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GOP spokesman: Benghazi report may slip into 2016


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GOP spokesman: Benghazi report may slip into 2016

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Republican-led committee investigating the 2012 attacks on Americans in Benghazi, Libya, and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's role, is signaling that its final report could slip to just months before the presidential election if the Obama administration delays producing documents and witnesses.

A spokesman for Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, chairman of the Benghazi panel, said Wednesday that Gowdy still hopes to complete the committee's work by the end of this year, but said factors "we don't control" could delay the report, including a lack of responsiveness by the administration.

Gowdy "wants this done by the end of the year," spokesman Jamal Ware said, but factors including witness availability, compliance with document requests and security clearances "could continue to impact the timing of the inquiry's conclusion."

A lawyer for Clinton, meanwhile, said Wednesday that Clinton is prepared to publicly answer questions regarding the Benghazi attacks and her email use as soon as possible.

"There is no reason to delay her appearance or to have her testify in a private interview," lawyer David Kendall said in a letter to Gowdy. Gowdy has previously said he wants to interview Clinton twice — once in private and once at a public hearing.

Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta accused Republicans on the panel of playing politics.

"Sadly, Republicans are determined to continue to exploit this tragedy in an effort to try and hurt her campaign," Podesta said in a statement.

The back and forth between the GOP panel and Clinton's lawyer came as House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said Wednesday the administration is not cooperating with the Benghazi panel, making it difficult for the committee to gather all the facts.

The House panel could do its job "a whole lot quicker" if the administration and Clinton would cooperate more than they have so far, Boehner told reporters.

"The administration has made it virtually impossible to get to the facts surrounding Benghazi," Boehner said. "And so when we have the facts, we'll have a report."

Clinton was secretary of state at the time of the attacks and is now the front-runner for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination.

The Republican-run House committee has been trying to get her emails related to the attacks, in which four Americans were killed. Clinton used a private email account as secretary of state and is refusing to give the committee her computer's server.

Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the senior Democrat on the Benghazi panel, said the GOP-led committee has strayed far from its initial goal of investigating the Benghazi attacks.

"With the Republicans' obsessive focus on Hillary Clinton, and their now stated intention to drag out this political charade until just months before the 2016 election, the select committee no longer bears any resemblance to its original purpose," Cummings said in a statement. "At the chairman's stated pace, this investigation is on track to last longer than the investigations of Iran-Contra, the Kennedy assassination, Watergate and 9/11, and it will squander more than $6 million in taxpayer funds in the process."

Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this story.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-04-23

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That's all they got, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, Let It Go...

Sad, the Republicans will exploit these deaths for political gains.

They have been haranguing Hillary & Bill for decades with investigation after investigation and manufactured scandals.

I say, give it a break, present us with a reasonable candidate and accept the results on voting day.

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I agree that Benghazi is old and tired however the salient issue is how Clinton and her crew behaved during this debacle and the evidence is such that they should not be allowed to hold any future position of influence or privileged as they have shown that there are incapable of being truly accountable or trustworthy.

LOL. These types of events, tend to have multiple parties involved. While it is expedient to try and blame one person, it rarely is the case. There were under secretaries, bureau chiefs, military advisers, military intelligence officers, senior military commanders, CIA managers and a whole bunch of non descript folks involved. Clinton lost some people she knew in the attacks, and everyone knows it. The accusations that she was responsible for the death of people she knew, in one case a guy she recruited for the position, are really cheap. I think the US electorate will see the report for what it is, a politically motivated activity by the GOP to get Clinton. People's attention spans are short and as much as the GOP wants to push this, it's not going to grow legs and hurt Clnton anymore than it could have. I find it fascinating that the GOP is obsessing over this tragedy, yet it never paid much attention to the death thousands of operatives abandoned in Vietnam back in the 1970's. It didn't say much when operatives went missing during the time of the 1st Iraq war and the silence over the disappearance of operatives in Pakistan and Afghanistan over the years is no surprise. On a note closer to home, there are US operatives who have disappeared in Thailand over the years. I doubt they are hiding out in Pattaya.

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GOP spokesman: Benghazi report may slip into 2016
Enough of this crap. They just want to stir up sh*t before the 2016 elections. Buckle down and do the job yu were elected to do. I am so tired of their mouth piece Fox News beating this issue to death. I wish we could get CNN. BBC and Aljezzeria are refreshing alternatives at least they present news not political mudslinging.

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GOP spokesman: Benghazi report may slip into 2016

Enough of this crap. They just want to stir up sh*t before the 2016 elections. Buckle down and do the job yu were elected to do. I am so tired of their mouth piece Fox News beating this issue to death. I wish we could get CNN. BBC and Aljezzeria are refreshing alternatives at least they present news not political mudslinging.

Only Al Jazira out of that list is a real news channel.

The BBC is a rubbish channel that endlessly self promotes, presents the same 5 minutes of news ad nauseam and pretends soccer is news. CNN is just as bad.

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I agree that Benghazi is old and tired however the salient issue is how Clinton and her crew behaved during this debacle and the evidence is such that they should not be allowed to hold any future position of influence or privileged as they have shown that there are incapable of being truly accountable or trustworthy.


The salient issue is, everyone (Clinton) behaved properly. That's what's been found over and over again in these useless investigation. Yet, according to you they've shown "there are incapable of being truly accountable or trustworthy." ??? How did they show that? Oh, that's right, it didn't happen that way. "They" just made it up.

Republicans believe what they want to believe, it doesn't have anything to do with the facts. The truth is what Fox tells you it is or what you would like it to be, like Obama is a Muslim. Truth and logic are irrelevant.


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I agree that Benghazi is old and tired however the salient issue is how Clinton and her crew behaved during this debacle and the evidence is such that they should not be allowed to hold any future position of influence or privileged as they have shown that there are incapable of being truly accountable or trustworthy.


The salient issue is, everyone (Clinton) behaved properly. That's what's been found over and over again in these useless investigation. Yet, according to you they've shown "there are incapable of being truly accountable or trustworthy." ??? How did they show that? Oh, that's right, it didn't happen that way. "They" just made it up.

Republicans believe what they want to believe, it doesn't have anything to do with the facts. The truth is what Fox tells you it is or what you would like it to be, like Obama is a Muslim. Truth and logic are irrelevant.


That's what's been found over and over again in these useless investigation


There hasn't been a proper investigation and the present one has not yet reached a conclusion because Obama and Kerry won't release the documents needed to do so.

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I agree that Benghazi is old and tired however the salient issue is how Clinton and her crew behaved during this debacle and the evidence is such that they should not be allowed to hold any future position of influence or privileged as they have shown that there are incapable of being truly accountable or trustworthy.


The salient issue is, everyone (Clinton) behaved properly. That's what's been found over and over again in these useless investigation. Yet, according to you they've shown "there are incapable of being truly accountable or trustworthy." ??? How did they show that? Oh, that's right, it didn't happen that way. "They" just made it up.

Republicans believe what they want to believe, it doesn't have anything to do with the facts. The truth is what Fox tells you it is or what you would like it to be, like Obama is a Muslim. Truth and logic are irrelevant.


That's what's been found over and over again in these useless investigation


There hasn't been a proper investigation and the present one has not yet reached a conclusion because Obama and Kerry won't release the documents needed to do so.

The whole point of this pathetic witch hunt is to reinforce to the Fox Viewer that there is another "scandal".

However, since Fox news viewers are the only ones dumb enough to keep swallowing it, and will be voting for whatever clown climbs out of the clown car crash, I think it really is appropriate, as others have suggested, to say "What difference does it make?".

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That's all they got, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, Let It Go...

And all the rest. The corruption is only just starting to come out now.

E mails, Clinton Foundation donations, lying about being under fire, claiming to be for the "people" when she's a 1%er. I can't wait for the debates when she'll be exposed for the lying hypocrite she is.

I saw Goudi on Fox this morning saying he'd like to wind it up this year, if the Obama administration stop hiding the documents. Hope he's not holding his breath.

People watch FOX or the other side, MSNBC, then comes to a political discussion, and want to be taken seriously?

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I agree that Benghazi is old and tired however the salient issue is how Clinton and her crew behaved during this debacle and the evidence is such that they should not be allowed to hold any future position of influence or privileged as they have shown that there are incapable of being truly accountable or trustworthy.

LOL. These types of events, tend to have multiple parties involved. While it is expedient to try and blame one person, it rarely is the case. There were under secretaries, bureau chiefs, military advisers, military intelligence officers, senior military commanders, CIA managers and a whole bunch of non descript folks involved. Clinton lost some people she knew in the attacks, and everyone knows it. The accusations that she was responsible for the death of people she knew, in one case a guy she recruited for the position, are really cheap. I think the US electorate will see the report for what it is, a politically motivated activity by the GOP to get Clinton. People's attention spans are short and as much as the GOP wants to push this, it's not going to grow legs and hurt Clnton anymore than it could have. I find it fascinating that the GOP is obsessing over this tragedy, yet it never paid much attention to the death thousands of operatives abandoned in Vietnam back in the 1970's. It didn't say much when operatives went missing during the time of the 1st Iraq war and the silence over the disappearance of operatives in Pakistan and Afghanistan over the years is no surprise. On a note closer to home, there are US operatives who have disappeared in Thailand over the years. I doubt they are hiding out in Pattaya.

You make great points until the appeal to hypocrisy. Your criticism stood solidly on its own feet until you started noting areas where others failed to do this or that previously; it just dilutes your valid points.

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There were 13 Bengazi type incidents under Bush and how many investigations have been held regarding these events?

Looks to me the conservatives are now just exploiting the deaths of these people for shallow politics.

Indeed, the crocodile tears and fake indignation are sickening.

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There were 13 Bengazi type incidents under Bush and how many investigations have been held regarding these events?

How many of these "incidents" falsely blamed a YouTube video for the death of an ambassador while top officials - including the president and Secretary of State - lied about it for weeks afterwards, because of an election they wanted to win?

How soon we forget. bah.gif

What's to forget? We never got any answers. dry.png

And anyway, Benghazi happened a long time ago...

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There were 13 Bengazi type incidents under Bush and how many investigations have been held regarding these events?

How many of these "incidents" falsely blamed a YouTube video for the death of an ambassador while top officials - including the president and Secretary of State - lied about it for weeks afterwards, because of an election they wanted to win?

How soon we forget. bah.gif

Funny that, as the Republican report said it was the Intelligence information upon which they were relying that was at fault, not that they were lying.

Immediately after the attack, intelligence about who carried it out and why was contradictory, the report found. That led Susan Rice, then U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, to inaccurately assert that the attack had evolved from a protest, when in fact there had been no protest.

But it was intelligence analysts, not political appointees, who made the wrong call, the committee found. The report did not conclude that Rice or any other government official acted in bad faith or intentionally misled the American people.

How soon you forget.


Added: Here's a link the the full report so that you can stop making these embarrassing mistakes.

Edited by Chicog
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