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How well does your wife feed you?

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I don't do enough driving to make 'food on the road' a big issue. If we're hungry, we just stop some place ... why bother being fed behind the wheel?

I have to say my gf has become an amazing cook. All self-taught as parents are vegetarians/vegans. When every we meet up (usually one week out of six), she never stops feeding me. She did once say that she'd love to make me fat so that other girls wouldn't be interested in me. She said it with some seriousness, in fact, and didn't believe me when I insisted that other girls are not interested in me at my current weight. Anyway, I do enjoy her cooking but worry about what life (and I) might become if we lived together full time.

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We don't do sex while driving anymore.

if we are lucky she will poke you in the eye with a fork loaded with fruit. ..you will crash. ...total the auto but both of you will recover very soon.... ehhhh. .. but ya lost a eye. not to worry just do not buy a import from the west and be baby fed while driving, if you do she will have a shot at the other eye. :-)
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I had to stop mine feeding me while at the wheel, driving along the road and discovering a deep fried cockroach in my mouth proved a bit too dangerous.

The leg spurs on the deep-fried crickets and grasshoppers were the worst for me!

Can you not have her chew it before placing it in your mouth?

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I certainly don't let my Mrs feed me like an infant when I am driving, perhaps a boiled sweet or chewing gum, or bottle of water is passed to me.

If I need to eat, I stop somewhere, no shortage.

What is obvious large numbers of commenters on this topic need to be spoon fed sarcasm / Irony / mockery

the OP's comments go right over the heads of most on here don't they ?

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People get over yourselves. Of course I feed myself at the table. This is about road trips and any of you who haven't had some food passed your way while driving, I suggest you aren't married to a Thai. Or not a very good one anyway.

Driving and eating are spiritually connected here, as is everything else and eating.

It is sad to think some people have never been in a relationship where their partner tries to make them feel special by doing little caring things like preparing food or feeding you while you are too busy to feed yourself. Sometimes it could be a massage, a facial, a special meal, a trip or something traditional like flowers or a card. Yes, my wife has bought flowers for me too. Making your partner feel special should be a pleasure and done as often as possible.

Finally a sensible and thoughtful answer to this topic. Thank you villagefarang. I can relate !

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My g/f still slips it in nicely with her fingers so I have no need to look either blink.png

Sometimes she will hold it between her teeth and give it to me. Other times, holding it across the table and slipping it in too.

Edited by WhamBam
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... How about you guys. Does your wife make a proper job of it, or has she let things go over the years?

Let things go... like your gut maybe?

Sorry, that was presumptuous of me.

You need to have a dalliance with 'another woman'. I have learned that 'losing focus' yourself usually snaps their attention right back.

It doesn't have to actually be a real-life dalliance with spit swaps, pawing and other sweaty stuff. although that can be tempting and loads of fun. You can make it all up but you do have to be consistent and thorough with your mythical other woman subterfuge. If you are familiar with the internet and social networking, giving the appearance of "having an affair" is dead easy.

Oh yes, and hide the sharp objects just in case the wife chooses the fast-track solution instead.

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Extremely well....Mostly home cooked with an eye towards clean and healthy....seldom if ever street type food.....always with fruit as in between snacks....if it's not her it's the girls that have spotted some berries or something and bring them home.....driving seems like constant grazing not knowing which one of the 3 is going to share at any given moment.....

The wife always checks if I'd like western food - if I'm tired of Thai but except for times when I get an urge for burger/pizza/Mexican or BBQ/smoke for us I'm happy with Thai....all appetites are taken care of well.....

Teaching the daughters how to bake cookies/cakes etc from scratch so have to monitor that for the fat factor.......

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I've found response time to requests getting longer by the month! Wifey "claims" she doesn't like sitting naked out by the pool, prefers to lurk inside playing with her iPhone. (even though our walls are very high, completely private). Was never a problem until I put the zirconium on that lazy little finger.

I got pretty tired of having to shout every time I need a beer or something cooked or whatever so I got a little bell for her birthday, it wasn't bloody cheap either. I used to ring it and she'd come running with a smile!

I've been timing her recently and logging it, and now she's up to several minutes.. I will show her the spreadsheet soon.. she tries to pretend she couldn't hear the bell because of her iPhone games...unbelievable. I totally get why the Thais trade them in after they're 25 or whatever. Thats what all these B.S "move to Thailand" blogs don't warn you about, these type of girlies!

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She is still feeding me well after 6 years.

Yesterday, it was Isaan sausages and sticky rice while driving. Often potato chips or fruit. Or a sip of iced coffee now and again.

It is safer than me doing it while driving, i guess.

Sometimes she even does it when i am not driving! wub.png

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It must take real skill to eat pizza while driving and she is trying to help. But you might be European and eat pizza with a knife and fork And if so, while driving I suggest plastic wear not sharp utensils.

Hey, how about blending your food and use a straw while driving?

And if you every been to a RED LOBSTER RESTAURANT in the USA , get one of those really cool bibs to keep you clean, you know like when you were a baby.

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this is one of those posts that is couched as a troll, but still reveals many home truths about the poster and fails to succeed at being either amusing or worthy of serious discussion.

i learned to feed myself when i was just a wee lad and have been managing to take responsibility for eating since then.

as for the dangerous mountain switchbacks and inappropriately sized fruit, why would you want to eat while driving under those conditions anyways?

has she quit peeling your grapes as well?

I don't know HooHaa: Certainly put a smile on my ugly face. I'm told I look better when I smile. Seriously you need to tickle yourself a little. Because like me I'm sure you would look better with a smile on your face.

Its well written and is quite funny.

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I had to stop mine feeding me while at the wheel, driving along the road and discovering a deep fried cockroach in my mouth proved a bit too dangerous.

i concur. I've been the victim of playing the complying good husband and just opening my mouth then realizing what went in was not welcomed. Out comes the tissue from her bag followed by a few sips of whatever drink I had in the console. Never again!!!!

^^^ There might be some women that feel that way too.

To OP, did you cave in and eat the wedding cake?

I've never been married, but previous gf's were always attentive that I'm well fed (even though it's hot weather and I sit on my ass all day in front of a computer and don't need the calories, just the nutritional part).

Never been fed while driving though, DUI doesn't always work out well.

Do you know what DUI means?

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