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Thai politics: It's not possible to eradicate those with different views

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It's not possible to eradicate those with different views


BANGKOK: -- NOTHING could have summed up Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha's attitude toward his goal of national reconciliation than his own words in a speech made last week.

As the junta-sponsored charter draft comes under severe scrutiny and is hit by criticism from all quarters, with calls for national referendum getting louder, Prayut seems to be getting more and more annoyed.

"We have to try to reduce all sorts of conflicts. How can we cut down on moving trash? We must eradicate human trash ['kaya manut'] from this country," he said.

Though his decision to refer to some of his countrymen as human trash may be appalling and disturbing, it's good that he did not say nice things that he doesn't believe in.

Instead, he was sincere - putting his enemies in the same category as "human trash" and calling for our removal.

Sadly, this sentiment has been plaguing Thailand for at least a decade - the belief that those on the other side of the political divide are not just wrong, but are enemies that need to be "removed".

Prayut has proved that he is only human, by succumbing to political hatred and referring to his opponents as human trash. And he's not alone. I reckon hundreds of thousands of Thais, if not more, have succumbed to political hatred - seeing anybody whose thoughts on politics are different from their own as not just their enemy, but something less than human.

Countries like Cambodia went through a period of self-destruction. Under the Khmer Rouge regime, some 2 million of the 8-million population were killed for the sake of a political ideology that saw "the other" as an enemy that had to be eradicated.

While Thailand is far from becoming another killing field of that scale, the seeds of mutual destruction are quite visible as they continue being nurtured by hate speech on social media and watered by remarks from people like Prayut.

This intolerance is now driven by the fact that political debate and struggle has become "moralised" to the point where people are starting to see the others, not as fellow Thais, but as amoral political enemies, who have to be suppressed if they can't be eradicated.

The Thai educational system is partly to be blamed for this, as it teaches people that there can only be one absolute and correct answer to everything. However, this logic can only be applied to pure science, not social sciences.

Thus, when Thais become self-righteous and think they are correct, they genuinely believe that those who disagree with them must be wrong and evil - perhaps "human trash".

Thais need to realise that simply because everybody isn't on the same side of politics, does not necessarily mean they have to hate and deem those on the other side as downright evil.

When I arrived at the military camp outside Bangkok, where I was detained for a week without charge after the coup last year, I told the commander and his deputies that I did not hold any personal grudges against them or the military junta.

I just explained that I love democracy and freedom, that this was definitely not a personal conflict. And my beliefs have remained unchanged - even though we've been under military rule for a year now and even after Prayut says he wants to eradicate us "human trash".

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Its-not-possible-to-eradicate-those-with-different-30259390.html

-- The Nation 2015-05-06

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Perhaps he has seen human trash.

The irresponsible, the corrupted, the greedy, the heartless and the inhuman.

What had been discussed in various topics in this forum were all committed by human trash.

From fatalities caused by drunk driving, to deliberate acts to cheat people and the nation of money, to the trafficking of humans.

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"...It's not possible to eradicate those with different views..."

But they are trying real hard to do just that.

"...We must eradicate human trash ['kaya manut'] from this country," he said..."

Everyday the words that come out of this man's mouth get...________ (you fill it in).

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This man history will be favourable on.

He destroyed elites will be the reading....

I sometimes wonder if he is a CIA plant.

Single handedly , and almost effortlessly , he says things which forces the hand of the international powers that be.

I have warned westerners before who continue to fail to see the early warning signs.

This guy is the real deal.

This is the Thai- Tanic and the iceberg dead ahead.

This kind of language is morally indefensible and when spoken by a leader of a Nation triggers automatic alarms.

But rarely is it uttered by a man seeking to appease international opinion.

A military ruler who came to power by gun.

This statement is akin to saying he is considering Genocide.

Eradication is not attitude adjustment.

He has said too much

Edited by Plutojames88
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"We must eradicate human trash ['kaya manut'] from this country," he said."

To Hitler trash was the Jews.

To Putin trash was the gays.

To Stalin trash was the intellectuals.

To Mao trash was the middle class.

To Prayut trash is EVERY free-thinking Thai.

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Its very common for the Thai elite to refer to their political opponents as animals or garbage. Its a process called dehumanisation, and is very worrying, as it is a necessary precursor to genocide. I'm not saying that is going to happen here, but it happened next door, so it is not out of the realm of possibility.

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Well that's that then

Now we know for certain what this bloke is all about.

Came to 'save the country'

More like let's plunge it in to total anarchy.

We will win ......we've got the guns.

Up until now I have been open to the idea of let's see how he gets on

I don't agree with military intervention in any scenario in an 'alleged' democracy but let's see.

Doesn't really affect many of us in that if we don't like it we can all pack up and go home and take our money with us and leave them to it, but some 'farang' here have children, wives, families, businesses. They probably have to stay.

And what future are those and all the other children facing?

So what has he achieved in a year?

Cleared a few people of the beach in Phuket? Well done!

Arrested a few 'red' sympathisers? Of course!

Delayed the constitution until they find a way of annulling the 'trash' vote.....

Made endless stupid statements,...

Thrown his toys out of the pram if he is not agreed with...

Shut down any communicators that criticise him.....

Threatened a free press.....

Made himself supreme leader......

Issued an amnesty for him and all his fatcat mates..... ( oh yes, amnesty....that rings a bell somewhere)

Ignored the near total corruption that exists......

And now he refers to those that disagree with him as trash?

Oh dear oh dear oh dear.

He just gets worse.

No doubt we are going to get an opinion poll soon telling us how wonderful he is.

Or TAT telling us how tourism is going up.

He seems to be out of control

And he wants the people to vote for him in a 'free' election?

He's just blown that one!

Please....someone...have a word with him and get him to start acting like the statesman he so obviously wants to be before it's too late, if it isn't already.

I bet the Thaksin crowd of cronies are laughing their heads off as he stumbles from one oratorial disaster to the next.

I just told my long term partner who is from Issan that he thinks she is trash.

Her reply?

We knew that already!

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Eradication of the establishment foes and not preventing a civil war or bring happiness back was the purpose of the coup. Has been the reason for past coups too. Some gullibles here still think this coup was different.

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There were plenty of those who supported Hitler for getting some pride back for Germany, and didn't believe him regarding his rants, until it was too late. Junta apologists: do you fall into that category? Take him at his word: he means what he says. No reason to think otherwise.

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I am old enough to remember another leader who regarded certain categories of people as human trash - not only dissidents, but Communists, Jews and gypsies and people with physical or mental handicaps - and became quite adroit at disposing of them by the million.

History books label him a monster.

Would-be imitators please note.

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"We must eradicate human trash ['kaya manut'] from this country," he said."

To Hitler trash was the Jews.

To Putin trash was the gays.

To Stalin trash was the intellectuals.

To Mao trash was the middle class.

To Prayut trash is EVERY free-thinking Thai.

And to your hero Thaksin - trash is anyone not a Shiniwatra.

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"We must eradicate human trash ['kaya manut'] from this country," he said."

To Hitler trash was the Jews.

To Putin trash was the gays.

To Stalin trash was the intellectuals.

To Mao trash was the middle class.

To Prayut trash is EVERY free-thinking Thai.

And to your hero Thaksin - trash is anyone not a Shiniwatra.

One doesn't have to be a "redshirt" or a "Shin supporter" to find that calling for the "eradication of human trash" is appalling language from a so-called political leader.

Epic fail at deflection and this has nothing to do with anyone except the person who uttered the words - Prayut.

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"We must eradicate human trash ['kaya manut'] from this country," he said."

To Hitler trash was the Jews.

To Putin trash was the gays.

To Stalin trash was the intellectuals.

To Mao trash was the middle class.

To Prayut trash is EVERY free-thinking Thai.

And to your hero Thaksin - trash is anyone not a Shiniwatra.

Why is everything for you guys about Thaksin. Have you no other thought in your head on this issue? Is everything that occurs in Thailand either for or against Thaksin for you? Does opposition to Thaksin justify anything in your mind? Just asking...

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Another very poorly written article purely designed to stir up a certain percentage of TVF posters. Could not be bothered listing the errors in this grammatical dog's breakfast except to say there are many.

Lots of anti-junta comments - mission accomplished !

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"We must eradicate human trash ['kaya manut'] from this country," he said."

To Hitler trash was the Jews.

To Putin trash was the gays.

To Stalin trash was the intellectuals.

To Mao trash was the middle class.

To Prayut trash is EVERY free-thinking Thai.

And to your hero Thaksin - trash is anyone not a Shiniwatra.

I was wondering whether any genius would manage to introduce a reference to Thaksin in a completely unrelated subject but concluded that even the pitiful quisling group would grasp there was no conceivable relevance.I was wrong.

Actually it is also moronic at another level.Whatever his faults Thaksin could not be accused of despising any group of his fellow countrymen.

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Though his decision to refer to some of his countrymen as human trash may be appalling and disturbing, it's good that he did not say nice things that he doesn't believe in.

In principle this is right, it is a welcome change for leaders to speak their mind and not hide their true feelings.

Anyone who watched Blair's sugar-coated and utterly greasy little speeches, the love-frosted lies which concealed something far more sinister, will actually welcome a leader who doesn't mince words or hide what they're really thinking.

And it is rare in this day and age worldwide. I saw a funny article a while ago, with an Amazon shopping basket pop-up "Customers who bought Tony Blair also bought these ; " And cue long list of current US/UK leaders.

I wouldn't want to see anyone eradicated personally, I'm a great believer in consensus through dialogue. Weak arguments and corrupt ideologies tend to eradicate themselves, when they are exposed to the bright lights of the debating floor.

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There were plenty of those who supported Hitler for getting some pride back for Germany, and didn't believe him regarding his rants, until it was too late. Junta apologists: do you fall into that category? Take him at his word: he means what he says. No reason to think otherwise.

I suggest you read about Hitler, how he came to power and the atrocities he was responsible for, perhaps comparing with Mao and Stalin who arguably were far worse.

The perhaps you'll see how ludicrous it is to compare any of those with the current situation here. Just has it is almost unbelievable to suggest that any modern free country would allow a non elected criminal fugitive to actually run its government, select cabinet ministers, dictate policy and make major decisions.

Certain Shin apologists / sympathizers love to post that any who comment against Thaksin and his family gang, or don't instantly condemn the Junta must be "fascist, Junta lovers, etc etc". This is just nonsense aimed at diverting from reality.

Do the Junta get everything right - of course not. Does any government anywhere? But after almost 12 months, law and order has largely returned, and in-roads are being made into lots of things. TiT so nothing will happen fast or in ways logical to us farang. But the rampant lies, the daily proclamations of nonsense from idiots like the drunk Chalerm and his cabinet mates, all whilst thieving like crazy have at least stopped for now.

Will real progress be made, creating real changes, - doubtful. That will depend on what is really going on behind the scenes.

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Oh yeah...calling the political "enemy" human trash is okay...as long as it is heartfelt!

Keeping this in mind, I am not sure the headline is all that correct!

I guess, you could and people with that kind of mindset, sure will have a try at it!

Happiness all around!


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He calls his fellow countrymen " human trash". Does anything else need to be said about this man's ethics and morality?

He has a military background...as did his father.....everyone is the enemy....!

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Another very poorly written article purely designed to stir up a certain percentage of TVF posters. Could not be bothered listing the errors in this grammatical dog's breakfast except to say there are many.

Lots of anti-junta comments - mission accomplished !

I wasn't aware that the Nation was targeting a specific group of Farangs within Thailand who solely frequent TVF?? ;)

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I would contend that anyone who beats a trafficked refugee to death because they can't pay ransom...

Is human trash.

Any fishing captain that beats someone to death and tosses their body overboard...

Is human trash.

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