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Troops, police raid Peace TV to disrupt Chavalit's interview


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I wouldn't grant broadcasting rights to any group which included persons who had previously stood on stage inciting the crowd to burn whole cities and even nations to the ground.

I believe in total freedom to broadcast for all groups, including minority groups (I'm not saying this group is minority) and even for fairly obscure quirky fringe groups.

However, any group that talks about burning cities to the ground etc., should not expect the same future broadcasting rights as normal peaceful groups. Part of moving on into a peaceful and inclusive future is about remembering the deranged and violent outbursts made by certain group spokespersons in the past.

You succinctly put the entire issue (and the accompanying 185 posts) in its correct light.

Thank you.

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The army really is terrified and losing the plot it seems.

Not really. It just shows the stupidity and ignorance of "Peace TV" who have already been shut down at least once.

Thay are so arrogant that they STILL don't believe that the law applies to them also.

billd, can you give a brief transcript of what they have been saying which justifies their shutting down?

Well if you were to think about it young Mr Smutcakes, even if I had understood every word. typed it up and posted it on the forum for all and sundry to see, how long do you think it would be on air before the moderators would yank it off and ban me for life and the next three lives also. They would be concerned that Thai Visa Forum would also be banned and quite rightly so.

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The army really is terrified and losing the plot it seems.

Not really. It just shows the stupidity and ignorance of "Peace TV" who have already been shut down at least once.

Thay are so arrogant that they STILL don't believe that the law applies to them also.

billd, can you give a brief transcript of what they have been saying which justifies their shutting down?

Of course not.

How dare you have the impertinence to ask a clear and sensible question of an outraged hater of the majority of the ex-electorate.

It may be more useful to consider what their audience thinks and how they will eventually react...

1992 and all that.

Do you know me or anything about me?

If not please try think what you have accused me of.

Outraged yes, but a hater of the majority of the ex electorateis not true in anyway at all.

I was outraged at Sing27s comment which was what I replied to.

He like yourself is making bold assumptions and pretending to know what the army is thinking about when clearly he has no idea.

Him about the Army and you about me.

THAT was the provocative statement.

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Its easy to criticize the junta from a Western prospective, because everything they are doing is often by force and to silent the opposition. However for those of us who lived through the last 2 protests, infact i had a grenade go off over my head, had a business station just 25 meters from the red shirt camp, and have witnessed first hand both the miltia whom guarded my shop against the looters and many other first hand experiences during those bloody days. Whilst what the Junta do is no doubt one sided and wrong to most Western thinkers. This is just not the same. Keeping the peace is paramount now, and the Reds are far from a peaceful group. Democracy in Thailand is just a word, there has never been one here and probably never will be, its a farce. So comparing it to the West is a waste of time.

The only thing that matters is that protests, burning of buildings, black shirts, brown shirts, and fake floods are prevented so that the economy can recover and the divide between the north can heal. So far its much better now than it was before, and i am certainly not a yellow, nor a red, they both make me cringe. But its the lesser of evils that counts.

That's an interesting post.

It is for that reason that I sometimes wish the Thai 'government' would simply accept that a parliamentary democracy, together with long winded charters and all sorts of committees and assemblies just does not work here. Of course, they can't say that, or they lose international kudos and all sorts of benefits. So they pretend.

A benign ...........ship may be what is best, but please come clean for everyone's sake.

D.......ships are only benign as long as they have no effective opposition. As soon as an effective opposition emerges they invariably become vicious.

It often starts with closing down on Radio and TV stations which broadcast stuff they don't like...

Edited by JAG
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Not really. It just shows the stupidity and ignorance of "Peace TV" who have already been shut down at least once.

Thay are so arrogant that they STILL don't believe that the law applies to them also.

yeah, arrogant...

free speech is not for everyone.

Advocating violence and insurrection is not free speech.

It's arrogant to think it somehow is.

Neither is starting you will seize Governemt house by force and try to detain members of the caretaker government and have people like Michael Yon ask his sheeple to "hunt" down government officials including Yingluck.

But that's okay as the shirt colour is the right one ?

Both sides are just as bad as each other with their hate speeches, Chitpas saying Reds were too dumb to vote isn't showing hate? calling Reds Buffaloes isn't classed as hate ?

They all should be shut down down regardless the colour and ladies beach volleyball shown instead!!

Hello Haggis

the exact words from Chitipas were "they don't understand democracy" I know I saw her speak several times at RDNK in Nov 2013 and on that occasion these were her exact words ever since she has been misquoted countless times by every tom dick and harry here at TVF, Thai media and western media ( thank You Mr.Head ) even Suthep's foaming at the mouth tedious monologues could not match what was said at around the same time and during April/May by the UDD. Quote " I hate Sondhi and those n***ers from the south" this one sometime in Nov 2013 at the sports stadium in Ramkhamhaeng, Natawood screaming for the country to be carved up for his/their Isaan lanna state in Feb 2014. The UDDN TV channel ( Now Peace TV Yeah right!!!) having an icon fixed in the bottom left of the screen which read "civil war next month" and please don't forget the fist punching crowd pleasing cop in Korat who cheered the murder of a 9 year old little girl the previous day.

Western media basically lied their asses of about what was said and not said by the PDRC during that period and to be honest I kinda agree with what Chitipas REALLY DID say during that speech



She is one fine looking woman and has a brilliant accent, and perhaps is misquoted too many times, but she is too hi so to win over the Red shirts, do you know who it was that twisted her words?

It's not just the Reds who don't understand democracy the current mob don't either

Thanks for correcting what she said though

Oh I would say that Chitipas, the current regime and all their backers (and let's not forget their backers) completely understand democracy. It's because they understand democracy, and all the implications for them and their world that would flow from it, that they are so keen on stopping it.

The same is true, albeit on a more venal level, for many on this forum!

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BANGKOK: -- Troops and police raided the Peace TV satellite TV station at 11 pm Wednesday to end the broadcast of an interview of former prime minister Gen Chavalit Yongchaiyudh.

They did not find Chavalit there because the station was airing his recorded interview.

Brilliant, absolutely "deleted" brilliant!

It will return happiness to me when the inevitable comes on TV tonight.

Edited by JAG
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BANGKOK: -- The Broadcasting Board decided on Monday to revoke the operating license of Peace TV allegedly for repeated violations of the announcement of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO).

Colonel Nathee Sakulrat, chairman of the Broadcasting Board, said that the commission had warned Peace TV which was owned by Peace Television Company on several occasions since last October that the contents of some programmes were deemed to be provocative, inciting disobedience and causing public misunderstanding.

On March 23, the commission decided to serve the television a written warning to Peace TV to comply with the law and to follow the agreement. Yet, the television continued to defy the agreement prompting the commission to suspend its operating license effective as of April 10 until April 17, said Colonel Nathee.

Peace TV resumed operations on April 18 but, again, it broadcasted contents found to be violating the agreement in a way which were deemed provocative and inciting public disobedience.

Reacting to the order revoking Peace TVs licence, Mr Natthawut Saikua, co-leader of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship, said he suspected the order came from someone above the Broadcasting Board.

So the answers no, you have no idea. Thanks for clarifying.

On the other hand I'm sure you have some ideas, might even have put time in painstakingly translating some Thai information into English and are more than willing to inform us ?

Peace TV had interesting informative programs about red-shirt philosophy, Why the Yingluck government was such a success, why Abhisit/Suthep are guilty for a lucky 99 death in 2010 (ignoring the blanket amnesty bill), why the junta is bad, bad, bad. Why defacto master Thaksin is good, good, good. Things like that.

BTW any idea what the former Thaksin appointed People's Army Commander had to say in the previously recorded, interrupted broadcasting ?

In latest news the station was shut down so authorities could investgate if they had done wrong.

How Thai.

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The army really is terrified and losing the plot it seems.

Not really. It just shows the stupidity and ignorance of "Peace TV" who have already been shut down at least once.

Thay are so arrogant that they STILL don't believe that the law applies to them also.

What law? You forget the only reason these guys are in charge is because they overthrew the lawful government with guns and tanks?

You can't talk about the law in this instance. You really can't have it both ways as much you seem to want to.

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Exactly , similar to The French Resistance and the Russian Partisans. They were so arrogant they wouldn't let the Germans do what they wanted without "Interfering". But the Germans followed the law and shot them all

You need to take the "ex" out from the beginning of your name.

Comparing Thailand now to wartime Europe 70 years ago is pitiful at best.

PeaceTV (or as it's know locally, "The Thaksin Channel") is constantly encouraging armed, violent unrest against the "Bangkok Elite", cos they care about "the people" so much and want everyone to be "equal" (just so long as their red leaders are more equal than everyone else).

"... and you need to take the sujin out of your name - Tat tastless rubbish well describes your pathetic attempt to compare things you know nothing about and to try to smear Peace TV with your downright lies."

What downright lies?

Are you saying that Peace TV never tells lies, never twist the truth, never broadcasts hate speeches, never encourages violence?

What I am saying is: quote "PeaceTV is constantly encouraging armed, violent unrest against the "Bangkok Elite", cos they care about "the people" so much and want everyone to be "equal" (just so long as their red leaders are more equal than everyone else)" is a downright lie. Which it is; and even more of a lie because there are no "Elite" in Bangkok, only people who delude themselves they are "Elite"; and it is those delusions that cause the continued coups, removal of democracy and the misery of political violence in Thailand.

"...cos they care about "the people" so much...."

- You really believe that? You fail homework miserably.

- So that's good enough reason to broadcast continuous very nasty hate speeches and encourage folks to burn down Bangkok..... and prevent other politicians from entering Essan areas to talk to the electorate...

If they really care about the people then how come they have never proposed any specific legislation whatever, including the key to it all, much improved education, which would gain a better quality of life for all through their own productivity?

I think you are confused and need to read the posts again.

Yes, both the Thaksin regime's did care more about all the people of Thailand, not just those in Bangkok who delude themselves they are elite; and if you get off you fat a to give your brain some breathing space and travel around (especially in Issan) the record of the improved quality of life for more Thai people is there to prove it.

If you think that yellow shirt politicians were prevented from entering Issan area's you really do know nothing about Issan.

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typical red shirt thinking, we can do as we please and no one can stop us. How long before they start killing and blowing things up again because they dont get their way, ptp just gave them a carte blanche to do as they please and they still think it applies. They should dismantle the broadcasting equipment and hit them with massive fines and jail time, the law is there to be followed not toyed with

I guess freedom of speech is already forgotten for martial law lovers. Just as long as they don't mess with your whores and booze everything is hunky-dory.

...and the smokes. Don't mess with them either.

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- So that's good enough reason to broadcast continuous very nasty hate speeches and encourage folks to burn down Bangkok..... and prevent other politicians from entering Essan areas to talk to the electorate...


LOL. I recall when Nigel Farage labeled the SNP as fascist scum based on his being hounded out of Edinburgh a couple of years ago. He has handily brought it up in recent political 'debate' over the imminent UK elections.

Anyway, back on topic...

Lots of toys out of the pram here but I can't see anyone questioning if Chavalit's speech or suspected presence at the station was the reason for the raid. Since someone has already posted that the show they interrupted was a repeat of an earlier national broadcast, it would appear that he would just have been collateral damage on the need to shut down the station that had flaunted earlier demands to cease.

Maybe it is media spin in the face of media control?

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Peace TV? what a hypocritical name. They only believe in peace if you agree with them. If you don't agree with them, they will blow up your children with RPG's then celebrate their evil deed.

Just wait until Allseeingeye finds out not all the staff on Virgin Airways are virgins...

Hehe good one clap2.gif

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The army really is terrified and losing the plot it seems.

yes, but the yellows and defenders of the feudalistic system too behind the army. its alway the same, rich and super rich people are afraid of the masses of the poors explöidet from them. even some of the rich and super rich have a heart for the poors like thaksin and his family. and the farangs supporting the yellows and the army..... almost all of them from usa, uk, canada, australia and so on. this people love it to get exploidet and exploiding others :-D

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typical red shirt thinking, we can do as we please and no one can stop us. How long before they start killing and blowing things up again because they dont get their way, ptp just gave them a carte blanche to do as they please and they still think it applies. They should dismantle the broadcasting equipment and hit them with massive fines and jail time, the law is there to be followed not toyed with

Especially if the law is arbitrarily imposed by a self appointed military junta, and is being used to silence criticism and stifle the opposition, you old champion of freedom of speech and democracy you!

It is not criticism, it is one super rich criminal who want to appoint himself as premier again. If you buy parties, MPs and elections than you aren't much better than the junta. But Prayuth, if you agree or disagree with this politics, isn't a criminal on the run, isn't running from and endless amount of court cases and didn't kill 3000 people like Thaksin in the war against drugs...

It's always a sign of someone on the losing side of the argument when the drugs war is invoked.Ditto the crocodile tears about rice farmers suicides.The big give away is of course the invocation of Thaksin even when entirely irrelevant.

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typical red shirt thinking, we can do as we please and no one can stop us. How long before they start killing and blowing things up again because they dont get their way, ptp just gave them a carte blanche to do as they please and they still think it applies. They should dismantle the broadcasting equipment and hit them with massive fines and jail time, the law is there to be followed not toyed with

Especially if the law is arbitrarily imposed by a self appointed military junta, and is being used to silence criticism and stifle the opposition, you old champion of freedom of speech and democracy you!

It is not criticism, it is one super rich criminal who want to appoint himself as premier again. If you buy parties, MPs and elections than you aren't much better than the junta. But Prayuth, if you agree or disagree with this politics, isn't a criminal on the run, isn't running from and endless amount of court cases and didn't kill 3000 people like Thaksin in the war against drugs...

It's always a sign of someone on the losing side of the argument when the drugs war is invoked.Ditto the crocodile tears about rice farmers suicides.The big give away is of course the invocation of Thaksin even when entirely irrelevant.

... and in the mean tine any article dealing with "Peace TV" seems to have to include a reference to Thaksin. That's as if you cannot say "peace tv" without including a "thaksin"

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I wouldn't grant broadcasting rights to any group which included persons who had previously stood on stage inciting the crowd to burn whole cities and even nations to the ground.

I believe in total freedom to broadcast for all groups, including minority groups (I'm not saying this group is minority) and even for fairly obscure quirky fringe groups.

However, any group that talks about burning cities to the ground etc., should not expect the same future broadcasting rights as normal peaceful groups. Part of moving on into a peaceful and inclusive future is about remembering the deranged and violent outbursts made by certain group spokespersons in the past.

I think it is fairer to say 'A faction within a group calling for cities to be burned to the ground...', but I suppose that is a little too inconvenient for some of the partisans on here...

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The army really is terrified and losing the plot it seems.

Not really. It just shows the stupidity and ignorance of "Peace TV" who have already been shut down at least once.

Thay are so arrogant that they STILL don't believe that the law applies to them also.

billd, can you give a brief transcript of what they have been saying which justifies their shutting down?

what part of free speech don't you understand?

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typical red shirt thinking, we can do as we please and no one can stop us. How long before they start killing and blowing things up again because they dont get their way, ptp just gave them a carte blanche to do as they please and they still think it applies. They should dismantle the broadcasting equipment and hit them with massive fines and jail time, the law is there to be followed not toyed with

I guess freedom of speech is already forgotten for martial law lovers. Just as long as they don't mess with your whores and booze everything is hunky-dory.

Well number one. There is no more Martial law.

Number two. How can you lose what you never had?

I see you and your "Liked Crew" fell for the Pm's tactic of technically lifting martial law but replacing it with Martial Law On Steroids Article 44. But I'm elated all the thinking people and the international community saw it clearly what it was.

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Shame , they had some nice presenters by the looks of it , you can tell by the look on their face how pssed off some people are about this closure

Peace TV will 'keep working'
Pravit Rojanaphruk
The Nation May 2, 2015 1:00 am
Content will be broadcast via different media, legal fight will continue: Weng
THE red-shirt Peace TV station has decided to continue disseminating content via the Internet and other media after it was pulled off the air by the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission (NBTC) on Thursday night for allegedly being a threat to national security.

The station will also continue its legal battle to be allowed back on air, red-shirt co-leader Weng Tojirakarn said.

Weng, who also hosted shows on the channel, said they would file petitions with international rights bodies, including the United Nations.

"We will not abandon the station, but will use new platforms - website, social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LINE and even publish a weekly journal. We will not abandon our brothers and sisters," Weng said, referring to the hundred plus members of staff who are now unemployed. "It's like we're on the same ship. If we sink, we sink together."


Edited by ExPratt
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What some of you guys fail to understand why this interview was blocked. Chavalit has had a very dubious role in the red unrests.

Would you like to divulge the contents of this interview seeing as you seem to know what it would have been blocked?
Not the what, its the who. Remember that Thailand is a state under military rule and this creep is one of the reasons. What we need in Thailand now is a period of peace and not red crimelords giving interviews.


Scroll down to MIB - Who's leading them section

Should Chavalit really be granted air time when his role in the violence was rather ambiguous?

Chavilit has form tbat goes way back.Why can't these old fools like Banharn and him retire with their grandkids and keep their meddling hands out of it.I live in a red area and Thais just laugh at them.Why do they think they are relevant.

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typical red shirt thinking, we can do as we please and no one can stop us. How long before they start killing and blowing things up again because they dont get their way, ptp just gave them a carte blanche to do as they please and they still think it applies. They should dismantle the broadcasting equipment and hit them with massive fines and jail time, the law is there to be followed not toyed with

Especially if the law is arbitrarily imposed by a self appointed military junta, and is being used to silence criticism and stifle the opposition, you old champion of freedom of speech and democracy you!

It is not criticism, it is one super rich criminal who want to appoint himself as premier again. If you buy parties, MPs and elections than you aren't much better than the junta. But Prayuth, if you agree or disagree with this politics, isn't a criminal on the run, isn't running from and endless amount of court cases and didn't kill 3000 people like Thaksin in the war against drugs...

Says who? You or Thaksin? I have not read anywhere that Thaksin himself has stated he wants to return to Thailmas and be the PM again, have you any news links to support what you and many others keep saying?

Do you honestly believe that knowing the shitstorm that went down with the 2014 protests that he honestly thinks he could just walk back in and everything will be okay?

If the amnesty bill proposal was enough to bring Bangkok to a snails pace, and being out a huge protest, what do you think would happen if Thaksin even tried to become PM?

Considering the purge that's ongoing right now by the junta, do you seriously believe, or Thaksin seriously believes they will simply step aside and hand him he keys to the office and a cushion for the big chair?

There is more chance of life being found on the moon than Thaksin returning to Thailand as PM within the next 5-10 years. Even he knows it's not going to happen.

Meglamania knows no bounds.We know he will never be allowed back,but he doesn't know it.He relies on lackys to feed him the bs.Wait to the Army release the reins,the meddler will be back,with another relo up front.I hope the Army stay for10 years,for a total clean up,lets fix this once and for all

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Especially if the law is arbitrarily imposed by a self appointed military junta, and is being used to silence criticism and stifle the opposition, you old champion of freedom of speech and democracy you!

It is not criticism, it is one super rich criminal who want to appoint himself as premier again. If you buy parties, MPs and elections than you aren't much better than the junta. But Prayuth, if you agree or disagree with this politics, isn't a criminal on the run, isn't running from and endless amount of court cases and didn't kill 3000 people like Thaksin in the war against drugs...

Says who? You or Thaksin? I have not read anywhere that Thaksin himself has stated he wants to return to Thailmas and be the PM again, have you any news links to support what you and many others keep saying?

Do you honestly believe that knowing the shitstorm that went down with the 2014 protests that he honestly thinks he could just walk back in and everything will be okay?

If the amnesty bill proposal was enough to bring Bangkok to a snails pace, and being out a huge protest, what do you think would happen if Thaksin even tried to become PM?

Considering the purge that's ongoing right now by the junta, do you seriously believe, or Thaksin seriously believes they will simply step aside and hand him he keys to the office and a cushion for the big chair?

There is more chance of life being found on the moon than Thaksin returning to Thailand as PM within the next 5-10 years. Even he knows it's not going to happen.

Meglamania knows no bounds.We know he will never be allowed back,but he doesn't know it.He relies on lackys to feed him the bs.Wait to the Army release the reins,the meddler will be back,with another relo up front.I hope the Army stay for10 years,for a total clean up,lets fix this once and for all

Easy to spot The Nation readers. He thinks the Army took over to clean up politics.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

The real story is much more interesting.

Edited by jamesjohnsonthird
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Who will miss this prince of promise and failure?

not sure who you are referring to? thaksin?

The thing is you don't seem to realise how completely irrelevant a comment like this is regardless of who you are referring to..........it doesn't touch on the issues being discussed which is the relevance of free speech and a democratic government....which have been promised by the incumbent.

if you think that slagging off politicians on either side in some vague way is relevant, than I'd suggest you are totally out of touch with what is going on both on this thread and in Thailand itself.

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So there is no more to France than Paris, no more to Thailand than Bangkok. Right you are...

Trying to misquote me baboon ? Whenever you have nothing intelligent to say you twist other posters' words or go off topic.

For your benefit I should have said the reds were attacking government infrastructure and private property in the north and north-east of Thailand as well, not only in Bangkok.

And the French Resistance operated all over France, not only in Paris.

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