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Texas cartoon contest organizer known for inflammatory rhetoric


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Thanks. Good stuff.

I don’t know Pamela Geller, and I certainly don’t know her heart, but it’s simply bizarre that so few of the tens of thousands of words decrying her “hatred” have actually examined the actions of the jihadists she opposes. Isn’t genocide worth hating? Isn’t the systematic oppression of women? The selling of children into slavery?

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/418067/im-more-hateful-pamela-geller-david-french

When newspapers, television news programs, and online commenters spend 98 percent of their space on attacking Geller and barely mentioning the two terrorists, that in effect creates sympathy for the terrorists and their cause.

What a load of rubbish. Not one person has shown any kind of support or sympathy for the two terrorists, and no-one has batted an eyelid that they have been killed.

No-one has any sympathy for their "cause" apart from their fellow nutjobs.

You really should try and understand the point, especially when Bill O'Reilly calls her actions "Stupid"!

Edited by Chicog
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Interesting comments from The Jewish Journal:

Geller is the Long Island Jewish housewife-turned-anti-Muslim activist behind the Muhammad drawing contest in Texas that ended in violence this week. Two Muslim men, ostensibly with links to ISIS, opened fire outside the exhibit’s building and were shot dead by a security guard.

I’m not sorry for their loss. As dangerous and deluded as I think Geller is, nothing justifies the men’s violent reaction. In a civilized society, we scorn and mock people like Geller; we don’t shoot them.


Because she is a radical hatemonger. Her aim is not to defend freedom. In Texas, she just happened to frost her poisonous ideology with some free-speech icing. But don’t let fools fool you: Her entire newfound career as the circus clown of Islamophobia is based on inciting mindless masses to hate and to attack those who disagree with her.

Full article here

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This is a very serious article written by a man who has seen the viciousness of jihad up close and personal ... and he is astounded that Geller would be chided for her actions... What ever your position on this issue - read his words... if you want to know about the impact of jihad on Muslims ...

I’m More Hateful Than Pamela Geller...

I’ve seen jihad up-close, in an Iraqi province where jihadists raped women to shame them into becoming suicide bombers, where they put bombs in little boys’ backpacks then remotely detonated them at family gatherings,.. and where they shot babies in the face to “send a message” to their parents...


It is certainly rational and reasonable to oppose all of those atrocities while simultaneously being critical of Pamela Geller to some extent or another.

Haven't read anyone in a very long time who is in favor of genocide, oppression of women, children in slavery, jihad, blowing up families and the rest of it.

Some people do no doubt care what the writer David French thinks, feels, hates.....then there are the majority of us who just don't really care to hear again what we already know, ie, that jihadists are as pathological as the Nazis if not in a number of ways worse.

Meanwhile there is Ms Geller, the practitioner of free speech and the newest topic of it. The event in Texas was a legitimate one at which wise precautions were taken that proved to be both prudent and necessary. The exhibit in Garland was what it was, ie, standing up for the Constitution of the United States in the United States, nothing more or nothing less.

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I'm not buying that.

Muslims except for atheistic ones are overwhelmingly not OK with depicting their prophet.

I'm not saying secular countries need to respect that under law, but to do a show ONLY based on offending almost all the Muslims in the world. JUST STUPID.

Jingthing no matter what you or the carton contest organizer does or do not do except become a Muslim they want to kill both of you.

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I'm not buying that.

Muslims except for atheistic ones are overwhelmingly not OK with depicting their prophet.

I'm not saying secular countries need to respect that under law, but to do a show ONLY based on offending almost all the Muslims in the world. JUST STUPID.

Jingthing no matter what you or the carton contest organizer does or do not do except become a Muslim they want to kill both of you.

Not just a Muslim ( they kill far more moderate Muslims than westerners ), but a fundamentalist Wahabi Muslim.

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To all out there I do not think this Geller women is a worry to kill any of us

However I wish I can say the same about certain other groups

We should worry about the real killers not just some women who tells us to worry

I hate to say this but to many did not worry about Hitler and Stalin.

Please I pray you wake up before it is to late

Edited by harryfrompattaya
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To all out there I do not think this Geller women is a worry to kill any of us

Of course she isn't, that is if you aren't a Muslim, because she made it pretty clear on her blog that young Muslims deserve to be killed.

Edited by TheCruncher
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To all out there I do not think this Geller women is a worry to kill any of us

Of course she isn't, that is if you aren't a Muslim, because she made it pretty clear on her blog that young Muslims deserve to be killed.

Please show us all that quote I will love to read it

Also you send it to CAIR they will love to known

Also send to the Iranians and ISIS be a informer

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To all out there I do not think this Geller women is a worry to kill any of us

However I wish I can say the same about certain other groups

We should worry about the real killers not just some women who tells us to worry

I hate to say this but to many did not worry about Hitler and Stalin.

Please I pray you wake up before it is to late

She incites others. Charles Manson didnt kill anyone either.

She is as dangerous as the Imams that practice hate speech. Do you think it is ok for Imams to incite hatred? Im sure you dont want them in the US, and rightly so. This woman is no different.

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To all out there I do not think this Geller women is a worry to kill any of us

However I wish I can say the same about certain other groups

We should worry about the real killers not just some women who tells us to worry

I hate to say this but to many did not worry about Hitler and Stalin.

Please I pray you wake up before it is to late

So all muslims are equivalent to Hitler or Stalin.

Do you understand the meaning of "inflammatory rhetoric"?

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To all out there I do not think this Geller women is a worry to kill any of us

However I wish I can say the same about certain other groups

We should worry about the real killers not just some women who tells us to worry

I hate to say this but to many did not worry about Hitler and Stalin.

Please I pray you wake up before it is to late

She incites others. Charles Manson didnt kill anyone either.

She is as dangerous as the Imams that practice hate speech. Do you think it is ok for Imams to incite hatred? Im sure you dont want them in the US, and rightly so. This woman is no different.

Was Charles Manson a cartoon drawer then? As for your ridiculous equivalence argument Islamist ideology chalks up thousands of dead bodies worldwide each and every month, how many murders have been committed by anti-Muslim extremists inspired by the combined output of every right wing activist?

There is no equivalence, never was, never will be, all of our esteemed members know it hence have to resort to slander and character assassination to counter facts they can't refute.

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The woman is a poser.. do you spit on superman's cape..... Self promotion with element of truth mixed with self-serving mis-guided interest.. Sometimes, the speakers get it right...

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To all out there I do not think this Geller women is a worry to kill any of us

However I wish I can say the same about certain other groups

We should worry about the real killers not just some women who tells us to worry

I hate to say this but to many did not worry about Hitler and Stalin.

Please I pray you wake up before it is to late

She incites others. Charles Manson didnt kill anyone either.

She is as dangerous as the Imams that practice hate speech. Do you think it is ok for Imams to incite hatred? Im sure you dont want them in the US, and rightly so. This woman is no different.

Was Charles Manson a cartoon drawer then? As for your ridiculous equivalence argument Islamist ideology chalks up thousands of dead bodies worldwide each and every month, how many murders have been committed by anti-Muslim extremists inspired by the combined output of every right wing activist?

There is no equivalence, never was, never will be, all of our esteemed members know it hence have to resort to slander and character assassination to counter facts they can't refute.

The equivalence is that she is doing the same thing as the Imams that incite. You know, free speech and all that.

I dont think she draws cartoon characters either, she incites hatred.

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To all out there I do not think this Geller women is a worry to kill any of us

However I wish I can say the same about certain other groups

We should worry about the real killers not just some women who tells us to worry

I hate to say this but to many did not worry about Hitler and Stalin.

Please I pray you wake up before it is to late

She incites others. Charles Manson didnt kill anyone either.

She is as dangerous as the Imams that practice hate speech. Do you think it is ok for Imams to incite hatred? Im sure you dont want them in the US, and rightly so. This woman is no different.

Was Charles Manson a cartoon drawer then? As for your ridiculous equivalence argument Islamist ideology chalks up thousands of dead bodies worldwide each and every month, how many murders have been committed by anti-Muslim extremists inspired by the combined output of every right wing activist?

There is no equivalence, never was, never will be, all of our esteemed members know it hence have to resort to slander and character assassination to counter facts they can't refute.

Heres a equivalent to the cartoon drawing contest in the USA. This event also got advertised as being an act of freedom of speech.

The holocaust denial conference in Tehran, Iran:


This event is idential to the cartoon drawing contest in the USA.

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Did anyone head over to Tehran, Iran:with AK 47s and try to murder anyone? No one is interfering with their right to say what they want to say, no matter how stupid.

Why are some so intent on going after the defenders of free speech and giving a free pass to the savages who came to Texas with guns to kill innocent people

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Did anyone head over to Tehran, Iran:with AK 47s and try to murder anyone? No one is interfering with their right to say what they want to say, no matter how stupid.

Why are some so intent on going after the defenders of free speech giving a free pass to the savages who came to Texas with guns to kill innocent people

By your standards, the people attending the holocaust denial conference are "defenders of free speech." The attendants in Tehran, Iran claimed to be exercising free speech, exactly like those attending the cartoon drawing contest. Edited by BKKBobby
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Whatever they are, no one is trying to stop them with violence. Radical Islam tries to murder people that have different ideas.

David Duke joins the holocaust denial conference and says its only about freedom of speech. Hes a anti-semite.

Geert Wiilder joined the cartoon drawing contest and says its only about freedom of speech. Hes islamophobic.


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To all out there I do not think this Geller women is a worry to kill any of us

However I wish I can say the same about certain other groups

We should worry about the real killers not just some women who tells us to worry

I hate to say this but to many did not worry about Hitler and Stalin.

Please I pray you wake up before it is to late

She incites others. Charles Manson didnt kill anyone either.

Baloney. Charles Manson ordered his followers to murder innocent people.

Pamela Geller does not call for violence. The worst she has done is refer to Islamic terrorists as what they are: savages.

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Selective reading? TheCruncher just showed us that Pamela Geller openly supported the Islamophobic terrorist convicted mass murderer Anders Breivik.

Why don't you provide some proof as you have been told before. You have made a number of dishonest statements that you could not back up.

Yes she's just a big fan of Norwegian gun collectors eh ? ;)

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This event was staged for the purpose of enraging and inflaming Muslim people.

CNN first labeled it a "Free Speech Event". but quickly changed their call to "An Anti Muslim Event" after other networks disagreed with their call.

I think she got exactly the reaction she wanted to get.

Is there anyone left in America, for that matter the world, who does not know what wacko religious extremismist will do if provoked?

The extreamist can not be controlled.

But I hold her responsible for knowingly providing them.

Look how much publicity she has received this week.

and all it cost her was a couple of other people's lives.

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To all out there I do not think this Geller women is a worry to kill any of us

However I wish I can say the same about certain other groups

We should worry about the real killers not just some women who tells us to worry

I hate to say this but to many did not worry about Hitler and Stalin.

Please I pray you wake up before it is to late

She incites others. Charles Manson didnt kill anyone either.

She is as dangerous as the Imams that practice hate speech. Do you think it is ok for Imams to incite hatred? Im sure you dont want them in the US, and rightly so. This woman is no different.

Was Charles Manson a cartoon drawer then? As for your ridiculous equivalence argument Islamist ideology chalks up thousands of dead bodies worldwide each and every month, how many murders have been committed by anti-Muslim extremists inspired by the combined output of every right wing activist?

There is no equivalence, never was, never will be, all of our esteemed members know it hence have to resort to slander and character assassination to counter facts they can't refute.

You may want to ask that wanabee cowboy from Connecticut about this.

How many thousands of innocent Muslims have been killed in the unjustified wars GW started in the middle east?

" Mission Accomplished" ! ???

What WMDs??

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and all it cost her was a couple of other people's lives.

Two Islamic terrorists who intended to murder her and as many innocent people as they could. They are no loss to the world.

When she does it again and a follower loses a life will it be a loss to the world? It will certainly be her fault because of her negligent behaviour.

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It is not exactly a secret that the Islamic terrorists are out to get her and anyone who agrees with her. From now on, people have to take responsibility for their own safety.

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Geller and the Iran holocaust shows are not equivalent. Geller is an extremist private citizen expressing her free speech rights. The Iran holocaust stunts are done by their regime. The US government would not sponsor a prophet cartoon show.

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