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Thai school director transferred for banning hijab


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Thai School Director Transferred for Banning Hijab
By Khaosod English

While running for office in 2011, former PM Yingluck Shinawatra donned a hijab during her visit to Narathiwat province, 14 June 2011.

BANGKOK — The director of a public school in southern Thailand has been transferred from her post after barring Muslim students from wearing hijabs in school, a government official said today.

The director of Baan Nai Yong School, Wisutsri Yungpongsapat, had claimed that the traditional Islamic head coverings violated state regulations for student uniforms.

Yet according to sec-gen of the Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC), state regulations allow Muslim students to wear hijabs in public schools, as long as the cloth is a plain color, not longer than 120 cm in length, and pinned together under the chin of the wearer.

"I believe that director of the school was new in her post, so she did not have understanding about identity, so she imposed the ban, and caused protests in the area," the OBEC sec-gen, Kamol Rodklai, told reporters yesterday.

Baan Nai Yong School is located in Phang Nga province in southern Thailand, where Muslims make up a sizable portion of the population in contrast to the rest of the Buddhist-dominated country.

Kamol said the school director has been transferred and the ban, which drew protests from local Muslim residents and activists, has been repealed.

In an interview last week with White News, a Thai TV channel focused on issues related to Islam, Witsutri said the ban was necessary to prevent "divisions" at the school.

"Muslim children can veil their heads at home. When they are at school, they have to obey the school regulations," Wisutsri was quoted as saying by White News. "Don't bring divisions to my school. Nowadays, there's already problem in the three southern provinces, isn't that enough?"

Source: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1429688715

-- Khaosod English 2015-04-22

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Just for the info of all these non-muslim TV members who love to support muslims.....note that according to the Islam religion, all non-muslims are infidels that deserve to be killed. (please refer to their koran.). So please ponder carefully before you comment.

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Just for the info of all these non-muslim TV members who love to support muslims.....note that according to the Islam religion, all non-muslims are infidels that deserve to be killed. (please refer to their koran.). So please ponder carefully before you comment.

Go and read Deuteronomy, it also says non believers should be put to death.

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Just for the info of all these non-muslim TV members who love to support muslims.....note that according to the Islam religion, all non-muslims are infidels that deserve to be killed. (please refer to their koran.). So please ponder carefully before you comment.

You should also bear in mind that Christianity accepts that all those who don't accept that Jesus rose from the dead (the resurrection) will have a place in the eternal .........

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Just for the info of all these non-muslim TV members who love to support muslims.....note that according to the Islam religion, all non-muslims are infidels that deserve to be killed. (please refer to their koran.). So please ponder carefully before you comment.

I don't support them, but as long as they are not hiding their face I don't see that a problem, but as said many times, they must also be infidels to their own kind as well, because ISIS has no problem killing them, and they are so called Muslims, They are just a religion that expect to get everything they ask for, regardless of what they must do to get it,

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Just for the info of all these non-muslim TV members who love to support muslims.....note that according to the Islam religion, all non-muslims are infidels that deserve to be killed. (please refer to their koran.). So please ponder carefully before you comment.

You should also bear in mind that Christianity accepts that all those who don't accept that Jesus rose from the dead (the resurrection) will have a place in the eternal .........

Yes but by the hands of their imaginary god too, but at least they leave it to their god to do it after they are dead, not like Muslims who kill them for their religion, and beleafs

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Just for the info of all these non-muslim TV members who love to support muslims.....note that according to the Islam religion, all non-muslims are infidels that deserve to be killed. (please refer to their koran.). So please ponder carefully before you comment.

You should also bear in mind that Christianity accepts that all those who don't accept that Jesus rose from the dead (the resurrection) will have a place in the eternal .........

Yes but by the hands of their imaginary god too, but at least they leave it to their god to do it after they are dead, not like Muslims who kill them for their religion, and beleafs
You'll find that some people from every religion are guilty of killing in the name of their God. Don't generalise people according to their religion, I live in the "Deep South", they speak "to the point" and loudly, unlike the people of the North, but they are really quite wonderful people, wicked sense of humour too.
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Banning Muslims would have been a far more productive move. If you want to practice Islam, go to a Mosque. Schools are for learning REAL facts about REAL events, not religion.

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Just for the info of all these non-muslim TV members who love to support muslims.....note that according to the Islam religion, all non-muslims are infidels that deserve to be killed. (please refer to their koran.). So please ponder carefully before you comment.

Go and read Deuteronomy, it also says non believers should be put to death.

I love stuff like this. There are other similar quotes in the Bible. The difference is that you don't have Christian preachers slamming it down from the pulpit every week and indoctrinating children with what was a reference to tribal wars a long time ago. I have seen videos where people have come flooding out after Friday prayers and started slaughtering Christians. Christians don't, generally, believe that ALL non-Christians should all be put to death, thereby earning themselves a place in heaven.

45% of Muslims in the UK believe that the Charlie Hebdo killings were justified.

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The Republicans and Tea Party of the US would have made her their candidate for President.http:i//static.thaivisa.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/w00t.gif

Liberals would require all students and teachers follow Halal practices when at school, regardless of their religion, rather than offend Muslims.

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The Republicans and Tea Party of the US would have made her their candidate for President.w00t.gif

You will probably be shocked to learn that France is the county which bans the wearing of conspicuous religious symbols in its public schools.

In any case there is no religious requirement to wear the headscarf. It is a cultural norm, nothing more.

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Just for the info of all these non-muslim TV members who love to support muslims.....note that according to the Islam religion, all non-muslims are infidels that deserve to be killed. (please refer to their koran.). So please ponder carefully before you comment.

You should also bear in mind that Christianity accepts that all those who don't accept that Jesus rose from the dead (the resurrection) will have a place in the eternal .........

Nope. You have three options;

i) Read the bible which you reference, because obviously you have not read it or,

ii) Enroll in some theology courses or,

iii) Continue with your ignorance.

The sole requirement to be a Christian is to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and to accept the teachings of Jesus and to follow them.

That's it. Very simple. Nothing mysterious. As for accepting the resurrection, it is not a requirement. If you want to know more, the Bible is a good place to start.

Know what's sad? That even an agnostic like me, knows my bible. I suppose there is something to having had a Church of England education.

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Just for the info of all these non-muslim TV members who love to support muslims.....note that according to the Islam religion, all non-muslims are infidels that deserve to be killed. (please refer to their koran.). So please ponder carefully before you comment.

Go and read Deuteronomy, it also says non believers should be put to death.

The book of Deuteronomy are the sermons that Moses gave to the Israelites before they entered the promised land of Israel. As part of the Jewish tradition, his statements are open to interpretation and discussion, and the Jewish sages and rabbis through the ages have done just that. You are probably unaware that it is part of Jewish theology to apply different interpretations of their bible. It is why there are various forms of Judaism based upon different interpretations. Unlike Shiites and Sunnis, they don't kill each other because of the differing interpretations. The Christian additions, called the New Testament, continue the jewish tradition of interpretation, and in fact often counters positions made in the Old Testament. Many of the old Mosaic laws are overturned, or interpreted differently. For example, the requirement not to keep kosher is a dispensation given in Acts. Christians , like jews hold to different interpretations of the gospel. And this then brings us to the wearing of hijabs. There are a large number of Islamic scholars who have stated that there is no requirement for women to weir veils, hijabs, niqabs and other similar garb.

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Just for the info of all these non-muslim TV members who love to support muslims.....note that according to the Islam religion, all non-muslims are infidels that deserve to be killed. (please refer to their koran.). So please ponder carefully before you comment.

Lucky the vast majority don't adhere to the Koran then.Catholics are not allowed to use contraception but they do.Buddism and Thais,need i say more.Most people have more common sense and pick and choose what part of religion suits them.

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Banning Muslims would have been a far more productive move. If you want to practice Islam, go to a Mosque. Schools are for learning REAL facts about REAL events, not religion.

Banning Thais from a state school,because of their religion is counterproductive and wrong.A bigotted comment.

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Just for the info of all these non-muslim TV members who love to support muslims.....note that according to the Islam religion, all non-muslims are infidels that deserve to be killed. (please refer to their koran.). So please ponder carefully before you comment.

Go and read Deuteronomy, it also says non believers should be put to death.

I love stuff like this. There are other similar quotes in the Bible. The difference is that you don't have Christian preachers slamming it down from the pulpit every week and indoctrinating children with what was a reference to tribal wars a long time ago. I have seen videos where people have come flooding out after Friday prayers and started slaughtering Christians. Christians don't, generally, believe that ALL non-Christians should all be put to death, thereby earning themselves a place in heaven.

45% of Muslims in the UK believe that the Charlie Hebdo killings were justified.

Where did you read that,in a Murdock rag?

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How can someone so ignorant of OBEC regulations be made a school director? Did she not notice Muslim girls in other state run schools wearing headscarves as part of the school uniform?

Just a thought but if she was new to her post why did one of her staff not point out she was getting it wrong when she announced the ban ?

Could be several reasons for and answers to that.

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Can I also suggest that all these TV members that support the muslims to try moving to provinces like Yala, Narathiwat or some of the muslim provinces in Philippines and stay they for a month. I am sure that we will not hear from you thereafter as especially if you are really a white caucasian! Lol!

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How can someone so ignorant of OBEC regulations be made a school director? Did she not notice Muslim girls in other state run schools wearing headscarves as part of the school uniform?

A school director with some balls to stand up to the damn Muzzies. Across the globe their insidious moves are being made to gain first recognition, and ultimately, preferred status in society. Who do you think has been causing all the problems in the south of Thailand? And the mentality that "Muslim girls in other state run schools wearing headscarves" is reason enough to cave in to pressure brought by the Muzzies is dangerous and has proven to be the leverage used already in France and the UK and creeping into other countries as well. The Japanese have their heads on straight at least. Zero tolerance and zero preferential treatment. And if you don't want to fit into their societal rules and normalcy, then get the hell out. Bravo!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Just for the info of all these non-muslim TV members who love to support muslims.....note that according to the Islam religion, all non-muslims are infidels that deserve to be killed. (please refer to their koran.). So please ponder carefully before you comment.

Very intelligent post.

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Why does Thailand bend rules for Muslims. They protest which i thought was against the new junta laws. This is Thailand and they can not follow the rules get out. All other Farangs have to follow the rules. This makes Thai laws look weak!

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Just for the info of all these non-muslim TV members who love to support muslims.....note that according to the Islam religion, all non-muslims are infidels that deserve to be killed. (please refer to their koran.). So please ponder carefully before you comment.

Does that mean that my good friend in Chiang Mai, a Pakistani Muslim, (I won't give his name) thinks I deserve to die ?

I'm sorry but I have trouble believing that. I have been eating the food in his restaurant for more than five years now and if he thought I should die he has had countless opportunities to "do me in". whistling.gif

Perhaps you should take a peek at forum rule #11, part of it applies to religion and degrading slurs like yours.

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