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Be Advised- Regarding New Security Procedures

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Security in response to terrorism is always a double edged sword. Apply too restrictive security and the people protest giving voice and credibility to the terrorists. Provide too little security and you remain essentially soft and invite further targets. Hard targets are simply not attacked as often. Soft targets are. So, following the horrible bombing recently what would we expect to find? Ideally, a mix or balance between the two extremes. It cannot be overlooked that Thailand exists on tourism and tourism depends on confidence. Therefore, we actually note even less of a medium balance between making targets hard or soft. What we are finding instead is a skeleton of security, a shell, an appearance of security. Anywhere in the world where a shell of security is noted it is assured that the target is the population- giving the appearance of security to ensure continued confidence. This action is of course wholly predicated upon the unlikelihood of further attacks. It is meant to be seen as doing something.

It is wrong to just note such a thing without giving specifics, so I will. I do not give away the store by mentioning such things; I do not aid and abet. Any who has ever conducted a terrorist operation knows they conduct target analysis and vulnerability assessments, even clowns from the forest do this. It is a basic tenet of asymmetrical warfare- I give nothing away.

Start at the airport: Walking past the luggage screening machine with backpacks you plan on carrying on-board while your luggage you are checking is screened and tagged, then allowing you to join up together again and linger in around check-in is absurd. This is zero security.

Stopping a car at Central and making them pop the trunk without popping the hood is nonsense. Having a mirror on wheels is nonsense unless it actually traffics under the car. Having such a device without a flashlight attached to the rod holding the mirror is nonsense.

Having these checkpoints conducted in immediate proximity to the stores themselves is counterproductive. Conducting a screening different ways, each time, is foolish.

Clearly, there is an effort to appear to be doing something rather than doing it. I don't indict Thais or others. I have seen this throughout the world. Confidence is important but what would be worse is if this is exploited and another tragedy take place with these feeble efforts in place; that would destroy confidence even more than increased inconvenience now.

It should be decided: There is a threat or there is not a threat. If a threat, act accordingly. If not, remove these play-toys with guard outfits. If there is a threat, PM me. I will gladly conduct training or even write training Lessons of Instruction for the locals for free but in multiple places on Samui right now, you actually increase the danger to others by these 1/2 steps.

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If there is a threat, PM me. I will gladly conduct training or even write training Lessons of Instruction for the locals for free

What we are finding

Who is we and what is the purpose of all this pontificating? Do you actually expect people to contact a random poster on TV for training or instruction? Hopefully, even if you are doing this for free, you have a work permit authorizing you to do this sort of work??

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If there is a threat, PM me. I will gladly conduct training or even write training Lessons of Instruction for the locals for free

What we are finding

Who is we and what is the purpose of all this pontificating? Do you actually expect people to contact a random poster on TV for training or instruction? Hopefully, even if you are doing this for free, you have a work permit authorizing you to do this sort of work??

Yep, guess i didn't think all that out. I only know it seems so vacant and so much more could have been done. I know many groups that deliver such packages for LEAs municipal gov, hotels. etc. I was just trying to help. if as you point out it was a stupid or not well thought out offer, i retract. My intention was not to get lost in an offer I maybe couldn't deliver, only to express I found it very topical. Your correction is noted. Really. Thank you.

PS. I am not just a random poster on TV, I am at the top of my game regarding such things and a cursory touching base confirms this bona fides. I only wanted to help, if I could. This is the area if my expertise for which I am paid and consulted. Counter terrorism and high threat protection and vulnerability assessments are my bread and butter. My offer here could have been more delicate, but I meant well."Do you actually expect people to contact a random poster on TV for training or instruction?" Yes, my reputation in this field sells itself.

If as you say it is far more trouble than it is worth, my lesson is learned and thankfully by you, rather than in a bad way.

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Ok, my post dived, crashed and burned. I can accept that. I just had some thoughts about security and safety, thought I could share them andperhaps aim toward something constructive, but I was not successful and made a mess of the whole intent. My mess. Sorry guys, I meant well, I just failed at delivery. Enough said. I get the point.

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