split our time equally between Phuket and Isaan but when the kids came along we really had to decide on a more permanent base. Phuiket was the logical choice and it's a decision that has worked out very well.

We still get up to Isaan 2 or 3 times a year for a week or two during the school holidays and to be honest that is more than enough for me, though I do enjoy my time there. Maybe when we are a bit older and the kids have finished school, we might give it a go again.

I enjoy village life very much but I prefer to have amenities and more things to do close at hand too. So, village life in Phuket has worked out nicely from all aspects. Too often village life is associated with being isolated but this doesn't have to be the case.

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Heaven knows whats been said before here so forgive if I am repeating what anyone has said before...

Village Life....It's tuff for us and it's tuff for them.

7 a.m. BANG

Our nearest nieghbour shoots himself with a revolver just after having paid the usual funeral fund money.

He was an old boyfriend of my wife yonks ago but still we have to go there and pay respects and can still see the blood seeping from the room.

This guy was licensed for a gun but still his daughter had just arrived from BKK to take him to a mental hospital in C Mai today.

Village life.......be very very fukking careful.

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Heaven knows whats been said before here so forgive if I am repeating what anyone has said before...

Village Life....It's tuff for us and it's tuff for them.

7 a.m. BANG

Our nearest nieghbour shoots himself with a revolver just after having paid the usual funeral fund money.

He was an old boyfriend of my wife yonks ago but still we have to go there and pay respects and can still see the blood seeping from the room.

This guy was licensed for a gun but still his daughter had just arrived from BKK to take him to a mental hospital in C Mai today.

Village life.......be very very fukking careful.

Well you are the first to make a comment like that about your village, everyone else has made very good comments about village life and how happy they are that includes me.

AS for the shooting well wherever you live in the world it could happen, as long as the gun was not pointed at you. Sympathies

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My point was merely to demonstrate how close we all are to such sadness and how helpless we are to help. My wife spoke to him briefly the day before whilst he was tending his buffalo.

No indication of his inner turmoil :o

Like you say, had I angered him in anyway he so easily could have chosen to take me or anyone he chooses with him in that moment of madness.

I deliberately stay away from drinking with locals, but try my best to integrate in village life in other ways.

No criticism of village life intended :D

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Hiya One eyed John. How's the VN750? Cured the vibrations yet?

(No Harley riders e mailed you lately?!!)

Re: Bang!

English fellow, five doors down the road (TV thread t'other year)

Knifed to death.

Fellow four doors up.

Shot someone through the mouth.

Unfortunately was sitting in a bar talking about it (next to off duty policeman)

- Not a neighbour anymore!

We have a police supplied, and sanctioned, licensed pump action shotgun.

It is there for one reason.


Have dogs that run loose and tussle with neighbouring dogs.

They might not look pretty, but nothing sets foot on their, or neighbouring dogs patches at night - without a great howling is triggered across the village.

It is isolated, pitch black and up in the hills. Yet we all sleep soundly.

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Hiya One eyed John. How's the VN750? Cured the vibrations yet?

(No Harley riders e mailed you lately?!!)

Re: Bang!

English fellow, five doors down the road (TV thread t'other year)

Knifed to death.

Fellow four doors up.

Shot someone through the mouth.

Unfortunately was sitting in a bar talking about it (next to off duty policeman)

- Not a neighbour anymore!

We have a police supplied, and sanctioned, licensed pump action shotgun.

It is there for one reason.


Have dogs that run loose and tussle with neighbouring dogs.

They might not look pretty, but nothing sets foot on their, or neighbouring dogs patches at night - without a great howling is triggered across the village.

It is isolated, pitch black and up in the hills. Yet we all sleep soundly.

We also live in a moo ban about 6km away from the neartest police post.

Perhaps it would be nice to have an officially sanctioned and supplied shotgun, HOWEVER, we have a 2 year old son who plays with all sorts of things that he finds around the house including toys, my computer etc.

If I were allowed to have one I would have to keep it locked up, unloaded and safe, which is how I was trained in the military. Never point a loaded weapon at anybody unless you are prepared to use it.

I read in a novel recently and it mentioned that as with any weapon the time you really need it is when it is in the corner or locked up safely etc. If it is then the weapon for all intents and purposes is useless. If on the other hand you have it with you all the time then I would suggest that you move to a safer area or country.

Where I live it is fairly safe and I do drink with the locals sometimes and yes we do have dogs as well. I try to get on as well as I can in the village and so far in over 3 years I have had no problems at all.

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Hiya One eyed John. How's the VN750? Cured the vibrations yet?

(No Harley riders e mailed you lately?!!)

It's like a junk shop around my house, bits of carburettor here, petrol tank there, pipes gaskets everywhere and......the best suggestion yet,.......sell it for scrap :D

should get at least 12 baht per kilo :o

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Good comments Billd766.

I am not going to get locked into the minutae of whys and ifs.

The family has been there since the village started. 50+ years.

Everything I said in my last post has been 100% endorsed by the family and neighbours.

We have many children around. None of them could ever get access to any of the firearms. Nor do they see them.

Firearms are in the sole custody of military trained people.

When we last had a large party, the security was in the form of thai elite military who sat with M16 on lap surveying the proceedings. This was mandatory for a do for 400+ people on free alcohol and organised by the police, I think.

As I said. The dogs won't let a person leave or approach the house without alerting maybe ten other dogs. This is ample time to prepare a response.

I've merely dovetailed myself into what has been there an awful long time. It's part of what I really love about village life.

Oneeyed john - Has the bike completely vibrated to bits then!!

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Hiya One eyed John. How's the VN750? Cured the vibrations yet?

(No Harley riders e mailed you lately?!!)

Re: Bang!

English fellow, five doors down the road (TV thread t'other year)

Knifed to death.

Fellow four doors up.

Shot someone through the mouth.

Unfortunately was sitting in a bar talking about it (next to off duty policeman)

- Not a neighbour anymore!

We have a police supplied, and sanctioned, licensed pump action shotgun.

It is there for one reason.


Have dogs that run loose and tussle with neighbouring dogs.

They might not look pretty, but nothing sets foot on their, or neighbouring dogs patches at night - without a great howling is triggered across the village.

It is isolated, pitch black and up in the hills. Yet we all sleep soundly.

Yes, on a per capita basis, there is much more violent activity in villages, not to mention the weekly funerals not so long ago as the AIDS virus swept through the north like an epidemic. Still, if one is respectful and stays closely connected to the puyai and others in the community who are respected it can be a very enjoyable life.

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My point was merely to demonstrate how close we all are to such sadness and how helpless we are to help. My wife spoke to him briefly the day before whilst he was tending his buffalo.

No indication of his inner turmoil :o

Like you say, had I angered him in anyway he so easily could have chosen to take me or anyone he chooses with him in that moment of madness.

I deliberately stay away from drinking with locals, but try my best to integrate in village life in other ways.

No criticism of village life intended :D

No problems its surprising what you discover the longer you stay,there are one or two around that seem to have inner turmoil. whether its the loe Khoe pardon my prununciation mabe Thai Whisky is the easy explanation.

There are some with what me might call behaviour problems but in general never a problem to any one and if they throw a wobbly the elders sought thme out. I think a good village boss helps as well

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Well we are all ready for arrival of my guest, who is visiting Thailand for the first time. I'm not worried about him as he is a seasoned traveller having spent many years in Uganda flogging cast off MOT failure tyre's to the locals. It appears that after the downfall of Big Idi (Amin) tyre's where hard to come by so he packed off container loads of UK rejects which where quickly snapped up by the grateful locals who where fed up using inflated goats bladders!

Not too sure about the goats bladders, but the locals managed to get another 30,000 miles out of our cast offs before the canvas vanished into the ether!!

So I'm not to concerned about him, but then I had not considered Suvarnaphum airport. He arrives safely courtesy of Etihad Airlines breezes through immigration and baggage reclaim and is making his way down the travellator to the lower level, it is now that the fickle hand of fate decides to intervene. He has trouble with the new fangled baggage trolley and just catches the person in front a glancing blow. No problem, however the German tourist following with a well loaded cart just can't stop the thing and catches my mate full square on the back of the ankles. Result exits airport in wheelchair straight to hospital for X-rays and emerges with one leg in plaster and on crutches!!

Now bearing in mind the boss lady won't allow me a car, getting about on a motorcy with crutches is really a no no, so off he go's by taxi to Pattaya and the last I heard is that he is getting a lot of sympathy from some friendly young ladies :D

Not sure what the moral is there other than watch those baggage carts at the new airport.

God .... I love Thailand




The Lord works in mysterious ways! Ex colleague has had 4 weeks holiday reinstated by his employer due to accident and medical expenses reimbursed by travel insurance company so is already planning next trip.

Only next time will use lift instead of travelator :o


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Hello All.

This thread is a feel good read except for a couple of post towards the end.

I have a question, how do Farangs and Thais feel about another Farang arriving and checking out Issan? I am at a point in my life that I just want to live simply without all the little cons I found living just outside Chiang Rai. I am back in the states now but will be coming back to Thailand in about a month for about 6 months or until the housing market picks up so to sell. I do enjoy people but pretty much a loner. I would like to find a place to rent for 6 months, learn and practice my Thai. I don’t like the bar scene but have been know to get a little tipsy with friends. I am not looking for a lady but if that happens that’s ok too. So, how do you feel about a “jai roon” Farang heading for the hills to check it out and be checked?

From what I have read in this thread all of you seem to be in a good place by respecting Thai culture and Thais individually. Something that seems lacking in other places I have been in Thailand.

Thank you,


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very interesting reading all the request for money from scrounging family members.

When I came to Thailand last year, I got stung for 50,000 bhat to help get her mother (who is ill....<deleted>, does a Thai girl ever have a mother was in NOT ill?????), to pay off a bank debt, as bank was closing in.

This I help with, but stood over them in the bank when we went to pay it off, turns out I got 3000 bhat change back lol!!!

anyway, this was supposed to be a loan to them and they would pay it back. I sort of stupidly fell for that. anyway... long story short I wrote the 50K off in my mind, and said to myself its a chartiable donation, to make myself feel better.

So decision made.... no more loans nor hand outs. aside for the 3000 bhat she sends to her mother each month, and some bills I paid for the mother to go to hospital for tests. again I consider this an act of charity. :D

Her dumb ass lazy cousin, got himself in trouble with the cops for some sort of illegal gambling ring, and was taken in for a week. and the request came for money...so I said "tell him to F off, he got himself in the crap, so he can get himself out, I am not an ATM and if another call comes, and he does not have a job, I will go there and kick the <deleted> out of him, and pass the message along personally from me" and I meant it.

He has 5 kids by 3 different women, 40 years old, and sitting on his arse, so he did get himself a job and is working away, and not a request for money has come since and that was over 9 months ago! :o though I do buy games and toys and send them up to the kids.

Also no mother in law visist allowed to my house, where I live now.

As my father said once about in-laws...

"their like mice....once you get them in the house, you will never get them out"

Edited by Gerry290
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  • 2 weeks later...


Merit making they said, to remember the boss ladies nephew Nine who was killed in tragic circumstances last Sonkgran. Well to me that equates to a staid church service in the UK with relatives that you only see at births, deaths and marriages!!!

So I expected a trip to the temple where I would be in agony sitting for a few hours cross legged, how wrong can you be.

What the F***s that ........6 o'clock in the morning and I think the world's coming to an end, some loonies blasting away with a shot gun, what's happening they holding up a security van that's strayed hundreds of miles off course? No it's just the family waking up the God's and letting Nine know he's not been forgotten and to prepare for some festivities.

From that moment it is all activity with the entire family beavering away (with one exception me!) I can't be trusted to do anything other than open a beer bottle! So I sit back in amazement as hundreds of chairs a few tent's and many tables arrive, ( a miracle considering the trouble I have getting the ice delivered to the nearest week). Grannies, aunts, sisters etc. all appear out of the woodwork and operate like a well oiled machine, ironing coconut's, hoovering dogs, peeling rice and all other women's type work. Whilst the men manage to count beer bottle's and fuse lights and generally foul things up.

Now the interesting thing a lorry arrives with a stage, floodlights and a zillion miles of electrical wire (why the hel_l has nobody thought it worth while to mention to me what they have obviously been planning for months)? Perhaps it's because of the dancing girls which now arrive en masse.

That's got my attention perhaps they could use a hand carrying their skimpy outfits or need help dressing? The boss lady now appears and sends me off on some dubious errand, go and buy some paper napkins! Is that all I'm fit for?

Anyway to cut a long story short Nine would have really enjoyed the party, couple of hundred revellers several tons of grub, copious amounts of whiskey and beer and of course paper napkins courtesy of moi!

Not to mention the stage show and dancing girl's (see pic's) firework display etc all going on till the early hours.

God am I pissed off!!! I've just spent about an hour typing this up and go to add in the pic's and they have altered the system, can I make sense of it, can I hel_l! I can't even figure out how to save the draft so that I can do some research into it!! What the f***s a codebox what the f***s a spoiler, It took me weeks to work out how to add an image under the old system and now I've got to go through it all again. If it ain't broke why fix it, Do 99% of posters really want more options they are never ever going to use! :o:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Well now I've got that off my chest i'll post this and try to post pic's later and i'd appreciate it if there were no post's pointing out how IT illiterate I am. It's just that I do have other thing's to do with my time and do not want to be sitting behind a computer all day in this wonderful sunny country!

Well that's rather pissed on Nine's fireworks. But party went well if my headache is anything to go by, and then they went and fired that bloody gun again at 6 o'clock this morning!!!


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Thanks so much for the preview! After a twenty hour gut-wrenching ride from Trat to some Godforsaken village in Roi Et, I arrived about 3AM on the morning of my 55th birthday; just in time for an hour of blissful sleep before the roosters began crowing and Black Eyed Peas was blasting from someone's stereo. It was wedding day in Isaan. I had come to Roi Et for a friend's marriage to an Isaan girl. I never drink during daylight hours, but fortunately, the sun hadn't come up yet, so when someone handed me a cold Leo I downed it and wandered off into the rice paddies to watch the sunrise. I walked for miles, not knowing or caring where I was. I've been single for four years now, and although I've been dating, I was beginning to think that love was an illusion of youth. Yeah, right. Until Pon walked into the room. I had met her Mama and Papa previously, the aunt and uncle of my friend's fiancee and I found myself drawn to them instantly -- with the sort of humanistic recognition I have often felt with certain people, even if we don't speak the same language, whether it be in Mexico, Polynesia, Thailand, or wherever I have been. Sometime soon thereafter I was introduced to their eldest daughter, Pon, 35, a divorcee with three kids. She asked me not to go back to Bangkok that night, but stay a few days with her and her family and go fishing. Now I am a HUGE angler, but frankly, if she'd asked me to be the human cannonball at the county fair, I'd have given her my Bic lighter. Within four days we were engaged, and I've been miserable ever since I left Isaan for California, but in those four days I had enough of a preview of village life to really appreciate this thread. I now know what to expect on a day-to-day basis, and I am familiar enough with my various relatives and neighbors to know what they expect too. You guys would be so proud of me: just tonight I stood up to "the Boss" and told her, "I'm not an ATM!" I also know now that I better keep my day job here in the US and bring her over here for a while -- I'm not ready for full-time village life just yet, as much as I love it there.

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Lovely thread lads, one of best on TV in my opinion. I was feeling a bit stressed from some stuff today and stuck in Bangkok so I thought I'd pop onto MacBs now famous village life thread to cheer me up. And it did, now I'm off to bed myself, probably just a few of hours before you country folks wake up! :D

One question though, Macb, you have two fine looking German Shepards in your avatar but what type is the third dog laying down in the middle? It's bugging me trying to work it out and the pics too small, any chance we can see it full size? :o

I love village life myself, but only get up their for visits, next one at New Year when the gf has some time off work. Can't wait! :D

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Lovely thread lads, one of best on TV in my opinion. I was feeling a bit stressed from some stuff today and stuck in Bangkok so I thought I'd pop onto MacBs now famous village life thread to cheer me up. And it did, now I'm off to bed myself, probably just a few of hours before you country folks wake up! :D

One question though, Macb, you have two fine looking German Shepards in your avatar but what type is the third dog laying down in the middle? It's bugging me trying to work it out and the pics too small, any chance we can see it full size? :D

I love village life myself, but only get up their for visits, next one at New Year when the gf has some time off work. Can't wait! :D

Hi mate thanks for the kind comments (My life now is the best I have ever had and it only started in December 2003.) As for the dog you mean the Springer Spaniel his name was 'Teal' a year ago he was still working, the other two unfortunately have gone to greener pastures.


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Lovely thread lads, one of best on TV in my opinion. I was feeling a bit stressed from some stuff today and stuck in Bangkok so I thought I'd pop onto MacBs now famous village life thread to cheer me up. And it did, now I'm off to bed myself, probably just a few of hours before you country folks wake up! :D

One question though, Macb, you have two fine looking German Shepards in your avatar but what type is the third dog laying down in the middle? It's bugging me trying to work it out and the pics too small, any chance we can see it full size? :o

I love village life myself, but only get up their for visits, next one at New Year when the gf has some time off work. Can't wait! :D

Well Tv is having problem uploading at moment or I am its not uploading slightly larger pics for your perusal, will try later, if you get over this side givve us a call and come visit, mind you new baby due January time

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Ah ok, it's a spaniel, I couldn't make it out with the small avatar pic even with my face 2 inches from the screen eyes straining. :o The first enlarged pic came up blurred, but the rest were fine. German Shepards are such a nice looking dog, sorry to hear they have moved on. Good luck with the baby in January and carry on with the stories lads! :D

Edited by bkkmadness
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