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Islamic State kills some 25 captive Iraqi Yazidis

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Islamic State kills some 25 captive Iraqi Yazidis
SINAN SALAHEDDIN, Associated Press

BAGHDAD (AP) — Islamic State group militants shot to death at least 25 captive Yazidis at a prison camp in northern Iraq, a Yazidi lawmaker said Saturday, the latest mass killing carried out by the extremists targeting the sect.

The killings took place at a prison camp near the town of Tal Afar, some 150 kilometers (90 miles) east of the Syrian border or 420 kilometers (260 miles) northwest of Baghdad, legislator Mahma Khalil said.

Khalil said he spoke to four different people with knowledge of what happened inside of the camp, though a reason for the killings still wasn't immediately apparent.

"The militants want to spread horror among them to force them to convert to Islam or to do something else," Khalil said.

He added that those killed included men, women and the elderly. He said he believes some 1,400 other Yazidis are still held in that camp.

Tens of thousands of Yazidis fled in August when the Islamic State group captured the northern Iraqi town of Sinjar, near the Syrian border. But hundreds were taken captive by the group, with some Yazidi women forced into slavery, according to international rights groups and Iraqi officials.

About 50,000 Yazidis — half of them children, according to U.N. figures — fled to the mountains outside Sinjar during the onslaught. Some still remain there.

The U.S. launched airstrikes and humanitarian aid drops in Iraq on Aug. 8, partly in response to the crisis on Sinjar mountain. Since then, a U.S.-led coalition of countries have conducted airstrikes across Iraq in an effort to destroy the Islamic State group, which now holds a third of both Iraq and Syria.

The Sunni militant group views Yazidis and Shiite Muslims as apostates deserving of death, and has demanded Christians either convert to Islam or pay a special tax.

Previously, the group has let go of hundreds of other Yazidis held in captivity. Iraqi and Kurdish officials said they believe the militants couldn't afford caring for the prisoners, many of whom were elderly and sick.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-05-03

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a reason for the killings still wasn't immediately apparent.

Since when did these animals need a reason to kill innocent people...killing is what they know and do best...

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I read 300 Yazidis killed from another source, this is in effect a genocide in progress.

Edit, make that 600, but some deaths don't matter, so who's counting?


People don't care when it is Arab killing Arab! or Arab killing Christians. after all they don't live anywhere near there. So why should they care? But it is very telling when it comes to that other issue in the ME!

I don't even think they are counting the executed to come to a figure of how many Isis have killed ritualistically, as these are a form of ritual killings in the name of what ever faith system ISIS are followers of. So it is far greater a number than 600 by now.

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So where are all the people who bash Israel? No one got anything to say about ISIS killing innocent people or committing Genocide?

ISIS is losing a lot of conquered territory in Iraq and Syria due to joint effort of the coalition forces and the guerrilla fights of the Kurds, Hezbollah, Iraqi Army, Syrian Army and all other Syrian/Iraqi/Irani forces. Some are radical, and others non-radical.

Israel has a passive role, but that's off topic.


That's one good news. The other good news is that the mass public killing - read genocide - is reduced due to shortage of new recruits, military vs psychological defeats and several strategical blunders.

Quote from OP :

"Previously, the group has let go of hundreds of other Yazidis held in captivity. Iraqi and Kurdish officials said they believe the militants couldn't afford caring for the prisoners, many of whom were elderly and sick."

Edited by Thorgal
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So where are all the people who bash Israel? No one got anything to say about ISIS killing innocent people or committing Genocide?

ISIS is losing a lot of conquered territory in Iraq and Syria due to joint effort of the coalition forces and the guerrilla fights of the Kurds, Hezbollah, Iraqi Army, Syrian Army and all other Syrian/Iraqi/Irani forces. Some are radical, and others non-radical.

Israel has a passive role, but that's off topic.


That's one good news. The other good news is that the mass public killing - read genocide - is reduced due to shortage of new recruits, military vs psychological defeats and several strategical blunders.

Quote from OP :

"Previously, the group has let go of hundreds of other Yazidis held in captivity. Iraqi and Kurdish officials said they believe the militants couldn't afford caring for the prisoners, many of whom were elderly and sick."

To be honest, that all ready like a defence of ISIS actions! to quote "The other good news is that the mass public killing - read genocide - is reduced" So is it genocide or mass killings? When does mass killing become genocide?

to quote "Previously, the group has let go of hundreds of other Yazidis held in captivity"

are you suggesting ISIS aren't all that bad they did free a lot of people as well? But no actual condemnation from you for what has been done. We won't mention the off topic part of your post.

Edited by ggold
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I read 300 Yazidis killed from another source, this is in effect a genocide in progress.

Edit, make that 600, but some deaths don't matter, so who's counting?


So far the international community refuse to commit ground troops to engage in combat with ISIS. In the meantime a genocide in progress. Massacres of hundreds at a time are also reported of Sunni tribes who refuse to swear allegiance to ISIS in the knowledge of certain death.

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