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Ben Carson, famed neurosurgeon, running for US president


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Speculation is that Carly is angling for the VP spot, that her strategy won't be to attack her fellow GOP'ers, just bashing Hillary. So, if Hillary makes it to the general election and the GOP has Carly on their ticket as VP, the idea is the Republicans will also have a 'pro-female' ticket. Well, we'll see how "the boys" treat her when the clown car empties out onto the stage for the debates and the feces starts flying. We've yet to hear her weigh in on the GOP's goofy female issues like "trans-vaginal ultrasound" and "true rape." And then there is the love of JC issue.

From what I've seen of her in interviews over the past year she doesn't have much presence. When she feels cornered she does the "WOMEN!" thing (probably picked that up from Pelosi). She couldn't even handle Bill Maher a few months ago, and he was going easy on her. From what I can see there's just not much there.

BTW, Hewlett-Packard was in much better shape when she became CEO than when she left it. Her only success at HP was that she became CEO, not what she did while she was.

The Republican debates are going to be as entertaining as they were in 2011/2012. I'm hoping Jesus tells Santorum he should run again. The Dem debates will help cure insomnia.

Edited by bendejo
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I saw Carly on TV and pretty much lost any respect for her when she was asked a question which she didn't bother to answer, but just launched into something about the Clinton Foundation's Global Initiative and it getting funds from foreigners. It was like she didn't make the connection between Global and foreign.

As for Ben, hopefully he will fade away quickly.

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Ben Carson is a lot like the the other black Republican Clarence Thomas (they're the only two). Every morning when they get out of bed and look in the mirror, they're disgusted by what they see.

Plenty of room for Dr. Ben in the Republican clown car. He will have to sit in the back.

Why would Ben Carson be disgusted by looking at himself in the mirror? Carson's work and life experiences are light years ahead of Obama when he ran for president. It boggles the mind to think Obama was elected and then re-elected for president. The Republican clown car? The liberals with Obama as their ring leader is a circus.

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I think this fellow would make a great president !

His foreign policy is to visit Detroit.

His economic policy is to be in the 1% which he says he is.

He's a commentator on Fox which means he talks to a lot of old people.

Given he's a surgeon he should offer to give the Republican party a brain and a heart. But he won't.

Carson blames measles on immigrants

Carson said he wasn't trying to speak in code when he was asked by CNN host Chris Cuomo if he was turning the measles debate into an immigration debate.


It's interesting you brought up the city of Detroit. Every voter in America, should tour Detroit. Detroit is a prime example of what happens when Democrats are in control of city government. Of course the visitors would have to have police escorts because of the out of control crime in Detroit.

If one were to look at Ben Carson compared to Barrack Obama, it would be like comparing light to darkness or day to night. Obama is the most ill prepared person to have ever occupied the White House. The aftermath of Obama's loonie polices will be felt for decades.

Obama has taken race relations back to the early 60's. He has placed targets on the backs of white police officers with his idiotic remarks about how police should do some "soul searching" on how they handle African-American criminal suspects, and interjecting his stupidity every time white police officers with black suspects hit the news.

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