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Russia receives lowest global approval ratings, US highest


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This poll is about the leadership and Russia/Putin deservedly gets low marks. The guy is a thug. But this poll is not an indictment of the Russian people, only their leadership. At the same time, the US leadership (read Obama) has been well received and respected throughout the world. This is well known to all those who don't watch Fox News (or at least believe their nonsense), listen to Rush Limbaugh, or believe anything coming out of the GOP. Pretty much every non-American I've spoken to believe that President Obama is a huge improvement over his predecessor.

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Even accepting that,how did US manage to get highest when Obama/US is hated worldwide, even by its own people.

Very simple. Read the criteria of the "poll". Remember the ebola crisis? I do. The USA was one of the primary countries to contribute resources and monies to help. France and the UK were leaders too. Even small countries like Canada punched above their weight with large donations, and the sharing of vaccine resources. And then there is Russia. Outside of empty words, what did Putin do? SFA. Russia was too busy supporting the violent annexation of Crimea and helping paramilitaries bring down a Malaysian civilian aircraft. What does Russia contribute to health research and social development in Thailand? Nothing. However, Japan, Germany and the USA provide the expertise and funding for many important projects, none of which directly benefits their respective economies.

One of the countries which has one of the more pronounced dislikes of Russia was Canada. It didn't used to be that way. There were warm relations up until Putin started flying his heavy bombers into Canadian airspace. It's no secret that Canadians don't like Americans either and are typically offended if mistaken for them. Yet, Canadians do not hold as negative a view of the USA as they do of Russia. The easiest illustration is that Canadians are not threatened by the USA. US heavy bombers do not fly into Canadian airspace, as Russian bombers do. Why does Russia feel the need to threaten Canada? Is threatening to drop a nuclear bomb on Vancouver's earthquake fault line accomplish anything positive? Russia is all about threats, threatening and invading the airspace of Norway, Denmark, Sweden and the Baltic states. Russia has threatened to invade Poland and take it down in a few days. The USA doesn't do that to these countries. When these countries disagree with the USA, the argue it out. No one threatens to nuke anyone.

Do you get it now?

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This poll is about the leadership and Russia/Putin deservedly gets low marks. The guy is a thug. But this poll is not an indictment of the Russian people, only their leadership. At the same time, the US leadership (read Obama) has been well received and respected throughout the world. This is well known to all those who don't watch Fox News (or at least believe their nonsense), listen to Rush Limbaugh, or believe anything coming out of the GOP. Pretty much every non-American I've spoken to believe that President Obama is a huge improvement over his predecessor.

Maybe but polls show overwhelming support for Putin, his Ukraine monkey business. his oppression of free speech and press, his vicious scapegoating of sexual minorities, etc. So for me it's not only Putin, it's his supporters as well.

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  • 2 months later...

Okay lets do the survey scientifically and ask a representative sample per country with each sample reflecting the population of each country in relation to total world population. In such a study the US and cronies will have 1/7 of the votes and China Africa and India 3/7 and lets look at the results. Surveys are not worth the paper they are written on.

When did Africa became a country? blink.png

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