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Peace TV in plea for UN help


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Where did I twist your words? I merely asked you a question which you have chosen not to answer, giving me the suspicion that you were trying to create an unwarranted link between the two.

What are my 'needs', in your opinion?

You said - ...................."Are you saying the Shinawatra family are anything to do with these camps, yes or no?"......................which as far as I am concerned has absolutely nothing to do with my previous comment and does not even deserve an answer.

Now you accuse me of - "trying to create an unwarranted link between the two."

Your needs are obvious, that of an internet troll. Go and annoy someone else as I will not even bother reading your troll posts anymore, let mind reply to them.

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Amazing , send the army in to close down a TV station for promoting the Shins , but cant find an illegal holding camp for refugee hostages in a place where they are supposed to have been fighting a war for 10 years. At least they have clarified their priorities

Correct, the army could not find the camps for the last 10 years. And who was in charge for the last 10 years?

It doesn't matter which political party are in charge, the Army is still the Army who are supposed to be looking after the country.

Who was in charge of the Army for some of that period ?

Just looks whoo's running the country these days !

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Where did I twist your words? I merely asked you a question which you have chosen not to answer, giving me the suspicion that you were trying to create an unwarranted link between the two.

What are my 'needs', in your opinion?

You said - ...................."Are you saying the Shinawatra family are anything to do with these camps, yes or no?"......................which as far as I am concerned has absolutely nothing to do with my previous comment and does not even deserve an answer.

Now you accuse me of - "trying to create an unwarranted link between the two."

Your needs are obvious, that of an internet troll. Go and annoy someone else as I will not even bother reading your troll posts anymore, let mind reply to them.

No, I explained the reason why I asked the question. I did not subsequently accuse you of anything.

Nor do I twist your words - I just try to get to the bottom of what you are saying.

As for my 'needs', one of my paramount ones is to stand up for your freedom to call me a troll, an a$$hole or pretty much anything else you like, unlike those good folk who believe in stifling what they don't want to hear. Use it or lose it...

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Broadly speaking yes provided that these media outlets remained within the law.Difficult to control anyway.Your question presupposes the people are incapable of discerning the difference between propaganda and opinion - a very common view among the crazies.

A different situation would be the government and army media outlets in Thailand which really do 24/7 spout propaganda, twisted messages and outright lies.In the case of the army stations - which would not be tolerated anywhere in the civilised world - these should be closed down or sold to third parties immediately.As for government propaganda the position is also different.Personally I have no objection to this government broadcasting its propaganda PROVIDING there are plenty of stations with alternative viewpoints.I think it's reasonable that media should not be dominated by a single or a very few presences, and this could be dealt with by law when democracy is restored.

Broadly speaking "Peace TV" was deemed to stray outside the acceptable, outside the law. Even in the 'civilised' world TV channels are more and more under observation, even the private owned ones. That translates into "first warnings, then temporary bans, then closure". That's what happened with "Peace TV".

As for 'downright lies', strange you were so quiet when the previous government was at it. Do I detect a certain bias there, or are lies only lies when you disagree?

Anyway, "Peace TV" asking the UN to help, that's nice. Can someone remind me what happened the last few times the UDD asked or petitioned the UN. Wasn't that SFA?

I don't remember you being so dishonest in the past.You also appear be profoundly deluded with your "one warning two warning" nonsense.If for example the American, British, Dutch, Japanese governments started issuing warnings of that sort they would soon be told where to put it.

Peace TV was closed down because it took a point of view that the generals took issue with.Diversity of opinion is not tolerated in Thailand.

Your comment on the last government doesn't make sense.It tried to put its viewpoint over - as all governments do - but that can hardly be compared with the efforts of generals who seized government by force who crush all different views of how society should be organiosed.I don't recall the last government seeking to close down opposition media outlets.Indeed I remember a great deal of kowtowing to the old elites including the army.

Notwithstanding your quisling sentiments are you not at some level ashamed of propagating such views? Or are you just another old fashioned troll?

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I don't remember you being so dishonest in the past.You also appear be profoundly deluded with your "one warning two warning" nonsense.If for example the American, British, Dutch, Japanese governments started issuing warnings of that sort they would soon be told where to put it.

Peace TV was closed down because it took a point of view that the generals took issue with.Diversity of opinion is not tolerated in Thailand.

Your comment on the last government doesn't make sense.It tried to put its viewpoint over - as all governments do - but that can hardly be compared with the efforts of generals who seized government by force who crush all different views of how society should be organiosed.I don't recall the last government seeking to close down opposition media outlets.Indeed I remember a great deal of kowtowing to the old elites including the army.

Notwithstanding your quisling sentiments are you not at some level ashamed of propagating such views? Or are you just another old fashioned troll?

As usual, you are so much better informed than we of the hoi polloi, and I can only assume a regular viewer of Peace TV. As it was the Chavalit interview they took exception to, could you let us know the expressed point of view the government found objectionable?

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Broadly speaking yes provided that these media outlets remained within the law.Difficult to control anyway.Your question presupposes the people are incapable of discerning the difference between propaganda and opinion - a very common view among the crazies.

A different situation would be the government and army media outlets in Thailand which really do 24/7 spout propaganda, twisted messages and outright lies.In the case of the army stations - which would not be tolerated anywhere in the civilised world - these should be closed down or sold to third parties immediately.As for government propaganda the position is also different.Personally I have no objection to this government broadcasting its propaganda PROVIDING there are plenty of stations with alternative viewpoints.I think it's reasonable that media should not be dominated by a single or a very few presences, and this could be dealt with by law when democracy is restored.

Broadly speaking "Peace TV" was deemed to stray outside the acceptable, outside the law. Even in the 'civilised' world TV channels are more and more under observation, even the private owned ones. That translates into "first warnings, then temporary bans, then closure". That's what happened with "Peace TV".

As for 'downright lies', strange you were so quiet when the previous government was at it. Do I detect a certain bias there, or are lies only lies when you disagree?

Anyway, "Peace TV" asking the UN to help, that's nice. Can someone remind me what happened the last few times the UDD asked or petitioned the UN. Wasn't that SFA?

I don't remember you being so dishonest in the past.You also appear be profoundly deluded with your "one warning two warning" nonsense.If for example the American, British, Dutch, Japanese governments started issuing warnings of that sort they would soon be told where to put it.

Peace TV was closed down because it took a point of view that the generals took issue with.Diversity of opinion is not tolerated in Thailand.

Your comment on the last government doesn't make sense.It tried to put its viewpoint over - as all governments do - but that can hardly be compared with the efforts of generals who seized government by force who crush all different views of how society should be organiosed.I don't recall the last government seeking to close down opposition media outlets.Indeed I remember a great deal of kowtowing to the old elites including the army.

Notwithstanding your quisling sentiments are you not at some level ashamed of propagating such views? Or are you just another old fashioned troll?

Jayboy, first of all, please leave out the insults. Those do not help to 'strengthen' your opinion, it's more you try to hide weakness of arguments with abuse.

As for "warnings", well since you're British you might have heard about OFCOM


"Ofcom’s contradictions are nothing new for Press TV. The British government’s tool to control the media has on several occasions changed its decisions regarding Press TV in its two-year campaign against the alternative news channel."




"LONDON — Britain’s media regulator revoked the broadcast license for the Iranian state-owned television network Press TV on Friday, saying the network had failed to address concerns over its editorial independence and had not paid a fine."


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When the reds got Yingluck into power, surfing on a wave of goodwill in much of the media, with magazines worldwide talking about "a new dawn for women in Asia" etc. the reds had a goldplated opportunity to implement policies on a whole range of critically important concerns, and to show everyone that they were an industrious and well-intentioned organisation. They could even have worked with the Dems on many pressing issues, as the Dems also wanted to see important infrastructure works being prioritised.

Then the reds did the rice thing and the tablet thing and some other stuff, a lot of trips abroad were taken, commands were issued from unelected persons overseas, a lot of self-forgiveness went on, but generally nothing really came of it. Even their own most loyal voting base became so disillusioned with them, they rode into town on tractors and waved pitchforks.

So really, the reds had a chance to make it work at home and they blew it. Since then it seems like the reds are looking for love overseas, which is kind of ironic given where we are.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Broadly speaking yes provided that these media outlets remained within the law.Difficult to control anyway.Your question presupposes the people are incapable of discerning the difference between propaganda and opinion - a very common view among the crazies.

A different situation would be the government and army media outlets in Thailand which really do 24/7 spout propaganda, twisted messages and outright lies.In the case of the army stations - which would not be tolerated anywhere in the civilised world - these should be closed down or sold to third parties immediately.As for government propaganda the position is also different.Personally I have no objection to this government broadcasting its propaganda PROVIDING there are plenty of stations with alternative viewpoints.I think it's reasonable that media should not be dominated by a single or a very few presences, and this could be dealt with by law when democracy is restored.

Broadly speaking "Peace TV" was deemed to stray outside the acceptable, outside the law. Even in the 'civilised' world TV channels are more and more under observation, even the private owned ones. That translates into "first warnings, then temporary bans, then closure". That's what happened with "Peace TV".

As for 'downright lies', strange you were so quiet when the previous government was at it. Do I detect a certain bias there, or are lies only lies when you disagree?

Anyway, "Peace TV" asking the UN to help, that's nice. Can someone remind me what happened the last few times the UDD asked or petitioned the UN. Wasn't that SFA?

I don't remember you being so dishonest in the past.You also appear be profoundly deluded with your "one warning two warning" nonsense.If for example the American, British, Dutch, Japanese governments started issuing warnings of that sort they would soon be told where to put it.

Peace TV was closed down because it took a point of view that the generals took issue with. Diversity of opinion is not tolerated in Thailand.

Your comment on the last government doesn't make sense.It tried to put its viewpoint over - as all governments do - but that can hardly be compared with the efforts of generals who seized government by force who crush all different views of how society should be organiosed.I don't recall the last government seeking to close down opposition media outlets.Indeed I remember a great deal of kowtowing to the old elites including the army.

Notwithstanding your quisling sentiments are you not at some level ashamed of propagating such views? Or are you just another old fashioned troll?

Jayboy, first of all, please leave out the insults. Those do not help to 'strengthen' your opinion, it's more you try to hide weakness of arguments with abuse.

As for "warnings", well since you're British you might have heard about OFCOM


"Ofcom’s contradictions are nothing new for Press TV. The British government’s tool to control the media has on several occasions changed its decisions regarding Press TV in its two-year campaign against the alternative news channel."




"LONDON — Britain’s media regulator revoked the broadcast license for the Iranian state-owned television network Press TV on Friday, saying the network had failed to address concerns over its editorial independence and had not paid a fine."


"Your comment on the last government doesn't make sense.It tried to put its viewpoint over - as all governments do..."

What viewpoint was that jayboy?

Did their viewpoint have any content whatever that would build a situation whereby mass numbers of Thais would build a better quality of life through their own productivity? The answer is No, no and no.

"Diversity of opinion is not tolerated in Thailand". Two points:

- Hate messages and generating division are not diversity.

- Your beloved paymaster made it very plain that he would sue anybody who dared to publish anything that even remotely looked like criticism of him personally (the first president of Thailand) or his policies or his government.

He also made it very plain that he would hold up his yes or no batons in terms of questions etc., that he would answer. Hardly a model for free speech with leaders accountable to the public.

And you might recall the press conference when a Western journalist asked him a relevant question. His response was 'idiot scum' and the journalist was deported the next day.

As Rubi said, your insults will gain you nothing.

Or perhaps you prescribe to the notion that insulting others will frighten them. Think again.

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Amazing , send the army in to close down a TV station for promoting the Shins , but cant find an illegal holding camp for refugee hostages in a place where they are supposed to have been fighting a war for 10 years. At least they have clarified their priorities

Nice one I thought for a minute you were going to miss a chance to Thai bash.

Have you any idea of the size of the jungles and how hard it would be to find a camp if it was disguised?

It contrary to your opinion is not a walk in the park.

The UN is hollering about it. Why don't they ask one of the countries with spy satellites to take a look?

the U S is hollering they have the technology why do they not fly over and take a look if it is so important to them?

It is a deed performed by people who are lower than scum. They would need a ladder to get to the belly of a snake.

The whole thing stinks. The world is screaming stop it they have the technology and refuse to help.

then we get Thai Bashers who make it seem like it is no problem what so ever. It is all corruption and could be stopped just like that.sad.png

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Broadly speaking yes provided that these media outlets remained within the law.Difficult to control anyway.Your question presupposes the people are incapable of discerning the difference between propaganda and opinion - a very common view among the crazies.

A different situation would be the government and army media outlets in Thailand which really do 24/7 spout propaganda, twisted messages and outright lies.In the case of the army stations - which would not be tolerated anywhere in the civilised world - these should be closed down or sold to third parties immediately.As for government propaganda the position is also different.Personally I have no objection to this government broadcasting its propaganda PROVIDING there are plenty of stations with alternative viewpoints.I think it's reasonable that media should not be dominated by a single or a very few presences, and this could be dealt with by law when democracy is restored.

Broadly speaking "Peace TV" was deemed to stray outside the acceptable, outside the law. Even in the 'civilised' world TV channels are more and more under observation, even the private owned ones. That translates into "first warnings, then temporary bans, then closure". That's what happened with "Peace TV".

As for 'downright lies', strange you were so quiet when the previous government was at it. Do I detect a certain bias there, or are lies only lies when you disagree?

Anyway, "Peace TV" asking the UN to help, that's nice. Can someone remind me what happened the last few times the UDD asked or petitioned the UN. Wasn't that SFA?

I don't remember you being so dishonest in the past.You also appear be profoundly deluded with your "one warning two warning" nonsense.If for example the American, British, Dutch, Japanese governments started issuing warnings of that sort they would soon be told where to put it.

Peace TV was closed down because it took a point of view that the generals took issue with. Diversity of opinion is not tolerated in Thailand.

Your comment on the last government doesn't make sense.It tried to put its viewpoint over - as all governments do - but that can hardly be compared with the efforts of generals who seized government by force who crush all different views of how society should be organiosed.I don't recall the last government seeking to close down opposition media outlets.Indeed I remember a great deal of kowtowing to the old elites including the army.

Notwithstanding your quisling sentiments are you not at some level ashamed of propagating such views? Or are you just another old fashioned troll?

Jayboy, first of all, please leave out the insults. Those do not help to 'strengthen' your opinion, it's more you try to hide weakness of arguments with abuse.

As for "warnings", well since you're British you might have heard about OFCOM


"Ofcom’s contradictions are nothing new for Press TV. The British government’s tool to control the media has on several occasions changed its decisions regarding Press TV in its two-year campaign against the alternative news channel."




"LONDON — Britain’s media regulator revoked the broadcast license for the Iranian state-owned television network Press TV on Friday, saying the network had failed to address concerns over its editorial independence and had not paid a fine."


"Your comment on the last government doesn't make sense.It tried to put its viewpoint over - as all governments do..."

What viewpoint was that jayboy?

Did their viewpoint have any content whatever that would build a situation whereby mass numbers of Thais would build a better quality of life through their own productivity? The answer is No, no and no.

"Diversity of opinion is not tolerated in Thailand". Two points:

- Hate messages and generating division are not diversity.

- Your beloved paymaster made it very plain that he would sue anybody who dared to publish anything that even remotely looked like criticism of him personally (the first president of Thailand) or his policies or his government.

He also made it very plain that he would hold up his yes or no batons in terms of questions etc., that he would answer. Hardly a model for free speech with leaders accountable to the public.

And you might recall the press conference when a Western journalist asked him a relevant question. His response was 'idiot scum' and the journalist was deported the next day.

As Rubi said, your insults will gain you nothing.

Or perhaps you prescribe to the notion that insulting others will frighten them. Think again.

Incoherent and hysterical compounded by irrelevant invocation of Thaksin.Mindless reference to "beloved paymaster" (contrary to forum rules).Ignore.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Broadly speaking yes provided that these media outlets remained within the law.Difficult to control anyway.Your question presupposes the people are incapable of discerning the difference between propaganda and opinion - a very common view among the crazies.

A different situation would be the government and army media outlets in Thailand which really do 24/7 spout propaganda, twisted messages and outright lies.In the case of the army stations - which would not be tolerated anywhere in the civilised world - these should be closed down or sold to third parties immediately.As for government propaganda the position is also different.Personally I have no objection to this government broadcasting its propaganda PROVIDING there are plenty of stations with alternative viewpoints.I think it's reasonable that media should not be dominated by a single or a very few presences, and this could be dealt with by law when democracy is restored.

Broadly speaking "Peace TV" was deemed to stray outside the acceptable, outside the law. Even in the 'civilised' world TV channels are more and more under observation, even the private owned ones. That translates into "first warnings, then temporary bans, then closure". That's what happened with "Peace TV".

As for 'downright lies', strange you were so quiet when the previous government was at it. Do I detect a certain bias there, or are lies only lies when you disagree?

Anyway, "Peace TV" asking the UN to help, that's nice. Can someone remind me what happened the last few times the UDD asked or petitioned the UN. Wasn't that SFA?

I don't remember you being so dishonest in the past.You also appear be profoundly deluded with your "one warning two warning" nonsense.If for example the American, British, Dutch, Japanese governments started issuing warnings of that sort they would soon be told where to put it.

Peace TV was closed down because it took a point of view that the generals took issue with. Diversity of opinion is not tolerated in Thailand.

Your comment on the last government doesn't make sense.It tried to put its viewpoint over - as all governments do - but that can hardly be compared with the efforts of generals who seized government by force who crush all different views of how society should be organiosed.I don't recall the last government seeking to close down opposition media outlets.Indeed I remember a great deal of kowtowing to the old elites including the army.

Notwithstanding your quisling sentiments are you not at some level ashamed of propagating such views? Or are you just another old fashioned troll?

Jayboy, first of all, please leave out the insults. Those do not help to 'strengthen' your opinion, it's more you try to hide weakness of arguments with abuse.

As for "warnings", well since you're British you might have heard about OFCOM

"Ofcom’s contradictions are nothing new for Press TV. The British government’s tool to control the media has on several occasions changed its decisions regarding Press TV in its two-year campaign against the alternative news channel."


"LONDON — Britain’s media regulator revoked the broadcast license for the Iranian state-owned television network Press TV on Friday, saying the network had failed to address concerns over its editorial independence and had not paid a fine."

"Your comment on the last government doesn't make sense.It tried to put its viewpoint over - as all governments do..."

What viewpoint was that jayboy?

Did their viewpoint have any content whatever that would build a situation whereby mass numbers of Thais would build a better quality of life through their own productivity? The answer is No, no and no.

"Diversity of opinion is not tolerated in Thailand". Two points:

- Hate messages and generating division are not diversity.

- Your beloved paymaster made it very plain that he would sue anybody who dared to publish anything that even remotely looked like criticism of him personally (the first president of Thailand) or his policies or his government.

He also made it very plain that he would hold up his yes or no batons in terms of questions etc., that he would answer. Hardly a model for free speech with leaders accountable to the public.

And you might recall the press conference when a Western journalist asked him a relevant question. His response was 'idiot scum' and the journalist was deported the next day.

As Rubi said, your insults will gain you nothing.

Or perhaps you prescribe to the notion that insulting others will frighten them. Think again.

Incoherent and hysterical compounded by irrelevant invocation of Thaksin.Mindless reference to "beloved paymaster" (contrary to forum rules).Ignore.

Typical, you don't like responses so you resort to 'incoherent', 'hysterical'...

Your a laugh a minute.

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In my I suppose, naive view, in a democracy, if such really exists anywhere, organisations, TV stations or whatever have the right to freedom of speech. Isn't that what democracy is?

Red or yellow has nothing to do with it if you're talking about the democratic process.

People speak their opinions and then the populace decide.

On that basis Peace TV have the right to an opinion and the right to express it unless it encourages violence, revolution or outright civil war.

Every 'democracy ' has it's share of ' nutcases' but they are mostly allowed to speak and when they do they are exposed for what they are.

If that right is denied then the country is living in a police state where everything is controlled by the state.

People show pictures of red shirted individuals with machete's. Is it not true that those with yellow shirts wield a different kind if 'machete'. This isn't all one sided. There are good and bad on both sides.

To me the only reason for closing an organisation that communicates to the people is because you don't want the message to get out.

And why would that be?

Only because you are terrified about the reaction or support it may receive.

So this has only one agenda.

Oppression and self interest.

People are being badly advised.

The only effective way to handle opposition is to let people have opinions and air them, present rational and logical argument against them which doesn't involve a bomb, gun or a machete, and wait for the outcome.

That way you can disprove the argument against you in a democratic way

If you cannot do that then you have lost, and the people will not agree by majority.

And therein lies the reason

But as for the UN?

A toothless old lion that has no influence, people ignore and usually turn up when it's all over.

If they were expecting action from that lot they are deluded, but if they did it just to get attention then it worked.

A wise man once said something to the effect that he may not agree with what you say, but would defend until death your right to say it.

That was in a more romantic age, when unrestricted warfare, terrorism, WMD, and the channels of social mass media were not available to all the nutters, extremists, criminals and those intent on malevolence.

Use the UK as an example. Should they have allowed Sinn Fein to set up its own TV station, or the UDA, or ISIS or perhaps Argentina so they can broadcast why they really want to steal the Falkland Islands?

Or America - should the allow Iran Peace TV; ISIS Evangelical TV or US Oil Companies Environmental TV - all spouting propaganda, twisted messages and outright lies?

Broadly speaking yes provided that these media outlets remained within the law.Difficult to control anyway.Your question presupposes the people are incapable of discerning the difference between propaganda and opinion - a very common view among the crazies.

A different situation would be the government and army media outlets in Thailand which really do 24/7 spout propaganda, twisted messages and outright lies.In the case of the army stations - which would not be tolerated anywhere in the civilised world - these should be closed down or sold to third parties immediately.As for government propaganda the position is also different.Personally I have no objection to this government broadcasting its propaganda PROVIDING there are plenty of stations with alternative viewpoints.I think it's reasonable that media should not be dominated by a single or a very few presences, and this could be dealt with by law when democracy is restored.

Here you go again, as usual, unable to make a post without suggesting anyone who has a different view to yours is crazy, stupid, less intelligent etc etc.

Makes you look very insecure even with all that pomposity and occasional patronizing; and detracts from the occasional sensible contribution to discussions you do throw in.

If all people are capable of discerning between propaganda and opinion then the propagandists and liars wouldn't have so much success. Just as some people always believe the lies trotted out by certain people, no matter how outrageous.

Interesting that you'd support terrorist organizations who commit murder and other crimes the right to broadcast their views, But then again, who decides the laws with which they must remain within as a media outlet? Presumably you are against all censorship?

BTW the non democratic Thaksin and Shin clan (who of course you don't support) tried to stifle media with opposing views to theirs, or who made comments they didn't appreciate too.

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Two things come to mind: (1) I am not sure the UN can even pour urine out of a boot even with a check list. (2) The Red Shirt guy with the machete needs to understand a 9mm projectile travels further and faster !!

The United Nations do something? 555!!!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Incoherent and hysterical compounded by irrelevant invocation of Thaksin.Mindless reference to "beloved paymaster" (contrary to forum rules).Ignore.

Typical, you don't like responses so you resort to 'incoherent', 'hysterical'...

Your a laugh a minute.

He's a legend in his own lunchtime.

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Two things come to mind: (1) I am not sure the UN can even pour urine out of a boot even with a check list. (2) The Red Shirt guy with the machete needs to understand a 9mm projectile travels further and faster !!

They fixed problem #1 by printing the instructions on the bottom of the boot. It's working pretty well; for the most part. There is no fixing problem #2. "You can't fix stupid" - Ron White

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Amazing , send the army in to close down a TV station for promoting the Shins , but cant find an illegal holding camp for refugee hostages in a place where they are supposed to have been fighting a war for 10 years. At least they have clarified their priorities

Correct, the army could not find the camps for the last 10 years. And who was in charge for the last 10 years?

It doesn't matter which political party are in charge, the Army is still the Army who are supposed to be looking after the country.

Who was in charge of the Army for some of that period ?

Just looks whoo's running the country these days !

Did you write your post yourself or did someone help you?

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Personally I think the main issue here is freedom of the press and the current administration's determination to quash all opposing points of view. If you can't hear them they don't exit . . . right? http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/822323-thai-press-one-of-the-more-restricted-in-asean-seapa/

The current administration must have got the idea from former PM and well known spoiled brat Thaksin Shinawatra. One could not count the number of times he filed law suits against media outlets who dared to criticize him and alert the public to his criminal activities.

Type "thaksin shinawatra + law suits against thai media" into Google and have a read. thumbsup.gif

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Personally I think the main issue here is freedom of the press and the current administration's determination to quash all opposing points of view. If you can't hear them they don't exit . . . right? http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/822323-thai-press-one-of-the-more-restricted-in-asean-seapa/

The current administration must have got the idea from former PM and well known spoiled brat Thaksin Shinawatra. One could not count the number of times he filed law suits against media outlets who dared to criticize him and alert the public to his criminal activities.

Type "thaksin shinawatra + law suits against thai media" into Google and have a read. thumbsup.gif

Learnt from his mentor who just deceased.

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Two years ago: Govt threatens webmasters with fines & jail if they allow people to post messages criticising Yingluck


So, apparently the Yingluck government didn't allow 'freedom of speech', either. A webmaster could be jailed and fined just for allowing criticism of Ms Yingluck on the INTERNET and their web sites closed down

I think her kind of censorship is far more repressive than the current government shutting down a single TV station that was being used as a revolutionary mouthpiece for Thaksin to keep his followers 'riled up' with hate speech.

Edited by rametindallas
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