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Prayut says Section 44 not enough to resolve long standing fishing industry problem

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Hopefully the EU will cripple them, it the only way they will learn, even Prayut is just all mouth & the big corruption still goes on with no intention to be stopped.

the only way Thai's learn is through loss of money so bring it on EU and teach these idiots something.

Sound's more like you want to teach the General a lesson more than any concern you have about corruption. ? Why don't you tell him that to his face?

Quite happily would but from his tantrums with reporters I doubt he would take it rationally ... problem is Prayut is not squeaky clean or motivated enough to really root out corruption, fishing mess just one area showing it up for the talk it is & giving him a migraine as EU not so easy whitewash with his dailly TV show ...

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worst case scenario for which 44 will be adequate:

Nationalize the fishing industry untill the mass is cleaned up.

would that make a difference?


It looks like the rug of corruption has been lifted lately.

Thailand is now with her back against the wall (even 44 does not seem adequate).

It takes extreme powerful and honest leadership to clean up the mass.

The problem is that this may take years and years, which they really don't have.

I would hate to stand in Prajuth's shoes, Iwouldn't sleep either.

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What ? Those ''immense powers '' afforded him under article 44 will not do the job eh ?

Wasn't it only yesterday i was reading that some twit said it would all be sorted in three months? Now we are being told it will take more than six months and it looks like someone is finally waking up to the realities of life outside of 'Thainess'.

With all these problems to solve (nothing started has yet been completed), i fear the General does not sleep very well lately......even if it is on a bed of Baht !

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Use article 44 then to solve the most urgent cases - your airline safety and your illegal fishing and human trafficking- called priority- sort out the problems that are costing the LOS lost revenue first - then go after the corrupt , the land encroachment firms - I think he should make a do list!!!!! In order

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Well I am amazed that the Pm has admitted That he cannot do the job in time. What reaction do we now get from the EU. It is possible that the PM recons the fish will be sold elsewhere,so no problem


There are many long standing problems that will remain long standing problems, because it's not in the interest of the business of the people in charge to solve them.

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Are you listening to me members?

The EU, will impose a ban on exports from Thailand in 6 months.

I keep saying that over and over again.

Even our PM, has realised that by now.

Good for him.......he's learning..................

It's the fishing industry that needs to learn something... In seven months time they could all be going broke. They better wake up.

The reason everyone is running off to poach fish in other countries is because the fish stock in Thai waters has long been depleted and big, commercial hauls are not happening. Bottom line, fishing needs to stop, probably in most of the Thai fishing grounds to allow a recovery to take place. Then the hard part, the industry needs to understand the concept of sustainable fishing and this means that if crew are going to be paid a living wage with decent working conditions, it means that fewer boats will be needed to harvest. To fix the problem means taking much less from the sea and this means a contraction of the number of people fishing. Some people will need to be retrained and supported financially while this happens.

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It is obvious few around hear has ever dealt much in the fishing and/or marine industry in these parts. The fishing vessel operators will not feel the pinch as much as one would think. Cargo transfers at sea to other flag vessels to legally clear into other ports to discharge and sell there or cargo forward on is done daily. That is not the North Sea out there, most time the sea at dawn is like a mill pond, working on it is not that tough and there are plenty of island coves if required. I have done it many years past out there (and no, it was legal, and not drugs). The various owners have agreements with ship owners in other Asian countries, many of whom are family relations and have been doing the shell games since their grand dad's time or before. This is done with fish, fuel, cement, virtually any cargo. They may take a slight financial bump but in the end it is just the cost of doing business to be amortized over many years in operation.

The only way to stem this is to go for the juggler. They must make the owners and their companies and board personally and severally responsible and accountable with heavy fines and mandatory serious jail time and any other penalties they can dream up. Otherwise it is just biz as usual. Doubt we shall see that however.

I wondered if there was a ¨swap over¨ going on at sea. If they can´t control this then drugs, arms etc. will be coming in the same way. Patrol boats not submarines are the answer. Blow the boats out of the water (after disembarking the crew) and sink the boats. Problem solved....


My apologies "hear" should be "here" above. Afraid I have the flu something awful and make minor errors.

Apology more than accepted we all hit wrong keys, get side tracked, get sick .... The one that gets me is ¨then¨ and ¨than¨!!

Then = After lunch we relaxed and THEN went for a swim

Than = I would rather buy a BMW THAN a Mecedes

I blame the new learning by sound rather than learning by syllable spelling...... But it is annoying.

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Well I am amazed that the Pm has admitted That he cannot do the job in time. What reaction do we now get from the EU. It is possible that the PM recons the fish will be sold elsewhere,so no problem

Looking for the world to give him the OK for the coup maybe?

It will take longer than I thought....


Are you listening to me members?

The EU, will impose a ban on exports from Thailand in 6 months.

I keep saying that over and over again.

Even our PM, has realised that by now.

Good for him.......he's learning..................

It's the fishing industry that needs to learn something... In seven months time they could all be going broke. They better wake up.

Incorporate in countries with no bans and export from there.


Are you listening to me members?

The EU, will impose a ban on exports from Thailand in 6 months.

I keep saying that over and over again.

Even our PM, has realised that by now.

Good for him.......he's learning..................

It's the fishing industry that needs to learn something... In seven months time they could all be going broke. They better wake up.

Incorporate in countries with no bans and export from there.

I take it you mean import to a country with no bans?

But then that country will cop the bans instead of Thailand and i assume they will not want to cripple their own fishing industry (they would have to have one as a means of export). I can´t see any country wanting to go down that path and invite Thailand´s problems on themselves...


Whats wrong with the navy patrolling the waters, give a warning and then proceed to open fire on those that want to test the law

Solved in a few weeks!

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Well now let's have a look-see here...

Prayut proudly states he will take immediate action against the fishing 'problem'..

...the EU threaten total ban within 6 months if the Thai fishing industry carries on like it's doing..

...less than a week after the P.M's bold speech he's backing down..even admitting his magic '44 wand' will not solve the issue..

...in 6 months..!!

Is it just me of do others on here believe this is a case of the tail wagging the dog..?

Since that EU statement all the big fish (sorry..no pun intended) have been in touch with him & pressured him to do as minimal as possible..!

Come on EU..move the goal-posts..give 'em only 2 months!! (That just might get their full attention).


'He said there still has problems of unregistered fishing boats and business operstirs still employ illegal migrant workers to work'

I dislike the way that the good general still refuses to acknowledge that the problem is slavery on ships, not that the migrant slave workers don't have work permits. He continually obfuscates and tries to move the issues while failing to address the core issue of slavery.....of cops picking up migrants, selling them to brokers who sell them to ship captains, who then make them work for no pay. Whether these slaves have work permits is neither here nor there....they are <deleted> slaves for goodness sakes...it is a fundamental human right issue.

First he tried to make out that sex workers were the problem in trafficking, then lack of documentation of migrants, then more committees, then GPS on fishing boats....the GPS is useless, it will be turned off as frequently as taxi meters are turned off in Bangkok. Since it is obvious by now that he has no intention of addressing the real core issue of slavery on the ships then the EU (and the US) will, in time, inevitably slap sanctions on Thai seafood products and maybe other goods as well. It must also be obvious that some fairly heavy hitters in Thai society are benefitting from the slavery, hence the reluctance to address it.

Regarding the use of section 44....he can instruct the Thai navy and Marine police to intercept all fishing vessels in Thai waters and check for slaves on board...this can be done today.

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The EU would not impose a timeframe (6 months) which is impossible for a friendly country like Thailand to achieve if that country is competent and totally serious about the issue.

The problem is, the leaders of Thailand have no clue on planning/strategy/implementation/enforcing/auditing/transparency/verification.

All the leader is capable of is hollow rhetoric, justifying a coup as the only solution to resolve all problems, then justifying martial law, then justifying Article 44 as a necessary tool .... which, now he admits, does not solve the issue.

Thailand needs a leader with vision and leadership. Prayuth is batting above his ability - he would be better as the chief henchman rather than the big boss.

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by day i currently have over 20 boats moored in the bay just below my house who have no idea that their lives are under discussion.


This seems to be a clear indication the fishing industry has pushed back, and wants to keep operating as it has in the past. Thats the problem with these big fat brown envelopes, once they are accepted, there is no changing the game.

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