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actually i wont be on much next month, Im sure you all gonna miss me, especially jdinasia.


2000 wow. In spite of popular opinion you made it.

TV will be all the quicker to down load without your input. Enjoy your time in west Wellington. Don't pick up any bad habits there.



2000 posts of drivel & not one link to help another member.

Well done Donzo :D

what? Ive helped you out many times

Bullshit. :o

Come on Udon, You dont have to pretend that I never helped you. Have you got a short term memory?


2000 posts of drivel & not one link to help another member.

Well done Donzo :D

what? Ive helped you out many times

Bullshit. :D

Come on Udon, You dont have to pretend that I never helped you. Have you got a short term memory?

Go ahead, remind me. :o

Not about the photo of the pole house, eh?



your a little aussie cracker donz,

but lets stop pissing around here and enough with the yanky back slapping good old boy <deleted>. :D

stand up straight like a top aussie fella and put on a few hundred pints for all your mates here on the forum. :D

dont worry about ubon, as he thinks your an absolute tosser.

and jdinasia, well thats another story altogether. :o

so get into it donzzy and do the righty for the punters.



dont worry about ubon, as he thinks your an absolute tosser.

You got that right, Heinz. :D

cricky's ubon,

thats got to be the quickest reply ever on this forum so i obviously got that spot on. :D

i know that you think im a top fella ,

as i always write more than one line, stick only to the truth and always help out the poor confused punter.

cheers ubon :o

Heinz57 "I know that you think im a top fella"

Wrong! I know that you're a Banker. :o

sorry ubon,

i got a loan off a banker once but i think your pulling my leg on that one or maybe a play on words ?

im a bit of a wordmisster ubon so be carefull fella. :D

better you stick it up donzzy than pull on my good self. :D

anyway mate

coo wee cobber.



QUOTE(tasasc @ 2006-09-07 23:26:29) *

I do enjoy your posts, honestly smile.gif, but I can't figure out how you find the time to blunder around the forum from topic to topic eagerly commenting on anything, regardless of relevance. My personal favourite for inconsequentiality is " Hey, I've just learnt to count to ten". biggrin.gif

You are the Andrex Puppy of Thaivisa. jap.gif

Hey Ive leanr to count to 999 now in Thai, even got the pronouciation (spelling) pretty right

great pity that you have not yet learned

A: to spell properly, using your mother tongue....and

B: use better grammar....eg "who would of thought "...the correct sentence should be "who would HAVE thought" tut tut ,sir....back to your studies..forthwith!


2000 posts of drivel & not one link to help another member.

Well done Donzo :D

what? Ive helped you out many times

Bullshit. :D

Come on Udon, You dont have to pretend that I never helped you. Have you got a short term memory?

Go ahead, remind me. :o

Not about the photo of the pole house, eh?

ok then I will give in, I will go out with you on a date. Dont mess it up as it will be only the one.

So where are you going to take me??

QUOTE(tasasc @ 2006-09-07 23:26:29) *

I do enjoy your posts, honestly smile.gif, but I can't figure out how you find the time to blunder around the forum from topic to topic eagerly commenting on anything, regardless of relevance. My personal favourite for inconsequentiality is " Hey, I've just learnt to count to ten". biggrin.gif

You are the Andrex Puppy of Thaivisa. jap.gif

Hey Ive leanr to count to 999 now in Thai, even got the pronouciation (spelling) pretty right

great pity that you have not yet learned

A: to spell properly, using your mother tongue....and

B: use better grammar....eg "who would of thought "...the correct sentence should be "who would HAVE thought" tut tut ,sir....back to your studies..forthwith!

cricky's mate,

you really give'in it to donzzy arn't you. :D

donzzy has already told us punters that he cant spell because he was <deleted> at school. :D

he has'nt got time to go back to school as he is going to play soccer and wont be able to post to you guys to often

ain't that right donzzy. :D

so give him a break will you.

jes---us .

cheers friend :o


It would appear that by the time this thread ends some time next week Donz can start another thread screaming about his 2500 posts..

Not directed at donz but to all post counters...... isn't it better to post something of material value than an emoticon or two word retort , just you can see your post up there and watch the count go up ......

Same as counting counterfeit money...... whats the point. ???

by the way congrats.


It would appear that by the time this thread ends some time next week Donz can start another thread screaming about his 2500 posts..

Not directed at donz but to all post counters...... isn't it better to post something of material value than an emoticon or two word retort , just you can see your post up there and watch the count go up ......

Same as counting counterfeit money...... whats the point. ???

by the way congrats.



your observation of posting is definatly relevant as a one worders can be a bit hard to get an angle on.

i much prefer someone like kerryk or plus that tell a beautiful story, espousing truth and informed information at all times talking from experience.

cheers gonzo. :o

Is our Terry an old member? Pretending to be someone else? Or is it someone who is still a member or better? :o:D

Please discuss!! :D

jes--us jock, me old cock, :D

im real sorry fella,

you know how smart i am, as the punters can never tackle me in the verbal sparing department. :D

but cricky's mate, you got me bushed with that little ripper. :D

you'll have to explain that a bit more please.

cheers :D


Just wondering mate. We have some old members popping back now again. We have people with double names. We have people pretending to be somone they are not. Just a thought! Others who are higher than us mere mortals. Maybe? No offence if i am wrong. :D But i am watching!!! :o

Just wondering mate. We have some old members popping back now again. We have people with double names. We have people pretending to be somone they are not. Just a thought! Others who are higher than us mere mortals. Maybe? No offence if i am wrong. :D But i am watching!!! :o

jock, look mate,

there is only one terry57 on this forum and it always will be like this.

look, ive had a few fans of mine having a crack trying to inpersonate me but, they were truly pathetic. :D

jock, you will know in a milli second if some one try's to mimick my brilliant self as they will come over as crap.

an imposter would stand out like canine testicles, so dont bleeding worry your self with such small matters.

cheers mate :D

anyway, you sound like a top bloke so you can come to the piss up.


Just wondering mate. We have some old members popping back now again. We have people with double names. We have people pretending to be somone they are not. Just a thought! Others who are higher than us mere mortals. Maybe? No offence if i am wrong. :D But i am watching!!! :o

jock, look mate,

there is only one terry57 on this forum and it always will be like this.

look, ive had a few fans of mine having a crack trying to inpersonate me but, they were truly pathetic. :D

jock, you will know in a milli second if some one try's to mimick my brilliant self as they will come over as crap.

an imposter would stand out like canine testicles, so dont bleeding worry your self with such small matters.

cheers mate :D

anyway, you sound like a top bloke so you can come to the piss up.

Prob'ly the mask causing the doubt/confusion

I'm sure you wear it for an excellent reason.



Just wondering mate. We have some old members popping back now again. We have people with double names. We have people pretending to be somone they are not. Just a thought! Others who are higher than us mere mortals. Maybe? No offence if i am wrong. :D But i am watching!!! :o

jock, look mate,

there is only one terry57 on this forum and it always will be like this.

look, ive had a few fans of mine having a crack trying to inpersonate me but, they were truly pathetic. :D

jock, you will know in a milli second if some one try's to mimick my brilliant self as they will come over as crap.

an imposter would stand out like canine testicles, so dont bleeding worry your self with such small matters.

cheers mate :D

anyway, you sound like a top bloke so you can come to the piss up.

Prob'ly the mask causing the doubt/confusion

I'm sure you wear it for an excellent reason.


yes, there is a top reason why i wear this mask farang, :D

move in a bit closer cock, and i'll let you in on the good frigging oil. :D

its so ugly buggers like you dont get too jealous looking at my handsome features. :D

run along now,

your teas getting cold.


I have now reached 2000 posts, never thought I would make it.

I remember when I first came here, people were wagering that I wouldnt make 300 posts :D

2000 fellas and i havent been given a holiday in my last 1000 posts.

I also had doubts about making 2000 but I guess the mods are starting to like me

i joined 6 months before you.. and ive yet to reach 900.. so not sure how you've managed it

however this saying springs to mind..

” It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubts”

congrats anyway :o

you can come to the piss up

Where and when? I'm there if i can make it. :D

banglampu, rambuttri st later part of november.

pm me, so i can add you to the bloody growing army.

cheers :o

your very welcome.


I have now reached 2000 posts, never thought I would make it.

I remember when I first came here, people were wagering that I wouldnt make 300 posts :D

2000 fellas and i havent been given a holiday in my last 1000 posts.

I also had doubts about making 2000 but I guess the mods are starting to like me

i joined 6 months before you.. and ive yet to reach 900.. so not sure how you've managed it

however this saying springs to mind..

” It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubts”

congrats anyway :D

hey there 666,

i think your having a crack at donzzy arnt you ?

hes playing soccer at the moment but he'll be back soon :D

cheers satin. :o

you can come to the piss up

Where and when? I'm there if i can make it. :D

banglampu, rambuttri st later part of november.

pm me, so i can add you to the bloody growing army.

cheers :o

your very welcome.

Can't be there. I wil be inj Oz. Sydney infact. :D

you can come to the piss up

Where and when? I'm there if i can make it. :D

banglampu, rambuttri st later part of november.

pm me, so i can add you to the bloody growing army.

cheers :o

your very welcome.

Can't be there. I wil be inj Oz. Sydney infact. :D

next one maybe :D

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